package; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Hilfsklasse um Zugriff auf den HTML5 Cache zu bekommen. * * @author wiese.daniel <br> * copyright (C) 2011, SWM Services GmbH * */ public final class ApplicationCache extends JavaScriptObject { // getStatus() values: /** Cache status code. **/ public static final short UNCACHED = 0; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final short IDLE = 1; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final short CHECKING = 2; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final short DOWNLOADING = 3; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final short UPDATEREADY = 4; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final short OBSOLETE = 5; // event types for addEventListener(): /** Cache status code. **/ public static final String ONCHECKING = "checking"; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final String ONERROR = "error"; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final String ONNOUPDATE = "noupdate"; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final String ONDOWNLOADING = "downloading"; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final String ONPROGRESS = "progress"; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final String ONUPDATEREADY = "updateready"; /** Cache status code. **/ public static final String ONCACHED = "cached"; /** * Default constructor. */ protected ApplicationCache() { } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the Application Cache API is supported on the running platform. * * @return true if supproted */ public static native boolean isSupported() /*-{ return typeof $wnd.applicationCache != "undefined"; }-*/; /** * Liefert den cache. * * @return der cache. */ public static native ApplicationCache getApplicationCache() /*-{ return $wnd.applicationCache; }-*/; /** * Handler fuer die verscheidenen cache events. * * @param listener * der listener * @param event * das event */ private static void handleCacheEvents(EventListener listener, Event event) { UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh = GWT.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); if (ueh != null) { try { listener.onBrowserEvent(event); } catch (Throwable t) { ueh.onUncaughtException(t); } } else { listener.onBrowserEvent(event); } } /** * Fugt einen event listener hinzu. * * @param type * der typ (wleche events) * @param listener * der listener * @param useCapture * true wenn der flag verwendet wirden soll. */ public native void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture) /*-{ this.addEventListener( type, function(event) {;Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;) (listener, event); }, useCapture ); }-*/; /** * Cache operation, siehe spec. */ public native void update() /*-{ this.update(); }-*/; /** * Cache operation, siehe spec. */ public native void swapCache() /*-{ this.swapCache(); }-*/; /** * Cache operation, siehe spec. * * @return den status code */ public native int getStatus() /*-{ return this.status; }-*/; /** * Cache operation, siehe spec. * * @return wenn online */ public native boolean isOnline() /*-{ return $wnd.navigator.onLine; }-*/; }