package com.softwaremill.common.sqs; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import; import*; import; import; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.softwaremill.common.sqs.exception.SQSRuntimeException; import; import; import static*; import static java.lang.String.format; import static com.softwaremill.common.sqs.Util.deserializeFromBase64; /** * @author Maciej Bilas * @since 11/10/12 12:43 */ public class Queue { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Queue.class); private static final int DELIVERY_RETRY_LIMIT = 10; private static final int DELIVERY_RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_IN_MILLIS = 1000; private final String name; private final String url; private final AmazonSQS sqsClient; @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public Queue() { LOG.error("Don't use this constructor. It's here only to make CDI happy."); = null; this.url = null; this.sqsClient = null; } public Queue(String name, String url, AmazonSQS sqsClient) { = name; this.url = checkNotNull(url); this.sqsClient = checkNotNull(sqsClient); } public String getURL() { return url; } private MessageId sendSerializableInternal(Serializable object, Optional<Duration> duration) { String encodedMessage; try { encodedMessage = Util.serializeToBase64(object); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SQSRuntimeException("Could not serialize message.", e); } checkState(encodedMessage.length() <= 64 * 1024); LOG.debug("Serialized Message: " + encodedMessage); SendMessageRequest request = new SendMessageRequest(url, encodedMessage); if (duration.isPresent()) { request.withDelaySeconds((int) duration.get().getStandardSeconds()); } for (int i = 0; i < DELIVERY_RETRY_LIMIT; ++i) { try { /* No verification of message checksum is done at this point. It might get added in the future, though. */ return new MessageId(sqsClient.sendMessage(request).getMessageId()); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { LOG.warn(format("Could not sent message to SQS queue: %s. Retrying.", url), e); try { Thread.sleep(DELIVERY_RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_IN_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // Ignore } } } throw new SQSRuntimeException("Exceeded redelivery value: " + DELIVERY_RETRY_LIMIT + "; message not sent!"); } public MessageId sendSerializable(Serializable object) { checkNotNull(object); return sendSerializableInternal(object, Optional.<Duration>absent()); } public MessageId sendSerializableDelayed(Serializable object, Duration duration) { checkNotNull(object); checkNotNull(duration); checkArgument(duration.getStandardSeconds() < 15 * 60, "SQS messages can only be delayed for a maximum of 15 minutes."); long droppedMillis = duration.getMillis() % 1000; if (droppedMillis != 0) LOG.warn(format("SQS delayed messages have a precision of 1s, milliseconds will be stripped. " + "Object to send: %s Millis: %s", object.toString(), duration.getMillis())); if (duration.getMillis() < 1000) { return sendSerializable(object); } else { return sendSerializableInternal(object, Optional.of(duration)); } } public Optional<ReceivedMessage> receiveSingleMessage() { LOG.debug(format("Polling queue %s", url)); ReceiveMessageResult response = sqsClient.receiveMessage(new ReceiveMessageRequest(url) .withMaxNumberOfMessages(1).withAttributeNames("SentTimestamp")); switch (response.getMessages().size()) { case 0: return Optional.absent(); case 1: return Optional.fromNullable(decodeMessage(response.getMessages().get(0))); default: /* This seems very unlikely. * The API specified the following: SQS never returns more messages than this value but might return fewer. * */ throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private ReceivedMessage decodeMessage(Message message) { String receiptHandle = message.getReceiptHandle(); try { /* Again no MD5 verification, yet */ return new ReceivedMessage(deserializeFromBase64(message.getBody()), new ReceiptHandle(receiptHandle), new MessageId(message.getMessageId())); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn(format("Could not deserialize message from the queue %s.", name)); LOG.debug(format("Message body of unrecognized message %s", message.getBody())); delete(receiptHandle); return null; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn(format("Could not deserialize message from the queue %s.", name)); LOG.debug(format("Message body of unrecognized message %s", message.getBody())); delete(receiptHandle); return null; } } private void delete(String receiptHandle) { sqsClient.deleteMessage(new DeleteMessageRequest(url, receiptHandle)); } public void deleteMessage(ReceivedMessage message) { checkNotNull(message); delete(message.getReceiptHandle().get()); } /** * @param timeout timeout in seconds for the whole queue (default is 30) - value is limited to 43200 seconds (12 hours) */ public void setQueueVisibilityTimeout(int timeout) { checkArgument(timeout >= 0); checkArgument(timeout <= 12 * 60 * 60); sqsClient.setQueueAttributes(new SetQueueAttributesRequest(url, ImmutableMap.of("VisibilityTimeout", Integer.toString(timeout)))); } public void setMessageVisibilityTimeout(ReceivedMessage message, int timeout) { checkNotNull(message); checkArgument(timeout >= 0); checkArgument(timeout <= 12 * 60 * 60); sqsClient.changeMessageVisibility(new ChangeMessageVisibilityRequest(url, message.getReceiptHandle().get(), timeout)); } /** * @param waitTimeInSeconds wait time for message in seconds, allowed values 0-20. Values > 0 allows longer message pooling */ public void setReceiveMessageWaitTime(int waitTimeInSeconds) { checkArgument(waitTimeInSeconds >= 0); checkArgument(waitTimeInSeconds <= 20); sqsClient.setQueueAttributes(new SetQueueAttributesRequest(url, ImmutableMap.of("ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds", Integer.toString(waitTimeInSeconds)))); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public String getName() { return name; } }