/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.schema; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.cassandra.config.*; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.ColumnIdentifier; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryProcessor; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.UntypedResultSet; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.FunctionName; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UDAggregate; import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UDFunction; import org.apache.cassandra.db.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.AbstractCompactionStrategy; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*; import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.RowIterator; import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.UnfilteredRowIterators; import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities; import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.OpOrder; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil.bytes; import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities.fromJsonMap; /** * This majestic class performs migration from legacy (pre-3.0) system.schema_* schema tables to the new and glorious * system_schema keyspace. * * The goal is to not lose any information in the migration - including the timestamps. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public final class LegacySchemaMigrator { private LegacySchemaMigrator() { } private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LegacySchemaMigrator.class); static final List<CFMetaData> LegacySchemaTables = ImmutableList.of(SystemKeyspace.LegacyKeyspaces, SystemKeyspace.LegacyColumnfamilies, SystemKeyspace.LegacyColumns, SystemKeyspace.LegacyTriggers, SystemKeyspace.LegacyUsertypes, SystemKeyspace.LegacyFunctions, SystemKeyspace.LegacyAggregates); public static void migrate() { migrate(false); } /** * Note: This is a workaround fix at best, in the sense that we "load" old * (and for scylla, that is currently all) schemas by first traversing the * data we parsed, generating cql to write it in the new 3.x format, insert * into memtables, and then re-parse it in Schema::load. * If the added overhead is truly noticable, we should write code to just build * the meta data proper. */ public static void load() { migrate(true); } private static void migrate(boolean nonPersistent) { // read metadata from the legacy schema tables Collection<Keyspace> keyspaces = readSchema(); // if already upgraded, or starting a new 3.0 node, abort early if (keyspaces.isEmpty()) { unloadLegacySchemaTables(); return; } // write metadata to the new schema tables logger.info("Moving {} keyspaces from legacy schema tables to the new schema keyspace ({})", keyspaces.size(), SchemaKeyspace.NAME); keyspaces.forEach(LegacySchemaMigrator::storeKeyspaceInNewSchemaTables); keyspaces.forEach(LegacySchemaMigrator::migrateBuiltIndexesForKeyspace); if (nonPersistent) { return; } // flush the new tables before truncating the old ones SchemaKeyspace.flush(); // truncate the original tables (will be snapshotted now, and will have been snapshotted by pre-flight checks) logger.info("Truncating legacy schema tables"); truncateLegacySchemaTables(); // remove legacy schema tables from Schema, so that their presence doesn't give the users any wrong ideas unloadLegacySchemaTables(); logger.info("Completed migration of legacy schema tables"); } private static void migrateBuiltIndexesForKeyspace(Keyspace keyspace) { keyspace.tables.forEach(LegacySchemaMigrator::migrateBuiltIndexesForTable); } private static void migrateBuiltIndexesForTable(Table table) { table.metadata.getIndexes().forEach((index) -> migrateIndexBuildStatus(table.metadata.ksName, table.metadata.cfName, index)); } private static void migrateIndexBuildStatus(String keyspace, String table, IndexMetadata index) { if (SystemKeyspace.isIndexBuilt(keyspace, table + '.' + index.name)) { SystemKeyspace.setIndexBuilt(keyspace, index.name); SystemKeyspace.setIndexRemoved(keyspace, table + '.' + index.name); } } static void unloadLegacySchemaTables() { KeyspaceMetadata systemKeyspace = Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(SystemKeyspace.NAME); Tables