package com.stacksync.syncservice.handler; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.stacksync.commons.exceptions.ShareProposalNotCreatedException; import com.stacksync.commons.exceptions.UserNotFoundException; import com.stacksync.commons.models.Chunk; import com.stacksync.commons.models.Device; import com.stacksync.commons.models.Item; import com.stacksync.commons.models.ItemMetadata; import com.stacksync.commons.models.ItemVersion; import com.stacksync.commons.models.User; import com.stacksync.commons.models.UserWorkspace; import com.stacksync.commons.models.Workspace; import com.stacksync.commons.notifications.CommitNotification; import com.stacksync.syncservice.db.ConnectionPool; import com.stacksync.syncservice.db.DAOError; import com.stacksync.syncservice.exceptions.InternalServerError; import com.stacksync.syncservice.exceptions.dao.DAOException; import com.stacksync.syncservice.exceptions.dao.NoResultReturnedDAOException; import; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APICommitResponse; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APICreateFolderResponse; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIDeleteResponse; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIGetFolderMembersResponse; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIGetMetadata; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIGetVersions; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIRestoreMetadata; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIShareFolderResponse; import com.stacksync.syncservice.rpc.messages.APIUnshareFolderResponse; import com.stacksync.syncservice.util.Constants; public class SQLAPIHandler extends Handler implements APIHandler { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SQLAPIHandler.class.getName()); private Device apiDevice = new Device(Constants.API_DEVICE_ID); public SQLAPIHandler(ConnectionPool pool) throws SQLException, NoStorageManagerAvailable { super(pool); } @Override public APIGetMetadata getMetadata(User user, Long fileId, Boolean includeChunks, Long version, Boolean isFolder) { ItemMetadata responseObject = null; Integer errorCode = 0; Boolean success = false; String description = ""; try { if (fileId == null) { // retrieve metadata from the root folder responseObject = this.itemDao.findByUserId(user.getId(), false); } else { // check if user has permission on this file List<User> users = this.userDao.findByItemId(fileId); if (users.isEmpty()) { throw new DAOException(DAOError.FILE_NOT_FOUND); } if (!userHasPermission(user, users)) { throw new DAOException(DAOError.USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED); } responseObject = this.itemDao.findById(fileId, false, version, false, includeChunks); } if (responseObject.isFolder() != isFolder) { throw new DAOException(DAOError.FILE_NOT_FOUND); } success = true; } catch (DAOException e) { description = e.getError().getMessage(); errorCode = e.getError().getCode(); logger.error(e.toString(), e); } APIGetMetadata response = new APIGetMetadata(responseObject, success, errorCode, description); return response; } public APIGetMetadata getFolderContent(User user, Long folderId, Boolean includeDeleted) { ItemMetadata responseObject = null; Integer errorCode = 0; Boolean success = false; String description = ""; try { if (folderId == null) { // retrieve metadata from the root folder responseObject = this.itemDao.findByUserId(user.getId(), includeDeleted); } else { // check if user has permission on this file List<User> users = this.userDao.findByItemId(folderId); if (users.isEmpty()) { throw new DAOException(DAOError.FILE_NOT_FOUND); } if (!userHasPermission(user, users)) { throw new DAOException(DAOError.USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED); } responseObject = this.itemDao.findById(folderId, true, null, includeDeleted, false); } success = true; } catch (DAOException e) { description = e.getError().getMessage(); errorCode = e.getError().getCode(); logger.error(e.toString(), e); } APIGetMetadata response = new APIGetMetadata(responseObject, success, errorCode, description); return response; } @Override public APICommitResponse createFile(User user, ItemMetadata fileToSave) { // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, 404, "User not found."); } // Get user workspaces try { List<Workspace> workspaces = workspaceDAO.getByUserId(user.getId()); user.setWorkspaces(workspaces); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, 404, "No workspaces found for the user."); } boolean includeList = true; Long version = null; boolean includeDeleted = false; boolean includeChunks = false; // check that the given parent ID exists ItemMetadata parent; if (fileToSave.getParentId() != null) { try { parent = itemDao.findById(fileToSave.getParentId(), includeList, version, includeDeleted, includeChunks); fileToSave.setParentVersion(parent.getVersion()); // check if parent is a folder if (!parent.isFolder()) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, 400, "Parent must be a folder, not a file."); } } catch (DAOException e) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, 404, "Parent folder not found"); } } else { try { parent = this.itemDao .findByUserId(user.getId(), includeDeleted); Workspace parentWorkspace = workspaceDAO .getDefaultWorkspaceByUserId(user.getId()); parent.setWorkspaceId(parentWorkspace.