package com.owera.xaps.tr069; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.owera.common.db.ConnectionMetaData; import com.owera.common.db.ConnectionPoolData; import com.owera.common.db.ConnectionProperties; import com.owera.common.db.ConnectionProvider; import com.owera.common.util.Sleep; import com.owera.xaps.Properties.Module; import com.owera.xaps.base.BaseCache; import com.owera.xaps.base.Log; import com.owera.xaps.base.db.DBAccess; import com.owera.xaps.base.http.Authenticator; import com.owera.xaps.base.http.ThreadCounter; import com.owera.xaps.dbi.ScriptExecutions; import com.owera.xaps.dbi.SyslogConstants; import com.owera.xaps.dbi.Unit; import com.owera.xaps.dbi.XAPS; import com.owera.xaps.dbi.XAPSUnit; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.background.BackgroundProcesses; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.background.ScheduledKickTask; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.exception.TR069Exception; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.exception.TR069ExceptionShortMessage; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.methods.DecisionMaker; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.methods.HTTPRequestProcessor; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.methods.HTTPResponseCreator; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.methods.TR069Method; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.test.system1.TestDatabase; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.test.system1.TestDatabaseObject; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.test.system2.Util; /** * This is the "main-class" of TR069 Provisioning. It receives the HTTP-request * from the CPE and returns an HTTP-response. The content of the request/reponse * can be both TR-069 request/response. * * @author morten * */ public class Provisioning extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3020450686422484143L; public static final String VERSION = "3.1.2"; // private static BackgroundProcesses backgroundProcesses = new BackgroundProcesses(); private static ScriptExecutions executions; /** * Starts background processes, initializes logging system */ static { DBAccess.init(Module.TR069, SyslogConstants.FACILITY_TR069, VERSION); com.owera.common.log.Log.initialize(""); Log.notice(Provisioning.class, "Server starts..."); try { BackgroundProcesses.initiate(DBAccess.getDBI()); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.fatal(Provisioning.class, "Couldn't start BackgroundProcesses correctly ", t); } try { executions = new ScriptExecutions(DBAccess.getXAPSProperties()); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.fatal(Provisioning.class, "Couldn't initialize ScriptExecutions - not possible to run SHELL-jobs", t); } } /** * doGet prints some information about the server, focus on database connections and memory usage */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { if (req.getParameter("clearCache") != null) BaseCache.clearCache(); PrintWriter pw = res.getWriter(); String html = ""; html += "<title>xAPS TR-069 Server Monitoring Page</title>"; html += "<h1>Monitoring of the TR-069 Server v. " + VERSION + "</h1>"; ConnectionProperties props = DBAccess.getXAPSProperties(); ConnectionPoolData poolData = ConnectionProvider.getConnectionPoolData(props); if (poolData != null) { html += "<h1>Database connection</h1>\n"; html += "This server is connected to " + poolData.getProps().getUrl() + " with user " + poolData.getProps().getUser() + "<br>\n"; ConnectionMetaData metaData = poolData.getMetaData().clone(); html += "<ul>Accessed : " + metaData.getAccessed() + "<br>\n"; html += "Retries : " + metaData.getRetries() + "<br>\n"; html += "Denied : " + metaData.getDenied() + "<br>\n"; html += "Denied % : " + metaData.calculateDeniedPercent() + "<br>\n"; html += "Free : " + poolData.getFreeConn().size() + "<br>\n"; html += "Currently used : " + poolData.getUsedConn().size() + "<br>\n"; html += "Used % : " + metaData.calculateUsedPercent() + "<br>\n<ul>"; int[] accessedSim = metaData.getAccessedSim(); for (int i = 1; i < accessedSim.length; i++) { if (accessedSim[i] == 0 && accessedSim[i + 1] == 0 && accessedSim[i + 2] == 0) break; float percent = ((float) accessedSim[i] / metaData.getAccessed()) * 100f; html += String.format("Used " + i + " connection(s) simultaneously: %8.5f", percent); html += "% (accessed: " + accessedSim[i] + ")<br>\n"; } html += "</ul>\n</ul><br>\n"; } long total = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); long free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); long used = total - free; html += "<h1>Memory Usage</h1>\n"; html += "The JVM uses " + getBytesFormatted(used) + " of memory. " + getBytesFormatted(free) + " of memory available on the heap.