/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.event; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Node; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Text; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.DomHelper; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.EventWrapper; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.KeyCombo; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.QuirksConstants; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.SignalEvent; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.SignalEvent.KeyModifier; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.SignalEvent.KeySignalType; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.SignalEvent.MoveUnit; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.UserAgent; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.debug.logger.LogLevel; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.EditorStaticDeps; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.constants.BrowserEvents; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.content.ContentElement; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.content.ContentNode; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.content.ContentPoint; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.content.FocusedContentRange; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.content.NodeEventRouter; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.editor.event.CompositionEventHandler.CompositionListener; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.Scheduler; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.SchedulerInstance; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.SchedulerTimerService; import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.TimerService; import org.waveprotocol.wave.common.logging.LoggerBundle; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.AnnotationBehaviour.CursorDirection; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.FocusedPointRange; import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.Point; /** * Central event handler for the editor, encapsulating the core logic for event * routing and handling. Application specific handling for combos, etc are done via a * subhandler. * * TODO(user): Remove gwt dependencies so that this is junit testable. * * @author danilatos@google.com (Daniel Danilatos) * @author mtsui@google.com (Mark Tsui) */ public final class EditorEventHandler { /** * States the event handler may be in. */ // TODO(danilatos): Consider separating out other states from normal, such as // TYPING, CLIPBOARD, etc, when we are in these transient states. enum State { /** Normal state */ NORMAL, /** IME composition state */ COMPOSITION } /** Reduces the times selection logging is sent to eye3, reporting seems linear with users. */ private static final int SELECTION_LOG_CULL_FACTOR = 100; // 1/100 sent private static final LoggerBundle logger = EditorStaticDeps.logger; /** * Sets whether unsafe key events are cancelled (set to false for testing) */ private static boolean cancelUnsafeKeyEvents = true; private final CompositionListener<EditorEvent> compositionListener = new CompositionListener<EditorEvent>() { @Override public void compositionStart(EditorEvent event) { EditorEventHandler.this.compositionStart(event); } @Override public void compositionUpdate() { EditorEventHandler.this.compositionUpdate(); } @Override public void compositionEnd() { EditorStaticDeps.startIgnoreMutations(); try { EditorEventHandler.this.compositionEnd(); } finally { EditorStaticDeps.endIgnoreMutations(); } } }; private final boolean weirdComposition = QuirksConstants.MODIFIES_DOM_AND_FIRES_TEXTINPUT_AFTER_COMPOSITION; private final boolean useCompositionEvents; private final boolean useMobileChromiunCompositionEvents = QuirksConstants.MOBILE_CHROMIUN_HACK_COMPOSITION_EVENTS; /** * Sets whether we use whitelisting or blacklisting to potentially cancel * unhandled keycombos. */ private final boolean useWhiteListing; /** * Current selection. Ensure this is always set correctly, especially * if it's changed or invalidated. */ private FocusedContentRange cachedSelection; /** * Interact with the editor through this interface. */ private final EditorInteractor editorInteractor; private final NodeEventRouter router; /** * We keep track of whether selection affinity is up to date. When we receive * an event, we assume that the event will invalidate the selection affinity, * thus we set selectionAffinityMaybeChanged to true. If we later find out * that the event does not modify selection affinity, we set * selectionAffinityMaybeChanged to false. * * If at the end of the event loop, selectionAffinityMaybeChanged */ private boolean needToSetSelectionAffinity = true; private boolean selectionAffinityMaybeChanged = true; /** Tracks whether there was selection at the start of an event handling run. */ private boolean hadInitialSelection; private State state = State.NORMAL; /** * Handler for higher level, application specific event handling. */ private final EditorEventsSubHandler subHandler; private final CompositionEventHandler<EditorEvent> compositionHandler; /** * @param editorInteractor * @param subHandler */ public EditorEventHandler(EditorInteractor editorInteractor, EditorEventsSubHandler subHandler, NodeEventRouter router, boolean useWhiteListFlag, boolean useWebkitCompositionFlag) { this(new SchedulerTimerService(SchedulerInstance.get(), Scheduler.Priority.CRITICAL), editorInteractor, subHandler, router, useWhiteListFlag, // We may want to turn off composition events for webkit if something goes wrong... // Force turn off in mobile chromiun webkit QuirksConstants.SUPPORTS_COMPOSITION_EVENTS && (UserAgent.isWebkit() ? useWebkitCompositionFlag : true) && !QuirksConstants.MOBILE_CHROMIUN_HACK_COMPOSITION_EVENTS); } EditorEventHandler(TimerService criticalTimerService, EditorInteractor interactor, EditorEventsSubHandler subHandler, NodeEventRouter router, boolean useWhiteListing, boolean useCompositionEvents) { this.editorInteractor = interactor; this.subHandler = subHandler; this.router = router; this.useWhiteListing = useWhiteListing; this.compositionHandler = new CompositionEventHandler<EditorEvent>( criticalTimerService, compositionListener, logger, weirdComposition); this.useCompositionEvents = useCompositionEvents; } /** Visible for testing */ State getState() { return state; } static int selectionLogCullRotation = 0; /** * @param signal * @return true if its handled */ public boolean handleEvent(EditorEvent signal) { if (useMobileChromiunCompositionEvents) { if (signal.asEvent().getType().equalsIgnoreCase(BrowserEvents.COMPOSITIONSTART)) { EditorStaticDeps.startIgnoreMutations(); } if (signal.asEvent().getType().equalsIgnoreCase(BrowserEvents.COMPOSITIONEND)) { EditorStaticDeps.endIgnoreMutations(); } } if (editorInteractor.notifyListeners(signal)) { // The listeners themselves can cancel the event if they wish. return false; } // Wraps handleEventInner to update the selectionAffinity variables. selectionAffinityMaybeChanged = true; hadInitialSelection = editorInteractor.hasContentSelection(); boolean retVal = true; try { retVal = handleEventInner(signal); } catch (SelectionLostException e) { if (e.hasLostSelection() && (LogLevel.showDebug() || (selectionLogCullRotation++ % SELECTION_LOG_CULL_FACTOR) == 0)) { EditorStaticDeps.logger.error().log(e); } // NOTE(patcoleman): we assume that if there was no selection to start with, that the // html selection is inside a part with no corresponding content node (e.g. inside doodad // or textbox). In this case it's not cancelled, so the browser can deal with it. retVal = e.hasLostSelection(); } if (selectionAffinityMaybeChanged) { needToSetSelectionAffinity = true; } return retVal; } private boolean handleEventInner(EditorEvent event) throws SelectionLostException { // TODO(danilatos): IE IME keycode thingy!! invalidateSelection(); // NOTE(patcoleman): special cases FTW! // 1) click can be while the editor isn't editing, so needs to avoid needing content selection. if (event.isMouseEvent()) { // Flush because the selection location may have changed to somewhere // else in the same text node. We MUST handle mouse down events for // this. editorInteractor.forceFlush(); ContentElement node = editorInteractor.findElementWrapper(event.getTarget()); event.setCaret(new ContentPoint(node, null)); if (node != null && event.isClickEvent()) { router.handleClick(node, event); editorInteractor.clearCaretAnnotations(); editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.NEUTRAL); return !event.shouldAllowBrowserDefault(); } else { return false; } } // 2) Only update selection if we know it's needed: if (checkIfValidSelectionNeeded(event)) { refreshEditorWithCaret(event); if (cachedSelection == null) { // disallow events if we don't know where the selection is - probably something's botched // lars: only in editing mode; otherwise we block, e.g., keyboard manipulation // of radio buttons return editorInteractor.isEditing(); } } if (weirdComposition && state == State.COMPOSITION) { if (!event.isCompositionEvent()) { compositionHandler.handleOtherEvent(); } } // Handle: if (event.isKeyEvent()) { return handleKeyEvent(event); } else if (event.isCompositionEvent()) { if (useCompositionEvents) { return handleCompositionEvent(event); } else { // OMG, composition events don't work in Mobile Chromiun! // It