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, e.getError() .getCode(), e.getMessage()); } } // check if the user has permission on the file and parent boolean permissionParent = false; for (Workspace w : user.getWorkspaces()) { if (parent.isRoot() || w.getId().equals(parent.getWorkspaceId())) { permissionParent = true; break; } } if (!permissionParent) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, 403, "You are not allowed to modify this file"); } // check if there is already a file with the same name boolean repeated = false; for (ItemMetadata child : parent.getChildren()) { if (child.getFilename().equals(fileToSave.getFilename())) { repeated = true; break; } } if (repeated) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, 400, "This name is already used in the same folder. Please use a different one. "); } APICommitResponse responseAPI; try { CommitNotification commitResult = saveNewItemAPI(user, fileToSave, parent); responseAPI = new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, true, 0, ""); responseAPI.setQuotaLimit(commitResult.getLimitQuota()); responseAPI.setQuotaUsed(commitResult.getUsedQuota()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); responseAPI = new APICommitResponse(fileToSave, false, 500, e.toString()); } return responseAPI; } @Override public APICommitResponse updateData(User user, ItemMetadata fileToUpdate) { // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 404, "User not found."); } // Get user workspaces try { List<Workspace> workspaces = workspaceDAO.getByUserId(user.getId()); user.setWorkspaces(workspaces); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 404, "No workspaces found for the user."); } boolean includeList = true; Long version = null; boolean includeDeleted = false; boolean includeChunks = false; // check that the given file ID exists ItemMetadata file; try { file = itemDao.findById(fileToUpdate.getId(), includeList, version, includeDeleted, includeChunks); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 404, "File not found"); } // check if the user has permission on the file and parent boolean permission = false; for (Workspace w : user.getWorkspaces()) { if (w.getId().equals(file.getWorkspaceId())) { permission = true; } } if (!permission) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 403, "You are not allowed to modify this file"); } // update file attributes file.setMimetype(fileToUpdate.getMimetype()); file.setChecksum(fileToUpdate.getChecksum()); file.setSize(fileToUpdate.getSize()); file.setChunks(fileToUpdate.getChunks()); file.setVersion(file.getVersion() + 1L); file.setModifiedAt(new Date()); file.setStatus(Status.CHANGED.toString()); // Commit the file List<ItemMetadata> items = new ArrayList<ItemMetadata>(); items.add(file); Workspace workspace = new Workspace(file.getWorkspaceId()); APICommitResponse responseAPI; try { CommitNotification commitResult = this.doCommit(user, workspace, apiDevice, items); responseAPI = new APICommitResponse(file, true, 0, ""); responseAPI.setQuotaLimit(commitResult.getLimitQuota()); responseAPI.setQuotaUsed(commitResult.getUsedQuota()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); responseAPI = new APICommitResponse(file, false, 500, e.toString()); } return responseAPI; } @Override public APICommitResponse updateMetadata(User user, ItemMetadata fileToUpdate, Boolean parentUpdated) { // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 404, "User not found."); } // Get user workspaces try { List<Workspace> workspaces = workspaceDAO.getByUserId(user.getId()); user.setWorkspaces(workspaces); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 404, "No workspaces found for the user."); } boolean includeList = true; Long version = null; boolean includeDeleted = false; boolean includeChunks = true; // check that the given file ID exists ItemMetadata file; try { file = itemDao.findById(fileToUpdate.getId(), includeList, version, includeDeleted, includeChunks); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 404, "File not found"); } // check that the given parent ID exists ItemMetadata parent; if (fileToUpdate.getParentId() != null) { try { parent = itemDao.findById(fileToUpdate.getParentId(), includeList, version, includeDeleted, includeChunks); // check if parent is a folder if (!parent.isFolder()) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 400, "Parent must be a folder, not a file."); } } catch (DAOException e) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 404, "Parent folder not found"); } } else { try { parent = this.itemDao.findByUserId(user.getId(), includeDeleted); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, e.getError().getCode(), e.getMessage()); } } // check if the user has permission on the