systemTables = systemKeyspace.tables; for (CFMetaData table : LegacySchemaTables) systemTables = systemTables.without(table.cfName); LegacySchemaTables.forEach(Schema.instance::unload); LegacySchemaTables.forEach((cfm) -> org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace.openAndGetStore(cfm).invalidate()); Schema.instance.setKeyspaceMetadata(systemKeyspace.withSwapped(systemTables)); } private static void truncateLegacySchemaTables() { LegacySchemaTables.forEach(table -> Schema.instance.getColumnFamilyStoreInstance(table.cfId).truncateBlocking()); } private static void storeKeyspaceInNewSchemaTables(Keyspace keyspace) { logger.info("Migrating keyspace {}", keyspace); Mutation mutation = SchemaKeyspace.makeCreateKeyspaceMutation(keyspace.name, keyspace.params, keyspace.timestamp); for (Table table : keyspace.tables) SchemaKeyspace.addTableToSchemaMutation(table.metadata, table.timestamp, true, mutation); for (Type type : keyspace.types) SchemaKeyspace.addTypeToSchemaMutation(type.metadata, type.timestamp, mutation); for (Function function : keyspace.functions) SchemaKeyspace.addFunctionToSchemaMutation(function.metadata, function.timestamp, mutation); for (Aggregate aggregate : keyspace.aggregates) SchemaKeyspace.addAggregateToSchemaMutation(aggregate.metadata, aggregate.timestamp, mutation); mutation.apply(); } /* * Read all keyspaces metadata (including nested tables, types, and functions), with their modification timestamps */ private static Collection<Keyspace> readSchema() { String query = format("SELECT keyspace_name FROM %s.%s", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_KEYSPACES); Collection<String> keyspaceNames = new ArrayList<>(); query(query).forEach(row -> keyspaceNames.add(row.getString("keyspace_name"))); keyspaceNames.removeAll(Schema.SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAMES); Collection<Keyspace> keyspaces = new ArrayList<>(); keyspaceNames.forEach(name -> keyspaces.add(readKeyspace(name))); return keyspaces; } private static Keyspace readKeyspace(String keyspaceName) { long timestamp = readKeyspaceTimestamp(keyspaceName); KeyspaceParams params = readKeyspaceParams(keyspaceName); Collection<Table> tables = readTables(keyspaceName); Collection<Type> types = readTypes(keyspaceName); Collection<Function> functions = readFunctions(keyspaceName); Functions.Builder functionsBuilder = Functions.builder(); functions.forEach(udf -> functionsBuilder.add(udf.metadata)); Collection<Aggregate> aggregates = readAggregates(functionsBuilder.build(), keyspaceName); return new Keyspace(timestamp, keyspaceName, params, tables, types, functions, aggregates); } /* * Reading keyspace params */ private static long readKeyspaceTimestamp(String keyspaceName) { String query = format("SELECT writeTime(durable_writes) AS timestamp FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_KEYSPACES); return query(query, keyspaceName).one().getLong("timestamp"); } private static KeyspaceParams readKeyspaceParams(String keyspaceName) { String query = format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_KEYSPACES); UntypedResultSet.Row row = query(query, keyspaceName).one(); boolean durableWrites = row.getBoolean("durable_writes"); Map<String, String> replication = new HashMap<>(); replication.putAll(fromJsonMap(row.getString("strategy_options"))); replication.put(ReplicationParams.CLASS, row.getString("strategy_class")); return KeyspaceParams.create(durableWrites, replication); } /* * Reading tables */ private static Collection<Table> readTables(String keyspaceName) { String query = format("SELECT columnfamily_name FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_COLUMNFAMILIES); Collection<String> tableNames = new ArrayList<>(); query(query, keyspaceName).forEach(row -> tableNames.add(row.getString("columnfamily_name"))); Collection<Table> tables = new ArrayList<>(); tableNames.forEach(name -> tables.add(readTable(keyspaceName, name))); return tables; } private static Table readTable(String keyspaceName, String tableName) { long timestamp = readTableTimestamp(keyspaceName, tableName); CFMetaData metadata = readTableMetadata(keyspaceName, tableName); return new