package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Wrapper um eine <code>IStroage</code> implementirung transkational zu behandeln. * * @author wiese.daniel * <br> * copyright (C) 2012, Stadtwerke München GmbH */ public class TransactionalStorage implements IStorage { /** * contains a set of new keys (entries). * */ private Map<String, String> storage = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * contains a set of all removed keys (entries). * */ private Map<String, String> removedItems = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * contains a set of all changed keys (entries). * */ private Set<String> changedKeys = new HashSet<String>(); public boolean clearWasCalled = false; private final IStorage wrappedStorage; private boolean isInTransaction = false; /** * Default Konstructor. */ public TransactionalStorage(IStorage storage) { wrappedStorage = storage; } @Override public void clear() { if (isInTransaction) { clearWasCalled = true; storage.clear(); changedKeys.clear(); } else { wrappedStorage.clear(); } } /** * Holt die Daten für einen bestimmten Schlüssel. * * @param key . * @return . */ @Override public String getItem(String key) { if (isInTransaction) { if (storage.containsKey(key)) { return storage.get(key); } else { if (!clearWasCalled) { if (!removedItems.containsKey(key)) { return wrappedStorage.getItem(key); } } } return null; } else { return wrappedStorage.getItem(key); } } /** * Gibt die Anzahl der gespeicherten Elemente zurück. * * @return . */ @Override public int getLength() { if (isInTransaction) { int length = 0; if (!clearWasCalled) { length += wrappedStorage.getLength(); length -= changedKeys.size(); } return length += storage.size(); } else { return wrappedStorage.getLength(); } } /** * Löscht den Wert für einen bestimmten Schlüssel. * * @param key . */ @Override public void removeItem(String key) { if (isInTransaction) { final String itemToRemove = wrappedStorage.getItem(key); if (itemToRemove != null) { removedItems.put(key, itemToRemove); } } else { wrappedStorage.removeItem(key); } } /** * Speichert einen String für einen bestimmten Schlüssel (überschreibt falls vorhanden). * * @param key . * @param data . */ @Override public void setItem(String key, String data) { if (isInTransaction) { storage.put(key, data); if (wrappedStorage.getItem(key) != null) { changedKeys.add(key); } } else { wrappedStorage.setItem(key, data); } } @Override public ITransaction beginTransaction() { isInTransaction = true; if (wrappedStorage != null && wrappedStorage.isLocalStorageSupported()) { return new ITransaction() { @Override public void rollback() { storage.clear(); removedItems.clear(); clearWasCalled = false; isInTransaction = false; } @Override public void commit(IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { final CommitChain chain = new CommitChain(callback); chain.addPart(new IChainPart() { @Override public void startPart(IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { if (clearWasCalled) { wrappedStorage.clearAsync(callback); } else { callback.isCompleted(); } } }); chain.addPart(new IChainPart() { @Override public void startPart(IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { wrappedStorage.removeItemsAsync(removedItems.keySet(), callback); } }); chain.addPart(new IChainPart() { @Override public void startPart(IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { wrappedStorage.setItemsAsync(storage, callback); } }); chain.addPart(new IChainPart() { @Override public void startPart(IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { storage.clear(); removedItems.clear(); clearWasCalled = false; isInTransaction = false; callback.isCompleted(); } }); chain.executeChain(); } }; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transactions are not supported by the underlying storage"); } } /** * Hanlder for uncought exceptions. * * @param handler */ @Override public void addUncaughtExceptionHanlder(GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler) { wrappedStorage.addUncaughtExceptionHanlder(handler); } /** * Will initialize the local storage implementation. * * @param afterInitHanlder */ @Override public void initialize(AsyncCallback<Void> afterInitHanlder) { wrappedStorage.initialize(afterInitHanlder); } /** * Registriert einen Handler für die StorageEvents. * * @param handler . * @return . */ @Override public HandlerRegistration addStorageEventHandler(StorageEvent.Handler handler) { return wrappedStorage.addStorageEventHandler(handler); } /** * Liefert den local Storage zurück. * * @return . */ @Override public IStorage getLocalStorageIfSupported() { return this; } /** * Prüft ob local storage vorhanden ist. * * @return true - wenn ja,false - wenn nein */ @Override public boolean isLocalStorageSupported() { return wrappedStorage.isLocalStorageSupported(); } /** * Löscht einen bestimmten Handler, der auf StorageEvents horcht. * * @param handler . */ @Override public void removeStorageEventHandler(StorageEvent.Handler handler) { wrappedStorage.removeStorageEventHandler(handler); } /** * Returns a key corresponding to the index position. * * @param index . * @return . */ @Override public String key(int index) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Operation"); } /** * Will delete the underlying storage asynchronously. * * @param callback callback when completed */ @Override public void clearAsync(IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Operation"); } /** * @param keys the keys to delete. * @param callback callback when completed */ @Override public void removeItemsAsync(Set<String> keys, IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Operation"); } /** * @param values the values to store. * @param callback callback when completed */ @Override public void setItemsAsync(Map<String, String> values, IStorageOperationCompleted callback) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Operation"); } @Override public Set<String> getKeys() { if (isInTransaction) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keyset not deterministic whilst in transaction."); } else { return wrappedStorage.getKeys(); } } /** * This class is responsible for: * Chaning callbacks - each chained callback is execuded afer the previous callback will complete. */ public static class CommitChain { private final IStorageOperationCompleted clientNotification; private final Queue<IChainPart> parts = new LinkedList<IChainPart>(); public CommitChain(IStorageOperationCompleted clientNotification) { this.clientNotification = clientNotification; } public void addPart(IChainPart part) { parts.add(part); } public void executeChain() { IChainPart part = parts.poll(); if (part != null) { final IStorageOperationCompleted callback = new IStorageOperationCompleted() { @Override public void isCompleted() { executeChain(); } }; part.startPart(callback); } else { clientNotification.isCompleted(); } } } /** * Dafined a part of a cllabck chain. */ public static interface IChainPart { /** * Will start a part. * @param callback the complete callback. */ void startPart(IStorageOperationCompleted callback); } }