file and parent boolean permissionFile = false; boolean permissionParent = false; for (Workspace w : user.getWorkspaces()) { if (w.getId().equals(file.getWorkspaceId())) { permissionFile = true; } if (parent.isRoot() || w.getId().equals(parent.getWorkspaceId())) { permissionParent = true; } } if (!permissionFile || !permissionParent) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 403, "You are not allowed to modify this file"); } // check if there is already a file with the same name boolean repeated = false; for (ItemMetadata child : parent.getChildren()) { if (child.getFilename().equals(fileToUpdate.getFilename())) { repeated = true; } } if (repeated) { return new APICommitResponse(fileToUpdate, false, 400, "This name is already used in the same folder. Please use a different one. "); } // update file attributes if (fileToUpdate.getFilename() != null) { file.setFilename(fileToUpdate.getFilename()); } if (parentUpdated) { file.setParentId(parent.getId()); file.setParentVersion(parent.getVersion()); } file.setVersion(file.getVersion() + 1L); file.setModifiedAt(new Date()); file.setStatus(Status.RENAMED.toString()); // Commit the file List<ItemMetadata> items = new ArrayList<ItemMetadata>(); items.add(file); Workspace workspace = new Workspace(file.getWorkspaceId()); APICommitResponse responseAPI; try { CommitNotification commitResult = this.doCommit(user, workspace, apiDevice, items); responseAPI = new APICommitResponse(file, true, 0, ""); responseAPI.setQuotaLimit(commitResult.getLimitQuota()); responseAPI.setQuotaUsed(commitResult.getUsedQuota()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); responseAPI = new APICommitResponse(file, false, 500, e.toString()); } return responseAPI; } @Override public APICreateFolderResponse createFolder(User user, ItemMetadata item) { // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); APICreateFolderResponse response = new APICreateFolderResponse( item, false, 404, "User not found."); return response; } // get metadata of the parent item APIGetMetadata parentResponse = this.getFolderContent(user, item.getParentId(), false); ItemMetadata parentMetadata = parentResponse.getItemMetadata(); // if it is the root, get the default workspace if (parentMetadata.isRoot()) { try { Workspace workspace = workspaceDAO .getDefaultWorkspaceByUserId(user.getId()); parentMetadata.setWorkspaceId(workspace.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); APICreateFolderResponse response = new APICreateFolderResponse( item, false, 404, "Workspace not found."); return response; } } else { if (!parentMetadata.isFolder()) { return new APICreateFolderResponse(item, false, 400, "Parent must be a folder, not a file."); } item.setParentVersion(parentMetadata.getVersion()); } String folderName = item.getFilename(); List<ItemMetadata> files = parentMetadata.getChildren(); // check if there exists a folder with the same name ItemMetadata object = null; for (ItemMetadata file : files) { if (file.getFilename().equals(folderName) && !file.getStatus().equals("DELETED")) { object = file; break; } } if (object != null) { APICreateFolderResponse response = new APICreateFolderResponse( object, false, 400, "Folder already exists."); return response; } APICreateFolderResponse responseAPI = this.createNewFolder(user, item, parentMetadata); return responseAPI; } @Override public APIRestoreMetadata restoreMetadata(User user, ItemMetadata item) { try { Item serverItem = itemDao.findById(item.getId()); ItemMetadata lastObjectVersion = itemDao.findById(item.getId(), false, null, false, false); if (serverItem != null && lastObjectVersion != null) { ItemMetadata metadata = itemVersionDao.findByItemIdAndVersion( serverItem.getId(), item.getVersion()); ItemVersion restoredObject = new ItemVersion(metadata); if (restoredObject.getStatus().compareTo( Status.DELETED.toString()) != 0) { restoredObject .setVersion(lastObjectVersion.getVersion() + 1); restoredObject.setStatus(Status.CHANGED.toString()); // save restoredObject itemVersionDao.add(restoredObject); List<String> chunks = new ArrayList<String>(); // If no folder, create new chunks if (!restoredObject.getChunks().isEmpty()) { for (Chunk chunk : restoredObject.getChunks()) { chunks.add(chunk.getClientChunkName()); } this.createChunks(chunks, restoredObject); } serverItem.setLatestVersion(restoredObject.getVersion()); itemDao.put(serverItem); item.setChecksum(restoredObject.getChecksum()); item.setChunks(chunks); item.setModifiedAt(restoredObject.getModifiedAt()); item.setDeviceId(restoredObject.getDevice().getId()); item.setFilename(restoredObject.getItem().getFilename()); item.setSize(restoredObject.getSize()); item.setIsFolder(serverItem.isFolder()); item.setMimetype(serverItem.getMimetype()); item.setParentVersion(serverItem .getClientParentFileVersion()); item.setStatus(restoredObject.getStatus()); item.setVersion(restoredObject.getVersion()); APIRestoreMetadata response = new APIRestoreMetadata(item, true, 200, ""); return response; } else { APIRestoreMetadata response = new APIRestoreMetadata(item, false, 