seems this works! I just want to capture text input and backspace if (useMobileChromiunCompositionEvents) { if (event.asEvent().getType().equalsIgnoreCase(BrowserEvents.TEXTINPUT) || event.asEvent().getType().equalsIgnoreCase(BrowserEvents.COMPOSITIONUPDATE)) { refreshEditorWithCaret(event); Point<ContentNode> caret = maybeSetSelectionLeftAffinity(event.getCaret().asPoint()); event.setCaret(ContentPoint.fromPoint(caret)); return editorInteractor.notifyTypingExtractor(event.getCaret().asPoint(), false, false); } } return false; } } else if (event.isClipboardEvent()) { if (event.isPasteEvent()) { return subHandler.handlePaste(event); } else if (event.isCutEvent()) { return subHandler.handleCut(event); } else if (event.isCopyEvent()) { return subHandler.handleCopy(event); } else { // These are onbeforecopy/onbeforepaste etc.. We are not currently // interested, and they are harmless so just allow. return false; } } else if (event.isMutationEvent()) { selectionAffinityMaybeChanged = false; if (!editorInteractor.isExpectingMutationEvents()) { // Don't trust in DomHelper.isTextNode(event.getTarget()) // to detect DOM mutations in text because target property // is inconsistent among browsers {@DOMImplWebkit#eventGetTarget} if (event.isDOMCharacterEvent()) { cachedSelection = editorInteractor.getSelectionPoints(); if (cachedSelection != null) { if (!cachedSelection.isCollapsed()) { logger.trace().logPlainText("WARNING: Probable IME input on non-collapsed " + "range not handled!!!"); // TODO(dan/patcoleman): Yeargh, IME killing a range!!! Nooo!!!! // Handle eeet } logger.trace().logPlainText("Notifying typing extractor for " + "probable IME-caused mutation event"); // Nothing to do with the return value of this method, as mutation // events are not cancellable. editorInteractor.notifyTypingExtractor(cachedSelection.getFocus(), false, false); } } } if (QuirksConstants.LIES_ABOUT_CARET_AT_LINK_END_BOUNDARY) { checkForWebkitEndOfLinkHack(event); } subHandler.handleDomMutation(event); return false; } else if (event.isFocusEvent()) { return false; } else { // cancel anything we don't know about logger.trace().log("Cancelling: " + event.getType()); return true; } } void checkForWebkitEndOfLinkHack(SignalEvent signal) { // If it's inserting text if (DomHelper.isTextNode(signal.getTarget()) && (signal.getType().equals(BrowserEvents.DOMCharacterDataModified) || signal.getType().equals(BrowserEvents.DOMNodeInserted))) { Text textNode = signal.getTarget().cast(); if (textNode.getLength() > 0) { Node e = textNode.getPreviousSibling(); if (e != null && !DomHelper.isTextNode(e) && e.<Element>cast().getTagName().toLowerCase().equals("a")) { FocusedPointRange<Node> selection = editorInteractor.getHtmlSelection(); if (selection.isCollapsed() && selection.getFocus().getTextOffset() == 0) { editorInteractor.noteWebkitEndOfLinkHackOccurred(textNode); } } } } } private boolean handleKeyEvent(EditorEvent event) throws SelectionLostException { KeySignalType keySignalType = event.getKeySignalType(); switch (state) { case NORMAL: if (isAccelerator(event)) { refreshEditorWithCaret(event); if (subHandler.handleCommand(event) || subHandler.handleBlockLevelCommands(event, cachedSelection.asOrderedRange(editorInteractor.selectionIsOrdered()))) { return true; } if (cachedSelection.isCollapsed()) { if (subHandler.handleCollapsedKeyCombo(event, cachedSelection.getFocus())) { return true; } } else { if (subHandler.handleRangeKeyCombo(event, cachedSelection.asOrderedRange(editorInteractor.selectionIsOrdered()))) { return true; } } return shouldCancelAcceleratorBrowserDefault(event); } switch(keySignalType) { case INPUT: case DELETE: return handleInputOrDeleteKeyEvent(event, keySignalType); case NAVIGATION: return handleNavigationKeyEvents(event); case NOEFFECT: return false; } throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled signal type"); case COMPOSITION: // NOTE(danilatos): From my investigations, during IME composition, the browser itself // pretty much disables all the combos. Or, it has its own strange buggy behaviour // without us doing anything. Therefore, we can pretty much ignore key events during // composition mode. return false; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled state"); } } private boolean handleCompositionEvent(EditorEvent event) { return compositionHandler.handleCompositionEvent(event, event.getType()); } private void compositionStart(EditorEvent event) { if (state == State.COMPOSITION) { logger.error().log("State was already IME during a compositionstart event!"); } Point<ContentNode> caret; if (cachedSelection == null) { logger.error().log("No selection during a composition start event? Maybe it's " + "deep inside some doodad's