/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * * Distributable under LGPL license. See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package org.jboss.seam.init; import static org.jboss.seam.util.Resources.getRealFile; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.jboss.seam.Component; import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType; import org.jboss.seam.Seam; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Install; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Namespace; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Role; import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Roles; import org.jboss.seam.bpm.Jbpm; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Context; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Contexts; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.Lifecycle; import org.jboss.seam.contexts.ServletLifecycle; import org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions; import org.jboss.seam.core.Init; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.ClassDescriptor; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.DeploymentStrategy; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.FileDescriptor; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.HotDeploymentStrategy; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.SeamDeploymentProperties; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.StandardDeploymentStrategy; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.TimestampCheckForwardingDeploymentStrategy; import org.jboss.seam.deployment.WarRootDeploymentStrategy; import org.jboss.seam.exception.Exceptions; import org.jboss.seam.log.LogProvider; import org.jboss.seam.log.Logging; import org.jboss.seam.navigation.Pages; import org.jboss.seam.util.Conversions; import org.jboss.seam.util.Naming; import org.jboss.seam.util.Reflections; import org.jboss.seam.util.Resources; import org.jboss.seam.util.Strings; import org.jboss.seam.util.XML; /** * Builds configuration metadata when Seam first initialized. * * @author Gavin King * @author <a href="mailto:theute@jboss.org">Thomas Heute</a> * @author Pete Muir */ public class Initialization { public static final String COMPONENT_NAMESPACE = "http://jboss.com/products/seam/components"; public static final String COMPONENT_SUFFIX = ".component"; public static final String DUPLICATE_JARS_PATTERNS = "org.jboss.seam.init.duplicateJarsPatterns"; private static final LogProvider log = Logging.getLogProvider(Initialization.class); private ServletContext servletContext; private Map<String, Conversions.PropertyValue> properties = new HashMap<String, Conversions.PropertyValue>(); private Map<String, Set<ComponentDescriptor>> componentDescriptors = new HashMap<String, Set<ComponentDescriptor>>(); private List<FactoryDescriptor> factoryDescriptors = new ArrayList<FactoryDescriptor>(); private Set<Class> installedComponentClasses = new HashSet<Class>(); //private Set<String> importedPackages = new HashSet<String>(); private Map<String, NamespaceDescriptor> namespaceMap = new HashMap<String, NamespaceDescriptor>(); private NamespacePackageResolver namespacePackageResolver = new NamespacePackageResolver(); private Map<String, EventListenerDescriptor> eventListenerDescriptors = new HashMap<String, EventListenerDescriptor>(); private Collection<String> globalImports = new ArrayList<String>(); private StandardDeploymentStrategy standardDeploymentStrategy; private HotDeploymentStrategy hotDeploymentStrategy; private WarRootDeploymentStrategy warRootDeploymentStrategy; private File warClassesDirectory; private File warLibDirectory; private File hotDeployDirectory; private File warRoot; private Set<String> nonPropertyAttributes = new HashSet<String>(); { nonPropertyAttributes.add("name"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("installed"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("scope"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("startup"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("startupDepends"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("class"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("jndi-name"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("precedence"); nonPropertyAttributes.add("auto-create"); } public Initialization(ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; this.warRoot = getRealFile(servletContext, "/"); this.warClassesDirectory = getRealFile(servletContext, "/WEB-INF/classes"); this.warLibDirectory = getRealFile(servletContext, "/WEB-INF/lib"); this.hotDeployDirectory = getRealFile(servletContext, HotDeploymentStrategy.DEFAULT_HOT_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY_PATH); } public Initialization create() { standardDeploymentStrategy = new StandardDeploymentStrategy(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(),servletContext); standardDeploymentStrategy.scan(); addNamespaces(); initComponentsFromXmlDocument("/WEB-INF/components.xml"); initComponentsFromXmlDocument("/WEB-INF/events.xml"); //deprecated initComponentsFromXmlDocuments(); initPropertiesFromServletContext(); initPropertiesFromResource(); initJndiProperties(); initPropertiesFromSystem(); return this; } private void initComponentsFromXmlDocuments() { Enumeration<URL> resources; try { resources = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/components.xml"); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("error scanning META-INF/components.xml files", ioe); } List<String> seenDocuments = new ArrayList<String>(); Properties replacements = getReplacements(); Set<Pattern> duplicateJarPatterns = new HashSet<Pattern>(); for (String duplicateJarRegex : new HashSet<String>(new SeamDeploymentProperties(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).getPropertyValues(DUPLICATE_JARS_PATTERNS))) { duplicateJarPatterns.add(Pattern.compile(duplicateJarRegex)); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = resources.nextElement(); boolean skip = false; String path = url.getPath(); String prefixPattern = "^(\\S*/)([\\S^/]*.jar)(\\S*)$"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(prefixPattern); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(path); String jarName; String fileName; if (matcher.matches()) { jarName = matcher.group(2); fileName = matcher.group(3); Set<String> documentNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (Pattern duplicateJarPattern : duplicateJarPatterns) { Matcher duplicateMatcher = duplicateJarPattern.matcher(jarName); if (duplicateMatcher.matches()) { jarName = duplicateMatcher.group(1); } documentNames.add(jarName + fileName); } for (String documentName : documentNames) { if (seenDocuments.contains(documentName)) { skip = true; } } seenDocuments.addAll(documentNames); } if (!skip) { try{ InputStream stream = url.openStream(); log.debug("reading " + url); try { installComponentsFromXmlElements(XML.getRootElement(stream), replacements); } finally { Resources.closeStream(stream); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("error while reading " + url, e); } } else { log.trace("skipping read of duplicate components.xml " + url); } } } private void initComponentsFromXmlDocument(String resource) { InputStream stream = Resources.getResourceAsStream(resource, servletContext); if (stream != null) { log.info("reading " + resource); try { installComponentsFromXmlElements( XML.getRootElement(stream), getReplacements() ); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("error while reading /WEB-INF/components.xml", e); } finally { Resources.closeStream(stream); } } } private Properties getReplacements() { InputStream replaceStream = null; try { Properties replacements = new Properties(); replaceStream = Resources.getResourceAsStream("/components.properties", servletContext); if (replaceStream != null) { replacements.load(replaceStream); } return replacements; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("error reading components.properties", ioe); } finally { Resources.closeStream(replaceStream); } } private List<Element> elements(Element rootElement, String name) { return rootElement.elements(name); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void installComponentsFromXmlElements(Element rootElement, Properties replacements) throws DocumentException, ClassNotFoundException { /*List<Element> importJavaElements = rootElement.elements("import-java-package"); for (Element importElement : importJavaElements) { String pkgName = importElement.getTextTrim(); importedPackages.add(pkgName); addNamespace( Package.getPackage(pkgName) ); }*/ for (Element importElement: elements(rootElement,"import")) { globalImports.add( importElement.getTextTrim() ); } for (Element component: elements(rootElement,"component")) { installComponentFromXmlElement(component, component.attributeValue("name"), component.attributeValue("class"), replacements); } for (Element factory: elements(rootElement,"factory")) { installFactoryFromXmlElement(factory); } for (Element event: elements(rootElement, "event")) { installEventListenerFromXmlElement(event); } for (Element elem : (List<Element>) rootElement.elements()) { String ns = elem.getNamespace().getURI(); NamespaceDescriptor nsInfo = resolveNamespace(ns); if (nsInfo == null) { if (!ns.equals(COMPONENT_NAMESPACE)) { log.warn("namespace declared in components.xml does not resolve to a package: " + ns); } } else { String name = elem.attributeValue("name"); String elemName = toCamelCase(elem.getName(), true); String className = elem.attributeValue("class"); if (className == null) { for (String packageName : nsInfo.getPackageNames()) { try { // Try each of the packages in the namespace descriptor for a matching class className = packageName + '.' + elemName; Reflections.classForName(className); break; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { className = null; } } } try { Class<Object> clazz = null; Name nameAnnotation = null; if (className != null) { //get the class implied by the namespaced XML element name clazz = Reflections.classForName(className); nameAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Name.class); } //if the name attribute is not explicitly specified in the XML, //imply the name from the @Name annotation on the class implied //by the XML element name if (name == null && nameAnnotation!=null) { name = nameAnnotation.value(); } //if this class already has the @Name annotation, the XML element //is just adding configuration to the existing component, don't //add another ComponentDescriptor (this is super-important to //allow overriding!) if (nameAnnotation!=null && nameAnnotation.value().equals(name)) { Install install = clazz.getAnnotation(Install.class); if (install == null || install.value()) { className = null; } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { //there is no class implied by the XML element name so the //component must be defined some other way, assume that we are //just adding configuration, don't add a ComponentDescriptor //TODO: this is problematic, it results in elements getting // ignored when mis-spelled or given the wrong namespace!! className = null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error loading element " + elemName + " with component name " + name + " and component class " + className,e); } //finally, if we could not get the name from the XML name attribute, //or from an @Name annotation on the class, imply it if (name == null) { String prefix = nsInfo.getComponentPrefix(); String componentName = toCamelCase(elem.getName(), false); name = Strings.isEmpty(prefix) ? componentName : prefix + '.' + componentName; } installComponentFromXmlElement(elem, name, className, replacements); } } } private NamespaceDescriptor resolveNamespace(String namespace) { if (Strings.isEmpty(namespace) || namespace.equals(COMPONENT_NAMESPACE)) { return null; } NamespaceDescriptor descriptor = namespaceMap.get(namespace); if (descriptor == null) { try { String packageName = namespacePackageResolver.resolve(namespace); descriptor = new NamespaceDescriptor(namespace, packageName); namespaceMap.put(namespace, descriptor); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Could not determine java package for namespace: " + namespace, e); } } return descriptor; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void installEventListenerFromXmlElement(Element event) { String type = event.attributeValue("type"); if (type==null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must specify type for <event/> declaration"); } EventListenerDescriptor eventListener = eventListenerDescriptors.get(type); if (eventListener==null) { eventListener = new EventListenerDescriptor(type); eventListenerDescriptors.put(type, eventListener); } List<Element> actions = event.elements("action"); for (Element action: actions) { String execute = action.attributeValue("execute"); if (execute==null) { String actionExpression = action.attributeValue("expression"); if (actionExpression!