/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.refactoring; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IField; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IFunction; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IIncludePathEntry; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IJavaScriptElement; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IJavaScriptModel; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IJavaScriptProject; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IJavaScriptUnit; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.ILocalVariable; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IMember; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IPackageFragment; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.IType; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.JavaScriptModelException; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.Signature; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ClassInstanceCreation; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.ExpressionStatement; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.PrimitiveType; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.dom.Statement; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.IInferenceFile; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferrenceManager; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.InferrenceProvider; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.infer.RefactoringSupport; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.SourceRange; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.dom.ASTNodes; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.refactoring.rename.MethodChecks; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.refactoring.reorg.ReorgPolicyFactory; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.refactoring.reorg.ReorgUtils; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.refactoring.util.JavaElementUtil; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.util.JavaModelUtil; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.corext.util.JdtFlags; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaTextSelection; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.ui.refactoring.actions.RefactoringActions; /** * Helper class to detect whether a certain refactoring can be enabled on a * selection. * <p> * This class has been introduced to decouple actions from the refactoring code, * in order not to eagerly load refactoring classes during action * initialization. * </p> * * */ public final class RefactoringAvailabilityTester { public static IType getDeclaringType(IJavaScriptElement element) { if (element == null) return null; if (!(element instanceof IType)) element= element.getAncestor(IJavaScriptElement.TYPE); return (IType) element; } public static IJavaScriptElement[] getJavaElements(final Object[] elements) { List result= new ArrayList(); for (int index= 0; index < elements.length; index++) { if (elements[index] instanceof IJavaScriptElement) result.add(elements[index]); } return (IJavaScriptElement[]) result.toArray(new IJavaScriptElement[result.size()]); } public static IMember[] getPullUpMembers(final IType type) throws JavaScriptModelException { final List list= new ArrayList(3); if (type.exists()) { IMember[] members= type.getFields(); for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (isPullUpAvailable(members[index])) list.add(members[index]); } members= type.getFunctions(); for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (isPullUpAvailable(members[index])) list.add(members[index]); } members= type.getTypes(); for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (isPullUpAvailable(members[index])) list.add(members[index]); } } return (IMember[]) list.toArray(new IMember[list.size()]); } public static IMember[] getPushDownMembers(final IType type) throws JavaScriptModelException { final List list= new ArrayList(3); if (type.exists()) { IMember[] members= type.getFields(); for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (isPushDownAvailable(members[index])) list.add(members[index]); } members= type.getFunctions(); for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (isPushDownAvailable(members[index])) list.add(members[index]); } } return (IMember[]) list.toArray(new IMember[list.size()]); } public static IResource[] getResources(final Object[] elements) { List result= new ArrayList(); for (int index= 0; index < elements.length; index++) { if (elements[index] instanceof IResource) result.add(elements[index]); } return (IResource[]) result.toArray(new IResource[result.size()]); } public static IType getSingleSelectedType(IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); if (first instanceof IType) return (IType) first; if (first instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) { final IJavaScriptUnit unit= (IJavaScriptUnit) first; if (unit.exists()) return JavaElementUtil.getMainType(unit); } return null; } public static IType getTopLevelType(final IMember[] members) { if (members != null && members.length == 1 && Checks.isTopLevelType(members[0])) return (IType) members[0]; return null; } public static boolean isChangeSignatureAvailable(final IFunction method) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(method); } public static boolean isChangeSignatureAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IFunction) { final