package me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.model; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.main.Constants; import; import; import; import me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.model.physics.Physics; import me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.model.util.GameSimulation; import me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.model.util.Tick; import me.stieglmaier.sphereMiners.view.ErrorPopup; /** * The model class connects the whole backend of the framework. It is responsible * for starting a simulation and setting up all necessary parts. * * @author stieglma * */ public class Model extends Observable { private final Physics physics; private final AIManager ais; private static GameSimulation simulationView; private Simulation simulation; private final Constants constants; private final Consumer<List<Player>> badAICallback; /** * Creates a new {@link Model}. * * @param phys The {@link Physics} to use for the simulation. * @param ai The {@link AIManager} to use for the simulation. * @param constants The {@link Constants} to use for the simulation. * @param badAICallback The callBack to remove bad AIs from the list of playing AIs */ public Model( final Physics phys, final AIManager ai, final Constants constants, final Consumer<List<Player>> badAICallback) { this.physics = phys; this.ais = ai; this.constants = constants; this.badAICallback = badAICallback; ais.setPhysics(physics); } /** * Simulates a game and returns the simulation object where the ticks * are saved into. * * @param aisToPlay the list of players that should play a game * @return the SimulationObject that can be viewed */ public GameSimulation simulateGame(final List<Player> aisToPlay) { // create new Simulation simulationView = new GameSimulation(); simulationView.addInstance(physics.createInitialTick(aisToPlay)); simulation = new Simulation(ais, physics, aisToPlay, constants, badAICallback); simulation.start(); return simulationView; } /** * Completely deletes the current simulation. */ public void deleteSimulation() { if (simulationView != null) { simulationView = null; synchronized (simulation) { simulation.stopSimulation(); } } } /** * Pauses or Resumes the current simulation. */ public void pauseSimulation() { if (simulationView != null) { synchronized (simulation) { simulation.pauseResume(); } } } /** * Returns the list of AIs that can be used for playing * * @return the list of ais that can be used for playing */ public ObservableList<String> getAIList() { return ais.getAIList(); } private static class Simulation extends Thread { private boolean isRunning = false; private boolean stopSimulation = false; private final Physics physMgr; private final AIManager ais; private final List<Player> aisToPlay; private final Constants constants; private final Consumer<List<Player>> badAICallback; public Simulation( AIManager ais, Physics physics, List<Player> aisToPlay, Constants constants, Consumer<List<Player>> badAICallback) { this.ais = ais; this.physMgr = physics; this.aisToPlay = aisToPlay; this.constants = constants; this.badAICallback = badAICallback; setName("[sphereMiners][simulationThread]"); } public void pauseResume() { isRunning = !isRunning; if (isRunning) { notify(); } } public void stopSimulation() { stopSimulation = true; } @Override public void run() { isRunning = true; Map<Player, LoadingStatus> loadingStatus = ais.initializeGameAIs(aisToPlay); if (loadingStatus.values().contains(LoadingStatus.INITIALIZING_FAILED)) { Platform.runLater( () -> ErrorPopup.create( "Error while initializing AIs", "Errors exist, either in the constructor or the init() method of the AIs:\n" + loadingStatus .entrySet() .stream() .filter(e -> e.getValue() == LoadingStatus.INITIALIZING_FAILED) .reduce( "", (a, b) -> a + "\n" + b.getKey().getNameProperty().get(), (a, b) -> a + "\n" + b), null)); } else if (loadingStatus.values().contains(LoadingStatus.INVALID_LOCATION)) { Platform.runLater( () -> ErrorPopup.create( "Error while loading AIs", "The AI is not located at the given location, please refresh the List" + "of usable AIs:\n" + loadingStatus .entrySet() .stream() .filter(e -> e.getValue() == LoadingStatus.INVALID_LOCATION) .reduce( "", (a, b) -> a + "\n" + b.getKey().getNameProperty().get(), (a, b) -> a + "\n" + b), null)); } badAICallback.accept( loadingStatus .entrySet() .stream() .filter(e -> e.getValue() != LoadingStatus.LOADED) .map(e -> e.getKey()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // let the AIs apply their moves and // calculate the tick based on them // adds the finished tick to the simulation object while (!stopSimulation) { synchronized (this) { while (!isRunning) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { constants.getLogger().logException(Level.WARNING, e, ""); } } } ais.applyMoves(); Tick nextTick = physMgr.applyPhysics(); // is the game over? boolean isEnded = constants.getWinningCondition().hasGameEnded(simulationView, constants); if (isEnded) { nextTick = nextTick.toWinningTick(constants.getWinningCondition().getWinner()); } simulationView.addInstance(nextTick); // end this thread if game is finished if (isEnded) { return; } } } } }