package; import; public class ReminderProvider extends AbstractCollectionProvider { private static final String AUTHORITY = Shuffle.PACKAGE+".reminderprovider"; public static final String cUpdateIntent = ""; /** * Reminders table */ public static final class Reminders implements ShuffleTable { /** * The content:// style URL for this table */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/reminders"); /** * The default sort order for this table */ public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = "minutes DESC"; /** * The task the reminder belongs to * <P> * Type: INTEGER (foreign key to the task table) * </P> */ public static final String TASK_ID = "taskId"; /** * The minutes prior to the event that the alarm should ring. -1 * specifies that we should use the default value for the system. * <P> * Type: INTEGER * </P> */ public static final String MINUTES = "minutes"; public static final int MINUTES_DEFAULT = -1; /** * The alarm method. */ public static final String METHOD = "method"; public static final int METHOD_DEFAULT = 0; public static final int METHOD_ALERT = 1; /** * Projection for all the columns of a context. */ public static final String[] cFullProjection = new String[] { _ID, MINUTES, METHOD, }; public static final int MINUTES_INDEX = 1; public static final int METHOD_INDEX = 2; } public static final String cReminderTableName = "Reminder"; public ReminderProvider() { super( AUTHORITY, "reminders", cReminderTableName, cUpdateIntent, Reminders.METHOD, Reminders._ID, Reminders.CONTENT_URI, Reminders._ID,Reminders.TASK_ID,Reminders.MINUTES, Reminders.METHOD ); setDefaultSortOrder(Reminders.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER); } }