package org.subethamail.core.admin; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import; import org.hibernate.CacheMode; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl; import; import; import org.subethamail.common.NotFoundException; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.AuthSubscribeResult; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.PersonData; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.SubscribeResult; import org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin; import org.subethamail.core.admin.i.DuplicateListDataException; import org.subethamail.core.admin.i.InvalidListDataException; import org.subethamail.core.admin.i.SiteStatus; import org.subethamail.core.lists.i.ListData; import org.subethamail.core.lists.i.ListDataPlus; import; import org.subethamail.core.queue.InjectQueue; import org.subethamail.core.queue.InjectedQueueItem; import org.subethamail.core.smtp.SMTPService; import org.subethamail.core.util.OwnerAddress; import org.subethamail.core.util.PersonalBean; import org.subethamail.core.util.Transmute; import org.subethamail.core.util.VERPAddress; import org.subethamail.entity.EmailAddress; import org.subethamail.entity.Mail; import org.subethamail.entity.MailingList; import org.subethamail.entity.Person; import org.subethamail.entity.Subscription; import org.subethamail.entity.SubscriptionHold; import org.subethamail.entity.i.Permission; import org.subethamail.entity.i.PermissionException; import com.caucho.remote.HessianService; /** * Implementation of the Admin interface. * * @author Jeff Schnitzer */ @Stateless(name="Admin") @RolesAllowed(Person.ROLE_ADMIN) @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) @HessianService(urlPattern="/api/Admin") @Log public class AdminBean extends PersonalBean implements Admin { /** * The set of characters from which randomly generated * passwords will be obtained. */ protected static final String PASSWORD_GEN_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "0123456789"; /** * The length of randomly generated passwords. */ protected static final int PASSWORD_GEN_LENGTH = 6; /** */ @Inject PostOffice postOffice; /** Unfortunately Resin CDI trips on the generic */ //@Inject @InjectQueue BlockingQueue<InjectedQueueItem> inboundQueue; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Inject @InjectQueue BlockingQueue inboundQueue; /** Needed to get the fallback host */ @Inject SMTPService smtpService; @Inject SiteSettings settings; /** * For generating random passwords. */ protected Random randomizer = new Random(); /** * @see Admin#log(String) */ public void log(String msg) { log.log(Level.INFO,"CLIENT: {0}", msg); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#createMailingList(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress,, java.lang.String, javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress[]) */ public Long createMailingList(InternetAddress address, URL url, String description, InternetAddress[] initialOwners) throws DuplicateListDataException, InvalidListDataException { this.checkListAddresses(address, url); // Then create the mailing list and attach the owners. MailingList list = new MailingList(address.getAddress(), address.getPersonal(), url.toString(), description); this.em.persist(list); // TODO: remove this code when // is fixed. This should be performed within the constructor of MailingList. list.setDefaultRole(list.getRoles().iterator().next()); list.setAnonymousRole(list.getRoles().iterator().next()); for (InternetAddress ownerAddress: initialOwners) { EmailAddress ea = this.establishEmailAddress(ownerAddress, null); Subscription sub = new Subscription(ea.getPerson(), list, ea, list.getOwnerRole()); this.em.persist(sub); list.getSubscriptions().add(sub); ea.getPerson().addSubscription(sub); this.postOffice.sendOwnerNewMailingList(list, ea); } return list.getId(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#establishPerson(javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress, java.lang.String) */ public Long establishPerson(InternetAddress address, String password) { return this.establishEmailAddress(address, password).getPerson().getId(); } /** * Common method that does the work. */ protected EmailAddress establishEmailAddress(InternetAddress address, String password) { try { return this.em.getEmailAddress(address.getAddress()); } catch (NotFoundException ex) { // Nobody with that name, lets create if (password == null) password = this.generateRandomPassword(); String personal = address.getPersonal(); if (personal == null) personal = ""; Person p = new Person(password, personal); EmailAddress e = new EmailAddress(p, address.getAddress()); p.addEmailAddress(e); this.em.persist(p); this.em.persist(e); return e; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#subscribeEmail(java.lang.Long, javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress, boolean, boolean) */ public AuthSubscribeResult subscribeEmail(Long listId, InternetAddress address, boolean ignoreHold, boolean silent) throws NotFoundException { EmailAddress addy = this.establishEmailAddress(address, null); SubscribeResult result = this.subscribe(listId, addy.getPerson(), addy, ignoreHold, silent); return new AuthSubscribeResult( addy.getPerson().getId(), addy.getId(), addy.getPerson().getPassword(), addy.getPerson().getRoles(), result, listId); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#subscribe(java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, boolean) */ public SubscribeResult subscribe(Long listId, Long personId, String email, boolean ignoreHold) throws NotFoundException { Person who = this.em.get(Person.class, personId); if (email == null) { // Subscribing with (or changing to) disabled delivery return this.subscribe(listId, who, null, ignoreHold, false); } else { EmailAddress addy = who.getEmailAddress(email); if (addy == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Must be one of person's email addresses"); return this.subscribe(listId, who, addy, ignoreHold, false); } } /** * Subscribes someone to a mailing list, or changes the delivery address * of an existing subscriber. * @param deliverTo can be null to disable delivery * @param ignoreHold will subscribe even if a hold is requested * @param silent if true will not send a welcome message to new subscribers */ protected SubscribeResult subscribe(Long listId, Person who, EmailAddress deliverTo, boolean ignoreHold, boolean silent) throws NotFoundException { MailingList list = this.em.get(MailingList.class, listId); Subscription sub = who.getSubscription(listId); if (sub != null) { // If we're already subscribed, maybe we want to change the // delivery address. sub.setDeliverTo(deliverTo); return SubscribeResult.OK; } else { if (!ignoreHold && list.isSubscriptionHeld()) { // Maybe already held, if so, replace it; email address might be new SubscriptionHold hold = who.getHeldSubscriptions().get(list.getId()); if (hold != null) { who.getHeldSubscriptions().remove(list.getId()); this.em.remove(hold); } hold = new SubscriptionHold(who, list, deliverTo); this.em.persist(hold); // Send mail to anyone that can approve for (Subscription maybeModerator: list.getSubscriptions()) if (maybeModerator.getRole().getPermissions().contains(Permission.APPROVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS) && (maybeModerator.getDeliverTo() != null)) this.postOffice.sendModeratorSubscriptionHeldNotice(maybeModerator.getDeliverTo(), hold); return SubscribeResult.HELD; } else { sub = new Subscription(who, list, deliverTo, list.getDefaultRole()); this.em.persist(sub); who.addSubscription(sub); list.getSubscriptions().add(sub); if (!silent) { this.postOffice.sendSubscribed(list, who, deliverTo); // Notify anyone with APPROVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS for (Subscription maybeNotify: list.getSubscriptions()) if (maybeNotify.getRole().getPermissions().contains(Permission.APPROVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS) && (maybeNotify.getDeliverTo() != null)) this.postOffice.sendModeratorSubscriptionNotice(maybeNotify.getDeliverTo(), sub, false); } // Flush any messages that might be held prior to this subscription. this.selfModerate(who.getId()); return SubscribeResult.OK; } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#unsubscribe(java.lang.Long, Long) */ public void unsubscribe(Long listId, Long personId) throws NotFoundException { Person who = this.em.get(Person.class, personId); this.unsubscribe(listId, who); } /** * Does the work of unsubscribing someone. */ protected void unsubscribe(Long listId, Person who) throws NotFoundException { MailingList list = this.em.get(MailingList.class, listId); // Can't just