package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.runtime.codegen.common.FastSerFormatType; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.runtime.codegen.common.FastSerFormatValidationError; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.runtime.codegen.common.SchemaNode; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.runtime.codegen.common.SchemaNodeAttribute; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.runtime.codegen.common.ValidationRule; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.runtime.common.impl.utils.LogManager; import; import; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; /** * This class does the validations defined in ValidationRule. * The metadata file ValidationData.xml is used to perform the validation. * * A particular validation rule can be applicable for one or more fast ser formats. * So this class executes validation rules which are applicable for supported fast ser formats. * * Lets say the validation rule A is applicable for protobuf and rule B is applicable for avro. * If service supportes protobuf, only rule A is executed. * If service supports avro, only rule B is executed. * * @author rkulandaivel * */ public class FastSerFormatValidationHandler implements SchemaConstuctConstants{ private Set<ValidationRule> m_rulesTobeValidated = new HashSet<ValidationRule>(); private List<FastSerFormatValidationError> m_errors = new ArrayList<FastSerFormatValidationError>(); private SchemaNode m_rootNode = new SchemaNode(); private List<FastSerFormatType> m_formatsWhichRequireValidation = null; private SchemaNodeRepresentationByType m_typesMap = new SchemaNodeRepresentationByType(); private static Logger s_logger = LogManager .getInstance(FastSerFormatValidationHandler.class); private static final String MARKET_PLACE_NAMESPACE = ""; private static Logger getLogger() { return s_logger; } private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; private static final String REPLACE_ARG_0 = "{0}"; private static final String REPLACE_ARG_1 = "{1}"; private static final String REPLACE_ARG_2 = "{2}"; private static final String REPLACE_ARG_3 = "{3}"; public static final String EMPTY_WSDL_PATH = "The wsdl path is empty. Could not perform validation."; private FastSerFormatValidationHandler(List<FastSerFormatType> formatsWhichRequireValidation){ //Consolidate only the list of rules that this service or type library supports FastSerFormatValidationData data = FastSerFormatValidationData.getInstance(); for(FastSerFormatType format : formatsWhichRequireValidation){ m_rulesTobeValidated.addAll( data.getRulesForFormat( format ) ); } this.m_formatsWhichRequireValidation = formatsWhichRequireValidation; } /** * Returns the template error object. * @param rule * @return */ private FastSerFormatValidationError getErrorTemplate( ValidationRule rule ){ return FastSerFormatValidationData.getInstance().getTemplateData( rule ); } /** * Creates Validation Error object by mapping from the template object and from the schema node. * The Description is taken from template object. * All other info like line no, columnno, file name are taken from the schema node. * * @param currentNode * @param rule * @return */ private FastSerFormatValidationError createError(SchemaNode currentNode, ValidationRule rule){ FastSerFormatValidationError template = FastSerFormatValidationData.getInstance().getTemplateData( rule ); FastSerFormatValidationError error = new FastSerFormatValidationError(); error.setError(rule); error.setLineNumber( currentNode.getLineNumber() ); error.setColumnNumber( currentNode.getColumnNumber() ); error.setFileName( currentNode.getFileName() ); error.setDescription( template.getDescription() ); return error; } /** * This method returns the string representation of supported types string * for the specified validation rule. * The output format is [protobuf, avro] * @param rule * @return */ private String getSupportedTypesString(ValidationRule rule){ List<FastSerFormatType> formats = FastSerFormatValidationData.getInstance().getApplicableFormats(rule); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder( "[ " ); int i = 0; for( FastSerFormatType format : formats ){ if( m_formatsWhichRequireValidation.contains(format) ){ if(i > 0){ buff.append( ", " ); } buff.append( format.value() ); } } buff.append( " ]" ); return buff.toString(); } /** * This method logs the details of the schema node like * name, line no, column no, file name. * * @param currentNode * @param methodName */ private void log(SchemaNode currentNode, String methodName){ if( !getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO) ){ return; } String message = "Scanning Schema Node inside " + methodName; message = message + ". Node Name : " + currentNode.getNodeName(); for( SchemaNodeAttribute attr : currentNode.getAttributes() ){ message = message + "; " + attr.getAttributeName() + " : "; message = message + attr.getAttributeValue(); } message = message + "; Line : " + currentNode.getLineNumber(); message = message + "; Column : " + currentNode.getColumnNumber(); message = message + "; FileName : " + currentNode.getFileName(); message = message + "."; getLogger().info( message ); } /** * This method logs the error details of the schema node. * * @param error * @param currentNode */ private void log(FastSerFormatValidationError error, SchemaNode currentNode){ if( !getLogger().isLoggable(Level.INFO) ){ return; } String message = "The schema node contains validation error."; message = message + " Node Name : " + currentNode.getNodeName(); message = message + "; Rule : " + error.getError(); message = message + "; Description : " + error.getDescription(); message = message + "; Line : " + error.getLineNumber(); message = message + "; Column : " + error.getColumnNumber(); message = message + "; FileName : " + error.getFileName(); getLogger().info( message ); } /** * This method performs the anonymous type validations. * It captures usage of anonymous types at second level or deeper. * If the root element node which is directly under schema tag uses anonymous type * then it is allowed. * If the element which is not root uses anonymous type then it is captured. * * @param currentNode */ private void doAnonymousCheck( SchemaNode currentNode ){ boolean rootNode = Util.isRootNodeInSchema( currentNode ); boolean isElementNode = Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ELEMENT ); boolean isAttributeNode = Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ATTRIBUTE ); if( isElementNode || isAttributeNode){ if( !currentNode.isTypeAttrExists() && !currentNode.isRefAttrExists() ){ boolean usesAnonymousType = false; for( SchemaNode child : currentNode.getChildNodes() ){ if( COMPLEXTYPE.equals(child.getNodeName()) || SIMPLETYPE.equals(child.getNodeName()) ){ if( !rootNode ){ FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.ANONYMOUS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, currentNode ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_1, isElementNode ? ELEMENT : ATTRIBUTE); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ANONYMOUS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } usesAnonymousType = true; } } //The element is not having type attribute and also does not use anonymous type if( !usesAnonymousType ){ ValidationRule rule = isElementNode ? ValidationRule.ELEMENT_WITHOUT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED : ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTES_WITHOUT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED; FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(currentNode, rule ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( rule ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } } /** * Only the schemas which follow * are supported. The schemas which follow older schema definitions are not supported. * * This method throws immediate exception, instead of adding to error collections. * The reason is that all the validations are written with assumption that schema will follow * * So if namespace is incorrect then no point in validation remaining schema. * * @param uri * @throws CodeGenFailedException */ public void doNamespaceValidation(String uri, String fileName) throws CodeGenFailedException{ if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.OLD_SCHEMAS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( WSDLParserConstants.NS_URI_1999_SCHEMA_XSD.equals( uri ) || WSDLParserConstants.NS_URI_2000_SCHEMA_XSD.equals( uri ) ){ FastSerFormatValidationError template = getErrorTemplate( ValidationRule.OLD_SCHEMAS_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = template.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_0, fileName ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_1, uri ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.OLD_SCHEMAS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); throw new CodeGenFailedException( desc ); } } } /** * The wsdl should not have more than one namespace. * If wsdl has more than one namespce then add a validation rule. * * This method is called during end tag validation of definitions. * Since xsd does not have definitions * The code should not fail for xsd validation. * * * @param currentNode */ private void checkForMultipleNamespace( SchemaNode currentNode ){ //xpath for schema node in wsdl is //definitions/types/xs:schema //get the xpath "definitions/types" SchemaNode typesNode = null; List<SchemaNode> typesNodes = m_typesMap.getSchemaNodesList(TYPES); for( SchemaNode node : typesNodes ){ //the 'definitions' would have lots of child nodes like 'message','portType' //so instead of traversing through all child nodes of 'definitions' //traverse through available 'types' node and check the parent if( node.getParentNode() != null && node.getParentNode() == currentNode ){ typesNode = node; break; } } if( typesNode == null ){ String message = "Types node is null which is not possible on a valid wsdl. The reason could be due to inconsistent codechange on SchemaNodeRepresentationByType"; getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, message ); //throw as runtime as this could be possible only because of inconsistent code change related to 'SchemaNodeRepresentationByType' throw new RuntimeException( message ); } //i.e. xpath = definitions/types if( typesNode.getChildNodes().size() > 1 ){ //multiple namespace FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.MULTIPLE_NAMESPACE_WSDL_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ANY_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } /** * This is the call back method of SAX parser event "endElement" * This method does validations which are applicable on endElement like checking anonymous types. * * @param currentNode */ public void doEndElementValidation(SchemaNode currentNode){ log(currentNode, "doStartElementValidation"); if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ANONYMOUS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ doAnonymousCheck(currentNode ); } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ANY_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, DEFINITIONS ) ){ checkForMultipleNamespace( currentNode ); return ; } } } /** * this method escapes validation of ANY_NOT_SUPPORTED if * the type is part of namespace * * This method does not do validation for node name. * It will just check for namespace. * * @param currentNode * @return */ private boolean escapeValidationForAny( SchemaNode currentNode ){ SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType(currentNode); if( surroundingType == null ){ return false; } if( MARKET_PLACE_NAMESPACE.equals(surroundingType.getTargetNamespace() ) ){ return true; } if( surroundingType.getLibraryInfo() == null ){ return false; } if( MARKET_PLACE_NAMESPACE.equals( surroundingType.getLibraryInfo().getNamespace() ) ){ return true; } return false; } /** * This is the call back method of SAX parser event startElement. * This method does all validations applicable on start element. * * @param currentNode */ public void doStartElementValidation(SchemaNode currentNode){ FastSerFormatValidationError error = null; log(currentNode, "doStartElementValidation"); if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ANY_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ANY ) && !escapeValidationForAny( currentNode )){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.ANY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ANY_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ANY_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ANY_ATTRIBUTE ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.ANY_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ANY_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.FIELD_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, FIELD ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.FIELD_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingElement( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.FIELD_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, KEY ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingElement( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.KEY_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.KEY_REF_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, KEY_REF ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.KEY_REF_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingElement( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.KEY_REF_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.NOTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, NOTATION ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.NOTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.NOTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.REDEFINE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, REDEFINE ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.REDEFINE_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.REDEFINE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.SELECTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, SELECTOR ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.SELECTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingElement( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.SELECTOR_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.UNION_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, UNION ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.UNION_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.UNION_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.UNIQUE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, UNIQUE ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.UNIQUE_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingElement( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.UNIQUE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.MIN_AND_MAX_OCCURS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CHOICE ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, CHOICE ) ){ if( currentNode.isMaxoccursAttrExists() || Util.getAttributeValue(currentNode, MINOCCURS ) != null ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.MIN_AND_MAX_OCCURS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CHOICE ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.MIN_AND_MAX_OCCURS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CHOICE ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.MIN_AND_MAX_OCCURS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_SEQUENCE ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, SEQUENCE ) ){ if( currentNode.isMaxoccursAttrExists() || Util.getAttributeValue(currentNode, MINOCCURS ) != null ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.MIN_AND_MAX_OCCURS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_SEQUENCE ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( currentNode ); desc = Util.replaceWithNodeName( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.MIN_AND_MAX_OCCURS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_SEQUENCE ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); return ; } } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_NILLABLE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ELEMENT ) && !Util.isRootNodeInSchema( currentNode ) ){ String nillable = Util.getAttributeValue(currentNode, NILLABLE ); if( nillable != null && (Boolean.parseBoolean(nillable) ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_NILLABLE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, currentNode ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_NILLABLE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.IDREF_AND_IDRE_FS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ QName typeQName = null; if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ELEMENT ) || Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ATTRIBUTE ) ){ typeQName = currentNode.getTypeAttrValue(); }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, RESTRICTION ) || Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, EXTENSION ) ){ typeQName = currentNode.getBaseAttrValue(); }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, LIST ) ){ typeQName = currentNode.getItemTypeAttrValue(); } if( typeQName != null ){ String typeNameLocal = typeQName.getLocalPart(); if ( isValidInBuiltType( typeQName ) && (IDREF.equals(typeNameLocal) || IDREFS .equals(typeNameLocal))){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.IDREF_AND_IDRE_FS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.IDREF_AND_IDRE_FS_ARE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ANY_TYPE_AND_ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ QName typeQName = null; if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ELEMENT ) || Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ATTRIBUTE ) ){ typeQName = currentNode.getTypeAttrValue(); }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, RESTRICTION ) || Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, EXTENSION ) ){ typeQName = currentNode.getBaseAttrValue(); }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, LIST ) ){ typeQName = currentNode.getItemTypeAttrValue(); } if( typeQName != null ){ String typeNameLocal = typeQName.getLocalPart(); if ( isValidInBuiltType( typeQName ) && ( ANYTYPE.equals(typeNameLocal) || ANYSIMPLETYPE.equals(typeNameLocal) ) ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.ANY_TYPE_AND_ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ANY_TYPE_AND_ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.MIXED_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ String typeName = null; if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, COMPLEXTYPE ) ){ typeName = Util.getAttributeValue(currentNode, MIXED); if( typeName != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(typeName)){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.MIXED_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, currentNode ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.MIXED_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_SUBSTITUTIONGROUP_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ String typeName = null; if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ELEMENT ) ){ typeName = Util.getAttributeValue(currentNode, SUBSTITUTIONGROUP); if( typeName != null ){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_SUBSTITUTIONGROUP_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, currentNode ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_SUBSTITUTIONGROUP_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.UNBOUNDED_ELEMENT_WITH_TYPE_ID_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ELEMENT ) && currentNode.isTypeAttrExists() ){ QName typeQName = currentNode.getTypeAttrValue(); if ( isValidInBuiltType( typeQName ) && ID.equals(typeQName.getLocalPart()) ){ String maxOcurs = currentNode.getMaxoccursAttrValue(); if( currentNode.isMaxoccursAttrExists() && ( UNBOUNDED.equals(maxOcurs) || Integer.valueOf(maxOcurs) > 1 )){ error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.UNBOUNDED_ELEMENT_WITH_TYPE_ID_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, currentNode ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.UNBOUNDED_ELEMENT_WITH_TYPE_ID_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } } } private boolean isValidInBuiltType(QName xsdType){ if( xsdType == null ){ return false; } return xsdType.getNamespaceURI().equals( WSDLParserConstants.NS_URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD); } private void validatePolymorphism(SchemaNodeRepresentationByType typesMap){ //Test Polymorphism List<SchemaNode> complexTypeNodes = typesMap.getSchemaNodesList(COMPLEXTYPE); List<SchemaNode> elementNodes = typesMap.getSchemaNodesList( ELEMENT ); Map<QName, SchemaNode> abstractTypeMap = new HashMap<QName, SchemaNode>(); for( SchemaNode node : complexTypeNodes){ if( node.isAbstractAttrExists() && node.isAbstractAttrValue() && node.isNameAttrExists() ){ abstractTypeMap.put( new QName( node.getTargetNamespace(), node.getNameAttrValue() ), node ); } } for( SchemaNode node : elementNodes){ if( node.isTypeAttrExists() ){ QName typeQName = node.getTypeAttrValue(); SchemaNode abstractNode = abstractTypeMap.get(typeQName); if(abstractNode != null){ FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(node, ValidationRule.POLYMORPHISM_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, node ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_1, typeQName.getLocalPart() ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.POLYMORPHISM_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, node); m_errors.add( error ); } } } } /** * This method does validations for three rules. * ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_SAME_AS_FIELD_NAME * TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME * NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE * * * @param currentNode * @param mapOfAllTypes */ private void validateAttributeAndElementName(SchemaNode currentNode, SchemaNodeRepresentationByType typesMap ){ //This map collects all