package no.difi.sdp.client2.asice; import no.difi.sdp.client2.asice.archive.Archive; import no.difi.sdp.client2.asice.archive.CreateZip; import no.difi.sdp.client2.asice.manifest.CreateManifest; import no.difi.sdp.client2.asice.manifest.Manifest; import no.difi.sdp.client2.asice.signature.CreateSignature; import no.difi.sdp.client2.asice.signature.Signature; import no.difi.sdp.client2.domain.Databehandler; import no.difi.sdp.client2.domain.Forsendelse; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class CreateASiCE { private final CreateManifest createManifest; private final CreateSignature createSignature; private final CreateZip createZip; private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private static File debug_writeToDisk = null; public CreateASiCE() { createManifest = new CreateManifest(); createSignature = new CreateSignature(); createZip = new CreateZip(); } public ArchivedASiCE createAsice(Databehandler databehandler, Forsendelse forsendelse) { // Lag ASiC-E manifest"Creating ASiC-E manifest"); Manifest manifest = createManifest.createManifest(forsendelse); List<AsicEAttachable> files = new ArrayList<AsicEAttachable>(); files.add(forsendelse.getDokumentpakke().getHoveddokument()); files.addAll(forsendelse.getDokumentpakke().getVedlegg()); files.add(manifest); // Lag signatur over alle filene i pakka"Signing ASiC-E documents using private key with alias " + databehandler.noekkelpar.getAlias()); Signature signature = createSignature.createSignature(databehandler.noekkelpar, files); files.add(signature); // Zip filene log.trace("Zipping ASiC-E files. Contains a total of " + files.size() + " files (including the generated manifest and signatures)"); Archive archive = createZip.zipIt(files); if (debug_writeToDisk != null) { writeArchiveToDisk(archive); } return new ArchivedASiCE(archive.getBytes(), getUnzippedContentBytesCount(files)); } private void writeArchiveToDisk(Archive archive) { log.error("Writing Asic-E to disk for debug"); File file; if (debug_writeToDisk.isDirectory()) { file = new File(debug_writeToDisk, "asic-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".zip"); } else { file = debug_writeToDisk; } try (FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(file)) { IOUtils.write(archive.getBytes(), output);"Wrote Asic-E debug file to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not write Asic-E file", e); } } static long getUnzippedContentBytesCount(List<AsicEAttachable> attachables){ return .mapToLong(a -> a.getBytes().length) .sum(); } /** * Skriv zippet Asic-E til disk for manuell inspeksjon. * * @deprecated Ikke for produksjonsbruk. * * @param location Mappe eller fil asic-filen skal skrives til. Hvis det er en mappe vil filnavn bli generert automatisk. */ @Deprecated public static void debug_writeArchiveToDisk(File location) { debug_writeToDisk = location; } }