call getSubscriptions().remote(listId). Workaround for hibernate bug. Subscription sub = who.getSubscriptions().get(listId); if (sub != null) { who.getSubscriptions().remove(listId); list.getSubscriptions().remove(sub); this.em.remove(sub); } // Notify anyone with APPROVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS for (Subscription maybeNotify: list.getSubscriptions()) if (maybeNotify.getRole().getPermissions().contains(Permission.APPROVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS) && (maybeNotify.getDeliverTo() != null)) this.postOffice.sendModeratorSubscriptionNotice(maybeNotify.getDeliverTo(), sub, true); } /** * @return a valid password. */ protected String generateRandomPassword() { StringBuffer gen = new StringBuffer(PASSWORD_GEN_LENGTH); for (int i=0; i<PASSWORD_GEN_LENGTH; i++) { int which = (int)(PASSWORD_GEN_CHARS.length() * this.randomizer.nextDouble()); gen.append(PASSWORD_GEN_CHARS.charAt(which)); } return gen.toString(); } @Override public void setSiteAdmin(Long personId, boolean value) throws NotFoundException { Person p = this.em.get(Person.class, personId); p.setSiteAdmin(value); // TODO: replace this with resin/auth code //this.flushJBossCredentialCache(personId); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#setSiteAdmin(java.lang.String, boolean) */ public void setSiteAdminByEmail(String email, boolean siteAdmin) throws NotFoundException { EmailAddress ea = this.em.getEmailAddress(email); ea.getPerson().setSiteAdmin(siteAdmin); // TODO: replace this with resin/auth code //this.flushJBossCredentialCache(ea.getPerson().getId()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#addEmail(java.lang.Long, java.lang.String) */ public void addEmail(Long personId, String email) throws NotFoundException { EmailAddress addy = this.em.findEmailAddress(email); // Three cases: either addy is null, addy is already associated with // the person, or addy is already associated with someone else. // Lets quickly handle the case were we don't have to do anything if ((addy != null) && addy.getPerson().getId().equals(personId)) return; Person who = this.em.get(Person.class, personId); if (addy == null) { addy = new EmailAddress(who, email); this.em.persist(addy); who.addEmailAddress(addy); } else { this.merge(addy.getPerson().getId(), who.getId()); } this.selfModerate(who.getId()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#merge(java.lang.Long, java.lang.Long) */ public void merge(Long fromPersonId, Long toPersonId) throws NotFoundException { Person from = this.em.get(Person.class, fromPersonId); Person to = this.em.get(Person.class, toPersonId); log.log(Level.FINE,"Merging {0} into {1}", new Object[]{from, to}); // First of all watch out for permission upgrade if (from.isSiteAdmin()) to.setSiteAdmin(true); // Move email addresses for (EmailAddress addy: from.getEmailAddresses().values()) { log.log(Level.FINE," merging {0}", addy); addy.setPerson(to); to.addEmailAddress(addy); } from.getEmailAddresses().clear(); // Move subscriptions for (Subscription sub: from.getSubscriptions().values()) { // Keep our current subscription if there is a duplicate Subscription toSub = to.getSubscriptions().get(sub.getList().getId()); if (toSub != null) { log.log(Level.FINE," abandoning duplicate {0}", sub); // Special case - if the other was an owner role, upgrade this one too if (sub.getRole().isOwner()) toSub.setRole(sub.getRole()); this.em.remove(sub); } else { log.log(Level.FINE," merging {0}", sub); sub.setPerson(to); to.addSubscription(sub); } } from.getSubscriptions().clear(); // Move held subscriptions for (SubscriptionHold hold: from.getHeldSubscriptions().values()) { Long listId = hold.getList().getId(); if (to.getSubscriptions().containsKey(listId) || to.getHeldSubscriptions().containsKey(listId)) { log.log(Level.FINE," abandoning obsolete or duplicate {0}", hold); this.em.remove(hold); } else { log.log(Level.FINE," merging {0}", hold); hold.setPerson(to); to.addHeldSubscription(hold); } } from.getHeldSubscriptions().clear(); // Some of those holds we might not need anymore because we were already // subscribed or acquired a new subscription. for (SubscriptionHold hold: to.getHeldSubscriptions().values()) { Long listId = hold.getList().getId(); if (to.getSubscriptions().containsKey(listId)) { to.getHeldSubscriptions().remove(listId); this.em.remove(hold); } } // Nuke