IFunction method= (IFunction) selection.getFirstElement(); return isChangeSignatureAvailable(method); } } return false; } public static boolean isChangeSignatureAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length == 1 && (elements[0] instanceof IFunction)) return isChangeSignatureAvailable((IFunction) elements[0]); final IJavaScriptElement element= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); return (element instanceof IFunction) && isChangeSignatureAvailable((IFunction) element); } public static boolean isCommonDeclaringType(final IMember[] members) { if (members.length == 0) return false; final IType type= members[0].getDeclaringType(); if (type == null) return false; for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (!type.equals(members[index].getDeclaringType())) return false; } return true; } public static boolean isConvertAnonymousAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IType) { return isConvertAnonymousAvailable((IType) selection.getFirstElement()); } } return false; } public static boolean isConvertAnonymousAvailable(final IType type) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (Checks.isAvailable(type)) { return type.isAnonymous(); } return false; } public static boolean isConvertAnonymousAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IType type= RefactoringActions.getEnclosingType(selection); if (type != null) return RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isConvertAnonymousAvailable(type); return false; } public static boolean isCopyAvailable(final IResource[] resources, final IJavaScriptElement[] elements) throws JavaScriptModelException { return ReorgPolicyFactory.createCopyPolicy(resources, elements).canEnable(); } public static boolean isDelegateCreationAvailable(final IField field) throws JavaScriptModelException { return false; } public static boolean isDeleteAvailable(final IJavaScriptElement element) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!element.exists()) return false; if (element instanceof IJavaScriptModel || element instanceof IJavaScriptProject) return false; if (element.getParent() != null && element.getParent().isReadOnly()) return false; if (element instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot) { IPackageFragmentRoot root= (IPackageFragmentRoot) element; if (root.isExternal() || Checks.isClasspathDelete(root)) // TODO // rename // isClasspathDelete return false; } if (element.getResource() == null && !RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isWorkingCopyElement(element)) return false; if (element instanceof IMember && ((IMember) element).isBinary()) return false; return true; } public static boolean isDeleteAvailable(final IResource resource) { if (!resource.exists() || resource.isPhantom()) return false; if (resource.getType() == IResource.ROOT || resource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) return false; return true; } public static boolean isDeleteAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!selection.isEmpty()) return isDeleteAvailable(selection.toArray()); return false; } public static boolean isDeleteAvailable(final Object[] objects) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (objects.length != 0) { final IResource[] resources= RefactoringAvailabilityTester.getResources(objects); final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= RefactoringAvailabilityTester.getJavaElements(objects); if (objects.length != resources.length + elements.length) return false; for (int index= 0; index < resources.length; index++) { if (!isDeleteAvailable(resources[index])) return false; } for (int index= 0; index < elements.length; index++) { if (!isDeleteAvailable(elements[index])) return false; } return true; } return false; } public static boolean isExternalizeStringsAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { for (Iterator iter= selection.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object element= iter.next(); if (element instanceof IJavaScriptElement) { IJavaScriptElement javaElement= (IJavaScriptElement)element; if (javaElement.exists() && !javaElement.isReadOnly()) { int elementType= javaElement.getElementType(); if (elementType == IJavaScriptElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT) { return true; } else if (elementType == IJavaScriptElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT) { IPackageFragmentRoot root= (IPackageFragmentRoot)javaElement; if (!root.isExternal() && !ReorgUtils.isClassFolder(root)) return true; } else if (elementType == IJavaScriptElement.JAVASCRIPT_PROJECT) { return true; } else if (elementType == IJavaScriptElement.JAVASCRIPT_UNIT) { IJavaScriptUnit cu= (IJavaScriptUnit)javaElement; if (cu.exists()) return true; } else if (elementType == IJavaScriptElement.TYPE) { IType type= (IType)element; IJavaScriptUnit cu= type.getJavaScriptUnit(); if (cu != null && cu.exists()) return true; } } } } return false; } public static boolean isExtractConstantAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) { return (selection.resolveInClassInitializer() || selection.resolveInMethodBody() || selection.resolveInVariableInitializer()) && Checks.isExtractableExpression(selection.resolveSelectedNodes(), selection.resolveCoveringNode()); } public static boolean isExtractInterfaceAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); if (first instanceof