/* * Map and oceanographical data visualisation * Copyright (C) 1999 P�ches et Oc�ans Canada * 2000 Institut de Recherche pour le D�veloppement * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details (http://www.gnu.org/). * * * Contacts: * FRANCE: Surveillance de l'Environnement Assist�e par Satellite * Institut de Recherche pour le D�veloppement / US-Espace * mailto:seasnet@teledetection.fr * * CANADA: Observatoire du Saint-Laurent * Institut Maurice-Lamontagne * mailto:osl@osl.gc.ca */ package org.deegree.model.csct.units.resources; /** * Noms d'unit�s en langue fran�aise. Les unit�s qui n'apparaissent * pas dans cette ressources ne seront pas localis�es. * * @version 1.0 * @author Martin Desruisseaux */ public class Units_fr extends Units { /** * Liste des unit�s en fran�ais. Les cl�s sont les symboles * standards (sauf exception) des unit�s. Les valeurs sont * les noms en fran�ais de ces unit�s. */ static final String[] contents= { "m", "m�tre", "g", "gramme", "s", "seconde", "A", "amp�re", "K", "kelvin", "mol", "mole", "cd", "candela", "rad", "radian", "sr", "st�radian", "Hz", "hertz", "N", "newton", "Pa", "pascal", "J", "joule", "W", "watt", "C", "coulomb", "V", "volt", "F", "farad", "\u03A9", "Ohm", "S", "siemmens", "T", "tesla", "Wb", "weber", "lx", "lux", "Bq", "becquerel", "Gy", "gray", "Sv", "sievert", "H", "henry", "lm", "lumen", "min", "minute", "h", "heure", "d", "jour", "�", "degr� d'angle", "'", "minute d'angle", "\"", "seconde d'angle", "l", "litre", "L", "litre", "t", "tonne m�trique", "eV", "�lectronvolt", "u", "unit� de masse atomique unifi�e", "ua", "unit� astronomique", "inch", "pouce", // Symbole non-standard "foot", "pied", // Symbole non-standard "yard", "yard", // Symbole non-standard "fathom", "brasse anglaise", // Symbole non-standard "brasse", "brasse fran�aise", // Symbole non-standard "mile", "mille", // Symbole non-standard "nmile", "mille marin", // Symbole non-standard "knot", "noeud", // Symbole non-standard "are", "are", "ha", "hectare", "bar", "bar", "�", "�ngstr�m", "barn", "barn", "erg", "erg", "dyn", "dyne", "P", "poise", "St", "stokes", "G", "gauss", "Oe", "oersted", "Mx", "maxwell", "sb", "stilb", "ph", "phot", "Gal", "gal", "Ci", "curie", "R", "r�ntgen", "rd", "rad", "rem", "rem", "Jy", "jansky", "Torr", "torr", "atm", "atmosph�re normale", "pound", "livre", // Symbole non-standard "onze", "onze", // Symbole non-standard "�C", "degr� celcius", "�F", "fahrenheit" // Symbole non-standard }; /** * Initialise les ressources fran�aises. */ public Units_fr() {super(contents);} }