Table(timestamp, metadata); } private static long readTableTimestamp(String keyspaceName, String tableName) { String query = format("SELECT writeTime(type) AS timestamp FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND columnfamily_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_COLUMNFAMILIES); return query(query, keyspaceName, tableName).one().getLong("timestamp"); } private static CFMetaData readTableMetadata(String keyspaceName, String tableName) { String tableQuery = format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND columnfamily_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_COLUMNFAMILIES); UntypedResultSet.Row tableRow = query(tableQuery, keyspaceName, tableName).one(); String columnsQuery = format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND columnfamily_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_COLUMNS); UntypedResultSet columnRows = query(columnsQuery, keyspaceName, tableName); String triggersQuery = format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND columnfamily_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_TRIGGERS); UntypedResultSet triggerRows = query(triggersQuery, keyspaceName, tableName); return decodeTableMetadata(tableRow, columnRows, triggerRows); } private static CFMetaData decodeTableMetadata(UntypedResultSet.Row tableRow, UntypedResultSet columnRows, UntypedResultSet triggerRows) { String ksName = tableRow.getString("keyspace_name"); String cfName = tableRow.getString("columnfamily_name"); AbstractType<?> rawComparator = TypeParser.parse(tableRow.getString("comparator")); AbstractType<?> subComparator = tableRow.has("subcomparator") ? TypeParser.parse(tableRow.getString("subcomparator")) : null; boolean isSuper = "super".equals(tableRow.getString("type").toLowerCase()); boolean isCompound = rawComparator instanceof CompositeType || isSuper; /* * Determine whether or not the table is *really* dense * We cannot trust is_dense value of true (see CASSANDRA-11502, that fixed the issue for 2.2 only, and not retroactively), * but we can trust is_dense value of false. */ Boolean rawIsDense = tableRow.has("is_dense") ? tableRow.getBoolean("is_dense") : null; boolean isDense; if (rawIsDense != null && !rawIsDense) isDense = false; else isDense = calculateIsDense(rawComparator, columnRows); // now, if switched to sparse, remove redundant compact_value column and the last clustering column, // directly copying CASSANDRA-11502 logic. See CASSANDRA-11315. Iterable<UntypedResultSet.Row> filteredColumnRows = !isDense && (rawIsDense == null || rawIsDense) ? filterOutRedundantRowsForSparse(columnRows, isSuper, isCompound) : columnRows; // We don't really use the default validator but as we have it for backward compatibility, we use it to know if it's a counter table AbstractType<?> defaultValidator = TypeParser.parse(tableRow.getString("default_validator")); boolean isCounter = defaultValidator instanceof CounterColumnType; /* * With CASSANDRA-5202 we stopped inferring the cf id from the combination of keyspace/table names, * and started storing the generated uuids in system.schema_columnfamilies. * * In 3.0 we SHOULD NOT see tables like that (2.0-created, non-upgraded). * But in the off-chance that we do, we generate the deterministic uuid here. */ UUID cfId = tableRow.has("cf_id") ? tableRow.getUUID("cf_id") : CFMetaData.generateLegacyCfId(ksName, cfName); boolean isCQLTable = !isSuper && !isDense && isCompound; boolean isStaticCompactTable = !isDense && !isCompound; // Internally, compact tables have a specific layout, see CompactTables. But when upgrading from // previous versions, they may not have the expected schema, so detect if we need to upgrade and do // it in createColumnsFromColumnRows. // We can remove this once we don't support upgrade from versions < 3.0. boolean needsUpgrade = !isCQLTable && checkNeedsUpgrade(filteredColumnRows, isSuper, isStaticCompactTable); List<ColumnDefinition> columnDefs = createColumnsFromColumnRows(filteredColumnRows, ksName, cfName, rawComparator, subComparator, isSuper, isCQLTable, isStaticCompactTable, needsUpgrade); if (needsUpgrade) { addDefinitionForUpgrade(columnDefs, ksName, cfName, isStaticCompactTable, isSuper, rawComparator, subComparator, defaultValidator); } CFMetaData