the old person object log.log(Level.FINE," deleting person {0}", from); this.em.remove(from); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#selfModerate(java.lang.Long) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public int selfModerate(Long personId) throws NotFoundException { Person who = this.em.get(Person.class, personId); List<Mail> heldMail = this.em.findSoftHoldsForPerson(personId); int count = 0; for (Mail held: heldMail) { if (held.getList().getPermissionsFor(who).contains(Permission.POST)) { held.approve(); try { this.inboundQueue.put(new InjectedQueueItem(held)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } count++; } } return count; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#getSiteAdmins() */ public List<PersonData> getSiteAdmins() { List<Person> siteAdmins = this.em.findSiteAdmins(); return Transmute.people(siteAdmins); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#setListAddresses(java.lang.Long, javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress, */ public void setListAddresses(Long listId, InternetAddress address, URL url) throws NotFoundException, DuplicateListDataException, InvalidListDataException { MailingList list = this.em.get(MailingList.class, listId); InternetAddress checkAddress = list.getEmail().equals(address.getAddress()) ? null : address; URL checkUrl = list.getUrl().equals(url.toString()) ? null : url; this.checkListAddresses(checkAddress, checkUrl); list.setEmail(address.getAddress()); list.setUrl(url.toString()); } /** * Checks whether or not the list addresses are ok (valid and not duplicates) * * @param address can be null to skip address checking * @param url can be null to skip url checking */ protected void checkListAddresses(InternetAddress address, URL url) throws DuplicateListDataException, InvalidListDataException { boolean dupAddress = false; boolean dupUrl = false; if (address != null) { boolean ownerAddy = OwnerAddress.getList(address.getAddress()) != null; boolean verpAddy = VERPAddress.getVERPBounce(address.getAddress()) != null; if (ownerAddy || verpAddy) throw new InvalidListDataException("Address cannot be used", ownerAddy, verpAddy); try { this.em.getMailingList(address); dupAddress = true; } catch (NotFoundException ex) {} } if (url != null) { // TODO: consider whether or not we should enforce any formatting of // the url here. Seems like that's a job for the web front end? try { this.em.getMailingList(url); dupUrl = true; } catch (NotFoundException ex) {} } if (dupAddress || dupUrl) throw new DuplicateListDataException("Mailing list already exists", dupAddress, dupUrl); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#getLists(int, int) */ public List<ListData> getLists(int skip, int count) { return Transmute.mailingLists(this.em.findMailingLists(skip, count)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#getListsPlus(int, int) */ public List<ListDataPlus> getListsPlus(int skip, int count) throws NotFoundException, PermissionException { List<MailingList> mailingLists = this.em.findMailingLists(skip, count); List<ListDataPlus> listDatas = new ArrayList<ListDataPlus>(mailingLists.size()); for (MailingList list : mailingLists) { ListDataPlus listData = Transmute.mailingListPlus(list, this.em.countSubscribers(list.getId()), this.em.countMailByList(list.getId())); listDatas.add(listData); } return listDatas; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#searchLists(java.lang.String, int, int) */ public List<ListData> searchLists(String query, int skip, int count) { return Transmute.mailingLists(this.em.findMailingLists(query, skip, count)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#searchListsPlus(java.lang.String, int, int) */ public List<ListDataPlus> searchListsPlus(String query, int skip, int count) throws NotFoundException, PermissionException { List<MailingList> mailingLists = this.em.findMailingLists(query, skip, count); List<ListDataPlus> listDatas = new ArrayList<ListDataPlus>(mailingLists.size()); for (MailingList list : mailingLists) { ListDataPlus listData = Transmute.mailingListPlus(list, this.em.countSubscribers(list.getId()), this.em.countMailByList(list.getId())); listDatas.add(listData); } return listDatas; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#countLists() */ public int countLists() { return