package com.stacksync.syncservice.db.postgresql; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.stacksync.commons.models.Device; import com.stacksync.commons.models.User; import com.stacksync.syncservice.db.DeviceDAO; import com.stacksync.syncservice.exceptions.dao.DAOException; import com.stacksync.syncservice.util.Constants; public class PostgresqlDeviceDAO extends PostgresqlDAO implements DeviceDAO { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PostgresqlDeviceDAO.class.getName()); public PostgresqlDeviceDAO(Connection connection) { super(connection); } @Override public Device get(UUID deviceID) throws DAOException { // API device ID is not stored in the database if(deviceID == Constants.API_DEVICE_ID){ return new Device(Constants.API_DEVICE_ID); } ResultSet resultSet = null; Device device = null; String query = "SELECT * FROM device WHERE id = ?::uuid"; try { resultSet = executeQuery(query, new Object[] { deviceID }); if ( { device = mapDevice(resultSet); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DAOException(e); } return device; } @Override public void add(Device device) throws DAOException { if (!device.isValid()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Device attributes not set"); } Object[] values = { device.getName(), device.getUser().getId(), device.getOs(), device.getLastIp(), device.getAppVersion() }; String query = "INSERT INTO device (name, user_id, os, created_at, last_access_at, last_ip, app_version) " + "VALUES (?, ?::uuid, ?, now(), now(), ?::inet, ?)"; UUID id = (UUID) executeUpdate(query, values); if (id != null) { device.setId(id); } } @Override public void update(Device device) throws DAOException { if (device.getId() == null || !device.isValid()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Device attributes not set"); } Object[] values = { device.getLastIp(), device.getAppVersion(), device.getId(), device.getUser().getId() }; String query = "UPDATE device SET last_access_at = now(), last_ip = ?::inet, app_version = ? " + "WHERE id = ?::uuid and user_id = ?::uuid"; try { executeUpdate(query, values); } catch (DAOException e) { logger.error(e); throw new DAOException(e); } } @Override public void delete(UUID deviceID) throws DAOException { Object[] values = { deviceID }; String query = "DELETE FROM device WHERE id = ?::uuid"; executeUpdate(query, values); } private Device mapDevice(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { Device device = new Device(); device.setId(UUID.fromString(resultSet.getString("id"))); device.setName(resultSet.getString("name")); User user = new User(); user.setId(UUID.fromString(resultSet.getString("user_id"))); device.setUser(user); return device; } }