cfm = CFMetaData.create(ksName, cfName, cfId, isDense, isCompound, isSuper, isCounter, false, // legacy schema did not contain views columnDefs, DatabaseDescriptor.getPartitioner()); Indexes indexes = createIndexesFromColumnRows(cfm, filteredColumnRows, ksName, cfName, rawComparator, subComparator, isSuper, isCQLTable, isStaticCompactTable, needsUpgrade); cfm.indexes(indexes); if (tableRow.has("dropped_columns")) addDroppedColumns(cfm, rawComparator, tableRow.getMap("dropped_columns", UTF8Type.instance, LongType.instance)); return cfm.params(decodeTableParams(tableRow)) .triggers(createTriggersFromTriggerRows(triggerRows)); } /* * We call dense a CF for which each component of the comparator is a clustering column, i.e. no * component is used to store a regular column names. In other words, non-composite static "thrift" * and CQL3 CF are *not* dense. * We save whether the table is dense or not during table creation through CQL, but we don't have this * information for table just created through thrift, nor for table prior to CASSANDRA-7744, so this * method does its best to infer whether the table is dense or not based on other elements. */ private static boolean calculateIsDense(AbstractType<?> comparator, UntypedResultSet columnRows) { /* * As said above, this method is only here because we need to deal with thrift upgrades. * Once a CF has been "upgraded", i.e. we've rebuilt and save its CQL3 metadata at least once, * then we'll have saved the "is_dense" value and will be good to go. * * But non-upgraded thrift CF (and pre-7744 CF) will have no value for "is_dense", so we need * to infer that information without relying on it in that case. And for the most part this is * easy, a CF that has at least one REGULAR definition is not dense. But the subtlety is that not * having a REGULAR definition may not mean dense because of CQL3 definitions that have only the * PRIMARY KEY defined. * * So we need to recognize those special case CQL3 table with only a primary key. If we have some * clustering columns, we're fine as said above. So the only problem is that we cannot decide for * sure if a CF without REGULAR columns nor CLUSTERING_COLUMN definition is meant to be dense, or if it * has been created in CQL3 by say: * CREATE TABLE test (k int PRIMARY KEY) * in which case it should not be dense. However, we can limit our margin of error by assuming we are * in the latter case only if the comparator is exactly CompositeType(UTF8Type). */ for (UntypedResultSet.Row columnRow : columnRows) if ("regular".equals(columnRow.getString("type"))) return false; int maxClusteringIdx = -1; for (UntypedResultSet.Row columnRow : columnRows) if ("clustering_key".equals(columnRow.getString("type"))) maxClusteringIdx = Math.max(maxClusteringIdx, columnRow.has("component_index") ? columnRow.getInt("component_index") : 0); return maxClusteringIdx >= 0 ? maxClusteringIdx == comparator.componentsCount() - 1 : !isCQL3OnlyPKComparator(comparator); } private static Iterable<UntypedResultSet.Row> filterOutRedundantRowsForSparse(UntypedResultSet columnRows, boolean isSuper, boolean isCompound) { Collection<UntypedResultSet.Row> filteredRows = new ArrayList<>(); for (UntypedResultSet.Row columnRow : columnRows) { String kind = columnRow.getString("type"); if ("compact_value".equals(kind)) continue; if ("clustering_key".equals(kind)) { int position = columnRow.has("component_index") ? columnRow.getInt("component_index") : 0; if (isSuper && position != 0) continue; if (!isSuper && !isCompound) continue; } filteredRows.add(columnRow); } return filteredRows; } private static boolean isCQL3OnlyPKComparator(AbstractType<?> comparator) { if (!