html?"); caret = null; } else if (cachedSelection.isCollapsed()) { caret = cachedSelection.getFocus(); } else { caret = deleteCachedSelectionRangeAndInvalidate(true); } state = State.COMPOSITION; editorInteractor.compositionStart(caret); } private void compositionUpdate() { editorInteractor.compositionUpdate(); } private void compositionEnd() { // We update the cached selection because sometimes we'll immediately get called back // into compositionStart() cachedSelection = editorInteractor.compositionEnd(); state = State.NORMAL; } private boolean handleInputOrDeleteKeyEvent(EditorEvent event, KeySignalType keySignalType) throws SelectionLostException { // !!!!!!!!! // TODO(danilatos): This caret is in the wrong (full) view, and can die when // applied to mutable doc!!!! Only OK right now out of sheer luck. // !!!!!!!!! Point<ContentNode> caret; boolean isCollapsed = editorInteractor.getHtmlSelection() != null && editorInteractor.getHtmlSelection().isCollapsed(); boolean isReplace = false; if (isCollapsed) { MoveUnit moveUnit = event.getMoveUnit(); if (moveUnit != MoveUnit.CHARACTER) { if (event.getMoveUnit() == MoveUnit.WORD) { if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_BACKSPACE) { refreshEditorWithCaret(event); caret = cachedSelection.getFocus(); editorInteractor.deleteWordEndingAt(caret); } else if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE){ refreshEditorWithCaret(event); caret = cachedSelection.getFocus(); editorInteractor.deleteWordStartingAt(caret); } } // TODO(user): Manually handle line/other etc. deletes, because // they might contain formatting, etc. For now, cancelling for safety. return true; } else { // HACK(danilatos/patcoleman): We don't want the caret to get set here, // because it is not safe unless we continually flush the typing extractor // which is undesirable. // NOTE #XYZ (this comment referenced from elsewhere) // To fix this properly, we need to restructure the control flow, and // possibly change the types of caret we pass around. caret = null; } } else { refreshEditorWithCaret(event); // NOTE: at this point, should be either INPUT or DELETE boolean isDelete = (keySignalType == KeySignalType.DELETE); if (event.isImeKeyEvent()) { // Semi-HACK(danilatos): sometimes during composition, the selection will be reported // as a range. We want to leave this alone, not delete it. Since we're not handling // ranged deletions with non-FF ime input properly anyway, this will do. caret = cachedSelection.getFocus(); } else { caret = deleteCachedSelectionRangeAndInvalidate(!isDelete); // keep annotations on insert } if (isDelete) { return true; // Did a range delete already. Do not go on to typing extractor. } else { isReplace = true; } } if (keySignalType == KeySignalType.DELETE) { refreshEditorWithCaret(event); caret = cachedSelection.getFocus(); ContentNode node = caret.getContainer(); editorInteractor.checkpoint(new FocusedContentRange(caret)); switch (EventWrapper.getKeyCombo(event)) { case BACKSPACE: case SHIFT_BACKSPACE: editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.FROM_RIGHT); return router.handleBackspace(node, event); case SHIFT_DELETE: if (!QuirksConstants.HAS_OLD_SCHOOL_CLIPBOARD_SHORTCUTS) { // On a mac, shift+delete is the same as regular delete. editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.FROM_LEFT); return router.handleDelete(node, event); } else { // On windows & linux, shift+delete is cut // It should have been caught earlier by the isAccelerator check throw new RuntimeException("Shift delete should have been caught" + "as an accelerator event!"); } case DELETE: editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.FROM_LEFT); return router.handleDelete(node, event); } } else if (handleEventsManuallyOnNode(event, caret)){ return true; } return handleNormalTyping(event, caret, isReplace); } private Point<ContentNode> deleteCachedSelectionRangeAndInvalidate(boolean isReplace) { // !!!!!!!!! // TODO(danilatos): This caret is in the wrong (full) view, and can die when // applied to mutable doc!!!! Only OK right now out of sheer luck. // !!!!!!!!! editorInteractor.checkpoint(cachedSelection); Point<ContentNode> start; Point<ContentNode> end; if (editorInteractor.selectionIsOrdered()) { start = cachedSelection.getAnchor(); end = cachedSelection.getFocus(); } else { end = cachedSelection.getAnchor(); start = cachedSelection.getFocus(); } Point<ContentNode> caret = null; caret = editorInteractor.deleteRange(start, end, isReplace); setCaret(caret); assert cachedSelection == null; return caret; } private boolean handleNormalTyping(EditorEvent event, Point<ContentNode> caret, boolean isReplace) throws SelectionLostException { // Note that caret may be null if this is called