package com.venky.swf.db.table; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import com.venky.core.checkpoint.Mergeable; import com.venky.core.collections.SequenceSet; import com.venky.core.log.SWFLogger; import com.venky.core.log.TimerStatistics.Timer; import com.venky.core.util.ObjectUtil; import com.venky.swf.db.Database; import com.venky.swf.db.model.Model; import com.venky.swf.routing.Config; import com.venky.swf.sql.Expression; import com.venky.swf.sql.Operator; import com.venky.swf.sql.Select; public class QueryCache implements Mergeable<QueryCache> , Cloneable{ private TreeSet<Record> cachedRecords = new TreeSet<Record>(); private HashMap<Expression, SequenceSet<Record>> queryCache = new HashMap<Expression, SequenceSet<Record>>(); private Table<? extends Model> table; private String loggerName = null; public Table<? extends Model> getTable() { return table; } public boolean isEmpty(){ return cachedRecords.isEmpty(); } public QueryCache(String tableName) { this(Database.getTable(tableName)); } private <M extends Model> QueryCache(Table<M> table){ this.table = table; this.loggerName = QueryCache.class.getName() + "." + table.getModelClass().getSimpleName(); } public void registerLockRelease(){ if (hasLockedRecords){ for (Record record: cachedRecords){ record.setLocked(false); } hasLockedRecords = false; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public QueryCache clone(){ try { QueryCache clone = (QueryCache) super.clone(); clone.cachedRecords = (TreeSet<Record>) cachedRecords.clone(); clone.queryCache = (HashMap<Expression, SequenceSet<Record>>) queryCache.clone(); ObjectUtil.cloneValues(clone.cachedRecords); ObjectUtil.cloneValues(clone.queryCache); return clone; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static final Level defaultLevel = Level.FINE; public SequenceSet<Record> getCachedResult(Expression where, int maxRecords, boolean locked) { SWFLogger cat = Config.instance().getLogger(loggerName); Timer timer = cat.startTimer(null,Config.instance().isTimerAdditive()); StringBuilder debug = new StringBuilder(); try { if (where != null && where.isEmpty()) { where = null; } boolean requireFilteringForLockedRecords = true; String queryCriteria = (where == null ? "null" : where.getRealSQL()); SequenceSet<Record> result = queryCache.get(where); if (cat.isLoggable(defaultLevel) && result != null ){ debug.append("Cache for " + getTable().getRealTableName() + " has criteria:" + queryCriteria); } if (result == null) { synchronized (queryCache) { result = queryCache.get(where); if (cat.isLoggable(defaultLevel) && result != null ){ debug.append("Cache for " + getTable().getRealTableName() + " has criteria:" + queryCriteria); } boolean fullTableScanPerformed = queryCache.containsKey(null); if (result == null){ if (cat.isLoggable(Level.FINER)){ debug.append("Cache for " + getTable().getRealTableName() + " does not have criteria:" + queryCriteria); debug.append("\nChecking against available cachedRecords if there are enough records satifying the criteria"); debug.append("\nWas full table scanned ever?:" + fullTableScanPerformed); } if (fullTableScanPerformed) { result = new SequenceSet<Record>(); filter(cachedRecords,where, result, Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS,false); setCachedResult(where, result); }else if (maxRecords > 0 ){ SequenceSet<Record> tmpResult = new SequenceSet<Record>(); filter(cachedRecords,where, tmpResult, maxRecords,locked); if (tmpResult.size() >= maxRecords){ result = tmpResult; requireFilteringForLockedRecords = false; } } } } } if (result != null && locked && requireFilteringForLockedRecords){ debug.append(" Checking for locked records from cache!"); SequenceSet<Record> tmpResult = new SequenceSet<Record>(); filter(result, null, tmpResult, maxRecords, locked); if (tmpResult.size() < result.size()){ result = null; if (maxRecords > 0 && tmpResult.size() >= maxRecords){ result = tmpResult; } } } if (cat.isLoggable(defaultLevel)){ if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { debug.append("NOT "); } debug.append("Enough " + (locked ? "locked" : "" ) + "records found in cache."); cat.log(defaultLevel,debug.toString()); } return result; }finally{ timer.stop(); } } private void filter( Set<Record> cachedRecords, Expression where, Set<Record> target, int maxRecords,boolean locked) { for (Iterator<Record> i = cachedRecords.iterator(); i.hasNext() && (maxRecords == Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS || target.size() < maxRecords) ;) { Record m =; if (where == null || where.isEmpty() || where.eval(m)) { if (!locked || (locked == m.isLocked())){ target.add(m); }else if (locked && maxRecords == Select.MAX_RECORDS_ALL_RECORDS){ // m is not locked. target.clear(); return; } } } } public Record getCachedRecord(Record record) { SortedSet<Record> tail = cachedRecords.tailSet(record); if (tail == null || tail.isEmpty()) { return null; } Record recordInCache = tail.first(); if (recordInCache.compareTo(record) == 0) { return recordInCache; } return null; } public void setCachedResult(Expression where, SequenceSet<Record> result) { if (where != null && where.isEmpty()) { where = null; } if (!queryCache.containsKey(where)){ queryCache.put(where, result); if (where == null){ for (Record record:result){ for (String column: getTable().getReflector().getIndexedColumns()) { Expression indexWhere = getIndexWhereClause(record,column); SequenceSet<Record> records = queryCache.get(indexWhere); if (records == null){ records = new SequenceSet<Record>(); queryCache.put(indexWhere, records); } records.add(record); } } } } } private Expression getIdWhereClause(int id) { return new Expression(getTable().getReflector().getPool(),"ID", Operator.EQ, id); } private Expression getIdWhereClause(Record record) { if (record != null) { Integer id = record.getId(); if (id != null) { return getIdWhereClause(id); } } throw new NullPointerException("Record doesnot have ID !"); } private Expression getIndexWhereClause(Record record, String column) { Object value = record.get(column); if (value != null){ return new Expression(getTable().getReflector().getPool(),column,Operator.EQ,value); }else { return new Expression(getTable().getReflector().getPool(),column,Operator.EQ); } } private boolean hasLockedRecords = false; public boolean add(Record record) { boolean ret = cachedRecords.add(record); if (ret){ SequenceSet<Record> set = new SequenceSet<Record>(); set.add(record); setCachedResult(getIdWhereClause(record),set); /* * This itself is a performance hog and not need most of the time. for (Expression ukCondition: getTable().getReflector().getUniqueKeyConditions(record)){ setCachedResult(ukCondition, set); }*/ } hasLockedRecords = hasLockedRecords || record.isLocked(); return ret; } public boolean remove(Record record) { boolean ret = cachedRecords.remove(record); ret = ret || (queryCache.remove(getIdWhereClause(record)) != null); return ret; } public void registerInsert(Record record) { if (add(record)) { for (Expression cacheKey : queryCache.keySet()) { if (cacheKey == null || cacheKey.eval(record)) { Set<Record> values = queryCache.get(cacheKey); values.add(record); } } } } public Record registerUpdate(Record updatedRecord) { Record recordInCache = getCachedRecord(updatedRecord); Record record = null; if (recordInCache != null){ if (recordInCache != updatedRecord){ // No need to merge is the updatedRecord is already an object in the cache. recordInCache.merge(updatedRecord);// Will get used only in nested transactions. } record = recordInCache; }else { record = updatedRecord; } for (Expression cacheKey: queryCache.keySet()){ if (recordInCache == null){ if (cacheKey == null || cacheKey.eval(record)){ queryCache.get(cacheKey).add(record); // Will not be added if already exists. } }else if (cacheKey != null && !cacheKey.eval(record)){ queryCache.get(cacheKey).remove(record); // Will not be removed if it doesnot exist. } } if (recordInCache == null){ add(record); } return record; } public void registerDestroy(Record record) { if (remove(record)) { for (Expression cacheKey : queryCache.keySet()) { if (cacheKey == null || cacheKey.eval(record)) { Set<Record> values = queryCache.get(cacheKey); values.remove(record); } } } } // Called from db record insert. public <M extends Model> void registerInsert(M m) { registerInsert(m.getRawRecord()); } public <M extends Model> void registerUpdate(M m) { registerUpdate(m.getRawRecord()); } // Called from db record destroy. public <M extends Model> void registerDestroy(M m) { registerDestroy(m.getRawRecord()); } public void clear() { queryCache.clear(); cachedRecords.clear(); } public void merge(QueryCache completedTransactionCache) { Map<Record,Record> mergedRecords = new HashMap<Record,Record>(); for (Expression exp: completedTransactionCache.queryCache.keySet()){ Set<Record> recentRecords = completedTransactionCache.queryCache.get(exp); if (queryCache.containsKey(exp)){ Set<Record> oldRecords = new HashSet<Record>(queryCache.get(exp)); for (Record old:oldRecords){ if (!recentRecords.contains(old)){ registerDestroy(old); } } } SequenceSet<Record> currentRecords = new SequenceSet<Record>(); for (Record record:recentRecords){ Record mergedRecord = mergedRecords.get(record); if (mergedRecord == null){ mergedRecord = registerUpdate(record); mergedRecords.put(record,mergedRecord); } currentRecords.add(mergedRecord); } if (!queryCache.containsKey(exp)){ queryCache.put(exp, currentRecords); }//else{ // registerUpdate would have fixed the map value against exp. //} } } public QueryCache copy(){ QueryCache cache = new QueryCache(table); cache.cachedRecords.addAll(cachedRecords); cache.queryCache.putAll(queryCache); return cache; } }