=null) { log.warn("<action expression=\"" + actionExpression + "\" /> has been deprecated, use <action execute=\"" + actionExpression + "\" /> instead"); execute = actionExpression; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must specify execute for <action/> declaration"); } } eventListener.getListenerMethodBindings().add(execute); } } private void installFactoryFromXmlElement(Element factory) { String scopeName = factory.attributeValue("scope"); String name = factory.attributeValue("name"); if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must specify name in <factory/> declaration"); } String method = factory.attributeValue("method"); String value = factory.attributeValue("value"); if (method == null && value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "must specify either method or value in <factory/> declaration for variable: " + name); } ScopeType scope = scopeName == null ? ScopeType.UNSPECIFIED : ScopeType.valueOf(scopeName .toUpperCase()); boolean autoCreate = Boolean.parseBoolean(factory.attributeValue("auto-create")); factoryDescriptors.add(new FactoryDescriptor(name, scope, method, value, autoCreate)); } private String replace(String value, Properties replacements) { if (value.startsWith("@")) { value = replacements.getProperty(value.substring(1, value.length() - 1)); } return value; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void installComponentFromXmlElement(Element component, String name, String className, Properties replacements) throws ClassNotFoundException { String installText = component.attributeValue("installed"); boolean installed = false; if (installText == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(replace(installText, replacements))) { installed = true; } String scopeName = component.attributeValue("scope"); String jndiName = component.attributeValue("jndi-name"); String precedenceString = component.attributeValue("precedence"); int precedence = precedenceString==null ? Install.APPLICATION : Integer.valueOf(precedenceString); ScopeType scope = scopeName == null ? null : ScopeType.valueOf(scopeName.toUpperCase()); String autocreateAttribute = component.attributeValue("auto-create"); Boolean autoCreate = autocreateAttribute==null ? null : Boolean.parseBoolean(autocreateAttribute); String startupAttribute = component.attributeValue("startup"); Boolean startup = startupAttribute==null ? null : Boolean.parseBoolean(startupAttribute); String startupDependsAttribute = component.attributeValue("startupDepends"); String[] startupDepends = startupDependsAttribute==null ? new String[0] : startupDependsAttribute.split(" "); boolean higherPrecedence = true; if (className != null) { Class<?> clazz = getClassUsingImports(className); if (name == null) { if ( !clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Name.class) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Component class must have @Name annotation or name must be specified in components.xml: " + clazz.getName()); } name = clazz.getAnnotation(Name.class).value(); } ComponentDescriptor descriptor = new ComponentDescriptor(name, clazz, scope, autoCreate, startup, startupDepends, jndiName, installed, precedence); higherPrecedence = addComponentDescriptor(descriptor); installedComponentClasses.add(clazz); } else if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("must specify either class or name in <component/> declaration"); } for ( Element prop : (List<Element>) component.elements() ) { String propName = prop.attributeValue("name"); if (propName == null) { propName = prop.getQName().getName(); } String qualifiedPropName = name + '.' + toCamelCase(propName, false); if (!properties.containsKey( qualifiedPropName) || higherPrecedence) { properties.put( qualifiedPropName, getPropertyValue(prop, qualifiedPropName, replacements) ); } } for ( Attribute prop: (List<Attribute>) component.attributes() ) { String attributeName = prop.getName(); if (isProperty(prop.getNamespaceURI(),attributeName)) { String qualifiedPropName = name + '.' + toCamelCase( prop.getQName().getName(), false ); Conversions.PropertyValue propValue = null; try { if (!properties.containsKey( qualifiedPropName) || higherPrecedence) { propValue = getPropertyValue(prop, replacements); properties.put( qualifiedPropName, propValue ); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Exception setting property %s on component %s. Expression %s evaluated to %s.", qualifiedPropName, name, prop.getValue(), propValue), ex); } } } } /** * component properties are non-namespaced and not in the reserved attribute list */ private boolean isProperty(String namespaceURI, String attributeName) { return (namespaceURI == null || namespaceURI.length()==0) && !nonPropertyAttributes.contains(attributeName); } private Class<?