package org.solmix.eventservice; import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.service.log.LogService; import org.solmix.eventservice.ext.LogTracker; public class Activator implements BundleActivator { private BundleContext bundleContext; private static LogTracker logTracker; private EventServer server; // protected DistributedEventAdmin eventAdminImpl; // // protected ServiceTracker containerManagerTracker; // // protected ServiceRegistration eventAdminRegistration; // // private final Object appLock = new Object(); // // protected IContainer container; // // private String containerId = "ecftcp://localhost:1111/server"; // // private String containerType = "ecf.generic.server"; // // private String targetId; // // private String topic="defaultTopic"; // // private boolean done = false; @Override public void start(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { this.bundleContext = bundleContext; logTracker= new LogTracker(bundleContext,System.out);; //start Event Service server = new EventServer(bundleContext); // // Create event admin impl // eventAdminImpl = new DistributedEventAdmin(bundleContext); // try { // createConfigureAndConnectContainer(); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // eventAdminImpl.start(); // // register as EventAdmin service instance // Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); // props.put(EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC, topic); // eventAdminRegistration = bundleContext.registerService("org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin", eventAdminImpl,props); } public static LogService getLogService(long timeout){ try { return logTracker.waitForService(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return null; } } public static LogService getLogService(){ return getLogService(10000); } @Override public void stop(BundleContext bundleContext) throws Exception { if(logTracker!=null){ logTracker.close(); logTracker=null; } bundleContext = null; server.destory(); // if (eventAdminRegistration != null) { // eventAdminRegistration.unregister(); // eventAdminRegistration = null; // } // if (container != null) { // container.dispose(); // getContainerManager().removeAllContainers(); // container = null; // } // if (containerManagerTracker != null) { // containerManagerTracker.close(); // containerManagerTracker = null; // } // synchronized (appLock) { // done = true; // appLock.notifyAll(); // } } // protected void createConfigureAndConnectContainer() throws ContainerCreateException, SharedObjectAddException, // ContainerConnectException { // // get container factory and create container // IContainerFactory containerFactory = getContainerManager().getContainerFactory(); // container = (containerId == null) ? containerFactory.createContainer(containerType) // : containerFactory.createContainer(containerType, new Object[] { containerId }); // // Get socontainer // ISharedObjectContainer soContainer = (ISharedObjectContainer) container.getAdapter(ISharedObjectContainer.class); // // Add to soContainer, with topic as name // soContainer.getSharedObjectManager().addSharedObject(IDFactory.getDefault().createStringID(topic), // eventAdminImpl, null); // // // then connect to target Id // if (targetId != null) // container.connect(IDFactory.getDefault().createID(container.getConnectNamespace(), targetId), null); // } // // protected IContainerManager getContainerManager() { // if (containerManagerTracker == null) { // containerManagerTracker = new ServiceTracker(bundleContext, IContainerManager.class.getName(), null); //; // } // return (IContainerManager) containerManagerTracker.getService(); // } }