/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.AnnotationCursor; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.AnnotationInterval; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.Doc; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.Document; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.MutableDocument; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.RangedAnnotation; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.Attributes; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.DocInitialization; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.operation.Nindo; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Preconditions; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.ReadableStringMap.ProcV; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.ReadableStringSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Handy delegating implementation. * * @author danilatos@google.com (Daniel Danilatos) */ public class MutableDocumentProxy<N, E extends N, T extends N> implements MutableDocument<N, E, T> { public static class DocumentProxy extends MutableDocumentProxy<Doc.N, Doc.E, Doc.T> implements Document { public DocumentProxy() { super(); } public DocumentProxy(Document delegate, String noDelegateErrorMessage) { super(delegate, noDelegateErrorMessage); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) // Adapter public DocumentProxy(MutableDocument delegate, String noDelegateErrorMessage) { super(delegate, noDelegateErrorMessage); Preconditions.checkArgument(delegate.getDocumentElement() instanceof Doc.E, "Incompatibel delegate type - must be of the Doc.* variety of nodes"); } } private final String noDelegateErrorMessage; private MutableDocument<N, E, T> delegate; /** * Constructor with a null delegate and default error message. */ public MutableDocumentProxy() { this(null, "delegate document is not set"); } /** * @param delegate initial delegate * @param noDelegateErrorMessage error message when the delegate is null */ public MutableDocumentProxy(MutableDocument<N, E, T> delegate, String noDelegateErrorMessage) { this.delegate = delegate; this.noDelegateErrorMessage = noDelegateErrorMessage; } /** * Sets the delegate to a new object * * @param newDelegate */ protected void setDelegate(MutableDocument<N, E, T> newDelegate) { this.delegate = newDelegate; } /** * @return true if this proxy currently has a delegate. */ protected boolean hasDelegate() { return delegate != null; } /** * Retrieves the delegate for immediate use. * Fails if there is no delegate. * * @return the current delegate */ protected MutableDocument<N, E, T> getDelegate() { if (!hasDelegate()) { throw new IllegalStateException("MutableDocumentProxy: " + noDelegateErrorMessage); } return delegate; } @Override public void with(Action actionToRunWithDocument) { getDelegate().with(actionToRunWithDocument); } @Override public <V> V with(Method<V> methodToRunWithDocument) { return getDelegate().with(methodToRunWithDocument); } // Mostly eclipse generated delegate methods below. @Override public AnnotationCursor annotationCursor(int start, int end, ReadableStringSet keys) { return getDelegate().annotationCursor(start, end, keys); } @Override public Iterable<AnnotationInterval<String>> annotationIntervals(int start, int end, ReadableStringSet keys) { return getDelegate().annotationIntervals(start, end, keys); } @Override public E appendXml(XmlStringBuilder xml) { return getDelegate().appendXml(xml); } @Override public E asElement(N node) { return getDelegate().asElement(node); } @Override public T asText(N node) { return getDelegate().asText(node); } @Override public E createChildElement(E parent, String tag, Map<String, String> attributes) { return getDelegate().createChildElement(parent, tag, attributes); } @Override public E createElement(Point<N> point, String tag, Map<String, String> attributes) { return getDelegate().createElement(point, tag, attributes); } @Override public void deleteNode(E element) { getDelegate().deleteNode(element); } @Override public Range deleteRange(int start, int end) { return getDelegate().deleteRange(start, end); } @Override public PointRange<N> deleteRange(Point<N> start, Point<N> end) { return getDelegate().deleteRange(start, end); } @Override public void emptyElement(E element) { getDelegate().emptyElement(element); } @Override public int firstAnnotationChange(int start, int end, String key, String fromValue) { return getDelegate().firstAnnotationChange(start, end, key, fromValue); } @Override public void forEachAnnotationAt(int location, ProcV<String> callback) { getDelegate().forEachAnnotationAt(location, callback); } @Override public String getAnnotation(int location, String key) { return getDelegate().getAnnotation(location, key); } @Override public String getAttribute(E element, String name) { return getDelegate().getAttribute(element, name); } @Override public Map<String, String> getAttributes(E element) { return getDelegate().getAttributes(element); } @Override public String getData(T textNode) { return getDelegate().getData(textNode); } @Override public E getDocumentElement() { return getDelegate().getDocumentElement(); } @Override public N getFirstChild(N node) { return getDelegate().getFirstChild(node); } @Override public N getLastChild(N node) { return getDelegate().getLastChild(node); } @Override public int getLength(T textNode) { return getDelegate().getLength(textNode); } @Override public int getLocation(N node) { return getDelegate().getLocation(node); } @Override public int getLocation(Point<N> point) { return getDelegate().getLocation(point); } @Override public N getNextSibling(N node) { return getDelegate().getNextSibling(node); } @Override public short getNodeType(N node) { return getDelegate().getNodeType(node); } @Override public E getParentElement(N node) { return getDelegate().getParentElement(node); } @Override public N getPreviousSibling(N node) { return getDelegate().getPreviousSibling(node); } @Override public String getTagName(E element) { return getDelegate().getTagName(element); } @Override public void insertText(int location, String text) { getDelegate().insertText(location, text); } @Override public void insertText(Point<N> point, String text) { getDelegate().insertText(point, text); } @Override public E insertXml(Point<N> point, XmlStringBuilder xml) { return getDelegate().insertXml(point, xml); } @Override public boolean isSameNode(N node, N other) { return getDelegate().isSameNode(node, other); } @Override public int lastAnnotationChange(int start, int end, String key, String fromValue) { return getDelegate().lastAnnotationChange(start, end, key, fromValue); } @Override public Point<N> locate(int location) { return getDelegate().locate(location); } @Override public void moveSiblings(Point<N> location, N from, N to) { getDelegate().moveSiblings(location, from, to); } @Override public Iterable<RangedAnnotation<String>> rangedAnnotations(int start, int end, ReadableStringSet keys) { return getDelegate().rangedAnnotations(start, end, keys); } @Override public void resetAnnotation(int start, int end, String key, String value) { getDelegate().resetAnnotation(start, end, key, value); } @Override @Deprecated public void resetAnnotationsInRange(int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, String key, List<org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.MutableAnnotationSet.RangedValue<String>> values) { getDelegate().resetAnnotationsInRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, key, values); } @Override public void setAnnotation(int start, int end, String key, String value) { getDelegate().setAnnotation(start, end, key, value); } @Override public void setElementAttribute(E element, String name, String value) { getDelegate().setElementAttribute(element, name, value); } @Override public void setElementAttributes(E element, Attributes attrs) { getDelegate().setElementAttributes(element, attrs); } @Override public int size() { return getDelegate().size(); } @Override public void hackConsume(Nindo op) { getDelegate().hackConsume(op); } @Override public DocInitialization toInitialization() { return getDelegate().toInitialization(); } @Override public void updateElementAttributes(E element, Map<String, String> attrs) { getDelegate().updateElementAttributes(element, attrs); } @Override public ReadableStringSet knownKeys() { return getDelegate().knownKeys(); } @Override public String toXmlString() { return getDelegate().toXmlString(); } @Override public String toDebugString() { return getDelegate().toDebugString(); } @Override public String toString() { return "MutableDocumentProxy(" + getDelegate().toString() + ")"; } @Override public void beginMutationGroup() { getDelegate().beginMutationGroup(); } @Override public void endMutationGroup() { getDelegate().endMutationGroup(); } }