/* * AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.java * * This file is part of Tritonus: http://www.tritonus.org/ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 by Matthias Pfisterer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* |<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->| */ package org.tritonus.midi.device.alsa; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.sound.midi.MidiDevice; import javax.sound.midi.spi.MidiDeviceProvider; import org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.AlsaSeq; import org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.AlsaSeqClientInfo; import org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.AlsaSeqPortInfo; import org.tritonus.share.TDebug; public class AlsaMidiDeviceProvider extends MidiDeviceProvider { // perhaps move to superclass private static final MidiDevice.Info[] EMPTY_INFO_ARRAY = new MidiDevice.Info[0]; private static final int READ_CAPABILITY = AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ; private static final int WRITE_CAPABILITY = AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE | AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE; private static List<MidiDevice> m_devices; private static AlsaSeq m_alsaSeq; public AlsaMidiDeviceProvider() { if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.<init>(): begin"); } synchronized (AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.class) { if (m_devices == null) { m_devices = new ArrayList<MidiDevice>(); if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.<init>(): creating AlsaSeq..."); } // try{ m_alsaSeq = new AlsaSeq("Tritonus ALSA device manager"); // }catch (Throwable t) { TDebug.out(t); } if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.<init>(): ...done"); } scanPorts(); } } if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.<init>(): end"); } } public MidiDevice.Info[] getDeviceInfo() { if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.getDeviceInfo(): begin"); } List<MidiDevice.Info> infoList = new ArrayList<MidiDevice.Info>(); Iterator<MidiDevice> iterator = m_devices.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MidiDevice device = iterator.next(); MidiDevice.Info info = device.getDeviceInfo(); infoList.add(info); } MidiDevice.Info[] infos = infoList.toArray(EMPTY_INFO_ARRAY); if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.getDeviceInfo(): end"); } return infos; } public MidiDevice getDevice(MidiDevice.Info info) { if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.getDevice(): begin"); } MidiDevice returnedDevice = null; Iterator<MidiDevice> iterator = m_devices.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MidiDevice device = iterator.next(); MidiDevice.Info info2 = device.getDeviceInfo(); if (info != null && info.equals(info2)) { returnedDevice = device; break; } } if (returnedDevice == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no device for " + info); } if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.getDevice(): end"); } return returnedDevice; } private void scanPorts() { if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider || TDebug.TracePortScan) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): begin"); } Iterator clients = m_alsaSeq.getClientInfos(); while (clients.hasNext()) { AlsaSeqClientInfo clientInfo = (AlsaSeqClientInfo) clients.next(); int nClient = clientInfo.getClient(); if (TDebug.TracePortScan) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): client: " + nClient); } Iterator ports = m_alsaSeq.getPortInfos(nClient); while (ports.hasNext()) { AlsaSeqPortInfo portInfo = (AlsaSeqPortInfo) ports.next(); handlePort(clientInfo, portInfo); } } if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider || TDebug.TracePortScan) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): end"); } } private void handlePort(AlsaSeqClientInfo clientInfo, AlsaSeqPortInfo portInfo) { int nClient = clientInfo.getClient(); int nPort = portInfo.getPort(); int nType = portInfo.getType(); int nCapability = portInfo.getCapability(); int nSynthVoices = portInfo.getSynthVoices(); if (TDebug.TracePortScan) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): port: " + nPort); TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): type: " + nType); TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): cap: " + nCapability); TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): midi channels: " + portInfo.getMidiChannels()); TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): midi voices: " + portInfo.getMidiVoices()); TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.scanPorts(): synth voices: " + portInfo.getSynthVoices()); } if ((nType & AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC) != 0) { // TDebug.out("generic midi"); MidiDevice device = null; if ((nType & (AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_SYNTH | AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_DIRECT_SAMPLE | AlsaSeq.SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_SAMPLE)) != 0) { boolean bWriteSubscriptionAllowed = (nCapability & WRITE_CAPABILITY) == WRITE_CAPABILITY; if (bWriteSubscriptionAllowed) { device = new AlsaSynthesizer(nClient, nPort, nSynthVoices); } else { if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.getDevice(): port does not allows write subscription, not used"); } } } else // ordinary midi port { boolean bReadSubscriptionAllowed = (nCapability & READ_CAPABILITY) == READ_CAPABILITY; boolean bWriteSubscriptionAllowed = (nCapability & WRITE_CAPABILITY) == WRITE_CAPABILITY; if (bReadSubscriptionAllowed || bWriteSubscriptionAllowed) { device = new AlsaMidiDevice(nClient, nPort, bReadSubscriptionAllowed, bWriteSubscriptionAllowed); } else { if (TDebug.TraceMidiDeviceProvider) { TDebug.out("AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.getDevice(): port allows neither read nor write subscription, not used"); } } } if (device != null) { m_devices.add(device); } } } } /*** AlsaMidiDeviceProvider.java ***/