> getClassUsingImports(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> clazz = null; /*try {*/ clazz = Reflections.classForName(className); /*} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { for (String pkg : importedPackages) { try { clazz = Reflections.classForName(pkg + '.' + className); break; } catch (Exception e) { } } if (clazz == null) throw cnfe; }*/ return clazz; } private boolean addComponentDescriptor(ComponentDescriptor descriptor) { String name = descriptor.getName(); Set<ComponentDescriptor> set = componentDescriptors.get(name); if (set==null) { set = new TreeSet<ComponentDescriptor>(new ComponentDescriptor.PrecedenceComparator()); componentDescriptors.put(name, set); } if ( !set.isEmpty() ) { log.info("two components with same name, higher precedence wins: " + name); } if ( !set.add(descriptor) ) { ComponentDescriptor other = null; for (ComponentDescriptor d : set) { if (descriptor.compareTo(d) == 0) { other = d; break; } } // for the same component name and the same class in classpath don't throw exception, // use the first in classpath as standard order - JBSEAM-3996 Class clazz = descriptor.getComponentClass(); if (!clazz.getName().equals(other.getComponentClass().getName())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Two components with the same name and precedence - " + "component name: " + name + ", component classes: " + descriptor.getComponentClass().getName() + ", " + (other != null ? other.getComponentClass().getName() : "<unknown>")); } } // has higher precedence or not return set.iterator().next().equals(descriptor); } private Conversions.PropertyValue getPropertyValue(Attribute prop, Properties replacements) { return new Conversions.FlatPropertyValue( trimmedText(prop, replacements) ); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Conversions.PropertyValue getPropertyValue(Element prop, String propName, Properties replacements) { String typeName = prop.attributeValue("type"); Class type = null; try { if(typeName != null ) { type = Class.forName(typeName); } } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find class " + typeName + " when setting up property " + propName); } List<Element> keyElements = prop.elements("key"); List<Element> valueElements = prop.elements("value"); if (valueElements.isEmpty() && keyElements.isEmpty()) { return new Conversions.FlatPropertyValue( trimmedText(prop, propName, replacements)); } else if (keyElements.isEmpty()) { // a list-like structure int len = valueElements.size(); String[] values = new String[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { values[i] = trimmedText(valueElements.get(i), propName, replacements); } return new Conversions.MultiPropertyValue(values, type); } else { // a map-like structure if (valueElements.size() != keyElements.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value elements must match key elements: " + propName); } Map<String, String> keyedValues = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < keyElements.size(); i++) { String key = trimmedText(keyElements.get(i), propName, replacements); String value = trimmedText(valueElements.get(i), propName, replacements); keyedValues.put(key, value); } return new Conversions.AssociativePropertyValue(keyedValues, type); } } private String trimmedText(Element element, String propName, Properties replacements) { String text = element.getTextTrim(); if (text == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("property value must be specified in element body: " + propName); } return replace(text, replacements); } private String trimmedText(Attribute attribute, Properties replacements) { return replace( attribute.getText(), replacements ); } public Initialization setProperty(String name, Conversions.PropertyValue value) { properties.put(name, value); return this; } public Initialization init() { log.debug("initializing Seam"); if (standardDeploymentStrategy == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No deployment strategy!"); } ServletLifecycle.beginInitialization(); Contexts.getApplicationContext().set(Component.PROPERTIES, properties); addComponent( new ComponentDescriptor(Init.class), Contexts.getApplicationContext()); Init init = (Init) Component.getInstance(Init.class, ScopeType.APPLICATION); // Make the deployment strategies available in the contexts. This gives // access to custom deployment handlers for processing custom annotations Contexts.getEventContext().set(StandardDeploymentStrategy.NAME, standardDeploymentStrategy); scanForComponents(); ComponentDescriptor desc = findDescriptor(Jbpm.class); if (desc != null && desc.isInstalled()) { init.setJbpmInstalled(true); } init.checkDefaultInterceptors(); init.