IType) { return isExtractInterfaceAvailable((IType) first); } else if (first instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) { IJavaScriptUnit unit= (IJavaScriptUnit) first; if (!unit.exists() || unit.isReadOnly()) return false; return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isExtractInterfaceAvailable(final IType type) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(type) && !type.isBinary() && !type.isReadOnly() && !type.isAnonymous(); } public static boolean isExtractInterfaceAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { return isExtractInterfaceAvailable(RefactoringActions.getEnclosingOrPrimaryType(selection)); } public static boolean isExtractMethodAvailable(final ASTNode[] nodes) { if (nodes != null && nodes.length != 0) { if (nodes.length == 1) return nodes[0] instanceof Statement || Checks.isExtractableExpression(nodes[0]); else { for (int index= 0; index < nodes.length; index++) { if (!(nodes[index] instanceof Statement)) return false; } return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isExtractMethodAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) { return (selection.resolveInMethodBody() || selection.resolveInClassInitializer()) && RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isExtractMethodAvailable(selection.resolveSelectedNodes()); } public static boolean isExtractSupertypeAvailable(IMember member) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!member.exists()) return false; final int type= member.getElementType(); if (type != IJavaScriptElement.METHOD && type != IJavaScriptElement.FIELD && type != IJavaScriptElement.TYPE) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(member)) return false; if (member instanceof IType) { if (!JdtFlags.isStatic(member)) return false; } if (member instanceof IFunction) { final IFunction method= (IFunction) member; if (method.isConstructor()) return false; } return true; } public static boolean isExtractSupertypeAvailable(final IMember[] members) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (members != null && members.length != 0) { final IType type= getTopLevelType(members); if (type != null) return true; for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (!isExtractSupertypeAvailable(members[index])) return false; } return isCommonDeclaringType(members); } return false; } public static boolean isExtractSupertypeAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!selection.isEmpty()) { if (selection.size() == 1) { if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) return true; // Do not force opening final IType type= getSingleSelectedType(selection); if (type != null) return Checks.isAvailable(type) && isExtractSupertypeAvailable(new IType[] { type}); } for (final Iterator iterator= selection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { if (!(iterator.next() instanceof IMember)) return false; } final Set members= new HashSet(); members.addAll(Arrays.asList(selection.toArray())); return isExtractSupertypeAvailable((IMember[]) members.toArray(new IMember[members.size()])); } return false; } public static boolean isExtractSupertypeAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { IJavaScriptElement element= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); if (!(element instanceof IMember)) return false; return isExtractSupertypeAvailable(new IMember[] { (IMember) element}); } public static boolean isExtractTempAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) { final ASTNode[] nodes= selection.resolveSelectedNodes(); return (selection.resolveInMethodBody() || selection.resolveInClassInitializer()) && (Checks.isExtractableExpression(nodes, selection.resolveCoveringNode()) || (nodes != null && nodes.length == 1 && nodes[0] instanceof ExpressionStatement)); } public static boolean isGeneralizeTypeAvailable(final IJavaScriptElement element) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (element != null && element.exists()) { String type= null; if (element instanceof IFunction) type= ((IFunction) element).getReturnType(); else if (element instanceof IField) { final IField field= (IField) element; type= field.getTypeSignature(); } else if (element instanceof ILocalVariable) return true; else if (element instanceof IType) { return true; } if (type == null || PrimitiveType.toCode(Signature.toString(type)) != null) return false; return true; } return false; } public static boolean isGeneralizeTypeAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { final Object element= selection.getFirstElement(); if (element instanceof IFunction) { final IFunction method= (IFunction) element; if (!method.exists()) return false; final String type= method.getReturnType(); if (PrimitiveType.toCode(Signature.toString(type)) == null) return Checks.isAvailable(method); } else if (element instanceof IField) { final IField field= (IField) element; if (!field.exists()) return false; return Checks.isAvailable(field); } } return false; } public static boolean isGeneralizeTypeAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length != 1) return false; return isGeneralizeTypeAvailable(elements[0]); } public static boolean isInferTypeArgumentsAvailable(final IJavaScriptElement element) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!Checks.isAvailable(element)) { return false; } else if (element instanceof IJavaScriptProject) { IJavaScriptProject