during typing extraction // Normal typing selectionAffinityMaybeChanged = false; // NOTE(danilatos): We can't tell if a key event is IME in firefox, so // we just always do typing extraction instead. // Additionally, even for normal key strokes, firefox has strange // behaviour when handling them programmatically. The cursor appears // to lag a character behind, and there are selection half-disappearing // issues when deleting around annotation boundaries. boolean useTypingExtractor = event.isImeKeyEvent() || UserAgent.isFirefox(); if (useTypingExtractor) { // Just normal typing. Send to typing extractor. if (editorInteractor.isTyping()) { // NOTE(patcoleman): Do not change affinity while normal typing, our affinity should // remain consistent across normal typing. logger.trace().log("Not notifying typing extractor, already notified"); } else { if (UserAgent.isFirefox()) { // NOTE(user): This is one way of handling the affinity problem. // The other method is to detect where the selection is, and modify // the behaviour of typing extractor/document such that when the // typing is extracted, the formatting applied to the content doc // matches the html impl. // TODO(user): This doesn't handle the case for persistent inline // elements where the browser may automatically place the cursor. We // don't currently have such elements, but we'll need to consider // this case in the future. refreshEditorWithCaret(event); caret = maybeSetSelectionLeftAffinity(event.getCaret().asPoint()); event.setCaret(ContentPoint.fromPoint(caret)); } else { // Caret might be null } logger.trace().log("Notifying typing extractor"); return editorInteractor.notifyTypingExtractor(caret, caret == null, isReplace); } return false; } else { char c = (char) event.getKeyCode(); refreshEditorWithCaret(event); caret = cachedSelection.getFocus(); // Is it safe to delete this line? caret = editorInteractor.insertText(caret, String.valueOf(c), isReplace); caret = editorInteractor.normalizePoint(caret); setCaret(caret); editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.FROM_LEFT); return true; } } private boolean handleEventsManuallyOnNode(EditorEvent event, Point<ContentNode> caret) throws SelectionLostException { // Note that caret may be null if this is called during typing extraction // Always handle enter specially, and always cancel the default action. // TODO(danilatos): This is still a slight anomaly, to call a // node.handleXYZ method here. if (event.isOnly(KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER)) { refreshEditorWithCaret(event); caret = event.getCaret().asPoint(); editorInteractor.checkpoint(new FocusedContentRange(caret)); router.handleEnter(caret.getContainer(), event); editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.FROM_LEFT); return true; } else if (event.isCombo(KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER, KeyModifier.SHIFT)) { // shift+enter inserts a "newline" (such as a <br/>) by default // TODO(danilatos): Form elements want to handle this. return true; } return false; } private boolean handleNavigationKeyEvents(EditorEvent event) { editorInteractor.checkpoint(null); editorInteractor.clearCaretAnnotations(); ContentNode node = cachedSelection.getFocus().getContainer(); logger.trace().log("Navigation event"); // Not using key combo, because we want to handle left key with // any modifiers also applying. // TODO(danilatos): MoveUnit, and holding down shift for selection. if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT) { router.handleLeft(node, event); editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.FROM_RIGHT); return !event.shouldAllowBrowserDefault(); } else if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT) { router.handleRight(node, event); editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.FROM_LEFT); return !event.shouldAllowBrowserDefault(); } else { editorInteractor.rebiasSelection(CursorDirection.NEUTRAL); } return false; } private Point<ContentNode> maybeSetSelectionLeftAffinity(Point<ContentNode> caret) { if (!needToSetSelectionAffinity) { return caret; } needToSetSelectionAffinity = false; Point<ContentNode> newCaret = editorInteractor.normalizePoint(caret); if (newCaret != caret) { editorInteractor.setCaret(newCaret); } return newCaret; } /** * Tells us if this key event is an "accelerator" key event. * * For lack of a better word, basically this means keys & combos that aren't * used for basic input, deletion, and navigation. See the implementation * comments for details. * * @param event Must be a key event! * @return true if this event is an accelerator key sequence. */ static boolean isAccelerator(SignalEvent event) { return