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); addSpecialComponents(init); // Add the war root deployment warRootDeploymentStrategy = new WarRootDeploymentStrategy( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), warRoot,servletContext, new File[] { warClassesDirectory, warLibDirectory, hotDeployDirectory }); Contexts.getEventContext().set(WarRootDeploymentStrategy.NAME, warRootDeploymentStrategy); warRootDeploymentStrategy.scan(); init.setWarTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); hotDeploymentStrategy = createHotDeployment(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), isHotDeployEnabled(init)); Contexts.getEventContext().set(HotDeploymentStrategy.NAME, hotDeploymentStrategy); init.setHotDeployPaths( hotDeploymentStrategy.getHotDeploymentPaths() ); if (hotDeploymentStrategy.available()) { hotDeploymentStrategy.scan(); installHotDeployableComponents(); } installComponents(init); for (String globalImport: globalImports) { init.importNamespace(globalImport); } ServletLifecycle.endInitialization(); log.debug("done initializing Seam"); return this; } public void redeploy(HttpServletRequest request) throws InterruptedException { redeploy(request, (Init) servletContext.getAttribute( Seam.getComponentName(Init.class) )); } public void redeploy(HttpServletRequest request, Init init) throws InterruptedException { // It's possible to have the HotDeployFilter installed but disabled if (!isHotDeployEnabled(init)) { return; } try { hotDeploymentStrategy = createHotDeployment(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), isHotDeployEnabled(init)); boolean changed = new TimestampCheckForwardingDeploymentStrategy() { @Override protected DeploymentStrategy delegate() { return hotDeploymentStrategy; } }.changedSince(init.getTimestamp()); if (hotDeploymentStrategy.available() && changed) { ServletLifecycle.beginReinitialization(request); Contexts.getEventContext().set(HotDeploymentStrategy.NAME, hotDeploymentStrategy); hotDeploymentStrategy.scan(); if (hotDeploymentStrategy.getTimestamp() > init.getTimestamp()) { log.debug("redeploying components"); Seam.clearComponentNameCache(); for ( String name: init.getHotDeployableComponents() ) { Component component = Component.forName(name); if (component!=null) { ScopeType scope = component.getScope(); if ( scope!=ScopeType.STATELESS && scope.isContextActive() ) { scope.getContext().remove(name); } init.removeObserverMethods(component); } Contexts.getApplicationContext().remove(name + COMPONENT_SUFFIX); } init.getHotDeployableComponents().clear(); installHotDeployableComponents(); installComponents(init); log.debug("done redeploying components"); } // update the timestamp outside of the second timestamp check to be sure we don't cause an unnecessary scan // the second scan checks annotations (the slow part) which might happen to exclude the most recent file init.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); ServletLifecycle.endReinitialization(); } final WarRootDeploymentStrategy warRootDeploymentStrategy = new WarRootDeploymentStrategy(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), warRoot, servletContext, new File[] { warClassesDirectory, warLibDirectory, hotDeployDirectory }); changed = new TimestampCheckForwardingDeploymentStrategy() { @Override protected DeploymentStrategy delegate() { return warRootDeploymentStrategy; } }.changedSince(init.getWarTimestamp()); if (changed) { warRootDeploymentStrategy.scan(); if (warRootDeploymentStrategy.getTimestamp() > init.getWarTimestamp()) { log.debug("redeploying page descriptors..."); Pages pages = (Pages) ServletLifecycle.getServletContext().getAttribute(Seam.getComponentName(Pages.class)); if (pages != null) { // application context is needed for creating expressions Lifecycle.setupApplication(); pages.initialize(warRootDeploymentStrategy.getDotPageDotXmlFileNames()); Lifecycle.cleanupApplication(); } ServletLifecycle.getServletContext().removeAttribute(Seam.getComponentName(Exceptions.class)); init.setWarTimestamp(warRootDeploymentStrategy.getTimestamp()); log.debug ("done redeploying page descriptors"); } } } finally { } } private void installHotDeployableComponents() { for (ClassDescriptor classDescriptor: hotDeploymentStrategy.getScannedComponentClasses() ) { Class<?