project= (IJavaScriptProject) element; IIncludePathEntry[] classpathEntries= project.getRawIncludepath(); for (int i= 0; i < classpathEntries.length; i++) { if (classpathEntries[i].getEntryKind() == IIncludePathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) return true; } return false; } else if (element instanceof IPackageFragmentRoot) { return ((IPackageFragmentRoot) element).getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE; } else if (element instanceof IPackageFragment) { return ((IPackageFragment) element).getKind() == IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE; } else if (element instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) { return true; } else if (element.getAncestor(IJavaScriptElement.JAVASCRIPT_UNIT) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isInferTypeArgumentsAvailable(final IJavaScriptElement[] elements) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (elements.length == 0) return false; for (int i= 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (!(isInferTypeArgumentsAvailable(elements[i]))) return false; } return true; } public static boolean isInferTypeArgumentsAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.isEmpty()) return false; for (Iterator iter= selection.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object element= iter.next(); if (!(element instanceof IJavaScriptElement)) return false; if (element instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) { IJavaScriptUnit unit= (IJavaScriptUnit) element; if (!unit.exists() || unit.isReadOnly()) return false; return true; } if (!isInferTypeArgumentsAvailable((IJavaScriptElement) element)) return false; } return true; } public static boolean isInlineConstantAvailable(final IField field) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(field) && JdtFlags.isStatic(field) && JdtFlags.isFinal(field); } public static boolean isInlineConstantAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.isEmpty() || selection.size() != 1) return false; final Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); return (first instanceof IField) && isInlineConstantAvailable(((IField) first)); } public static boolean isInlineConstantAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length != 1) return false; return (elements[0] instanceof IField) && isInlineConstantAvailable(((IField) elements[0])); } public static boolean isInlineMethodAvailable(IFunction method) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (method == null) return false; if (!method.exists()) return false; if (!method.isStructureKnown()) return false; if (!method.isBinary()) return true; if (method.isConstructor()) return false; return SourceRange.isAvailable(method.getNameRange()); } public static boolean isInlineMethodAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.isEmpty() || selection.size() != 1) return false; final Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); return (first instanceof IFunction) && isInlineMethodAvailable(((IFunction) first)); } public static boolean isInlineMethodAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length != 1) return false; IJavaScriptElement element= elements[0]; if (!(element instanceof IFunction)) return false; IFunction method= (IFunction) element; if (!isInlineMethodAvailable((method))) return false; // in binary class, only activate for method declarations IJavaScriptElement enclosingElement= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); if (enclosingElement == null || enclosingElement.getAncestor(IJavaScriptElement.CLASS_FILE) == null) return true; if (!(enclosingElement instanceof IFunction)) return false; IFunction enclosingMethod= (IFunction) enclosingElement; if (enclosingMethod.isConstructor()) return false; int nameOffset= enclosingMethod.getNameRange().getOffset(); int nameLength= enclosingMethod.getNameRange().getLength(); return (nameOffset <= selection.getOffset()) && (selection.getOffset() + selection.getLength() <= nameOffset + nameLength); } public static boolean isInlineTempAvailable(final ILocalVariable variable) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(variable); } public static boolean isInlineTempAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length != 1) return false; return (elements[0] instanceof ILocalVariable) && isInlineTempAvailable((ILocalVariable) elements[0]); } public static boolean isIntroduceFactoryAvailable(final IFunction method) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(method) && method.isConstructor(); } public static boolean isIntroduceFactoryAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1 && selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IFunction) return isIntroduceFactoryAvailable((IFunction) selection.getFirstElement()); return false; } public static boolean isIntroduceFactoryAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length == 1 && elements[0] instanceof IFunction) return isIntroduceFactoryAvailable((IFunction) elements[0]); // there's no IFunction for the default constructor if (!Checks.isAvailable(selection.resolveEnclosingElement())) return false; ASTNode node= selection.resolveCoveringNode(); if (node == null) { ASTNode[] selectedNodes= selection.resolveSelectedNodes(); if (selectedNodes != null && selectedNodes.length == 1) { node= selectedNodes[0]; if (node == null) return false; } else { return false; } } if (node.getNodeType() == ASTNode.CLASS_INSTANCE_CREATION) return