this.em.countLists(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#countLists(java.lang.String) */ public int countListsQuery(String query) { return this.em.countLists(query); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#getSiteStatus() */ public SiteStatus getSiteStatus() { return new SiteStatus( System.getProperty("file.encoding"), this.countLists(), this.em.countPeople(), this.em.countMail(), this.settings.getDefaultSiteUrl(), this.settings.getPostmaster(), this.smtpService.getFallbackHost() ); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#getDefaultSiteUrl() */ public URL getDefaultSiteUrl() { return this.settings.getDefaultSiteUrl(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#deleteList(java.lang.Long, java.lang.String) */ public boolean deleteList(Long listId, String password) throws NotFoundException { Person me = this.getMe(); if (!me.checkPassword(password)) return false; MailingList list = this.em.get(MailingList.class, listId); // Cascading delete should take care of: // Subscriptions // SubscriptionHolds // Mails // Roles // EnabledFilters and FilterArguments this.em.remove(list); // Cascading persistence is not smart enough when dealing with the 2nd // level cache; for instance, Person objects have cached relationships // to (now defunct) Subscription objects. We can just hit the problem // with a sledgehammer and reset the cache. SessionFactory sf = ((EntityManagerImpl)this.em.getDelegate()).getSession().getSessionFactory(); sf.getCache().evictCollectionRegions(); sf.getCache().evictEntityRegions(); sf.getCache().evictEntityRegions(); // TODO: rebuild the search index? return true; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#setPersonName(java.lang.Long, java.lang.String) */ @PermitAll public void setPersonName(Long personId, String name) throws NotFoundException, PermissionException { Person pers = this.em.get(Person.class, personId); // Let's just cut this out right now if (pers.getName().equals(name)) return; Person me = this.getMe(); // Easy case, are we an admin? No prob. if (me.isSiteAdmin()) { pers.setName(name.trim()); return; } // The special case (owners of lists to which the person is subscribed) only // works if the Person does not already have a name. if (pers.getName().trim().length() > 0) throw new PermissionException(Permission.EDIT_SUBSCRIPTIONS, "User already has a name and you can't replace it"); // If the user is subscribed to any lists that we are an owner for for (Subscription mySub: me.getSubscriptions().values()) { if (mySub.getRole().isOwner()) { if (pers.getSubscriptions().containsKey(mySub.getList().getId())) { pers.setName(name.trim()); return; } } } // Fallthrough case is that we were not an appropriate list owner, too bad throw new PermissionException(Permission.EDIT_SUBSCRIPTIONS, "You are not allowed to change this user's name"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin#rebuildSearchIndexes() */ @Override public void rebuildSearchIndexes() { // For some reason this generates an exception, something about unable // to synchronize transactions // FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(em); // try // { // fullTextEntityManager.createIndexer().startAndWait(); // } // catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // This alternative code (from the Hibernate Search docs) seems to work // although it generates a warning message when complete. Not going to // worry about it, this code doesn't run often. final int BATCH_SIZE = 128; org.hibernate.Session session = ((EntityManagerImpl)this.em.getDelegate()).getSession(); FullTextSession fullTextSession = Search.getFullTextSession(session); fullTextSession.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); fullTextSession.setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE); Transaction transaction = fullTextSession.beginTransaction(); //Scrollable results will avoid loading too many objects in memory ScrollableResults results = fullTextSession.createCriteria(Mail.class) .setFetchSize(BATCH_SIZE) .scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); int index = 0; while ( { index++; fullTextSession.index(results.get(0)); //index each element if (index % BATCH_SIZE == 0) { fullTextSession.flushToIndexes(); //apply changes to indexes fullTextSession.clear(); //free memory since the queue is processed } } transaction.commit(); } }