<br>"; pw.print(html); } /** * Reads the XML input into a string and store it in the SessionData object * @param reqRes * @return * @throws TR069Exception * @throws IOException */ private static long extractRequest(HTTPReqResData reqRes) throws TR069Exception { try { long tms = System.currentTimeMillis(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(reqRes.getReq().getInputStream()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); StringBuilder requestSB = new StringBuilder(1000); while (true) { String line = br.readLine(); if (line == null) break; requestSB.append(line + "\n"); } reqRes.getRequest().setXml(requestSB.toString()); return System.currentTimeMillis() - tms; } catch (IOException e) { throw new TR069Exception("TR-069 client aborted (not possible to read more input)", TR069ExceptionShortMessage.IOABORTED, e); } } /** * Some devices may send a CONTINUE header - server always reply "yes" - do continue * @param req * @param res * @return * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static boolean hasContinueHeader(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { // Support 100 Continue header - always YES - CONTINUE! if (req.getHeader("Expect") != null && req.getHeader("Expect").indexOf("100-continue") > -1) { res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONTINUE); res.getWriter().print(""); return true; } return false; } /** * This is the entry point for TR-069 Clients - everything starts here!!! * * A TR-069 session consists of many rounds of HTTP request/responses, however * each request/response non-the-less follows a standard pattern: * * 1. Check special HTTP headers for a "early return" (CONTINUE) * 2. Check authentication - challenge client if necessary. If not authenticated - return * 3. Check concurrent sessions from same unit - if detected: return * 4. Extract XML from request - store in sessionData object * 5. Process HTTP Request (xml-parsing, find methodname, test-verification) * 6. Decide upon next step - may contain logic that processes the request and decide response * 7. Produce HTTP Response (xml-creation) * 8. Some details about the xml-response like content-type/Empty response * 9. Return response to TR-069 client * * At the end we have error handling, to make sure that no matter what, we do return * an EMTPY response to the client - to signal end of conversation/TR-069-session. * * In the finally loop we check if a TR-069 Session is in-fact completed (one way * or the other) and if so, logging is performed. Also, if unit-parameters are queued * up for writing, those will be written now (instead of writing some here and some there * along the entire TR-069 session). * * In special cases the server will kick the device to "come back" and continue testing a new test case. * */ protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { // 1. If HTTP CONTINUE header present, return "yes" and return - should be correct behavior - the client will return // if (hasContinueHeader(req, res)) // return; HTTPReqResData reqRes = null; try { // Create the main object which contains all objects concerning the entire // session. This object also contains the SessionData object reqRes = new HTTPReqResData(req, res); // 2. Authenticate the client (first issue challenge, then authenticate) if (!Authenticator.authenticate(reqRes)) return; // 3. Do not continue if concurrent sessions from the same unit is on going if (reqRes.getSessionData() != null && !ThreadCounter.isRequestAllowed(reqRes.getSessionData())) return; // 4. Read the request from the client - store in reqRes object extractRequest(reqRes); // 5.Process request (parsing xml/data) HTTPRequestProcessor.processRequest(reqRes); // 6. Decide next step in TR-069 session (sometimes trivial, sometimes complex) DecisionMaker.process(reqRes); // 7. Create TR-069 response HTTPResponseCreator.createResponse(reqRes); // 8. Set correct headers in response if (reqRes.getResponse().getXml() != null && reqRes.getResponse().getXml().length() > 0) { res.setHeader("SOAPAction", ""); res.setContentType("text/xml"); } // 8. No need to send Content-length as it will only be informational