package com.venky.swf.sql; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.venky.core.collections.SequenceSet; import com.venky.core.log.SWFLogger; import com.venky.core.log.TimerStatistics.Timer; import com.venky.swf.db.Database; import com.venky.swf.db.JdbcTypeHelper.TypeConverter; import com.venky.swf.db.model.Model; import com.venky.swf.db.model.User; import com.venky.swf.db.model.reflection.ModelReflector; import com.venky.swf.db.table.QueryCache; import com.venky.swf.db.table.Record; import com.venky.swf.db.table.Table; import com.venky.swf.exceptions.SWFTimeoutException; import com.venky.swf.routing.Config; public class Select extends SqlStatement{ private String[] columnNames = null; private String[] tableNames ; private String[] orderBy; private String[] groupBy; protected boolean wait = true; protected boolean lock = true; public Select(String... columnNames){ this(false,columnNames); } public Select(boolean lock,String...columnNames){ this(lock,true,columnNames); } public Select(boolean lock,boolean wait,String...columnNames){ this.lock = lock; this.wait = wait; this.columnNames = columnNames; } private Set<String> pools = new SequenceSet<String>(); public String getPool(){ if (pools.size() == 0){ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot determine db Pool"); }else if (pools.size() > 1){ throw new RuntimeException("Cannot select across db pools in a single select statement " + pools); }else{ return pools.iterator().next(); } } public Select addPool(String pool){ pools.add(pool); return this; } private SWFLogger cat = Config.instance().getLogger(getClass().getName()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Select from(Class<?>... models){ Timer timer = cat.startTimer(); try { String[] tables = new String[models.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i< models.length ; i++){ if (!Model.class.isAssignableFrom(models[i])){ continue; } ModelReflector<? extends Model> ref = ModelReflector.instance((Class<? extends Model>)models[i]); tables[i] = ref.getTableName(); pools.add(ref.getPool()); } return from(tables); }finally{ timer.stop(); } } public Select from(String... tables){ this.tableNames = tables; return this; } public Select orderBy(String... columnNames){ List<String> orderbyColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String columnName: columnNames){ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(columnName,","); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()){ orderbyColumns.add(tok.nextToken()); } } this.orderBy = orderbyColumns.toArray(new String[]{}); if (orderBy.length == 0){ orderBy = null; } return this; } public Select groupBy(String... columnNames){ this.groupBy = columnNames; return this; } private <M extends Model> boolean allOrderByColumnsAreReal(Class<M> modelClass){ Timer timer = cat.startTimer(); try { if (orderBy == null){ return false; } ModelReflector<M> ref = ModelReflector.instance(modelClass); for (String anOrderBy : orderBy) { String[] split = splitOrderByColumn(anOrderBy); String column = split[0]; String field = ref.getFieldName(column); if (field == null || ref.getColumnDescriptor(field).isVirtual()) { return false; } } return true; }finally{ timer.stop(); } } protected void finalizeParameterizedSQL(){ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("SELECT "); if (columnNames == null || columnNames.length == 0){ builder.append(" * "); }else { addlist(builder, columnNames); } if (tableNames != null && tableNames.length > 0){ builder.append(" FROM "); addlist(builder, tableNames); } builder.append(" "); Expression where = getWhereExpression(); if (where != null && !where.isEmpty()){ builder.append(" WHERE "); builder.append(where.getParameterizedSQL()); getValues().addAll(where.getValues()); } getQuery().insert(0, builder.toString()); // To handle any fragment additions. builder = getQuery(); if (groupBy != null){ builder.append(" GROUP BY "); addlist(builder, groupBy); } if (orderBy != null){ builder.append(" ORDER BY "); addlist(builder, orderBy); } if (lock){ builder.append(Database.getJdbcTypeHelper(getPool()).getForUpdateLiteral()); if (!wait && Database.getJdbcTypeHelper(getPool()).isNoWaitSupported()){ builder.append(Database.getJdbcTypeHelper(getPool()).getNoWaitLiteral()); } } } private void addlist(StringBuilder builder,String...strings ){ if (strings == null){ return ; } for (int i = 0; i < strings.length ; i++){ if (i != 0){ builder.append(", "); } builder.append(strings[i]); } } public static final int MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS = 0; public <M extends Model> List<M> execute(){ return execute(MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS); } public <M extends Model> List<M> execute(int maxRecords){ if (tableNames.length != 1){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Query is a join.Don't know what Collection to return."); } Table<M> table = Database.getTable(tableNames[0]); return execute(table.getModelClass(),maxRecords); } public <M extends Model> List<M> execute(Class<M> modelInterface){ return execute(modelInterface,MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS,lock,null); } public <M extends Model> List<M> execute(Class<M> modelInterface,ResultFilter<M> filter){ return execute(modelInterface,MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS,lock,filter); } public <M extends Model> List<M> execute(Class<M> modelInterface,int maxRecords) { return execute(modelInterface,maxRecords,lock,null); } public <M extends Model> List<M> execute(Class<M> modelInterface,int maxRecords,ResultFilter<M> filter){ return execute(modelInterface,maxRecords,lock,filter); } private boolean isCacheable(ModelReflector<? extends Model> ref){ return (columnNames == null || columnNames.length == 0) && (ref.getRealModelClass() != null) ; } private String[] splitOrderByColumn(String orderBy){ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(orderBy); String columnName = tok.nextToken(); String orderByType = "ASC"; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()){ orderByType = tok.nextToken(); } return new String[]{columnName,orderByType}; } protected <M extends Model> List<M> execute(Class<M> modelInterface,int maxRecords,boolean locked,ResultFilter<M> filter) { final String[] orderByPassed = this.orderBy; boolean sortResults = true; if (this.orderBy != null && !allOrderByColumnsAreReal(modelInterface)){ this.orderBy = null; } PreparedStatement st = null; try { final ModelReflector<M> ref = ModelReflector.instance(modelInterface); SequenceSet<Record> result = null; List<M> ret = null; QueryCache cache = Database.getInstance().getCache(ref); if (isCacheable(ref)){ result = cache.getCachedResult(getWhereExpression(),(orderByPassed != null ? Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS :maxRecords),locked); } if (result == null){ Timer queryTimer = cat.startTimer(getRealSQL()); Config.instance().getLogger(getClass().getName()).fine(getRealSQL()); try { st = prepare(); if (maxRecords != Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS ) { st.setMaxRows(maxRecords + 1); } if (this.orderBy != null){ sortResults = false; } if (!wait && (!lock || (lock && !Database.getJdbcTypeHelper(getPool()).isNoWaitSupported())) && Database.getJdbcTypeHelper(getPool()).isQueryTimeoutSupported()){ Config.instance().getLogger(getClass().getName()).fine("Setting Statement Time out"); st.setQueryTimeout(60); } result = new SequenceSet<Record>(); ret = new ArrayList<M>(); if (st.execute()){ ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); while ( && (maxRecords == Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS || ret.size() < maxRecords + 1)){ Record r = new Record(getPool()); r.load(rs,ref); r.setLocked(locked); if (isCacheable(ref)){ Record cachedRecord = cache.getCachedRecord(r); if (cachedRecord != null ){ if (!locked || locked == cachedRecord.isLocked()){ r = cachedRecord; }else { cache.registerUpdate(r); } }else { cache.add(r); } } result.add(r); M m = r.getAsProxy(modelInterface); if (filter == null || filter.pass(m)){ ret.add(m); } } rs.close(); } if (maxRecords == Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS || ret.size() <= maxRecords){ // We are requesting maxRecords + 1;! if (isCacheable(ref)){ cache.setCachedResult(getWhereExpression(), result); } }else { ret.remove(ret.size()-1); // Remove the last extra one.!! } }catch (SQLException ex){ if (Database.getJdbcTypeHelper(getPool()).isQueryTimeoutException(ex)){ throw new SWFTimeoutException(ex); }else { throw ex; } }finally{ queryTimer.stop(); } }else { if (sortResults && orderByPassed != null && orderByPassed.length > 0){ Timer sorting = cat.startTimer("Sorting cached records"); Collections.sort(result,new Comparator<Record>() { @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public int compare(Record r1, Record r2) { int ret = 0; for (int i = 0 ; ret == 0 && i < orderByPassed.length ; i ++ ){ String[] orderByColumnSplit = splitOrderByColumn(orderByPassed[i]); String fieldName = orderByColumnSplit[0]; Class<?> fieldType = ref.getFieldGetter(fieldName).getReturnType(); TypeConverter<?> converter = Database.getJdbcTypeHelper(getPool()).getTypeRef(fieldType).getTypeConverter(); Comparable v1 = (Comparable)(converter.valueOf(r1.get(orderByColumnSplit[0]))); Comparable v2 = (Comparable)(converter.valueOf(r2.get(orderByColumnSplit[0]))); ret = v1.compareTo(v2); if (ret != 0 && orderByColumnSplit[1].equalsIgnoreCase("DESC")){ ret *= -1 ; } } return ret; } }); sorting.stop(); } Timer processingCache = cat.startTimer("Processing cached records"); ret = new ArrayList<M>(); for (Iterator<Record> recordIterator = result.iterator(); (maxRecords == Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS || ret.size() < maxRecords ) && recordIterator.hasNext() ; ){ Record r =; M m = r.getAsProxy(modelInterface); if (filter == null || filter.pass(m)){ ret.add(m); } } processingCache.stop(); } return ret; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { if (st != null){ try { st.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } } private Expression whereExpression ; public Select where(Expression expression){ this.whereExpression = expression; return this; } public Expression getWhereExpression(){ return whereExpression; } public static interface ResultFilter<M extends Model> { public boolean pass(M record); } public static final class AccessibilityFilter<M extends Model> implements ResultFilter<M> { private User user ; public AccessibilityFilter(){ this(Database.getInstance().getCurrentUser()); } public AccessibilityFilter(User user){ this.user = user; } public boolean pass(M record) { return user == null || record.isAccessibleBy(user); } } }