package org.talend.esb.mep.requestcallback.feature; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.wsdl.Binding; import javax.wsdl.Definition; import javax.wsdl.Operation; import javax.wsdl.Port; import javax.wsdl.PortType; import javax.wsdl.Service; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.cxf.Bus; import org.apache.cxf.bus.CXFBusFactory; import org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLServiceFactory; import org.talend.esb.mep.requestcallback.impl.wsdl.PLRole; import org.talend.esb.mep.requestcallback.impl.wsdl.PLType; public class CallbackInfo { public static class OperationMapping { private final String requestOperation; private final String callbackOperation; private final boolean isFaultCallback; public OperationMapping(String requestOperation, String callbackOperation, boolean isFaultCallback) { super(); this.requestOperation = requestOperation; this.callbackOperation = callbackOperation; this.isFaultCallback = isFaultCallback; } public String getRequestOperation() { return requestOperation; } public String getCallbackOperation() { return callbackOperation; } public boolean isFaultCallback() { return isFaultCallback; } } private static final String SR_QUERY_PATH = "/services/registry/lookup/wsdl/"; // private static final String POLICY_QUERY_HINT = "mergeWithPolicies=true"; private static final int SR_QUERY_PATH_LEN = SR_QUERY_PATH.length(); private QName portTypeName = null; private QName callbackPortTypeName = null; private QName callbackServiceName = null; private String callbackPortName = null; private final String wsdlLocation; private String callbackWsdlLocation = null; private final List<OperationMapping> operationMappings = new ArrayList<OperationMapping>(); // private boolean wsdlPolicyQuery = false; public CallbackInfo(URL wsdlLocation) { this(wsdlLocation.toExternalForm()); } public CallbackInfo(String wsdlLocation) { this(createServiceFactory(wsdlLocation).getDefinition(), wsdlLocation); } public CallbackInfo(CallbackInfo source, QName service, String port, boolean copyWsdlLocation) { portTypeName = source.portTypeName; callbackPortTypeName = source.callbackPortTypeName; callbackServiceName = service; callbackPortName = port; if (copyWsdlLocation) { wsdlLocation = source.wsdlLocation; if (service != null && service.equals(source.callbackServiceName)) { callbackWsdlLocation = source.callbackWsdlLocation; // wsdlPolicyQuery = source.wsdlPolicyQuery; } } else { wsdlLocation = null; } operationMappings.addAll(source.operationMappings); } public QName getPortTypeName() { return portTypeName; } public QName getCallbackPortTypeName() { return callbackPortTypeName; } public QName getCallbackServiceName() { return callbackServiceName; } public String getCallbackPortName() { return callbackPortName; } public String getWsdlLocation() { return wsdlLocation; } public List<OperationMapping> getOperationMappings() { return operationMappings; } public String getSpecificCallbackSenderWsdlLocation(String policyAlias) { return getCallbackWsdlLocation(policyAlias, true); } public String getSpecificCallbackReceiverWsdlLocation(String policyAlias) { return getCallbackWsdlLocation(policyAlias, false); } public String getEffectiveCallbackSenderWsdlLocation(String policyAlias) { final String loc = getCallbackWsdlLocation(policyAlias, true); return loc == null ? wsdlLocation : loc; } public String getEffectiveCallbackReceiverWsdlLocation(String policyAlias) { final String loc = getCallbackWsdlLocation(policyAlias, false); return loc == null ? wsdlLocation : loc; } private CallbackInfo(Definition definition, String wsdlLocation) { super(); this.wsdlLocation = wsdlLocation; String portTypeHint = null; String callbackPortTypeHint = null; for (Object ee : definition.getExtensibilityElements()) { if (!(ee instanceof PLType)) { continue; } final PLType pl = (PLType) ee; if (pl != null) { final List<PLRole> roles = pl.getRoles(); if (roles != null) { for (PLRole role : roles) { final String name = role.getName(); if ("service".equals(name)) { portTypeHint = role.getPortType().getName(); } else if ("callback".equals(name)) { callbackPortTypeHint = role.getPortType().getName(); } } } if (portTypeHint != null && callbackPortTypeHint != null) { break; } } } if (portTypeHint == null || callbackPortTypeHint == null) { return; } for (Object o : definition.getPortTypes().entrySet()) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) o; QName portTypeName = (QName) entry.getKey(); PortType portType = (PortType) entry.getValue(); if (representsName(portTypeName, portTypeHint, definition)) { this.portTypeName = portTypeName; } else if (representsName(portTypeName, callbackPortTypeHint, definition)) { this.callbackPortTypeName = portTypeName; for (Object op : portType.getOperations()) { Operation operation = (Operation) op; String partnerOpName = null; boolean isFault = false; for (Object att : operation.getExtensionAttributes().entrySet()) { Entry<?, ?