400, "File not found."); return response; } } else { APIRestoreMetadata response = new APIRestoreMetadata(item, false, 400, "File not found."); return response; } } catch (DAOException e) { APIRestoreMetadata response = new APIRestoreMetadata(item, false, 400, e.getMessage()); return response; } } @Override public APIDeleteResponse deleteItem(User user, ItemMetadata item) { List<ItemMetadata> filesToDelete; // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIDeleteResponse(null, false, 404, "User not found."); } // Get user workspaces try { List<Workspace> workspaces = workspaceDAO.getByUserId(user.getId()); user.setWorkspaces(workspaces); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIDeleteResponse(null, false, 404, "No workspaces found for the user."); } // check that the given file ID exists try { filesToDelete = itemDao.getItemsById(item.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APIDeleteResponse(null, false, 404, "File or folder not found"); } if (filesToDelete.isEmpty()) { return new APIDeleteResponse(null, false, 404, "File or folder not found."); } // check if it's a file or a folder if (filesToDelete.get(0).isFolder() != item.isFolder()) { return new APIDeleteResponse(null, false, 400, "Type missmatch (file and folder)"); } // check if the user has permission on the file and parent boolean permission = false; for (Workspace w : user.getWorkspaces()) { if (w.getId().equals(filesToDelete.get(0).getWorkspaceId())) { permission = true; } } if (!permission) { return new APIDeleteResponse(null, false, 403, "You are not allowed to deleted this file"); } Workspace workspace = new Workspace(filesToDelete.get(0) .getWorkspaceId()); APIDeleteResponse response; try { response = deleteItemsAPI(user, workspace, filesToDelete); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e.toString(), e); response = new APIDeleteResponse(null, false, e.getError() .getCode(), e.getMessage()); } return response; } @Override public APIGetVersions getVersions(User user, ItemMetadata item) { ItemMetadata serverItem; // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIGetVersions(null, false, 404, "User not found."); } // Get user workspaces try { List<Workspace> workspaces = workspaceDAO.getByUserId(user.getId()); user.setWorkspaces(workspaces); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIGetVersions(null, false, 404, "No workspaces found for the user."); } // check that the given file ID exists try { serverItem = itemDao.findItemVersionsById(item.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APIGetVersions(null, false, 404, "File or folder not found"); } // check if it's a file or a folder if (serverItem.isFolder()) { return new APIGetVersions(null, false, 400, "Incorrect file type. Must be a file, not a folder."); } APIGetVersions response = new APIGetVersions(serverItem, true, 0, ""); return response; } @Override public APIShareFolderResponse shareFolder(User user, Item item, List<String> emails) { APIShareFolderResponse response; Workspace workspace; try { workspace = this.doShareFolder(user, emails, item, false); response = new APIShareFolderResponse(workspace, true, 0, ""); } catch (ShareProposalNotCreatedException e) { response = new APIShareFolderResponse(null, false, 400, e.getMessage()); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { response = new APIShareFolderResponse(null, false, 404, e.getMessage()); } return response; } @Override public APIUnshareFolderResponse unshareFolder(User user, Item item, List<String> emails) { APIUnshareFolderResponse response; UnshareData infoUnshare; try { infoUnshare = this.doUnshareFolder(user, emails, item, false); response = new APIUnshareFolderResponse(infoUnshare.getWorkspace(), infoUnshare.getUsersToRemove(), infoUnshare.isUnshared(), true, 0, ""); } catch (ShareProposalNotCreatedException e) { response = new APIUnshareFolderResponse(null, null, false, false, 400, e.getMessage()); } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { response = new APIUnshareFolderResponse(null, null, false, false, 404, e.getMessage()); } return response; } @Override public APIGetFolderMembersResponse getFolderMembers(User user, Item item) { APIGetFolderMembersResponse response; // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (NoResultReturnedDAOException e) { logger.warn(e); return new APIGetFolderMembersResponse(null, false, 404, e.toString()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIGetFolderMembersResponse(null, false, 500, e.toString()); } // Get folder metadata try { item = itemDao.findById(item.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIGetFolderMembersResponse(null, false, 500, e.toString()); } if (item == null || !item.isFolder()) { return new APIGetFolderMembersResponse(null, false, 404, "No folder found with the given ID."); } List<UserWorkspace> members; try { members = this.doGetWorkspaceMembers(user, item.getWorkspace()); } catch (InternalServerError e) { return new APIGetFolderMembersResponse(null, false, 500, e.toString()); } response = new APIGetFolderMembersResponse(members, true, 0, ""); return response; } @Override public APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse getWorkspaceInfo(User user, ItemMetadata item) { // Check the owner try { user = userDao.findById(user.