true; node= ASTNodes.getNormalizedNode(node); if (node.getLocationInParent() == ClassInstanceCreation.TYPE_PROPERTY) return true; return false; } public static boolean isIntroduceIndirectionAvailable(IFunction method) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (method == null) return false; if (!method.exists()) return false; if (!method.isStructureKnown()) return false; if (method.isConstructor()) return false; return true; } public static boolean isIntroduceIndirectionAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.isEmpty() || selection.size() != 1) return false; final Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); return (first instanceof IFunction) && isIntroduceIndirectionAvailable(((IFunction) first)); } public static boolean isIntroduceIndirectionAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length == 1) return (elements[0] instanceof IFunction) && isIntroduceIndirectionAvailable(((IFunction) elements[0])); ASTNode[] selectedNodes= selection.resolveSelectedNodes(); if (selectedNodes == null || selectedNodes.length != 1) return false; switch (selectedNodes[0].getNodeType()) { case ASTNode.FUNCTION_DECLARATION: case ASTNode.FUNCTION_INVOCATION: case ASTNode.SUPER_METHOD_INVOCATION: return true; default: return false; } } public static boolean isIntroduceParameterAvailable(final ASTNode[] selectedNodes, ASTNode coveringNode) { return Checks.isExtractableExpression(selectedNodes, coveringNode); } public static boolean isIntroduceParameterAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) { return selection.resolveInMethodBody() && isIntroduceParameterAvailable(selection.resolveSelectedNodes(), selection.resolveCoveringNode()); } public static boolean isMoveAvailable(final IResource[] resources, final IJavaScriptElement[] elements) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (elements != null) { for (int index= 0; index < elements.length; index++) { IJavaScriptElement element= elements[index]; if (element == null || !element.exists()) return false; if ((element instanceof IType) && ((IType) element).isLocal()) return false; } } return ReorgPolicyFactory.createMovePolicy(resources, elements).canEnable(); } public static boolean isMoveAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement element= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); if (element == null) return false; return isMoveAvailable(new IResource[0], new IJavaScriptElement[] { element}); } public static boolean isMoveInnerAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); if (first instanceof IType) { return isMoveInnerAvailable((IType) first); } } return false; } public static boolean isMoveInnerAvailable(final IType type) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(type) && !Checks.isAnonymous(type) && !Checks.isTopLevel(type) && !Checks.isInsideLocalType(type); } public static boolean isMoveInnerAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { IType type= RefactoringAvailabilityTester.getDeclaringType(selection.resolveEnclosingElement()); if (type == null) return false; return isMoveInnerAvailable(type); } public static boolean isMoveMethodAvailable(final IFunction method) throws JavaScriptModelException { return method.exists() && !method.isConstructor() && !method.isBinary() && !method.isReadOnly() && !JdtFlags.isStatic(method); } public static boolean isMoveMethodAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { final Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); return first instanceof IFunction && isMoveMethodAvailable((IFunction) first); } return false; } public static boolean isMoveMethodAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement method= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); if (!(method instanceof IFunction)) return false; return isMoveMethodAvailable((IFunction) method); } public static boolean isMoveStaticAvailable(final IMember member) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!member.exists()) return false; final int type= member.getElementType(); if (type != IJavaScriptElement.METHOD && type != IJavaScriptElement.FIELD && type != IJavaScriptElement.TYPE) return false; final IType declaring= member.getDeclaringType(); if (declaring == null) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(member)) return false; if (type == IJavaScriptElement.METHOD && !JdtFlags.isStatic(member)) return false; if (type == IJavaScriptElement.METHOD && ((IFunction) member).isConstructor()) return false; if (type == IJavaScriptElement.TYPE && !JdtFlags.isStatic(member)) return false; if (!JdtFlags.isStatic(member)) return false; return true; } public static boolean isMoveStaticAvailable(final IMember[] members) throws JavaScriptModelException { for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (!isMoveStaticAvailable(members[index])) return false; } return true; } public static boolean isMoveStaticAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement element= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); if (!