the attribute nodes defined in the complex type. //If two attributes have same name then it is overwritten. Map<String, SchemaNode> mapOfAttributes = new HashMap<String, SchemaNode>(); //This map collects all the element nodes defined in the complex type. //The validation for duplicate element name (TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME) //is aggressive i.e. while traversing validation takes place Map<String, SchemaNode> mapOfElements = new HashMap<String, SchemaNode>(); //If any of the complex type extends a used defined simple type or inbuilt xsd type //it is invalid NAME_OF_ELEMENT_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE Map<QName, SchemaNode> baseType2ComplexTypeMap = new HashMap<QName, SchemaNode>(); recursivelyPopulateAndvalidateName( currentNode, typesMap, mapOfAttributes, mapOfElements, baseType2ComplexTypeMap); //validate for NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE //size cannot be more than one if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE ) ){ if( baseType2ComplexTypeMap.size() == 1 && mapOfAttributes.containsKey( VALUE ) ){ FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(currentNode, ValidationRule.NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, currentNode ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, currentNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } //validate attribute names //If any of the attribute name is same as the element name then throw error ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_SAME_AS_FIELD_NAME if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_SAME_AS_FIELD_NAME ) ){ for( Map.Entry<String, SchemaNode> entry : mapOfAttributes.entrySet() ){ String attributeName = entry.getKey(); SchemaNode attr = entry.getValue(); //same name but different case is also not supported SchemaNode elemen = mapOfElements.get(attributeName.toLowerCase()); if( elemen != null ){ FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(attr, ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_SAME_AS_FIELD_NAME ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_0, attributeName); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( elemen ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_SAME_AS_FIELD_NAME ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, surroundingType); m_errors.add( error ); } } } } /** * This method is called if two element have same name in the same hierarchy. * Creates error ValidationRule.TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME * * @param oldElement * @param newElement */ private void handleDuplicateElementName(SchemaNode oldElement, SchemaNode newElement, String name){ if( !m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME ) ){ return ; } FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(newElement, ValidationRule.TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME ); String desc = error.getDescription(); SchemaNode surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( oldElement ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, surroundingType ); surroundingType = Util.getSurroundingType( newElement ); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_1, surroundingType ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_3, name ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, surroundingType); m_errors.add( error ); } /** * This method is called if the current node is restriction or extension as restriction and extension would have base attribute. * If the base type is user defined simple type or inbuilt type then argument baseType2ComplexTypeMap is filled. * This map would be used later for rule NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE * * If the base type is complex type, recursivelyPopulateAndvalidateName is called. * * @param currentNode * @param mapOfAllTypes * @param mapOfAttributes * @param mapOfElements * @param baseType2ComplexTypeMap */ private void handleBaseTypes(SchemaNode currentNode, SchemaNodeRepresentationByType typesMap, Map<String, SchemaNode> mapOfAttributes, Map<String, SchemaNode> mapOfElements, Map<QName, SchemaNode> baseType2ComplexTypeMap) { if( currentNode.isBaseAttrExists() ){ QName typeQName = currentNode.getBaseAttrValue(); SchemaNode baseType = typesMap.getType(typeQName);// mapOfAllTypes.get(typeQName); if (baseType != null && baseType.getNodeName().equals(COMPLEXTYPE)) { recursivelyPopulateAndvalidateName(baseType, typesMap, mapOfAttributes, mapOfElements, baseType2ComplexTypeMap); } else { boolean userDefinedSimpleType = false; boolean xsdType = typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals( WSDLParserConstants.NS_URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD); if (!xsdType && baseType != null) { userDefinedSimpleType = baseType.getNodeName().equals( SIMPLETYPE); } if (xsdType || userDefinedSimpleType) { baseType2ComplexTypeMap.put(typeQName, Util.getSurroundingType(currentNode)); } } } } /** * If the node passed is of element type, the method updates map mapOfElements. * If the node passed is of attribute type, the method updates map mapOfAttributes. * If the node passed is of restriction or extension, the method calls handleBaseTypes to populate * mapOfElements and mapOfAttributes * * For each child node, it calls recursively the same method to populate the names. * If duplicate field names are encountered, error TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME is thrown. * * @param currentNode * @param mapOfAllTypes * @param mapOfAttributes * @param mapOfElements * @param baseType2ComplexTypeMap */ private void recursivelyPopulateAndvalidateName(SchemaNode currentNode, SchemaNodeRepresentationByType typesMap, Map<String, SchemaNode> mapOfAttributes, Map<String, SchemaNode> mapOfElements, Map<QName, SchemaNode> baseType2ComplexTypeMap) { if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, RESTRICTION ) ){ handleBaseTypes( currentNode, typesMap, mapOfAttributes, mapOfElements, baseType2ComplexTypeMap ); //if it is a restriction, then return immediately after handling base type. //since it is a restricted complex type, the element name defined inside restriction would be same //as element names defined in base type. return ; }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, EXTENSION ) ){ handleBaseTypes( currentNode, typesMap, mapOfAttributes, mapOfElements, baseType2ComplexTypeMap ); }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ELEMENT ) ){ SchemaNode elementNode = currentNode; if( !elementNode.isNameAttrExists() && elementNode.isRefAttrExists() ){ QName refQName = currentNode.getRefAttrValue(); elementNode = typesMap.getRootElementNode(refQName); } if(elementNode != null ){ String nameAttribute = elementNode.getNameAttrValue(); //same name but different case is also not supported SchemaNode oldElement = mapOfElements.put(nameAttribute.toLowerCase(), elementNode); //if it is not null, then there are two elements with same name if( oldElement != null ){ handleDuplicateElementName(oldElement, elementNode, nameAttribute); } } }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ATTRIBUTE ) ){ if( currentNode.isNameAttrExists() ){ //same name but different case is also not supported mapOfAttributes.put(currentNode.getNameAttrValue().toLowerCase() , currentNode); } }else if( Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ) || Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, GROUP ) ){ boolean isAttrGroup = Util.isInValidNodeName( currentNode, ATTRIBUTE_GROUP ); if( currentNode.isRefAttrExists() ){ QName refQName = currentNode.getRefAttrValue(); SchemaNode refNode = null; if(isAttrGroup){ refNode = typesMap.getRootAttributeGroupNode(refQName); }else{ refNode = typesMap.getRootGroupNode(refQName); } if( refNode != null ){ recursivelyPopulateAndvalidateName(refNode, typesMap, mapOfAttributes, mapOfElements, baseType2ComplexTypeMap); } } } List<SchemaNode> childNodes = currentNode.getChildNodes(); for( SchemaNode child : childNodes ){ recursivelyPopulateAndvalidateName( child, typesMap, mapOfAttributes, mapOfElements, baseType2ComplexTypeMap); } } /** * This method does validations for threee rules. * ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_SAME_AS_FIELD_NAME * TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME * NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE * */ private void validateDuplicateFieldNames(SchemaNodeRepresentationByType typesMap ){ List<SchemaNode> complexTypeNodes = typesMap.getComplexTypeNodes(); for( SchemaNode node : complexTypeNodes ){ validateAttributeAndElementName( node, typesMap ); } } /** * This method validates following structure. * * <xs:simpleType name="MySimpleTypeListA"> * <xs:restriction base="tns:MySimpleTypeList"></xs:restriction> * </xs:simpleType> * <xs:simpleType name="MySimpleTypeList"> * <xs:list itemType="xs:double" /> * </xs:simpleType> * * <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="param5" * type="tns:MySimpleTypeListA" /> * * The jaxb generates type as List<JAXBElement<List<Double>>> param5 * * This is not supported by protobuf * * @param allSimpleTypeNodes * @param allElementNodes */ private void validateListOfList( SchemaNodeRepresentationByType typesMap ){ List<SchemaNode> allElementNodes = typesMap.getSchemaNodesList( ELEMENT ); List<SchemaNode> listNodes = typesMap.getSchemaNodesList(LIST); List<SchemaNode> restrctionNodes = typesMap.getSchemaNodesList(RESTRICTION); //contains all the simple types that has list nodes Map<QName,SchemaNode> listSimpleTypeNodesMap = new HashMap<QName,SchemaNode>(); //maps the restriction base type name to its simple type name //e.g. /** * <xs:simpleType name="MySimpleTypeListA"> * <xs:restriction base="tns:MySimpleTypeList"></xs:restriction> * </xs:simpleType> */ Map<QName, List<QName> > restrictionBase2NameMap = new HashMap<QName, List<QName> >(); //contains the final set of simple types which element should not use as unbounded Set<QName> derivedListUsers = new HashSet<QName>(); populateListSimpleTypeNodesMap(listNodes, listSimpleTypeNodesMap); if( listSimpleTypeNodesMap.size() == 0 ){ //if no list tag just return return ; } derivedListUsers.addAll( listSimpleTypeNodesMap.keySet() ); populateRestrictionBase2NameMap(restrctionNodes, restrictionBase2NameMap); if( restrictionBase2NameMap.size() > 0 ){ for( Map.Entry<QName, SchemaNode> entry : listSimpleTypeNodesMap.entrySet() ){ QName baseType = entry.getKey(); //find out recursively consider the example given in comments //a simple type can have another simple type as restriction. //this can go n level deep recursivelyFindOutAllSimpleTypesThatUsesList( baseType, restrictionBase2NameMap, derivedListUsers ); } } for( SchemaNode elementNode : allElementNodes ){ String maxOcurs = elementNode.getMaxoccursAttrValue(); if( elementNode.isMaxoccursAttrExists() && ( UNBOUNDED.equals(maxOcurs) || Integer.valueOf(maxOcurs) > 1 )){ if( elementNode.isTypeAttrExists() && derivedListUsers.contains(elementNode.getTypeAttrValue() ) ){ FastSerFormatValidationError error = createError(elementNode, ValidationRule.UNBOUNDED_SIMPLE_TYPE_WITH_LIST_NOT_SUPPORTED ); String desc = error.getDescription(); desc = Util.replaceWithNameAttribute( desc, REPLACE_ARG_0, elementNode ); desc = desc.replace(REPLACE_ARG_2, getSupportedTypesString( ValidationRule.UNBOUNDED_SIMPLE_TYPE_WITH_LIST_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ); error.setDescription(desc); log(error, elementNode); m_errors.add( error ); } } } } private void recursivelyFindOutAllSimpleTypesThatUsesList(QName baseType, Map<QName, List<QName>> restrictionBase2NameMap, Set<QName> derivedListUsers) { List<QName> simpleTypeNames = restrictionBase2NameMap.get( baseType ); if( simpleTypeNames == null ){ simpleTypeNames = new ArrayList<QName>(); } derivedListUsers.addAll(simpleTypeNames); for( QName simpleTypeName : simpleTypeNames ){ recursivelyFindOutAllSimpleTypesThatUsesList(simpleTypeName, restrictionBase2NameMap, derivedListUsers); } } private void populateListSimpleTypeNodesMap(List<SchemaNode> listNodes, Map<QName,SchemaNode> listSimpleTypeNodesMap){ for( SchemaNode node : listNodes ){ SchemaNode surroundingNode = Util.getSurroundingType(node); if( Util.isInValidNodeName(surroundingNode, SIMPLETYPE)){ //may be an anonymous type if( surroundingNode.isNameAttrExists() ){ QName typeName = new QName( surroundingNode.getTargetNamespace(), surroundingNode.getNameAttrValue() ); listSimpleTypeNodesMap.put(typeName, surroundingNode); } } } } private void populateRestrictionBase2NameMap(List<SchemaNode> restrctionNodes, Map<QName, List<QName> > restrictionBase2NameMap){ for( SchemaNode node : restrctionNodes ){ SchemaNode surroundingNode = Util.getSurroundingType(node); if( Util.isInValidNodeName(surroundingNode, SIMPLETYPE)){ //may be an anonymous type if( surroundingNode.isNameAttrExists() && node.isBaseAttrExists() ){ QName baseTypeName = node.getBaseAttrValue(); //we are interested in user defined types if( isValidInBuiltType(baseTypeName) ){ continue; } QName typeName = new QName( surroundingNode.getTargetNamespace(), surroundingNode.getNameAttrValue() ); List<QName> listOfTypes = restrictionBase2NameMap.get( baseTypeName ); if( listOfTypes == null ){ listOfTypes = new ArrayList<QName>(); restrictionBase2NameMap.put( baseTypeName, listOfTypes ); } listOfTypes.add(typeName); } } } } private void doOtherValidations(){ if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.POLYMORPHISM_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ validatePolymorphism( m_typesMap ); } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_SAME_AS_FIELD_NAME ) || m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.TWO_ELEMENTS_CANNOT_HAVE_SAME_NAME ) || m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.NAME_OF_ATTRIBUTE_CANNOT_BE_VALUE_WHEN_EXTENDING_SIMPLE_TYPE ) ){ validateDuplicateFieldNames( m_typesMap); } if( m_rulesTobeValidated.contains( ValidationRule.UNBOUNDED_SIMPLE_TYPE_WITH_LIST_NOT_SUPPORTED ) ){ validateListOfList( m_typesMap ); } } private boolean isValidURL( String filePath ){ try { new URL( filePath ); return true; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "The file path passed is not a valid URL."+filePath); getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "The file path passed is not a valid URL."+e.getMessage()); return false; } } /** * This method validates one or more files. * The file can be wsdl file or xsd file. * * @param files * @return * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException * @throws ParserConfigurationException */ public List<FastSerFormatValidationError> validateFile(String... files) throws CodeGenFailedException{ long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LocatorImpl sourceLocator = new LocatorImpl(); SchemaParserEventHandler handler = new SchemaParserEventHandler( this, m_rootNode, m_typesMap ); handler.setDocumentLocator(sourceLocator); for( int i=0; i<files.length; i++ ){ String filePath = files[i]; File file = new File( filePath ); InputStream stream = null; getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "Start loading file " + filePath); try{ if( file.exists() ){ stream = new FileInputStream( file ); getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File path exists"); }else if( isValidURL( filePath ) ){ //path of a jar. expected format is 'jar:file:\C:....\xyz.jar!\...\abc.xsd' URL filePathUrl = new URL( filePath ); stream = filePathUrl.openStream(); }else{ getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "File path does not exists. Try to load file using getResourceAsStream"); stream = CodeGenUtil.getInputStreamForAFileFromClasspath(filePath, getClass().getClassLoader() ); if( stream == null ){ getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "File not found. Path = " + filePath); throw new CodeGenFailedException("File not found. Path = " + filePath ); } } InputSource is = new InputSource( stream ); XMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); reader.setContentHandler(handler); reader.setErrorHandler(handler); handler.setFileName( file.getAbsolutePath() ); reader.parse( is ); }catch(CodeGenFailedException e){ throw e; }catch(Exception e){ throw new CodeGenFailedException("File Parsing Failed." + e.getMessage(), e ); }finally{ if( stream != null){ try { stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to close the wsdl file"); } } } } doOtherValidations(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "The time take to do parsing and perform all validations "+ (endTime-startTime) +" msecs"); return m_errors; } /** * This method validates one