> scannedClass = classDescriptor.getClazz(); installScannedComponentAndRoles(scannedClass); } } private HotDeploymentStrategy createHotDeployment(ClassLoader classLoader, boolean hotDeployEnabled) { if (isGroovyPresent()) { log.debug("Using Java + Groovy hot deploy"); return HotDeploymentStrategy.createInstance("org.jboss.seam.deployment.GroovyHotDeploymentStrategy", classLoader, hotDeployDirectory, servletContext, hotDeployEnabled); } else { log.debug("Using Java hot deploy"); return new HotDeploymentStrategy(classLoader, hotDeployDirectory, servletContext, hotDeployEnabled); } } private boolean isHotDeployEnabled(Init init) { return init.isDebug(); } private boolean isGroovyPresent() { try { Reflections.classForName( "groovy.lang.GroovyObject" ); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { //groovy is not there return false; } } private void scanForComponents() { for ( ClassDescriptor classDescriptor : standardDeploymentStrategy.getAnnotatedComponents() ) { Class<?> scannedClass = classDescriptor.getClazz(); installScannedComponentAndRoles(scannedClass); } for ( FileDescriptor fileDescriptor : standardDeploymentStrategy.getXmlComponents() ) { installComponentsFromDescriptor( fileDescriptor, standardDeploymentStrategy.getClassLoader() ); } } private static String classFilenameFromDescriptor(String descriptor) { int pos = descriptor.lastIndexOf(".component.xml"); if (pos==-1) { return null; } return descriptor.substring(0,pos).replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.'); } private void installComponentsFromDescriptor(FileDescriptor fileDescriptor, ClassLoader loader) { //note: this is correct, we do not need to scan other classloaders! InputStream stream = null; try { stream = fileDescriptor.getUrl().openStream(); } catch (IOException e) { // No-op } if (stream != null) { try { Properties replacements = getReplacements(); Element root = XML.getRootElement(stream); if (root.getName().equals("components")) { installComponentsFromXmlElements(root, replacements); } else { installComponentFromXmlElement(root, root.attributeValue("name"), classFilenameFromDescriptor(fileDescriptor.getName()), replacements); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("error while reading " + fileDescriptor.getName(), e); } finally { Resources.closeStream(stream); } } } private void installScannedComponentAndRoles(Class<?> scannedClass) { try { if ( scannedClass.isAnnotationPresent(Name.class) ) { addComponentDescriptor( new ComponentDescriptor(scannedClass) ); } if ( scannedClass.isAnnotationPresent(Role.class) ) { installRole( scannedClass, scannedClass.getAnnotation(Role.class) ); } if ( scannedClass.isAnnotationPresent(Roles.class) ) { Role[] roles = scannedClass.getAnnotation(Roles.class).value(); for (Role role : roles) { installRole(scannedClass, role); } } } catch(TypeNotPresentException e) { log.info("Failed to install "+scannedClass.getName()+": "+e.getMessage()); } } private void installRole(Class<?> scannedClass, Role role) { ScopeType scope = Seam.getComponentRoleScope(scannedClass, role); addComponentDescriptor( new ComponentDescriptor( role.name(), scannedClass, scope ) ); } private void addNamespace(Package pkg) { if (pkg != null) { Namespace ns = pkg.getAnnotation(Namespace.class); if (ns != null) { log.debug("Namespace: " + ns.value() + ", package: " + pkg.getName() + ", prefix: " + ns.prefix()); NamespaceDescriptor descriptor = namespaceMap.get(ns.value()); if (descriptor != null) { descriptor.addPackageName(pkg.getName()); } else { namespaceMap.put(ns.value(), new NamespaceDescriptor(ns, pkg)); } } } } private void addNamespaces() { for (Package pkg: standardDeploymentStrategy.getScannedNamespaces()) { addNamespace(pkg); } } private void initPropertiesFromServletContext() { Enumeration params = servletContext.getInitParameterNames(); while (params.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) params.nextElement(); properties.put(name, new Conversions.FlatPropertyValue(servletContext .getInitParameter(name))); } } private void initPropertiesFromSystem() { Properties filtered = new Properties(); String prefix = Component.PROPERTIES + "."; for (Map.Entry me : System.getProperties().entrySet()) { if (((String)me.getKey()).startsWith(prefix)) { filtered.put(((String)me.getKey()).substring(prefix.length()),me.getValue()); } } initPropertiesFromMap(filtered); } private void initPropertiesFromResource() { initPropertiesFromMap(loadFromResource("/seam.properties")); } private void initPropertiesFromMap(Properties props) { for (Map.Entry me : props.entrySet()) { properties.put((String) me.getKey(), new Conversions.FlatPropertyValue((String) me .getValue())); } } private void initJndiProperties() { Properties jndiProperties = new Properties(); jndiProperties.putAll(loadFromResource("/jndi.properties")); jndiProperties.putAll(loadFromResource("/seam-jndi.properties")); Naming.setInitialContextProperties(jndiProperties); } private Properties loadFromResource(String resource) { Properties props = new Properties(); InputStream stream = Resources.getResourceAsStream(resource, servletContext); if (stream != null) { try { log.info("reading properties from: " + resource); try { props.load(stream); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("could not read " + resource, ioe); } } finally { Resources.closeStream(stream); } } else { log.debug("not found: " + resource); } return props; } protected ComponentDescriptor findDescriptor(Class<?