package; import static org.jboss.seam.ScopeType.APPLICATION; import static org.jboss.seam.annotations.Install.BUILT_IN; import; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Create; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Install; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Observer; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.intercept.BypassInterceptors; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts; import org.jboss.seam.core.Events; import org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions; import org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions.ValueExpression; import org.jboss.seam.log.LogProvider; import org.jboss.seam.log.Logging; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.seam.util.AnnotatedBeanProperty; import org.jboss.seam.util.TypedBeanProperty; /** * The default identity store implementation, uses JPA as its persistence mechanism. * * @author Shane Bryzak */ @Name("") @Install(precedence = BUILT_IN, value=false) @Scope(APPLICATION) @BypassInterceptors public class JpaIdentityStore implements IdentityStore, Serializable { protected static final long serialVersionUID = -3627993296654916436L; public static final String AUTHENTICATED_USER = ""; public static final String EVENT_USER_CREATED = ""; public static final String EVENT_PRE_PERSIST_USER = ""; public static final String EVENT_USER_AUTHENTICATED = ""; public static final String EVENT_PRE_PERSIST_USER_ROLE = ""; protected static final LogProvider log = Logging.getLogProvider(JpaIdentityStore.class); protected FeatureSet featureSet; protected ValueExpression<EntityManager> entityManager; protected Class userClass; protected Class roleClass; protected Class xrefClass; protected TypedBeanProperty xrefUserProperty; protected TypedBeanProperty xrefRoleProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<UserPrincipal> userPrincipalProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<UserPassword> userPasswordProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<PasswordSalt> passwordSaltProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<UserRoles> userRolesProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<UserEnabled> userEnabledProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<UserFirstName> userFirstNameProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<UserLastName> userLastNameProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<RoleName> roleNameProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<RoleGroups> roleGroupsProperty; protected AnnotatedBeanProperty<RoleConditional> roleConditionalProperty; public Set<Feature> getFeatures() { return featureSet.getFeatures(); } public void setFeatures(Set<Feature> features) { featureSet = new FeatureSet(features); } public boolean supportsFeature(Feature feature) { return featureSet.supports(feature); } @Create public void init() { if (featureSet == null) { featureSet = new FeatureSet(); featureSet.enableAll(); } if (entityManager == null) { entityManager = Expressions.instance().createValueExpression("#{entityManager}", EntityManager.class); } if (userClass == null) { log.error("Error in JpaIdentityStore configuration - userClass must be configured."); return; } initProperties(); } protected void initProperties() { userPrincipalProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(userClass, UserPrincipal.class); userPasswordProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(userClass, UserPassword.class); passwordSaltProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(userClass, PasswordSalt.class); userRolesProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(userClass, UserRoles.class); userEnabledProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(userClass, UserEnabled.class); userFirstNameProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(userClass, UserFirstName.class); userLastNameProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(userClass, UserLastName.class); if (!userPrincipalProperty.isSet()) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Invalid userClass " + userClass.getName() + " - required annotation @UserPrincipal not found on any Field or Method."); } if (!userRolesProperty.isSet()) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Invalid userClass " + userClass.getName() + " - required annotation @UserRoles not found on any Field or Method."); } if (roleClass != null) { roleNameProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(roleClass, RoleName.class); roleGroupsProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(roleClass, RoleGroups.class); roleConditionalProperty = new AnnotatedBeanProperty(roleClass, RoleConditional.class); if (!roleNameProperty.isSet()) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Invalid roleClass " + roleClass.getName() + " - required annotation @RoleName not found on any Field or Method."); } Type type = userRolesProperty.getPropertyType(); if (type instanceof ParameterizedType && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType())) { Type genType = Object.class; for (Type t : ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()) { genType = t; break; } // If the @UserRoles property isn't a collection of <roleClass>, then assume the relationship // is going through a cross-reference table if (!genType.equals(roleClass)) { xrefClass = (Class) genType; xrefUserProperty = new TypedBeanProperty(xrefClass, userClass); xrefRoleProperty = new TypedBeanProperty(xrefClass, roleClass); if (!xrefUserProperty.isSet()) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Error configuring JpaIdentityStore - it looks like " + "you're using a cross-reference table, however the user property cannot be determined."); } if (!xrefRoleProperty.isSet()) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Error configuring JpaIdentityStore - it looks like " + "you're using a cross-reference table, however the role property cannot be determined."); } } } } } public boolean createUser(String username, String password, String firstname, String lastname) { try { if (userClass == null) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Could not create account, userClass not set"); } if (userExists(username)) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Could not create account, already exists"); } Object user = userClass.newInstance(); userPrincipalProperty.setValue(user, username); if (userFirstNameProperty.isSet()) userFirstNameProperty.setValue(user, firstname); if (userLastNameProperty.isSet()) userLastNameProperty.setValue(user, lastname); if (password == null) { if (userEnabledProperty.isSet()) userEnabledProperty.setValue(user, false); } else { setUserPassword(user, password); if (userEnabledProperty.isSet()) userEnabledProperty.setValue(user, true); } if (Events.exists()) Events.instance().raiseEvent(EVENT_PRE_PERSIST_USER, user); persistEntity(user); if (Events.exists()) Events.instance().raiseEvent(EVENT_USER_CREATED, user); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof IdentityManagementException) { throw (IdentityManagementException) ex; } else { throw new IdentityManagementException("Could not create account", ex); } } } protected void setUserPassword(Object user, String password) { if (passwordSaltProperty.isSet()) { byte[] salt = generateUserSalt(user); passwordSaltProperty.setValue(user, BinTools.bin2hex(salt)); userPasswordProperty.setValue(user, generatePasswordHash(password, salt)); } else { userPasswordProperty.setValue(user, generatePasswordHash(password, getUserAccountSalt(user))); } } /** * @deprecated Use JpaIdentityStore.generateRandomSalt(Object) instead */ @Deprecated protected String getUserAccountSalt(Object user) { // By default, we'll use the user's username as the password salt return userPrincipalProperty.getValue(user).toString(); } /** * Generates a 64 bit random salt value */ public byte[] generateUserSalt(Object user) { return PasswordHash.instance().generateRandomSalt(); } public boolean createUser(String username, String password) { return createUser(username, password, null, null); } public boolean deleteUser(String name) { Object user = lookupUser(name); if (user == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not delete, user '" + name + "' does not exist"); } removeEntity(user); return true; } public boolean grantRole(String username, String role) { if (roleClass == null) return false; Object user = lookupUser(username); if (user == null) { if (userPasswordProperty.isSet()) { // If no userPasswordProperty is set, it means that authentication is being performed // by another identity store and this one is just managing roles throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not grant role, no such user '" + username + "'"); } else { // We need to create a new user object if (createUser(username, null)) { user = lookupUser(username); } else { throw new IdentityManagementException( "Could not grant role - user does not exist and an attempt to create the user failed."); } } } Object roleToGrant = lookupRole(role); if (roleToGrant == null) { throw new NoSuchRoleException("Could not grant role, role '" + role + "' does not exist"); } Collection userRoles = (Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user); if (userRoles == null) { Type propType = userRolesProperty.getPropertyType(); Class collectionType; if (propType instanceof Class && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) propType)) { collectionType = (Class) propType; } else if (propType instanceof ParameterizedType && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) ((ParameterizedType) propType).getRawType())) { collectionType = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) propType).getRawType(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine collection type for user roles."); } // This should either be a Set, or a List... if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(collectionType)) { userRoles = new HashSet(); } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(collectionType)) { userRoles = new ArrayList(); } userRolesProperty.setValue(user, userRoles); } else if (((Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user)).contains(roleToGrant)) { return false; } if (xrefClass == null) { // If this is a Many-To-Many relationship, simply add the role ((Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user)).add(roleToGrant); } else { // Otherwise we need to insert a cross-reference entity instance try { Object xref = xrefClass.newInstance(); xrefUserProperty.setValue(xref, user); xrefRoleProperty.setValue(xref, roleToGrant); Events.instance().raiseEvent(EVENT_PRE_PERSIST_USER_ROLE, xref); ((Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user)).add(mergeEntity(xref)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Error creating cross-reference role record.", ex); } } return true; } public boolean revokeRole(String username, String role) { Object user = lookupUser(username); if (user == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not revoke role, no such user '" + username + "'"); } Object roleToRevoke = lookupRole(role); if (roleToRevoke == null) { throw new NoSuchRoleException("Could not revoke role, role '" + role + "' does not exist"); } boolean success = false; if (xrefClass == null) { success = ((Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user)).remove(roleToRevoke); } else { Collection roles = ((Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user)); for (Object xref : roles) { if (xrefRoleProperty.getValue(xref).equals(roleToRevoke)) { success = roles.remove(xref); break; } } } return success; } public boolean addRoleToGroup(String role, String group) { if (!roleGroupsProperty.isSet()) return false; Object targetRole = lookupRole(role); if (targetRole == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not add role to group, no such role '" + role + "'"); } Object targetGroup = lookupRole(group); if (targetGroup == null) { throw new NoSuchRoleException("Could not grant role, group '" + group + "' does not exist"); } Collection roleGroups = (Collection) roleGroupsProperty.getValue(targetRole); if (roleGroups == null) { // This should either be a Set, or a List... Class rawType = null; if (roleGroupsProperty.getPropertyType() instanceof ParameterizedType) { rawType = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) roleGroupsProperty.getPropertyType()).getRawType(); } else { return false; } if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { roleGroups = new HashSet(); } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) { roleGroups = new ArrayList(); } roleGroupsProperty.setValue(targetRole, roleGroups); } else if (((Collection) roleGroupsProperty.getValue(targetRole)).contains(targetGroup)) { return false; } ((Collection) roleGroupsProperty.getValue(targetRole)).add(targetGroup); return true; } public boolean removeRoleFromGroup(String role, String group) { if (!roleGroupsProperty.isSet()) return false; Object roleToRemove = lookupRole(role); if (role == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not remove role from group, no such role '" + role + "'"); } Object targetGroup = lookupRole(group); if (targetGroup == null) { throw new NoSuchRoleException("Could not remove role from group, no such group '" + group + "'"); } boolean success = ((Collection) roleGroupsProperty.getValue(roleToRemove)).remove(targetGroup); return success; } public boolean createRole(String role) { try { if (roleClass == null) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Could not create role, roleClass not set"); } if (roleExists(role)) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Could not create role, already exists"); } Object instance = roleClass.newInstance(); roleNameProperty.setValue(instance, role); persistEntity(instance); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex instanceof IdentityManagementException) { throw (IdentityManagementException) ex; } else { throw new IdentityManagementException("Could not create role", ex); } } } public boolean deleteRole(String role) { Object roleToDelete = lookupRole(role); if (roleToDelete == null) { throw new NoSuchRoleException("Could not delete role, role '" + role + "' does not exist"); } if (xrefClass != null) { lookupEntityManager().createQuery("delete " + xrefClass.getName() + " where role = :role") .setParameter("role", roleToDelete) .executeUpdate(); } else { List<String> users = listUserMembers(role); for (String user : users) { revokeRole(user, role); } } List<String> roles = listRoleMembers(role); for (String r : roles) { removeRoleFromGroup(r, role); } removeEntity(roleToDelete); return true; } public boolean enableUser(String name) { if (!userEnabledProperty.isSet()) { log.debug("Can not enable user, no @UserEnabled property configured in userClass " + userClass.getName()); return false; } Object user = lookupUser(name); if (user == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not enable user, user '" + name + "' does not exist"); } // Can't enable an already-enabled user, return false