single wsdl file. * * @param wsdlFile * @param supportedFormats * @throws CodeGenFailedException */ public static void validateWSDL(String wsdlFileLoc, List<FastSerFormatType> supportedFormats) throws CodeGenFailedException{ FastSerFormatValidationHandler handler = new FastSerFormatValidationHandler( supportedFormats ); try { List<FastSerFormatValidationError> errors = handler.validateFile( wsdlFileLoc ); if( errors.size() > 0 ){ String msg = "The WSDL is invalid to support Fast Ser Formats like " + supportedFormats.toString(); throw new FastSerFormatNotSupportedException(msg, errors ); } }catch (FastSerFormatNotSupportedException e ){ throw e; }catch (CodeGenFailedException e){ throw e; }catch (Exception e) { throw new CodeGenFailedException("Validation of the WSDL failed.", e); } } /** * This method validates the wsdl against unsupported constructs for fast ser format. * * @param context * @param supportedFormats * @throws CodeGenFailedException */ public static void validateServiceForFastSerFormatSupport(CodeGenContext context, List<FastSerFormatType> supportedFormats) throws CodeGenFailedException{ InputOptions inputOptions = context.getInputOptions(); String wsdlFileLoc = inputOptions.getInputFile(); if( wsdlFileLoc == null ){ getLogger().warning("Validation Not done. The path of the wsdl is empty."); throw new CodeGenFailedException( EMPTY_WSDL_PATH ); } validateWSDL( wsdlFileLoc, supportedFormats); } /** * This method validates list of xsd files. * * @param xsdFileNames * @param baseXsdPath * @param supportedFormats * @throws CodeGenFailedException */ public static void validateXsds(String[] xsdFileNames, List<FastSerFormatType> supportedFormats) throws CodeGenFailedException{ FastSerFormatValidationHandler handler = new FastSerFormatValidationHandler( supportedFormats ); try { List<FastSerFormatValidationError> errors = handler.validateFile( xsdFileNames ); if( errors.size() > 0 ){ String msg = "One or more XSD files are invalid to support Fast Ser Formats like " + supportedFormats.toString(); throw new FastSerFormatNotSupportedException(msg, errors ); } }catch (FastSerFormatNotSupportedException e ){ throw e; }catch (CodeGenFailedException e){ throw e; }catch (Exception e) { throw new CodeGenFailedException("Validation of the WSDL failed.", e); } } public static class Util { /** * Checks whether the given node contains name same as the node name. * * @param currentNode * @param nodeName * @return */ public static boolean isInValidNodeName(SchemaNode currentNode, String... nodeNames ){ for(String nodeName : nodeNames ){ if(nodeName.equals( currentNode.getNodeName() ) ){ return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the value of the specified attribute. * Returns null if the attribute is not found. * * @param attrs * @param attributeName * @return */ public static String getAttributeValue(List<SchemaNodeAttribute> attrs, String attributeName){ for( SchemaNodeAttribute attr : attrs ){ if( attributeName.equals(attr.getAttributeName()) ){ return attr.getAttributeValue(); } } return null; } /** * This method returns the value of the specified attribute name. * This method is fail safe which checks not null for node. * Returns null if the node is null or attribute is not found. * * @param node * @param attributeName * @return */ public static String getAttributeValue(SchemaNode node, String attributeName){ if( node == null ){ return null; } return getAttributeValue(node.getAttributes(), attributeName ); } /** * This method identifies the surrounding type of the specified node. * The surrounding type returned would be either Complex type, Simple Type, * Group or attribute group. * This method is used to build user friendly error message. * * @param node * @return */ public static SchemaNode getSurroundingType( SchemaNode node ){ SchemaNode parent = node.getParentNode(); while (parent != null){ String parentNodename = parent.getNodeName(); if(COMPLEXTYPE.equals(parentNodename) || SIMPLETYPE.equals(parentNodename) || GROUP.equals(parentNodename) || ATTRIBUTE_GROUP.equals(parentNodename) ){ return parent; } parent = parent.getParentNode(); } return null; } /** * This method identifies the surrounding element of the specified node. * * @param node * @return */ public static SchemaNode getSurroundingElement( SchemaNode node ){ SchemaNode parent = node.getParentNode(); while (parent != null){ String parentNodename = parent.getNodeName(); if(ELEMENT.equals(parentNodename) ){ return parent; } parent = parent.getParentNode(); } return null; } /** * If the root element node which is directly under schema tag then return true; * * @param currentNode * @return */ public static boolean isRootNodeInSchema( SchemaNode currentNode ){ if( currentNode.getParentNode() != null){ if( SCHEMA.equals( currentNode.getParentNode().getNodeName() ) ){ //this is because if the element is at root level directly inside schema node then dont validate return true; } } return false; } public static String replaceWithNodeName(String templateToSearch, String searchString, SchemaNode node){ templateToSearch = templateToSearch.replace(searchString, ( node!=null ) ? node.getNodeName() : EMPTY_STRING); return templateToSearch; } public static String replaceWithNameAttribute(String templateToSearch, String searchString, SchemaNode node){ String nameAttribute = EMPTY_STRING; if( node != null && node.isNameAttrExists()){ nameAttribute = node.getNameAttrValue(); } templateToSearch = templateToSearch.replace(searchString, nameAttribute ); return templateToSearch; } } }