> componentClass) { for (Set<ComponentDescriptor> components : componentDescriptors.values()) { for (ComponentDescriptor component: components) { if ( component.getComponentClass().equals(componentClass) ) { return component; } } } return null; } private void addSpecialComponents(Init init) { } private void installComponents(Init init) { log.debug("Installing components..."); Context context = Contexts.getApplicationContext(); DependencyManager manager = new DependencyManager(componentDescriptors); Set<ComponentDescriptor> installable = manager.installedSet(); for (ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor: installable) { String compName = componentDescriptor.getName() + COMPONENT_SUFFIX; if ( !context.isSet(compName) ) { addComponent(componentDescriptor, context); if ( componentDescriptor.isAutoCreate() ) { init.addAutocreateVariable( componentDescriptor.getName() ); } if ( componentDescriptor.isFilter() ) { init.addInstalledFilter( componentDescriptor.getName() ); } if ( componentDescriptor.isResourceProvider() ) { if (!componentDescriptor.getScope().equals(ScopeType.APPLICATION)) { throw new RuntimeException("Resource providers must be application-scoped components"); } init.addResourceProvider( componentDescriptor.getName() ); } if ( componentDescriptor.isPermissionResolver() ) { init.addPermissionResolver( componentDescriptor.getName() ); } } } for (FactoryDescriptor factoryDescriptor : factoryDescriptors) { if (factoryDescriptor.isValueBinding()) { init.addFactoryValueExpression(factoryDescriptor.getName(), factoryDescriptor.getValue(), factoryDescriptor.getScope()); } else { init.addFactoryMethodExpression(factoryDescriptor.getName(), factoryDescriptor.getMethod(), factoryDescriptor.getScope()); } if (factoryDescriptor.isAutoCreate()) { init.addAutocreateVariable(factoryDescriptor.getName()); } } for (EventListenerDescriptor listenerDescriptor: eventListenerDescriptors.values()) { for (String expression: listenerDescriptor.getListenerMethodBindings()) { init.addObserverMethodExpression( listenerDescriptor.getType(), Expressions.instance().createMethodExpression(expression) ); } } } /** * This actually creates a real Component and should only be called when * we want to install a component */ protected void addComponent(ComponentDescriptor descriptor, Context context) { String name = descriptor.getName(); String componentName = name + COMPONENT_SUFFIX; try { Component component = new Component( descriptor.getComponentClass(), name, descriptor.getScope(), descriptor.isStartup(), descriptor.getStartupDependencies(), descriptor.getJndiName() ); context.set(componentName, component); if ( hotDeploymentStrategy != null && hotDeploymentStrategy.isEnabled() && hotDeploymentStrategy.isFromHotDeployClassLoader( descriptor.getComponentClass() ) ) { Init.instance().addHotDeployableComponent( component.getName() ); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create Component: " + name, e); } } private static String toCamelCase(String hyphenated, boolean initialUpper) { StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(hyphenated, "-"); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( hyphenated.length() ); String firstToken = tokens.nextToken(); if (initialUpper) { result.append( Character.toUpperCase( firstToken.charAt(0) ) ) .append( firstToken.substring(1) ); } else { result.append(firstToken); } while ( tokens.hasMoreTokens() ) { String token = tokens.nextToken(); result.append( Character.toUpperCase( token.charAt(0) ) ) .append( token.substring(1) ); } return result.toString(); } private static class EventListenerDescriptor { private String type; private List<String> listenerMethodBindings = new ArrayList<String>(); EventListenerDescriptor(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getType() { return type; } public List<String> getListenerMethodBindings() { return listenerMethodBindings; } @Override public String toString() { return "EventListenerDescriptor(" + type + ')'; } } }