if (((Boolean) userEnabledProperty.getValue(user)) == true) { return false; } userEnabledProperty.setValue(user, true); return true; } public boolean disableUser(String name) { if (!userEnabledProperty.isSet()) { log.debug("Can not disable user, no @UserEnabled property configured in userClass " + userClass.getName()); return false; } Object user = lookupUser(name); if (user == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not disable user, user '" + name + "' does not exist"); } // Can't disable an already-disabled user, return false if (((Boolean) userEnabledProperty.getValue(user)) == false) { return false; } userEnabledProperty.setValue(user, false); return true; } public boolean changePassword(String username, String password) { Object user = lookupUser(username); if (user == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("Could not change password, user '" + username + "' does not exist"); } setUserPassword(user, password); return true; } public boolean userExists(String name) { return lookupUser(name) != null; } public boolean roleExists(String name) { return lookupRole(name) != null; } public boolean isUserEnabled(String name) { Object user = lookupUser(name); return user != null && (!userEnabledProperty.isSet() || (((Boolean) userEnabledProperty.getValue(user))) == true); } public List<String> getGrantedRoles(String name) { Object user = lookupUser(name); if (user == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("No such user '" + name + "'"); } List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection userRoles = (Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user); if (userRoles != null) { for (Object role : userRoles) { if (xrefClass == null) { roles.add((String) roleNameProperty.getValue(role)); } else { Object xref = roleNameProperty.getValue(role); Object userRole = xrefRoleProperty.getValue(xref); roles.add((String) roleNameProperty.getValue(userRole)); } } } return roles; } public List<String> getRoleGroups(String name) { Object role = lookupRole(name); if (role == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("No such role '" + name + "'"); } List<String> groups = new ArrayList<String>(); if (roleGroupsProperty.isSet()) { Collection roleGroups = (Collection) roleGroupsProperty.getValue(role); if (roleGroups != null) { for (Object group : roleGroups) { groups.add((String) roleNameProperty.getValue(group)); } } } return groups; } public List<String> getImpliedRoles(String name) { Object user = lookupUser(name); if (user == null) { throw new NoSuchUserException("No such user '" + name + "'"); } Set<String> roles = new HashSet<String>(); Collection userRoles = (Collection) userRolesProperty.getValue(user); if (userRoles != null) { for (Object role : userRoles) { addRoleAndMemberships((String) roleNameProperty.getValue(role), roles); } } return new ArrayList<String>(roles); } protected void addRoleAndMemberships(String role, Set<String> roles) { if (roles.add(role)) { Object instance = lookupRole(role); if (roleGroupsProperty.isSet()) { Collection groups = (Collection) roleGroupsProperty.getValue(instance); if (groups != null) { for (Object group : groups) { addRoleAndMemberships((String) roleNameProperty.getValue(group), roles); } } } } } public String generatePasswordHash(String password, byte[] salt) { if (passwordSaltProperty.isSet()) { try { return PasswordHash.instance().createPasswordKey(password.toCharArray(), salt, userPasswordProperty.getAnnotation().iterations()); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { throw new IdentityManagementException("Exception generating password hash", ex); } } else { return generatePasswordHash(password, new String(salt)); } } /** * * @deprecated Use JpaIdentityStore.generatePasswordHash(String, byte[]) instead */ @Deprecated protected String generatePasswordHash(String password, String salt) { String algorithm = userPasswordProperty.getAnnotation().hash(); if (algorithm == null || "".equals(algorithm)) { if (salt == null || "".equals(salt)) { return PasswordHash.instance().generateHash(password); } else { return PasswordHash.instance().generateSaltedHash(password, salt); } } else if ("none".equalsIgnoreCase(algorithm)) { return password; } else { if (salt == null || "".equals(salt)) { return PasswordHash.instance().generateHash(password, algorithm); } else { return PasswordHash.instance().generateSaltedHash(password, salt, algorithm); } } } public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) { Object user = lookupUser(username); if (user == null || (userEnabledProperty.isSet() && ((Boolean) userEnabledProperty.getValue(user) == false))) { return false; } String passwordHash = null; if (passwordSaltProperty.isSet()) { String encodedSalt = (String) passwordSaltProperty.getValue(user); if (encodedSalt == null) { throw new IdentityManagementException("A @PasswordSalt property was found on entity " + user + ", but it contains no value"); } passwordHash = generatePasswordHash(password, BinTools.hex2bin(encodedSalt)); } else { passwordHash = generatePasswordHash(password, getUserAccountSalt(user)); } boolean success = passwordHash.equals(userPasswordProperty.getValue(user)); if (success && Events.exists()) { if (Contexts.isEventContextActive()) { Contexts.getEventContext().set(AUTHENTICATED_USER, user); } Events.instance().raiseEvent(EVENT_USER_AUTHENTICATED, user); } return success; } @Observer(Identity.EVENT_POST_AUTHENTICATE) public void setUserAccountForSession() { if (Contexts.isEventContextActive() && Contexts.isSessionContextActive()) { Contexts.getSessionContext().set(AUTHENTICATED_USER, Contexts.getEventContext().get(AUTHENTICATED_USER)); } } public Object lookupUser(String username) { try { Object user = lookupEntityManager().createQuery( "select u from " + userClass.getName() + " u where " + userPrincipalProperty.getName() + " = :username") .setParameter("username", username) .getSingleResult(); return user; } catch (NoResultException ex) { return null; } } public String getUserName(Object user) { return (String) userPrincipalProperty.getValue(user); } public String getRoleName(Object role) { return (String) roleNameProperty.getValue(role); } public boolean isRoleConditional(String role) { return roleConditionalProperty.isSet() ? (Boolean) roleConditionalProperty.getValue( lookupRole(role)) : false; } public Object lookupRole(String role) { try { Object value = lookupEntityManager().createQuery( "select r from " + roleClass.getName() + " r where " + roleNameProperty.getName() + " = :role") .setParameter("role", role) .getSingleResult(); return value; } catch (NoResultException ex) { return null; } } public List<String> listUsers() { return lookupEntityManager().createQuery( "select u." + userPrincipalProperty.getName() + " from " + userClass.getName() + " u") .getResultList(); } public List<String> listUsers(String filter) { return lookupEntityManager().createQuery( "select u." + userPrincipalProperty.getName() + " from " + userClass.getName() + " u where lower(" + userPrincipalProperty.getName() + ") like :username") .setParameter("username", "%" + (filter != null ? filter.toLowerCase() : "") + "%") .getResultList(); } public List<String> listRoles() { return lookupEntityManager().createQuery( "select r." + roleNameProperty.getName() + " from " + roleClass.getName() + " r").getResultList(); } public List<Principal> listMembers(String role) { List<Principal> members = new ArrayList<Principal>(); for (String user : listUserMembers(role)) { members.add(new SimplePrincipal(user)); } for (String roleName : listRoleMembers(role)) { members.add(new Role(roleName)); } return members; } protected List<String> listUserMembers(String role) { Object roleEntity = lookupRole(role); if (xrefClass == null) { return lookupEntityManager().createQuery("select u." + userPrincipalProperty.getName() + " from " + userClass.getName() + " u where :role member of u." + userRolesProperty.getName()) .setParameter("role", roleEntity) .getResultList(); } else { List xrefs = lookupEntityManager().createQuery("select x from " + xrefClass.getName() + " x where x." + xrefRoleProperty.getName() + " = :role") .setParameter("role", roleEntity) .getResultList(); List<String> members = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object xref : xrefs) { Object user = xrefUserProperty.getValue(xref); members.add(userPrincipalProperty.getValue(user).toString()); } return members; } } protected List<String> listRoleMembers(String role) { if (roleGroupsProperty.isSet()) { Object roleEntity = lookupRole(role); return lookupEntityManager().createQuery("select r." + roleNameProperty.getName() + " from " + roleClass.getName() + " r where :role member of r." + roleGroupsProperty.getName()) .setParameter("role", roleEntity) .getResultList(); } return new ArrayList<String>(); } public List<String> listGrantableRoles() { StringBuilder roleQuery = new StringBuilder(); roleQuery.append("select r."); roleQuery.append(roleNameProperty.getName()); roleQuery.append(" from "); roleQuery.append(roleClass.getName()); roleQuery.append(" r"); if (roleConditionalProperty.isSet()) { roleQuery.append(" where r."); roleQuery.append(roleConditionalProperty.getName()); roleQuery.append(" = false"); } return lookupEntityManager().createQuery(roleQuery.toString()).getResultList(); } protected void persistEntity(Object entity) { lookupEntityManager().persist(entity); } protected Object mergeEntity(Object entity) { return lookupEntityManager().merge(entity); } protected void removeEntity(Object entity) { lookupEntityManager().remove(entity); } public Class getUserClass() { return userClass; } public void setUserClass(Class userClass) { this.userClass = userClass; } public Class getRoleClass() { return roleClass; } public void setRoleClass(Class roleClass) { this.roleClass = roleClass; } protected EntityManager lookupEntityManager() { return entityManager.getValue(); } public ValueExpression getEntityManager() { return entityManager; } public void setEntityManager(ValueExpression expression) { this.entityManager = expression; } }