package org.talend.esb.policy.transformation.test.internal; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import; import; import org.talend.types.test.library.common._1.ListOfBooks; import org.talend.types.test.library.common._1.SearchFor; /** * The Class LibraryTester. */ public class LibraryTester implements InitializingBean { /** The Library proxy for HTTP calls will be injected either by spring or by a direct call to the setter */ Library libraryHttp; public Library getLibraryHttp() { return libraryHttp; } public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { System.out.println("Library Client initialized."); Thread.sleep(5000); // testRequestResponsePositive(); } public void setLibraryHttp(Library library) { this.libraryHttp = library; } public void testRequestResponsePositive() throws SeekBookError { // Test the positive case where author(s) are found and we retrieve // a list of books System.out.println("***************************************************************"); System.out.println("*** Request-Response operation ********************************"); System.out.println("***************************************************************"); System.out.println("\nSending request for authors named Icebear"); SearchFor request = new SearchFor(); request.getAuthorLastName().add("Icebear"); ListOfBooks response = libraryHttp.seekBook(request); System.out.println("\nResponse received:"); if (response.getBook().size() != 1) { System.out.println("An error occured: number of books found is not equal to 1"); } if (!"Icebear".equals(response.getBook().get(0).getAuthor().get(0).getLastName())) { System.out.println("An error occured: the author of the found book is not Icebear"); } } /** * Test request response business fault. * * @throws SeekBookError the seek book error */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public void testRequestResponseBusinessFault() throws SeekBookError { // Test for an unknown Customer name and expect the NoSuchCustomerException System.out.println("***************************************************************"); System.out.println("*** Request-Response operation with Business Fault ************"); System.out.println("***************************************************************"); try { SearchFor request = new SearchFor(); System.out.println("\nSending request for authors named Grizzlybear"); request.getAuthorLastName().add("Grizzlybear"); ListOfBooks response = libraryHttp.seekBook(request); System.out.println("FAIL: We should get a SeekBookError here"); } catch (SeekBookError e) { if (e.getFaultInfo() == null) { System.out.println("FaultInfo must not be null"); } if ("No book available from author Grizzlybear".equals( e.getFaultInfo().getException().get(0).getExceptionText())) { System.out.println("Unexpected error message received"); } System.out.println("\nSeekBookError exception was received as expected:\n"); } } }