package; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.Time; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import roboguice.inject.ContentResolverProvider; import roboguice.inject.ContextScoped; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import static*; import static; import static; import static*; @ContextScoped public class TaskPersister extends AbstractEntityPersister<Task> { private static final String cTag = "TaskPersister"; private static final int ID_INDEX = 0; private static final int DESCRIPTION_INDEX = ID_INDEX + 1; private static final int DETAILS_INDEX = DESCRIPTION_INDEX + 1; private static final int PROJECT_INDEX = DETAILS_INDEX + 1; private static final int CONTEXT_INDEX = PROJECT_INDEX + 1; private static final int CREATED_INDEX = CONTEXT_INDEX + 1; private static final int MODIFIED_INDEX = CREATED_INDEX + 1; private static final int START_INDEX = MODIFIED_INDEX + 1; private static final int DUE_INDEX = START_INDEX + 1; private static final int TIMEZONE_INDEX = DUE_INDEX + 1; private static final int CAL_EVENT_INDEX = TIMEZONE_INDEX + 1; private static final int DISPLAY_ORDER_INDEX = CAL_EVENT_INDEX + 1; private static final int COMPLETE_INDEX = DISPLAY_ORDER_INDEX + 1; private static final int ALL_DAY_INDEX = COMPLETE_INDEX + 1; private static final int HAS_ALARM_INDEX = ALL_DAY_INDEX + 1; private static final int TASK_TRACK_INDEX = HAS_ALARM_INDEX + 1; private static final int DELETED_INDEX = TASK_TRACK_INDEX +1; private static final int ACTIVE_INDEX = DELETED_INDEX +1; @Inject public TaskPersister(ContentResolverProvider provider, Analytics analytics) { super(provider.get(), analytics); } @Override public Task read(Cursor cursor) { Builder builder = Task.newBuilder(); builder .setLocalId(readId(cursor, ID_INDEX)) .setDescription(readString(cursor, DESCRIPTION_INDEX)) .setDetails(readString(cursor, DETAILS_INDEX)) .setProjectId(readId(cursor, PROJECT_INDEX)) .setContextId(readId(cursor, CONTEXT_INDEX)) .setCreatedDate(readLong(cursor, CREATED_INDEX)) .setModifiedDate(readLong(cursor, MODIFIED_INDEX)) .setStartDate(readLong(cursor, START_INDEX)) .setDueDate(readLong(cursor, DUE_INDEX)) .setTimezone(readString(cursor, TIMEZONE_INDEX)) .setCalendarEventId(readId(cursor, CAL_EVENT_INDEX)) .setOrder(cursor.getInt(DISPLAY_ORDER_INDEX)) .setComplete(readBoolean(cursor, COMPLETE_INDEX)) .setAllDay(readBoolean(cursor, ALL_DAY_INDEX)) .setHasAlarm(readBoolean(cursor, HAS_ALARM_INDEX)) .setTracksId(readId(cursor, TASK_TRACK_INDEX)) .setDeleted(readBoolean(cursor, DELETED_INDEX)) .setActive(readBoolean(cursor, ACTIVE_INDEX)); return; } @Override protected void writeContentValues(ContentValues values, Task task) { // never write id since it's auto generated writeString(values, DESCRIPTION, task.getDescription()); writeString(values, DETAILS, task.getDetails()); writeId(values, PROJECT_ID, task.getProjectId()); writeId(values, CONTEXT_ID, task.getContextId()); values.put(CREATED_DATE, task.getCreatedDate()); values.put(MODIFIED_DATE, task.getModifiedDate()); values.put(START_DATE, task.getStartDate()); values.put(DUE_DATE, task.getDueDate()); writeBoolean(values, DELETED, task.isDeleted()); writeBoolean(values, ACTIVE, task.isActive()); String timezone = task.getTimezone(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(timezone)) { if (task.isAllDay()) { timezone = Time.TIMEZONE_UTC; } else { timezone = TimeZone.getDefault().getID(); } } values.put(TIMEZONE, timezone); writeId(values, CAL_EVENT_ID, task.getCalendarEventId()); values.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, task.getOrder()); writeBoolean(values, COMPLETE, task.isComplete()); writeBoolean(values, ALL_DAY, task.isAllDay()); writeBoolean(values, HAS_ALARM, task.hasAlarms()); writeId(values, TRACKS_ID, task.getTracksId()); } @Override protected String getEntityName() { return "task"; } @Override public Uri getContentUri() { return TaskProvider.Tasks.CONTENT_URI; } @Override public String[] getFullProjection() { return TaskProvider.Tasks.FULL_PROJECTION; } public int deleteCompletedTasks() { int deletedRows = moveToTrash(TaskProvider.Tasks.COMPLETE + " = 1", null); Log.d(cTag, "Deleting " + deletedRows + " completed tasks."); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String,String>(mFlurryParams); params.put(cFlurryCountParam, String.valueOf(deletedRows)); mAnalytics.onEvent(cFlurryDeleteEntityEvent, params); return deletedRows; } /** * Toggle whether the task at the given cursor position is complete. * The cursor is committed and re-queried after the update. * * @param cursor cursor positioned at task to update * @return new value of task completeness */ public boolean toggleTaskComplete(Cursor cursor) { Id taskId = readId(cursor, ID_INDEX); boolean isComplete = !readBoolean(cursor, COMPLETE_INDEX); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); writeBoolean(values, COMPLETE, isComplete); values.put(MODIFIED_DATE, System.currentTimeMillis()); mResolver.update(getContentUri(), values, TaskProvider.Tasks._ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(taskId) }); if (isComplete) { mAnalytics.onEvent(cFlurryCompleteTaskEvent); } return isComplete; } /** * Swap the display order of two tasks at the given cursor positions. * The cursor is committed and re-queried after the update. */ public void swapTaskPositions(Cursor cursor, int pos1, int pos2) { cursor.moveToPosition(pos1); Id id1 = readId(cursor, ID_INDEX); int positionValue1 = cursor.getInt(DISPLAY_ORDER_INDEX); cursor.moveToPosition(pos2); Id id2 = readId(cursor, ID_INDEX); int positionValue2 = cursor.getInt(DISPLAY_ORDER_INDEX); Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(getContentUri(), id1.getId()); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, positionValue2); mResolver.update(uri, values, null, null); uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(getContentUri(), id2.getId()); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DISPLAY_ORDER, positionValue1); mResolver.update(uri, values, null, null); mAnalytics.onEvent(cFlurryReorderTasksEvent); } private static final int TASK_COUNT_INDEX = 1; public SparseIntArray readCountArray(Cursor cursor) { SparseIntArray countMap = new SparseIntArray(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { Integer id = cursor.getInt(ID_INDEX); Integer count = cursor.getInt(TASK_COUNT_INDEX); countMap.put(id, count); } return countMap; } }