(element instanceof IMember)) return false; return RefactoringAvailabilityTester.isMoveStaticMembersAvailable(new IMember[] { (IMember) element}); } public static boolean isMoveStaticMembersAvailable(final IMember[] members) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (members == null) return false; if (members.length == 0) return false; if (!isMoveStaticAvailable(members)) return false; if (!isCommonDeclaringType(members)) return false; return true; } public static boolean isPromoteTempAvailable(final ILocalVariable variable) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(variable); } public static boolean isPromoteTempAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length != 1) return false; return (elements[0] instanceof ILocalVariable) && isPromoteTempAvailable((ILocalVariable) elements[0]); } public static boolean isPullUpAvailable(IMember member) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!member.exists()) return false; final int type= member.getElementType(); if (type != IJavaScriptElement.METHOD && type != IJavaScriptElement.FIELD && type != IJavaScriptElement.TYPE) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(member)) return false; if (member instanceof IType) { if (!JdtFlags.isStatic(member)) return false; } if (member instanceof IFunction) { final IFunction method= (IFunction) member; if (method.isConstructor()) return false; } return true; } public static boolean isPullUpAvailable(final IMember[] members) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (members != null && members.length != 0) { final IType type= getTopLevelType(members); if (type != null && getPullUpMembers(type).length != 0) return true; for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (!isPullUpAvailable(members[index])) return false; } return isCommonDeclaringType(members); } return false; } public static boolean isPullUpAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!selection.isEmpty()) { if (selection.size() == 1) { if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) return true; // Do not force opening final IType type= getSingleSelectedType(selection); if (type != null) return Checks.isAvailable(type) && isPullUpAvailable(new IType[] { type}); } for (final Iterator iterator= selection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { if (!(iterator.next() instanceof IMember)) return false; } final Set members= new HashSet(); members.addAll(Arrays.asList(selection.toArray())); return isPullUpAvailable((IMember[]) members.toArray(new IMember[members.size()])); } return false; } public static boolean isPullUpAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { IJavaScriptElement element= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); if (!(element instanceof IMember)) return false; return isPullUpAvailable(new IMember[] { (IMember) element}); } public static boolean isPushDownAvailable(final IMember member) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!member.exists()) return false; final int type= member.getElementType(); if (type != IJavaScriptElement.METHOD && type != IJavaScriptElement.FIELD) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(member)) return false; if (JdtFlags.isStatic(member)) return false; if (type == IJavaScriptElement.METHOD) { final IFunction method= (IFunction) member; if (method.isConstructor()) return false; } return true; } public static boolean isPushDownAvailable(final IMember[] members) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (members != null && members.length != 0) { final IType type= getTopLevelType(members); if (type != null && RefactoringAvailabilityTester.getPushDownMembers(type).length != 0) return true; for (int index= 0; index < members.length; index++) { if (!isPushDownAvailable(members[index])) return false; } return isCommonDeclaringType(members); } return false; } public static boolean isPushDownAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (!selection.isEmpty()) { if (selection.size() == 1) { if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) return true; // Do not force opening final IType type= getSingleSelectedType(selection); if (type != null) return isPushDownAvailable(new IType[] { type}); } for (final Iterator iterator= selection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { if (!(iterator.next() instanceof IMember)) return false; } final Set members= new HashSet(); members.addAll(Arrays.asList(selection.toArray())); return isPushDownAvailable((IMember[]) members.toArray(new IMember[members.size()])); } return false; } public static boolean isPushDownAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { IJavaScriptElement element= selection.resolveEnclosingElement(); if (!(element instanceof IMember)) return false; return isPullUpAvailable(new IMember[] { (IMember) element}); } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final IJavaScriptUnit unit) { if (unit == null) return false; if (!unit.exists()) return false; if (!JavaModelUtil.isPrimary(unit)) return false; if (unit.isReadOnly()) return false; return true; } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final IJavaScriptProject project) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (project == null) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(project)) return false; if (!project.isConsistent()) return false; return true; } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final ILocalVariable variable) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(variable); } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final IFunction method) throws CoreException { if (method == null) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(method)) return false; if (method.isConstructor()) return false; if (isRenameProhibited(method)) return