isAcceleratorInner(event, UserAgent.isMac(), QuirksConstants.HAS_OLD_SCHOOL_CLIPBOARD_SHORTCUTS); } /** * Parameterised to allow testing different browser/os permuations * @param event * @param isMac * @param quirksHasOldSchoolClipboardShortcuts */ @VisibleForTesting static boolean isAcceleratorInner(SignalEvent event, boolean isMac, boolean quirksHasOldSchoolClipboardShortcuts) { switch (event.getKeySignalType()) { case INPUT: // Alt on its own is a simple modifier, like shift, on OSX boolean maybeAltKey = !isMac && event.getAltKey(); // NOTE(user): Perhaps we should create a registry in // EditorEventSubHandler of non-metesque like command keys such as TAB. // For now TAB is our only special case, but we may need to allow // implementers to define arbitrary keys as accelerators. return event.getCtrlKey() || event.getMetaKey() || event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_TAB || maybeAltKey; case DELETE: if (quirksHasOldSchoolClipboardShortcuts && event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE && KeyModifier.SHIFT.check(event)) { // shift+delete on windows/linux is cut // (shift+insert and ctrl+insert are other clipboard alternatives, // but that's handled below). return true; } else { return false; } case NAVIGATION: // All navigation does not count return false; case NOEFFECT: // Random special keys like ESC, F7, TAB, INS, etc count return true; } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown KeySignal type"); } /** * @param acceleratorEvent Must be a key event AND isAccelerator(event) == true * @return whether we should cancel the browser's default action */ private boolean shouldCancelAcceleratorBrowserDefault(SignalEvent acceleratorEvent) { // (more verbose name in argument to remind us of the constraint). SignalEvent event = acceleratorEvent; // First, handle non-combo events (here they should only be "NOEFFECT" keys) // We use blacklisting for these. // TODO(danilatos/mtsui): Switch to whitelisting as well? if (KeyModifier.NONE.check(event)) { if (event.getKeyCode() == EventWrapper.KEY_INSERT) { // Cancel INSERT to prevent overwrite mode, for now // (Happens in IE). return true; } else { // Other things like ESC, TAB, function keys, etc are OK. return cancelUnsafeKeyEvents; } } if (isAllowableCombo(event)) { // We can safely ignore logger.trace().log("Allowing event"); return false; } if (logger.trace().shouldLog()) { logger.trace().log("unsafe combo: ", event.getType(), event.getKeyCode()); } return cancelUnsafeKeyEvents; } private boolean isAllowableCombo(SignalEvent sEvent) { // Detect inconsistency between whitelist and blacklist. checkBlackWhiteListConsistency(sEvent); if (isWhiteListedCombo(sEvent)) { return true; } if (useWhiteListing) { // If we are using whitelisting, disallow all events that didn't pass the // above check. return false; } else { // TODO(user): Log a sample of these combos to the server, so we can // analyse these and perhaps add a class of keys to the whitelist. Also // store this string somewhere so in case an exception is thrown later, it // can be associated with this event. if (logger.trace().shouldLog()) { logger.trace().log("not in whitelist: ", sEvent); } // Otherwise return allow events that are not in the blacklist. return !isBlackListedCombo(sEvent); } } private boolean checkBlackWhiteListConsistency(SignalEvent sEvent) { boolean isConsistent = !(isWhiteListedCombo(sEvent) && isBlackListedCombo(sEvent)); if (!isConsistent) { String message = "Combo both whitelisted and blacklisted! " + sEvent.getKeyCode(); assert false : message; logger.error().logPlainText(message); } return isConsistent; } /** * These key combos can be safely ignored. They don't directly modify the * editable region, but may perform something useful on the browser so we * don't want to cancel them. i.e. copy/cut/paste key events. * * Combos listed here should be accompanied with a comment stating the reason. * * Maintaining this whitelist is quite an effort, but at least we shouldn't * get the browser blowing up if the user entered some keycombo we don't know * about. * * * References: * http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Keyboard+shortcuts * http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=42951 * http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/ie/quickref.mspx * * @return true if it is safe to ignore, or false which will result in further * handling. */ private boolean isWhiteListedCombo(SignalEvent signal) { KeyCombo keyCombo = EventWrapper.getKeyCombo(signal); switch (keyCombo) { // Edit actions: // Allow cut/copy/paste combos and handle the actual clipboard events // later. case ORDER_C: // copy case ORDER_X: // cut case ORDER_V: // paste case ORDER_A: // select all case ORDER_P: // print case ORDER_L: // navigate to url box // Page navigation // On safari, delete/backspace is normally used to go back as well, but // of course in the editor we won't allow that. case META_LEFT: // back case META_RIGHT: // forward case META_HOME: // home case ORDER_O: // open file case ORDER_R: // reload case ORDER_SHIFT_R: // reload (override cache) // Search case ORDER_F: // find case ORDER_G: // find again // tools case ORDER_D: // bookmark this page // Window and tabs case ORDER_N: // new window case ORDER_T: // new tab case ORDER_W: // close window case ORDER_Q: // quit return true; default: } if (QuirksConstants.HAS_OLD_SCHOOL_CLIPBOARD_SHORTCUTS) { if (isAlternateClipboardCombo(signal)) { return true; } } if (UserAgent.isSafari() && UserAgent.isMac()) { // Navigation events for Mac Safari only. switch (keyCombo) { case CTRL_A: case CTRL_B: case CTRL_E: case CTRL_F: return true; default: } } return false; } private boolean isBlackListedCombo(SignalEvent event) { KeyCombo keyCombo = EventWrapper.getKeyCombo(event); switch (keyCombo) { // Disallow undo case ORDER_Z: return true; } if (UserAgent.isMac()) { switch (keyCombo) { case CTRL_D: // Deletes a character, needs to be handled manually case CTRL_H: // Deletes a character backwards case CTRL_K: // Deletes to end of line, needs to be handled manually return true; } if (UserAgent.isFirefox()) { switch (keyCombo) { case CTRL_W: // Deletes a word backwards return true; case CTRL_U: // Kills line // NOTE(user): Implement this when Firefox updates their selection API. return true; } } if (UserAgent.isWebkit()) { switch (keyCombo) { case CTRL_O: // Inserts a new line return true; } } } if (QuirksConstants.PLAINTEXT_PASTE_DOES_NOT_EMIT_PASTE_EVENT && keyCombo == KeyCombo.ORDER_ALT_SHIFT_V) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isAlternateClipboardCombo(SignalEvent signal) { switch (EventWrapper.getKeyCombo(signal)) { // Edit actions: // Allow cut/copy/paste combos and handle the actual clipboard events // later. case SHIFT_DELETE: // cut (win + linux only) case CTRL_INSERT: // copy (win + linux only) case SHIFT_INSERT: // paste (win + linux only) return true; default: return false; } } // If any of these abstract methods return true, we stop processing the signal // We also prevent default for those named with "handleXYZ" if true is returned private void setCaret(Point<ContentNode> caret) { invalidateSelection(); editorInteractor.setCaret(caret); } private void invalidateSelection() { cachedSelection = null; } /** * Flushes the editor, and updates the caret of the event to be the new start of selection. */ private void refreshEditorWithCaret(EditorEvent event) throws SelectionLostException { // NOTE(patcoleman): don't call interactor's flush outside here - it is possible the rest of the // event states will not be updated correctly. editorInteractor.forceFlush(); cachedSelection = editorInteractor.getSelectionPoints(); if (cachedSelection != null) { event.setCaret(ContentPoint.fromPoint(cachedSelection.getFocus())); } else { throw new SelectionLostException("Null selection after force flushing editor, " + "event = " + event.getType(), hadInitialSelection); } } /** * A check extracted out, to see whether a particular event requires a valid refreshed selection. */ private boolean checkIfValidSelectionNeeded(EditorEvent event) { if (event.isMutationEvent() || event.isFocusEvent()) { return false; // mutations or focus don't mutate the document at this stage. } else if (event.isKeyEvent() && state == State.NORMAL) { if (event.isImeKeyEvent()) { return false; // ime typing can be extracted not on firefox } else if(event.getKeySignalType() == KeySignalType.INPUT) { return false; // normal typing can be extracted on firefox } } return true; } /** * This may not be always correct, but may be useful when the selection is * not otherwise available, i.e. when the editor is blurred. */ public FocusedContentRange getCachedSelection() { return cachedSelection; } /** * Sets whether unsafe combos are cancelled. */ public static void setCancelUnsafeCombos(boolean shouldCancel) { cancelUnsafeKeyEvents = shouldCancel; } /** * Gets whether unsafe combos are cancelled. */ public static boolean getCancelUnsafeCombos() { return cancelUnsafeKeyEvents; } /** * Checked exception for finding any places the editor unexpectedly * has no selection - as this probably indicates a bug. */ private static class SelectionLostException extends Exception { private final boolean lostSelection; public SelectionLostException(String message, boolean lost) { super(message + ". Selection was " + (lost ? "" : "not ") + "lost."); this.lostSelection = lost; } public boolean hasLostSelection() { return lostSelection; } } }