package com.owera.xaps.base.http; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.owera.common.db.NoAvailableConnectionException; import com.owera.common.log.Context; import com.owera.xaps.base.BaseCache; import com.owera.xaps.base.Log; import com.owera.xaps.base.NoDataAvailableException; import com.owera.xaps.dbi.util.SystemParameters; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.HTTPReqResData; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.Properties; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.SessionData; import com.owera.xaps.tr069.exception.TR069AuthenticationException; public class BasicAuthenticator { private static void sendChallenge(HttpServletResponse res) { // Send challenge String authParam = "Basic realm=\"" + Util.getRealm() + "\""; res.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", authParam); try { res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.warn(DigestAuthenticator.class, "Unable to make challenge", ioe); } } public static boolean authenticate(HTTPReqResData reqRes) throws TR069AuthenticationException { String authorization = reqRes.getReq().getHeader("authorization"); if (authorization == null) { Log.notice(BasicAuthenticator.class, "Send challenge to CPE, located on IP-address " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost()); sendChallenge(reqRes.getRes()); return false; } else { return (verify(reqRes, authorization)); } } /** * Verifies login against database * * @param request * HTTP servlet request * @param authorization * Authorization credentials from this request * @throws TR069AuthenticationException */ private static boolean verify(HTTPReqResData reqRes, String authorization) throws TR069AuthenticationException { Log.debug(BasicAuthenticator.class, "Basic verification of CPE starts, located on IP-address " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost()); authorization = authorization.trim(); authorization = Util.removePrefix(authorization, "basic"); authorization = authorization.trim(); String userpass = Util.base64decode(authorization); // Validate any credentials already included with this request String username = null; String password = null; // Get username and password int colon = userpass.indexOf(':'); if (colon < 0) { username = userpass; } else { username = userpass.substring(0, colon); password = userpass.substring(colon + 1, userpass.length()); } // Do database read parameters and then perform verification String unitId = Util.username2unitId(username); Context.put(Context.X, unitId, BaseCache.SESSIONDATA_CACHE_TIMEOUT); Log.debug(DigestAuthenticator.class, "Basic verification identifed unit id " + unitId + " from CPE IP-address " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost()); try { SessionData sessionData = reqRes.getSessionData(); sessionData.setUnitId(unitId); sessionData.updateParametersFromDB(unitId); // Unit is now stored in sessionData String secret = null; if (sessionData.isFirstConnect() && Properties.isDiscoveryMode()) { for (String blocked : Properties.getDiscoveryBlocked()) { if (unitId.contains(blocked)) throw new TR069AuthenticationException("ACS Username is blocked by \"" + blocked + "\" in discovery mode. Access denied", null, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } secret = password; sessionData.setSecret(secret); Log.warn(DigestAuthenticator.class, "Authentication not verified, but accepted since in Discovery Mode"); } BaseCache.putSessionData(unitId, sessionData); // if (secret == null) // secret = sessionData.getOweraParameters().getValue(SystemParameters.SHARED_SECRET); if (secret == null) { secret = sessionData.getOweraParameters().getValue(SystemParameters.SECRET); if (secret != null && !secret.equals(password) && secret.length() > 16) secret = secret.substring(0, 16); } // if (secret == null) // secret = sessionData.getOweraParameters().getValue(SystemParameters.TR069_SECRET); if (secret == null) { throw new TR069AuthenticationException("No ACS Password found in database (CPE IP address: " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost() + ") (username: " + username + ")", null, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } else if (!secret.equals(password)) { throw new TR069AuthenticationException("Incorrect ACS Password (CPE IP address: " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost() + ") (username: " + username + ")", null, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } else { Log.notice(BasicAuthenticator.class, "Authentication verified (CPE IP address: " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost() + ")"); return true; } } catch (NoAvailableConnectionException e) { throw new TR069AuthenticationException("Authentication failed because of no available database connections (CPE IP address: " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost() + ") (username: " + username + ")", e, HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TR069AuthenticationException("Authentication failed because of database error (CPE IP address: " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost() + ") (username: " + username + ")", e, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } catch (NoDataAvailableException e) { throw new TR069AuthenticationException("Authentication failed because unitid was not found (CPE IP address: " + reqRes.getReq().getRemoteHost() + ") (username: " + username + ")", e, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); } } }