package no.difi.sdp.client2.internal; import no.difi.sdp.client2.domain.Noekkelpar; import no.difi.sdp.client2.domain.exceptions.NoekkelException; import no.difi.sdp.client2.domain.exceptions.SendException; import no.difi.sdp.client2.domain.exceptions.UgyldigTidsstempelException; import no.digipost.api.exceptions.MessageSenderEbmsErrorException; import; import; import; import static no.difi.sdp.client2.domain.exceptions.SendException.AntattSkyldig.UKJENT; /** * Even if this class implements the {@see}, this implementation is injected into our {@see no.digipost.api.interceptors.WsSecurityInterceptor}, * which is a client interceptor in the context of this library. An {@see} is supposed to be used by the message dispatcher on the server side. * This is why this resolver is used like an exception mapper instead of an exception resolver, and is just a way of dealing with a broken framework. When looking at how exceptions are handled by other * client interceptors, for instance {@see} it is clear that the exceptions are supposed to be thrown in client interceptors * in order to handle control flow. */ class Wss4jClientSecurityExceptionMapper implements EndpointExceptionResolver { /** * Maps undlerlying security exceptions into proper, human readable exceptions. * * @param messageContext * @param o * @param e * @return Will always throw exceptions, so there will never be a return value of true/false. This is contradictory to the interface documentation of {@see EndpointExceptionResolver} */ @Override public boolean resolveException(MessageContext messageContext, Object o, Exception e) { if (e.getMessage() != null) { boolean isPossiblyIncorrectLocalTimeException = (e instanceof Wss4jSecurityValidationException || e instanceof MessageSenderEbmsErrorException) && e.getMessage().contains("Invalid timestamp: The message timestamp is out of range"); if (isPossiblyIncorrectLocalTimeException) { throw new UgyldigTidsstempelException("Ugyldig timestamp i sendt melding. Dette kan skyldes at maskinen som klienten kjører på ikke har stilt klokken korrekt.", e); } boolean isCouldNotFindTrustedCertificatesException = (e instanceof Wss4jSecurityValidationException && e.getMessage().contains("No trusted certs found")); if (isCouldNotFindTrustedCertificatesException) { throw new NoekkelException("Klarte ikke å verifisere signatur på responsen. Dette kan skyldes at det tiltrodde rotsertifikatet for Meldingsformidler mangler i keystore eller trust store. " + "Bruk overload for " + Noekkelpar.class.getSimpleName() + " som bruker klientens innebygde sertifikater for trust store eller legg inn mellomliggende sertifikat og rotsertifikat " + "til Buypass og Commfides i trust store."); } } throw new SendException("Under mapping av exception skjedde en feil som ikke kunne håndteres.", UKJENT, e); } }