false; return true; } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final IPackageFragment fragment) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (fragment == null) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(fragment)) return false; if (fragment.isDefaultPackage()) return false; return true; } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final IPackageFragmentRoot root) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (root == null) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(root)) return false; if (root.isArchive()) return false; if (root.isExternal()) return false; if (!root.isConsistent()) return false; if (root.getResource() instanceof IProject) return false; return true; } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final IResource resource) { if (resource == null) return false; if (!resource.exists()) return false; if (!resource.isAccessible()) return false; return true; } public static boolean isRenameAvailable(final IType type) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (type == null) return false; if (type.isAnonymous()) return false; if (!Checks.isAvailable(type)) return false; if (isRenameProhibited(type)) return false; InferrenceProvider[] inferenceProviders = InferrenceManager.getInstance().getInferenceProviders( (IInferenceFile)type.getJavaScriptUnit()); if (inferenceProviders.length>0 && inferenceProviders[0].getRefactoringSupport()!=null) { RefactoringSupport refactoringSupport = inferenceProviders[0].getRefactoringSupport(); if (refactoringSupport!=null) return refactoringSupport.supportsClassRename(); } return false; } public static boolean isRenameFieldAvailable(final IField field) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(field); } public static boolean isRenameNonVirtualMethodAvailable(final IFunction method) throws JavaScriptModelException, CoreException { return isRenameAvailable(method) && !MethodChecks.isVirtual(method); } public static boolean isRenameProhibited(final IFunction method) throws CoreException { if (method.getElementName().equals("toString") //$NON-NLS-1$ && (method.getNumberOfParameters() == 0) && (method.getReturnType().equals("Ljava.lang.String;") //$NON-NLS-1$ || method.getReturnType().equals("QString;") //$NON-NLS-1$ || method.getReturnType().equals("Qjava.lang.String;"))) //$NON-NLS-1$ return true; else return false; } public static boolean isRenameProhibited(final IType type) { return type.getPackageFragment().getElementName().equals("java.lang"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static boolean isRenameVirtualMethodAvailable(final IFunction method) throws CoreException { return isRenameAvailable(method) && MethodChecks.isVirtual(method); } public static boolean isReplaceInvocationsAvailable(IFunction method) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (method == null) return false; if (!method.exists()) return false; if (method.isConstructor()) return false; return true; } public static boolean isReplaceInvocationsAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.isEmpty() || selection.size() != 1) return false; final Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); return (first instanceof IFunction) && isReplaceInvocationsAvailable(((IFunction) first)); } public static boolean isReplaceInvocationsAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length != 1) return false; IJavaScriptElement element= elements[0]; return (element instanceof IFunction) && isReplaceInvocationsAvailable(((IFunction) element)); } public static boolean isSelfEncapsulateAvailable(IField field) throws JavaScriptModelException { return Checks.isAvailable(field); } public static boolean isSelfEncapsulateAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { if (selection.getFirstElement() instanceof IField) { final IField field= (IField) selection.getFirstElement(); return Checks.isAvailable(field); } } return false; } public static boolean isSelfEncapsulateAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { final IJavaScriptElement[] elements= selection.resolveElementAtOffset(); if (elements.length != 1) return false; return (elements[0] instanceof IField) && isSelfEncapsulateAvailable((IField) elements[0]); } public static boolean isUseSuperTypeAvailable(final IStructuredSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { if (selection.size() == 1) { final Object first= selection.getFirstElement(); if (first instanceof IType) { return isUseSuperTypeAvailable((IType) first); } else if (first instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) { IJavaScriptUnit unit= (IJavaScriptUnit) first; if (!unit.exists() || unit.isReadOnly()) return false; return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isUseSuperTypeAvailable(final IType type) throws JavaScriptModelException { return type != null && type.exists(); } public static boolean isUseSuperTypeAvailable(final JavaTextSelection selection) throws JavaScriptModelException { return isUseSuperTypeAvailable(RefactoringActions.getEnclosingOrPrimaryType(selection)); } public static boolean isWorkingCopyElement(final IJavaScriptElement element) { if (element instanceof IJavaScriptUnit) return ((IJavaScriptUnit) element).isWorkingCopy(); if (ReorgUtils.isInsideCompilationUnit(element)) return ReorgUtils.getCompilationUnit(element).isWorkingCopy(); return false; } private RefactoringAvailabilityTester() { // Not for instantiation } }