for 204 HTTP messages if (reqRes.getResponse().getMethod().equals("Empty")) res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT); // 9. Print response to output res.getWriter().print(reqRes.getResponse().getXml()); } catch (Throwable t) { // Make sure we return an EMPTY response to the TR-069 client if (t instanceof TR069Exception) { TR069Exception tex = (TR069Exception) t; Throwable stacktraceThrowable = t; if (tex.getCause() != null) stacktraceThrowable = tex.getCause(); if (tex.getShortMsg() == TR069ExceptionShortMessage.MISC || tex.getShortMsg() == TR069ExceptionShortMessage.DATABASE) Log.error(Provisioning.class, "An error ocurred: " + t.getMessage(), stacktraceThrowable); if (tex.getShortMsg() == TR069ExceptionShortMessage.IOABORTED) Log.warn(Provisioning.class, t.getMessage()); else Log.error(Provisioning.class, t.getMessage()); // No stacktrace printed to log } if (reqRes != null) reqRes.setThrowable(t); res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT); res.getWriter().print(""); } finally { // Run at end of every TR-069 session if (reqRes != null && endOfSession(reqRes)) { Log.debug(Provisioning.class, "End of session is reached, will write queued unit parameters if unit (" + reqRes.getSessionData().getUnit() + ") is not null"); // Logging of the entire session, both to tr069-event.log and syslog if (reqRes.getSessionData().getUnit() != null) { // reqRes.getSessionData().getUnit().toWriteQueue(SystemParameters.PROVISIONING_STATE, ProvisioningState.READY.toString()); writeQueuedUnitParameters(reqRes); } SessionLogging.log(reqRes); if (Util.testEnabled(reqRes, true)) initiateNewTestSession(reqRes); else if (reqRes.getSessionData().isTestMode()) { String row =; if (row != null && new TestDatabaseObject(row).getRun().equals("true")) initiateNewTestSession(reqRes); } BaseCache.removeSessionData(reqRes.getSessionData().getUnitId()); BaseCache.removeSessionData(reqRes.getSessionData().getId()); res.setHeader("Connection", "close"); } } if (reqRes != null && reqRes.getSessionData() != null) ThreadCounter.responseDelivered(reqRes.getSessionData()); } private static void initiateNewTestSession(HTTPReqResData reqRes) { try { List<HTTPReqResData> reqResList = reqRes.getSessionData().getReqResList(); boolean deviceHasAlreadyBooted = false; for (HTTPReqResData rr : reqResList) { String method = rr.getResponse().getMethod(); // No need to kick device if a reboot or reset has been part of the test-flow if (method != null && (method.equals(TR069Method.FACTORY_RESET) || method.equals(TR069Method.REBOOT))) deviceHasAlreadyBooted = true; } if (!deviceHasAlreadyBooted) { ScheduledKickTask.addUnit(reqRes.getSessionData().getUnit()); } } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn(Provisioning.class, "Could not initiate kick after completed session in test mode", t); } } private static void writeQueuedUnitParameters(HTTPReqResData reqRes) { try { Unit unit = reqRes.getSessionData().getUnit(); if (unit != null) { XAPS xaps = reqRes.getSessionData().getDbAccess().getXaps(); XAPSUnit xapsUnit = DBAccess.getXAPSUnit(xaps); xapsUnit.addOrChangeQueuedUnitParameters(unit); } } catch (Throwable t) { Log.error(Provisioning.class, "An error occured when writing queued unit parameters to Fusion. May affect provisioning", t); } } private static boolean endOfSession(HTTPReqResData reqRes) { try { SessionData sessionData = reqRes.getSessionData(); HTTPReqData reqData = reqRes.getRequest(); HTTPResData resData = reqRes.getResponse(); if (reqRes.getThrowable() != null) return true; if (reqData.getMethod() != null && resData != null && resData.getMethod().equals(TR069Method.EMPTY)) { boolean terminationQuirk = Properties.isTerminationQuirk(sessionData); if (terminationQuirk && reqData.getMethod().equals(TR069Method.EMPTY)) return true; if (!terminationQuirk) return true; } return false; } catch (Throwable t) { Log.warn(Provisioning.class, "An error occured when determining endOfSession. Does not affect provisioning", t); return false; } } private static String getBytesFormatted(long bytes) { if (bytes > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) return bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) + " GB"; else if (bytes > 1024 * 1024) return bytes / (1024 * 1024) + " MB"; else if (bytes > 1024) return bytes / (1024) + " KB"; return bytes + " B"; } public void destroy() { Sleep.terminateApplication(); } public static ScriptExecutions getExecutions() { return executions; } }