package; public class HTMLCodeMirrorEditor implements { protected static String nl; public static synchronized HTMLCodeMirrorEditor create(String lineSeparator) { nl = lineSeparator; HTMLCodeMirrorEditor result = new HTMLCodeMirrorEditor(); nl = null; return result; } public final String NL = nl == null ? (System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator")) : nl; protected final String TEXT_1 = "<!DOCTYPE html>" + NL + "<html>" + NL + "<head>" + NL + "\t<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\" />" + NL + "\t<title>Tern - CodeMirror Editor</title>" + NL + "\t<!-- Tern JS -->" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_2 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_3 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_4 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_5 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_6 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_7 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_8 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_9 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t"; protected final String TEXT_10 = NL + "\t"; protected final String TEXT_11 = "<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_12 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t"; protected final String TEXT_13 = NL + "\t<!-- CodeMirror -->" + NL + "\t<link rel=stylesheet href=\""; protected final String TEXT_14 = "\">" + NL + "\t<link rel=stylesheet href=\""; protected final String TEXT_15 = "\">" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_16 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_17 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<link rel=stylesheet href=\""; protected final String TEXT_18 = "\">" + NL + "\t<script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_19 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t<!-- CodeMirror & Tern -->" + NL + "\t <script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_20 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t <link rel=stylesheet href=\""; protected final String TEXT_21 = "\">" + NL + "\t "; protected final String TEXT_22 = NL + "\t <script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_23 = "\"></script>" + NL + " \t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""; protected final String TEXT_24 = "\">" + NL + "\t \t <script src=\""; protected final String TEXT_25 = "\"></script>" + NL + "\t "; protected final String TEXT_26 = NL + "</head>" + NL + "<body>" + NL + "\t<p>" + NL + "\t\t<textarea id=\"code\" name=\"code\">"; protected final String TEXT_27 = "</textarea>" + NL + "\t</p>" + NL + "\t<dl>" + NL + "\t <dt>Ctrl-Space</dt><dd>Autocomplete</dd>" + NL + "\t <dt>Ctrl-I</dt><dd>Find type at cursor</dd>" + NL + "\t <dt>Alt-.</dt><dd>Jump to definition (Alt-, to jump back)</dd>" + NL + "\t <dt>Ctrl-Q</dt><dd>Rename variable</dd>" + NL + "\t</dl>\t" + NL + "\t"; protected final String TEXT_28 = "\t" + NL + "\t<script>" + NL + "\t\tvar editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById(\"code\"), {" + NL + " \t\tlineNumbers: true," + NL + " \t\tmode: \"javascript\"" + NL + " \t\t});" + NL + " \t\tvar defs = "; protected final String TEXT_29 = ";" + NL + " \t\tvar plugins = "; protected final String TEXT_30 = ";" + NL + "\t\tvar server = new CodeMirror.TernServer({defs: defs, plugins: plugins});" + NL + "\t editor.setOption(\"extraKeys\", {" + NL + "\t \"Ctrl-Space\": function(cm) { server.complete(cm); }," + NL + "\t \"Ctrl-I\": function(cm) { server.showType(cm); }," + NL + "\t \"Alt-.\": function(cm) { server.jumpToDef(cm); }," + NL + "\t \"Alt-,\": function(cm) { server.jumpBack(cm); }," + NL + "\t \"Ctrl-Q\": function(cm) { server.rename(cm); }," + NL + "\t });" + NL + "\t "; protected final String TEXT_31 = NL + "\t editor.setOption(\"gutters\",[\"CodeMirror-lint-markers\"]);" + NL + " \teditor.setOption(\"lint\", {getAnnotations: CodeMirror.ternLint, async : true, server: server})" + NL + " \t"; protected final String TEXT_32 = NL + "\t editor.on(\"cursorActivity\", function(cm) { server.updateArgHints(cm); }); \t\t" + NL + "\t</script>" + NL + "</body>" + NL + "</html>"; protected final String TEXT_33 = NL; /* (non-javadoc) * @see IGenerator#generate(Object) */ public String generate(Object argument) { final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); CodeMirrorOptions options = (CodeMirrorOptions)argument; stringBuffer.append(TEXT_1); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("node_modules/acorn/acorn.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_2); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("node_modules/acorn/acorn_loose.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_3); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("node_modules/acorn/util/walk.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_4); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("lib/signal.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_5); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("lib/tern.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_6); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("lib/def.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_7); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("lib/comment.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_8); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTern("lib/infer.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_9); stringBuffer.append(options.getTernDefsScriptsToInclude() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_10); boolean hasTernLint = false; tern.server.ITernPlugin[] ternPlugins = options.getTernPlugins(); if (ternPlugins != null) { tern.server.ITernPlugin plugin = null; for (int i = 0; i < ternPlugins.length; i++) { plugin = ternPlugins[i]; if (plugin.isLinter()) { hasTernLint = true; } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_11); stringBuffer.append(options.resolveTernModule(plugin) ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_12); } } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_13); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/lib/codemirror.css") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_14); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/doc/docs.css") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_15); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/lib/codemirror.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_16); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_17); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint.css") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_18); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_19); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/addon/tern/tern.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_20); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/addon/tern/tern.css") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_21); if (hasTernLint) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_22); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/addon/lint/lint.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_23); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("codemirror/addon/lint/lint.css") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_24); stringBuffer.append(options.resolve("tern-lint/codemirror/addon/lint/tern-lint.js") ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_25); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_26); stringBuffer.append( options.getEditorContent() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_27); stringBuffer.append(options.getEmbedJSONDefs() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_28); stringBuffer.append(options.toJSONDefs() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_29); stringBuffer.append(options.toJSONPlugins() ); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_30); if (hasTernLint) { stringBuffer.append(TEXT_31); } stringBuffer.append(TEXT_32); stringBuffer.append(TEXT_33); return stringBuffer.toString(); } }