> attEntry = (Entry<?, ?>) att; QName attName = (QName) attEntry.getKey(); QName value = (QName) attEntry.getValue(); if ("partnerOperation".equals(attName.getLocalPart())) { partnerOpName = value.getLocalPart(); } else if ("faultOperation".equals(attName.getLocalPart())) { isFault = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value.getLocalPart()); } } if (partnerOpName != null) { this.operationMappings.add(new OperationMapping(partnerOpName, operation.getName(), isFault)); } } } } if (callbackPortTypeName != null) { for (Object o : definition.getServices().entrySet()) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) o; QName serviceName = (QName) entry.getKey(); Service service = (Service) entry.getValue(); for (Object p : service.getPorts().entrySet()) { Entry<?, ?> portEntry = (Entry<?, ?>) p; String portName = (String) portEntry.getKey(); Port port = (Port) portEntry.getValue(); Binding b = port.getBinding(); if (callbackPortTypeName.equals(b.getPortType().getQName())) { callbackServiceName = serviceName; callbackPortName = portName; } } } } } private String getCallbackWsdlLocation(String policyAlias, boolean isSender) { if (callbackWsdlLocation == null) { callbackWsdlLocation = callbackWsdlLocation( wsdlLocation, callbackServiceName); // wsdlPolicyQuery = wsdlLocation.indexOf(POLICY_QUERY_HINT) >= 0; } if (callbackWsdlLocation.length() == 0) { return null; } String resString = callbackWsdlLocation; // if (wsdlPolicyQuery) { // resString += isSender // ? callbackSenderPolicyQuery(policyAlias) // : callbackReceiverPolicyQuery(policyAlias); // } resString += isSender ? callbackSenderPolicyQuery(policyAlias) : callbackReceiverPolicyQuery(policyAlias); return resString; } private static WSDLServiceFactory createServiceFactory(String wsdlLocation) { final Bus b = CXFBusFactory.getThreadDefaultBus(); RequestCallbackFeature.applyWsdlExtensions(b); return new WSDLServiceFactory(b, wsdlLocation); } private static boolean representsName(QName fullName, String abbrevatedName, Definition definition) { final int ndx = abbrevatedName.indexOf(':'); if (ndx < 0) { return abbrevatedName.equals(fullName.getLocalPart()); } final String prefix = abbrevatedName.substring(0, ndx); final String localName = abbrevatedName.substring(ndx + 1); final String namespace = definition.getNamespace(prefix); if (namespace == null) { return false; } return namespace.equals(fullName.getNamespaceURI()) && localName.equals(fullName.getLocalPart()); } private static String callbackWsdlLocation(final String wsdlLocation, final QName callbackService) { if (wsdlLocation == null || callbackService == null || !(wsdlLocation.startsWith("http://") || wsdlLocation.startsWith("https://"))) { return ""; } final int ndx = wsdlLocation.indexOf(SR_QUERY_PATH); if (ndx < 0) { return ""; } try { return wsdlLocation.substring(0, wsdlLocation.indexOf(SR_QUERY_PATH) + SR_QUERY_PATH_LEN) + URLEncoder.encode(callbackService.toString(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected URL creation problem: ", e); } } private static String callbackSenderPolicyQuery(String policyAlias) { switch (CallContext.EFFECTIVE_POLICY_DISTRIBUTION_MODE) { case EXCHANGE: if (policyAlias == null || policyAlias.length() == 0) { return "?mergeWithPolicies=true&participant=consumer"; } return "?mergeWithPolicies=true&participant=consumer&consumerPolicyAlias=" + policyAlias; case SERVICE: return "?mergeWithPolicies=true&participant=provider"; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid configuration of policy distribution mode. "); } } private static String callbackReceiverPolicyQuery(String policyAlias) { switch (CallContext.EFFECTIVE_POLICY_DISTRIBUTION_MODE) { case EXCHANGE: return "?mergeWithPolicies=true&participant=provider"; case SERVICE: if (policyAlias == null || policyAlias.length() == 0) { return "?mergeWithPolicies=true&participant=consumer"; } return "?mergeWithPolicies=true&participant=consumer&consumerPolicyAlias=" + policyAlias; default: throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid configuration of policy distribution mode. "); } } }