(comparator instanceof CompositeType)) return false; CompositeType ct = (CompositeType)comparator; return ct.types.size() == 1 && ct.types.get(0) instanceof UTF8Type; } private static TableParams decodeTableParams(UntypedResultSet.Row row) { TableParams.Builder params = TableParams.builder(); params.readRepairChance(row.getDouble("read_repair_chance")) .dcLocalReadRepairChance(row.getDouble("local_read_repair_chance")) .gcGraceSeconds(row.getInt("gc_grace_seconds")); if (row.has("comment")) params.comment(row.getString("comment")); if (row.has("memtable_flush_period_in_ms")) params.memtableFlushPeriodInMs(row.getInt("memtable_flush_period_in_ms")); params.caching(CachingParams.fromMap(fromJsonMap(row.getString("caching")))); if (row.has("default_time_to_live")) params.defaultTimeToLive(row.getInt("default_time_to_live")); if (row.has("speculative_retry")) params.speculativeRetry(SpeculativeRetryParam.fromString(row.getString("speculative_retry"))); Map<String, String> compressionParameters = fromJsonMap(row.getString("compression_parameters")); String crcCheckChance = compressionParameters.remove("crc_check_chance"); //crc_check_chance was promoted from a compression property to a top-level property if (crcCheckChance != null) params.crcCheckChance(Double.parseDouble(crcCheckChance)); params.compression(CompressionParams.fromMap(compressionParameters)); params.compaction(compactionFromRow(row)); if (row.has("min_index_interval")) params.minIndexInterval(row.getInt("min_index_interval")); if (row.has("max_index_interval")) params.maxIndexInterval(row.getInt("max_index_interval")); if (row.has("bloom_filter_fp_chance")) params.bloomFilterFpChance(row.getDouble("bloom_filter_fp_chance")); return params.build(); } /* * The method is needed - to migrate max_compaction_threshold and min_compaction_threshold * to the compaction map, where they belong. * * We must use reflection to validate the options because not every compaction strategy respects and supports * the threshold params (LCS doesn't, STCS and DTCS do). */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static CompactionParams compactionFromRow(UntypedResultSet.Row row) { Class<? extends AbstractCompactionStrategy> klass = CFMetaData.createCompactionStrategy(row.getString("compaction_strategy_class")); Map<String, String> options = fromJsonMap(row.getString("compaction_strategy_options")); int minThreshold = row.getInt("min_compaction_threshold"); int maxThreshold = row.getInt("max_compaction_threshold"); Map<String, String> optionsWithThresholds = new HashMap<>(options); optionsWithThresholds.putIfAbsent(CompactionParams.Option.MIN_THRESHOLD.toString(), Integer.toString(minThreshold)); optionsWithThresholds.putIfAbsent(CompactionParams.Option.MAX_THRESHOLD.toString(), Integer.toString(maxThreshold)); try { Map<String, String> unrecognizedOptions = (Map<String, String>) klass.getMethod("validateOptions", Map.class).invoke(null, optionsWithThresholds); if (unrecognizedOptions.isEmpty()) options = optionsWithThresholds; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return CompactionParams.create(klass, options); } // Should only be called on compact tables private static boolean checkNeedsUpgrade(Iterable<UntypedResultSet.Row> defs, boolean isSuper, boolean isStaticCompactTable) { if (isSuper) { // Check if we've added the "supercolumn map" column yet or not for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : defs) if (row.getString("column_name").isEmpty()) return false; return true; } // For static compact tables, we need to upgrade if the regular definitions haven't been converted to static yet, // i.e. if we don't have a static definition yet. if (isStaticCompactTable) return !hasKind(defs, ColumnDefinition.Kind.STATIC); // For dense compact tables, we need to upgrade if we don't have a compact value definition return !hasRegularColumns(defs); } private static boolean hasRegularColumns(Iterable<UntypedResultSet.Row> columnRows) { for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : columnRows) { /* * We need to special case and ignore the empty compact column (pre-3.0, COMPACT STORAGE, primary-key only tables), * since deserializeKind() will otherwise just return a REGULAR. * We want the proper EmptyType regular column to be added by addDefinitionForUpgrade(), so we need * checkNeedsUpgrade() to return true in this case. * See CASSANDRA-9874. */ if (isEmptyCompactValueColumn(row)) return false; if (deserializeKind(row.getString("type")) == ColumnDefinition.Kind.REGULAR) return true; } return false; } private static boolean isEmptyCompactValueColumn(UntypedResultSet.Row row) { return "compact_value".equals(row.getString("type")) && row.getString("column_name").isEmpty(); } private static void addDefinitionForUpgrade(List<ColumnDefinition> defs, String ksName, String cfName, boolean isStaticCompactTable, boolean isSuper, AbstractType<?