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse(null, false, 404, "User not found."); } // Get user workspaces try { List<Workspace> workspaces = workspaceDAO.getByUserId(user.getId()); user.setWorkspaces(workspaces); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse(null, false, 404, "No workspaces found for the user."); } // get the workspace Workspace workspace; if (item.getId() == null) { try { workspace = workspaceDAO.getDefaultWorkspaceByUserId(user .getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse(null, false, 404, "Workspace not found"); } } else { try { workspace = workspaceDAO.getByItemId(item.getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { return new APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse(null,false, 404, "Workspace not found"); } } // check if the user has permission on the file and parent boolean permission = false; for (Workspace w : user.getWorkspaces()) { if (item.getId() == null || w.getId().equals(workspace.getId())) { permission = true; break; } } if (!permission) { return new APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse(null, false, 403, "You are not allowed to access this file"); } User workspaceOwner; try { workspaceOwner = userDao.findById(workspace.getOwner().getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse(null, false, 404, "User not found."); } workspace.setOwner(workspaceOwner); APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse response = new APIGetWorkspaceInfoResponse( workspace, true, 0, ""); return response; } private boolean userHasPermission(User user, List<User> users) { boolean hasPermission = false; for (User u : users) { if (u.getId().equals(user.getId())) { hasPermission = true; break; } } return hasPermission; } private CommitNotification saveNewItemAPI(User user, ItemMetadata itemToSave, ItemMetadata parent) throws DAOException { itemToSave.setWorkspaceId(parent.getWorkspaceId()); Workspace workspace = new Workspace(parent.getWorkspaceId()); List<ItemMetadata> objects = new ArrayList<ItemMetadata>(); objects.add(itemToSave); return this.doCommit(user, workspace, apiDevice, objects); } private APICreateFolderResponse createNewFolder(User user, ItemMetadata item, ItemMetadata parent) { // Create metadata if (!parent.isRoot()) { item.setParentId(parent.getId()); item.setParentVersion(parent.getVersion()); } item.setVersion(1L); item.setWorkspaceId(parent.getWorkspaceId()); item.setStatus("NEW"); item.setSize(0L); item.setIsFolder(true); item.setMimetype("inode/directory"); item.setModifiedAt(new Date()); item.setDeviceId(Constants.API_DEVICE_ID); item.setChecksum(0L); List<ItemMetadata> items = new ArrayList<ItemMetadata>(); items.add(item); Workspace workspace = new Workspace(item.getWorkspaceId()); CommitNotification commitResult; try { commitResult = this.doCommit(user, workspace, apiDevice, items); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); return new APICreateFolderResponse(item, false, 500, "Item could not be committed."); } APICreateFolderResponse responseAPI; if (!commitResult.getItems().get(0).isCommitSucceed()) { responseAPI = new APICreateFolderResponse(item, false, 500, "Item could not be committed."); return responseAPI; } APICreateFolderResponse response = new APICreateFolderResponse(item, true, 0, ""); response.setQuotaLimit(commitResult.getLimitQuota()); response.setQuotaUsed(commitResult.getUsedQuota()); return response; } private void createChunks(List<String> chunksString, ItemVersion objectVersion) throws IllegalArgumentException, DAOException { if (chunksString.size() > 0) { List<Chunk> chunks = new ArrayList<Chunk>(); int i = 0; for (String chunkName : chunksString) { chunks.add(new Chunk(chunkName, i)); i++; } itemVersionDao.insertChunks(chunks, objectVersion.getId()); } } private APIDeleteResponse deleteItemsAPI(User user, Workspace workspace, List<ItemMetadata> filesToDelete) throws DAOException { List<ItemMetadata> items = new ArrayList<ItemMetadata>(); for (ItemMetadata fileToDelete : filesToDelete) { if (fileToDelete.getStatus().equals("DELETED")) { continue; } fileToDelete.setStatus("DELETED"); // fileToDelete.setFileSize(0L); fileToDelete.setChunks(new ArrayList<String>()); // fileToDelete.setChecksum(0L); fileToDelete.setVersion(fileToDelete.getVersion() + 1); Date date = new Date(); fileToDelete.setModifiedAt(date); items.add(fileToDelete); } Boolean success = false; ItemMetadata fileToDelete = null; CommitNotification commitResult = this.doCommit(user, workspace, apiDevice, items); if (!commitResult.getItems().isEmpty()) { fileToDelete = commitResult.getItems().get(0).getMetadata(); success = true; } APIDeleteResponse response = new APIDeleteResponse(fileToDelete, success, 0, ""); response.setQuotaLimit(commitResult.getLimitQuota()); response.setQuotaUsed(commitResult.getUsedQuota()); return response; } }