package org.subethamail.core.acct; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import; import org.subethamail.common.NotFoundException; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.AccountMgr; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.AuthCredentials; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.AuthSubscribeResult; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.BadTokenException; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.MyListRelationship; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.Self; import org.subethamail.core.acct.i.SubscribeResult; import org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Admin; import org.subethamail.core.admin.i.Encryptor; import; import org.subethamail.core.util.Base62; import org.subethamail.core.util.PersonalBean; import org.subethamail.core.util.Transmute; import org.subethamail.entity.EmailAddress; import org.subethamail.entity.MailingList; import org.subethamail.entity.Person; import org.subethamail.entity.Subscription; import com.caucho.remote.HessianService; /** * Implementation of the AccountMgr interface. * * @author Jeff Schnitzer */ @Stateless(name="AccountMgr") @RolesAllowed(Person.ROLE_USER) @RunAs(Person.ROLE_ADMIN) @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) @HessianService(urlPattern="/api/AccountMgr") @Log public class AccountMgrBean extends PersonalBean implements AccountMgr { /** * A known prefix so we know if decryption worked properly */ private static final String SUBSCRIBE_TOKEN_PREFIX = "sub"; private static final String ADD_EMAIL_TOKEN_PREFIX = "add"; /** * Allow tokens to be at most 24 hours old */ public static final long MAX_TOKEN_AGE_MILLIS = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; /** */ @Inject PostOffice postOffice; @Inject Encryptor encryptor; @Inject Admin admin; /** * @see AccountMgr#getSelf() */ public Self getSelf() { log.log(Level.FINE,"Getting self"); Person me = this.getMe(); return new Self( me.getId(), me.getName(), me.getEmailList(), me.isSiteAdmin(), Transmute.subscriptions(me.getSubscriptions().values()) ); } /** * @see AccountMgr#setName(String) */ public void setName(String newName) { log.log(Level.FINE,"Setting name"); Person me = this.getMe(); me.setName(newName); } /** * @see AccountMgr#setPassword(String) */ public void setPassword(String newPassword) { log.log(Level.FINE,"Setting password"); Person me = this.getMe(); me.setPassword(newPassword); } /** * @see AccountMgr#addEmailRequest(String) */ public void addEmailRequest(String newEmail) { // Send a token to the person's account log.log(Level.FINE,"Requesting to add email {0}", newEmail); Person me = this.getMe(); List<String> plainList = new ArrayList<String>(); plainList.add(ADD_EMAIL_TOKEN_PREFIX); plainList.add(me.getId().toString()); plainList.add(newEmail); byte[] cipherText = this.encryptor.encryptList(plainList); String cipherString = Base62.encode(cipherText); this.postOffice.sendAddEmailToken(me, newEmail, cipherString); } /** * @see AccountMgr#addEmail(String) */ @PermitAll public AuthCredentials addEmail(String token) throws BadTokenException, NotFoundException { byte[] cipherText = Base62.decode(token); List<String> plainList; try { plainList = this.encryptor.decryptList(cipherText, MAX_TOKEN_AGE_MILLIS); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { throw new BadTokenException(ex); } if (plainList.isEmpty() || !plainList.get(0).equals(ADD_EMAIL_TOKEN_PREFIX)) throw new BadTokenException("Invalid token"); Long personId = Long.valueOf(plainList.get(1)); String email = plainList.get(2); this.admin.addEmail(personId, email); Person p = this.em.get(Person.class, personId); return new AuthCredentials(personId, email, p.getPassword()); } /** * @see AccountMgr#removeEmail(String) */ public void removeEmail(String email) { Person me = this.getMe(); EmailAddress e = me.removeEmailAddress(email); // Disable delivery for anything subscribed to this address for (Subscription sub: me.getSubscriptions().values()) { if (sub.getDeliverTo() == e) sub.setDeliverTo(null); } this.em.remove(e); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.acct.i.AccountMgr#getMyListRelationship(java.lang.Long) */ @PermitAll public MyListRelationship getMyListRelationship(Long listId) throws NotFoundException { MailingList ml = this.em.get(MailingList.class, listId); Person me = this.getMe(); return Transmute.myListRelationship(me, ml); } /** * @see AccountMgr#subscribeAnonymousRequest(Long, String, String) * * The token emailed is encrypted "listId:email:name". */ @PermitAll public void subscribeAnonymousRequest(Long listId, String email, String name) throws NotFoundException { // Send a token to the person's account log.log(Level.FINE,"Requesting to subscribe {0} to list {1}", new Object[]{email, listId}); // A null name is not allowed, but empty is ok if (name == null) name = ""; MailingList mailingList = this.em.get(MailingList.class, listId); List<String> plainList = new ArrayList<String>(); plainList.add(SUBSCRIBE_TOKEN_PREFIX); plainList.add(listId.toString()); plainList.add(email); plainList.add(name); byte[] cipherText = this.encryptor.encryptList(plainList); String cipherString = Base62.encode(cipherText); this.postOffice.sendConfirmSubscribeToken(mailingList, email, cipherString); } /** * @see AccountMgr#subscribeAnonymous(String) */ @PermitAll public AuthSubscribeResult subscribeAnonymous(String token) throws BadTokenException, NotFoundException { byte[] cipherText = Base62.decode(token); List<String> plainList; try { plainList = this.encryptor.decryptList(cipherText, MAX_TOKEN_AGE_MILLIS); } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) { throw new BadTokenException(ex); } if (plainList.isEmpty() || !plainList.get(0).equals(SUBSCRIBE_TOKEN_PREFIX)) throw new BadTokenException("Invalid token"); Long listId = Long.valueOf(plainList.get(1)); String email = plainList.get(2); String name = plainList.get(3); InternetAddress address = Transmute.internetAddress(email, name); return this.admin.subscribeEmail(listId, address, false, false); } /** * @see AccountMgr#subscribeMe(Long, String) */ public SubscribeResult subscribeMe(Long listId, String email) throws NotFoundException { Person me = this.getMe(); if (email == null) { // Subscribing with (or changing to) disabled delivery return this.admin.subscribe(listId, me.getId(), null, false); } else { EmailAddress addy = me.getEmailAddress(email); // If subscribing an address we do not currently own if (addy == null) { // TODO: send a token that allows user to add and subscribe in one step return SubscribeResult.TOKEN_SENT; } else { return this.admin.subscribe(listId, me.getId(), email, false); } } } /** * @see AccountMgr#unsubscribeMe(Long) */ public void unsubscribeMe(Long listId) throws NotFoundException { Person me = this.getMe(); this.admin.unsubscribe(listId, me.getId()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see org.subethamail.core.acct.i.AccountMgr#forgotPassword(java.lang.String) */ @PermitAll public void forgotPassword(String email) throws NotFoundException { EmailAddress addy = this.em.getEmailAddress(email); this.postOffice.sendPassword(addy); } }