package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.main.Constants; import me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.model.physics.Physics; /** * This class manages all AIs. It handles the calls for the AIs and submits * changes made by the AIs to the physics. It also initializes the AIs and * checks if the AI behaves correctly and reinitialize an abnormally behaving * AI. For example if the calculation of an AI takes too much time, the AI is * terminated by the AI Manager and initialized again. */ public final class AIManager { /** * * All available AIs which can be used to simulate a game. */ private final ObservableList<String> aiList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); /** * array of the active AIs, each AI is identified by {@link Team}. */ private final Map<Player, SphereMiners2015> ais = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** * The loader which loads the ais. */ private URLClassLoader loader; /** * The physics engine responsible for calculating all the stuff. */ private Physics physics; /** * path to location with stored ais. */ private final String AI_FILELOCATION; private final Constants constants; /** * The constructor of this class. It is responsible for listing the possible * AIs, so they can be displayed in the View and chosen to simulate games. * * @param constants The constants that should be used for the AIs class * @throws MalformedURLException Could appear if the Constants.AI_LOCATION * was malformed */ public AIManager(Constants constants) throws MalformedURLException { this.constants = constants; AI_FILELOCATION = getAIPath(); initalizeClassloader(); makeAiList(); } /** * Adds a physics instance to this class * * @param physics the Physics object that should be used */ public void setPhysics(Physics physics) { this.physics = physics; } /** * This method creates the ai path, depending on the path of this class. * * @return The file location of the ai. */ private String getAIPath() { String fileLoc = null; try { fileLoc = URLDecoder.decode( AIManager.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // if this exception is thrown further executing the framework // makes no sense, so throw a runtime exception throw new RuntimeException("Invalid encoding chosen for URLDecoder."); } // if everything is packaged in a jar file remove the last part and add the ai folder if (fileLoc.endsWith(".jar")) { int index = fileLoc.lastIndexOf("/"); fileLoc = fileLoc.substring(0, index + 1) + constants.getAILocation(); // if the program is run without jar file just append the ai folder one step over in the hierarchy } else { fileLoc += constants.getAILocation(); } return fileLoc; } /** * this function initializes the classloader. * * @throws MalformedURLException Could appear if the Constants.AI_LOCATION * was malformed */ private void initalizeClassloader() throws MalformedURLException { File fileloc = new File(AI_FILELOCATION); final URL[] url = new URL[1]; url[0] = fileloc.toURI().toURL(); AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<Object>) () -> { loader = new URLClassLoader(url); return null; }); } /** * This method creates the list of the possible AIs. */ private void makeAiList() { // create Loader File fileloc = new File(AI_FILELOCATION); File[] classes = fileloc.listFiles(); // if there are no files, classes will be null. (See JavaManual) if (classes == null) { return; } .map(f -> f.getName()) // only add ais if they are valid (extend SphereMiner2015 class) .filter(f -> f.endsWith(".class")) .map(f -> f.split(".class")[0]) .filter(f -> isValidAi(f)) .forEach(f -> aiList.add(f)); } /** * Recreate the list of AI's that could be used for playing */ public void reloadAIList() { aiList.clear(); makeAiList(); } /** * This method checks if the selected class is of a valid AI type. * * @param path The path to the selected class. * @return The boolean result, if the class is correct. */ private boolean isValidAi(final String path) { boolean validAi = true; Class<?> loadedAI; try { loadedAI = loader.loadClass(path); // check if the ai implements the AI interface // in this case, the ai is valid because it implements the AI // interface, so the isValidAi method can instantly return true // without proceeding the check validAi = loadedAI.getSuperclass().getName().equals(SphereMiners2015.class.getName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // do not throw an exception this method should check if the ai // is valid, so if not its not necessary to throw an exception validAi = false; } return validAi; } /** * This method returns the complete list of AIs which can be chosen to * simulate a game. * * @return The available AIs. */ public ObservableList<String> getAIList() { return aiList; } /** * This method initializes the AIs which should play against each other in * the next simulation. * * @param aisToPlay The list of AI's that should play against each other * @return the mapping of ais to their loading status */ public Map<Player, LoadingStatus> initializeGameAIs(final List<Player> aisToPlay) { // cleaning up the list of the last ais. ais.clear(); Map<Player, LoadingStatus> retVal = new HashMap<>(); aisToPlay .stream() .filter( ai -> { if (isValidAi(ai.getInternalName())) return true; retVal.put(ai, LoadingStatus.INVALID_LOCATION); return false; }) .parallel() .forEach( ai -> { if (loadAI(ai, loader)) retVal.put(ai, LoadingStatus.LOADED); else retVal.put(ai, LoadingStatus.INITIALIZING_FAILED); }); return retVal; } /** * This method loads and initializes an AI if possible. * * @param player he player which should be initialized * @param loader the loader which is used for initialization * @return indicates if the loading process was successful */ private boolean loadAI(final Player player, final URLClassLoader loader) { ExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); Future<Boolean> future = exec.submit( (Callable<Boolean>) () -> { Class<?> cl; try { cl = loader.loadClass(player.getInternalName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // do nothing, exception is handled in another method return false; } // search for constructor with zero arguments, and make it // accessible for (Constructor<?> ct : cl.getConstructors()) { if (ct.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { ct.setAccessible(true); try { SphereMiners2015 loaded = (SphereMiners2015) ct.newInstance(); loaded.setPlayer(player); loaded.setPhysics(physics); loaded.setConstants(constants); loaded.init(); ais.put(player, loaded); return true; } catch ( InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { // if any of these errors occured the ai could not // be loaded properly, so the method returns without // doing anything } } } return false; }); try { if (future.get(constants.getAIComputationTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) { // nothing special to do here, just ignore the exceptions and cancel // the task future.cancel(true); ais.remove(player); constants .getLogger() .log( Level.INFO, "AI " + player.getInternalName() + " could not be initialized properly."); } return false; } /** * This method lets all AIs compute one step. If an AIs calculation lasts * too long, it is terminated and reinitialized again. */ public void applyMoves() { ais.entrySet() .parallelStream() // compute in parallel if possible .map(e -> Pair.of(e.getKey(), e.getValue().evaluateTurn())) // evaluate the turns .filter(p -> !p.getSecond()) // get those ais who did not finish successfully .forEach(p -> reinitializeAi(p.getFirst())); // and reinitialize them } /** * This method reinitializes an AI. * * @param ai determinate which AI should be reinitialized. */ private void reinitializeAi(Player ai) { try { Class<?> cl = loader.loadClass(ais.get(ai).getClass().getName()); ais.remove(ai); SphereMiners2015 newAi = (SphereMiners2015) cl.newInstance(); newAi.setPlayer(ai); newAi.setPhysics(physics); newAi.setConstants(constants); newAi.init(); ais.put(ai, newAi); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e1) { constants .getLogger() .log( Level.SEVERE, "AI " + ai.getInternalName() + " could not be reinitialized, ai is removed from the game"); ais.remove(ai); throw new Error("Reinitialization of " + ais.get(ai).getClass().getName() + " FAILED!"); } } public enum LoadingStatus { INVALID_LOCATION, INITIALIZING_FAILED, LOADED; } }