package com.softwaremill.common.test.web.selenium; import org.testng.Assert; import java.util.Calendar; import static com.softwaremill.common.test.web.selenium.AbstractSeleniumTest.selenium; /** * @author Pawel Wrzeszcz (pawel . wrzeszcz [at] gmail . com) * @author Jaroslaw Kijanowski (kijanowski [at] gmail . com) */ public class SeleniumCommands { private static final String WAIT_FOR_LOAD = "60000"; private static final int TIME_OUT = 30; public static void waitForPageToLoad() { selenium.waitForPageToLoad(WAIT_FOR_LOAD); } public static void waitFor(final String xpath) throws Exception { waitFor(TIME_OUT, new Check() { @Override public boolean doCheck() { return selenium.isElementPresent(xpath); } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return "Timed out on xpath: " + xpath; } }); } public static void waitForElementPresent(String element) throws Exception { waitForElement(element, TIME_OUT, true); } public static void waitForElementNotPresent(String element) throws Exception { waitForElement(element, TIME_OUT, false); } public static void waitForElement(String element, boolean isPresent) throws Exception { waitForElement(element, TIME_OUT, isPresent); } public static void waitForElementPresent(String xpath, int timeout) throws Exception { waitForElement(xpath, timeout, true); } public static void waitForElement(final String element, int timeout, final boolean isPresent) throws Exception { waitFor(timeout, new Check() { @Override public boolean doCheck() { return selenium.isElementPresent(element) == isPresent; } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return "Timed out on xpath: " + element; } }); } public static void clickAndWait(String locator, String timeout) {; selenium.waitForPageToLoad(timeout); } public static void clickAndWait(String locator) { clickAndWait(locator, String.valueOf(WAIT_FOR_LOAD)); } public static void waitForElementVisible(String locator) throws Exception { waitForElementVisible(locator, true); } public static void waitForElementNotVisible(String locator) throws Exception { waitForElementVisible(locator, false); } public static void waitForElementVisible(final String locator, final boolean isVisible) throws Exception { waitForElementVisible(locator, isVisible, TIME_OUT); } public static void waitForElementVisible(final String locator, final int timeoutSeconts) throws Exception { waitForElementVisible(locator, true, timeoutSeconts); } public static void waitForElementVisible(final String locator, final boolean isVisible, final int timeoutSeconds) throws Exception { waitFor(timeoutSeconds, new Check() { @Override public boolean doCheck() { return selenium.isVisible(locator) == isVisible; } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return "timeout"; } }); } public static void waitForElementEditable(final String locator) throws Exception { waitForElementEditable(locator, true); } public static void waitForElementNotEditable(final String locator) throws Exception { waitForElementEditable(locator, false); } public static void waitForElementEditable(final String locator, final boolean isEditable) throws Exception { waitFor(TIME_OUT, new Check() { @Override public boolean doCheck() { return selenium.isEditable(locator) == isEditable; } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return "Timeout waiting for element to be " + (isEditable ? "" : "not ") + " editable!"; } }); } public static void waitForTextPresent(String text) throws Exception { waitForText(text, TIME_OUT, true); } public static void waitForTextPresent(String text, int timeout) throws Exception { waitForText(text, timeout, true); } public static void waitForTextNotPresent(String text) throws Exception { waitForText(text, TIME_OUT, false); } public static void waitForTextNotPresent(String text, int timeout) throws Exception { waitForText(text, timeout, false); } public static void waitForText(final String text, int timeout, final boolean isPresent) throws Exception { waitFor(timeout, new Check() { @Override public boolean doCheck() { return selenium.isTextPresent(text) == isPresent; } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return "Timed out waiting for text: " + text; } }); } public static void waitForNumberOfElementsChange(long initialNumberOfElements, String xpath) throws Exception { waitForNumberOfElementsChange(initialNumberOfElements, xpath, TIME_OUT); } public static void waitForNumberOfElementsChange(final long initialNumberOfElements, final String xpath, int timeout) throws Exception { waitFor(timeout, new Check() { @Override public boolean doCheck() { return selenium.getXpathCount(xpath).longValue() != initialNumberOfElements; } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return "Number of elements did not change."; } }); } public static void clickOncePresent(String xpath) throws Exception { clickOncePresent(xpath, TIME_OUT); } public static void clickOncePresent(String xpath, int timeout) throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(xpath, timeout);; } public static void clickIfPresent(String locator) { if (selenium.isElementPresent(locator)) {; } } public static void typeOncePresent(String xpath, String text) throws Exception { typeOncePresent(xpath, text, TIME_OUT); } public static void typeOncePresent(String xpath, String text, int timeout) throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(xpath, timeout); selenium.type(xpath, text); } public static void waitFor(int maxSeconds, Check check) throws Exception { Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance(); while(true) { if (nowMinusSeconds(maxSeconds).after(start)); try { if (check.doCheck()) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { // Empty } Thread.sleep(100); } } private static Calendar nowMinusSeconds(int seconds) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.SECOND, -seconds); return cal; } public static interface Check { boolean doCheck(); String getErrorMessage(); } }