> rawComparator, AbstractType<?> subComparator, AbstractType<?> defaultValidator) { CompactTables.DefaultNames names = CompactTables.defaultNameGenerator(defs); if (isSuper) { defs.add(ColumnDefinition.regularDef(ksName, cfName, CompactTables.SUPER_COLUMN_MAP_COLUMN_STR, MapType.getInstance(subComparator, defaultValidator, true))); } else if (isStaticCompactTable) { defs.add(ColumnDefinition.clusteringDef(ksName, cfName, names.defaultClusteringName(), rawComparator, 0)); defs.add(ColumnDefinition.regularDef(ksName, cfName, names.defaultCompactValueName(), defaultValidator)); } else { // For dense compact tables, we get here if we don't have a compact value column, in which case we should add it // (we use EmptyType to recognize that the compact value was not declared by the use (see CreateTableStatement too)) defs.add(ColumnDefinition.regularDef(ksName, cfName, names.defaultCompactValueName(), EmptyType.instance)); } } private static boolean hasKind(Iterable<UntypedResultSet.Row> defs, ColumnDefinition.Kind kind) { for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : defs) if (deserializeKind(row.getString("type")) == kind) return true; return false; } /* * Prior to 3.0 we used to not store the type of the dropped columns, relying on all collection info being * present in the comparator, forever. That allowed us to perform certain validations in AlterTableStatement * (namely not allowing to re-add incompatible collection columns, with the same name, but a different type). * * In 3.0, we no longer preserve the original comparator, and reconstruct it from the columns instead. That means * that we should preserve the type of the dropped columns now, and, during migration, fetch the types from * the original comparator if necessary. */ private static void addDroppedColumns(CFMetaData cfm, AbstractType<?> comparator, Map<String, Long> droppedTimes) { AbstractType<?> last = comparator.getComponents().get(comparator.componentsCount() - 1); Map<ByteBuffer, CollectionType> collections = last instanceof ColumnToCollectionType ? ((ColumnToCollectionType) last).defined : Collections.emptyMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : droppedTimes.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); ByteBuffer nameBytes = UTF8Type.instance.decompose(name); long time = entry.getValue(); AbstractType<?> type = collections.containsKey(nameBytes) ? collections.get(nameBytes) : BytesType.instance; cfm.getDroppedColumns().put(nameBytes, new CFMetaData.DroppedColumn(name, type, time)); } } private static List<ColumnDefinition> createColumnsFromColumnRows(Iterable<UntypedResultSet.Row> rows, String keyspace, String table, AbstractType<?> rawComparator, AbstractType<?> rawSubComparator, boolean isSuper, boolean isCQLTable, boolean isStaticCompactTable, boolean needsUpgrade) { List<ColumnDefinition> columns = new ArrayList<>(); for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : rows) { // Skip the empty compact value column. Make addDefinitionForUpgrade() re-add the proper REGULAR one. if (isEmptyCompactValueColumn(row)) continue; columns.add(createColumnFromColumnRow(row, keyspace, table, rawComparator, rawSubComparator, isSuper, isCQLTable, isStaticCompactTable, needsUpgrade)); } return columns; } private static ColumnDefinition createColumnFromColumnRow(UntypedResultSet.Row row, String keyspace, String table, AbstractType<?> rawComparator, AbstractType<?> rawSubComparator, boolean isSuper, boolean isCQLTable, boolean isStaticCompactTable, boolean needsUpgrade) { String rawKind = row.getString("type"); ColumnDefinition.Kind kind = deserializeKind(rawKind); if (needsUpgrade && isStaticCompactTable && kind == ColumnDefinition.Kind.REGULAR) kind = ColumnDefinition.Kind.STATIC; int componentIndex = ColumnDefinition.NO_POSITION; // Note that the component_index is not useful for non-primary key parts (it never really in fact since there is // no particular ordering of non-PK columns, we only used to use it as a simplification but that's not needed // anymore) if (kind.isPrimaryKeyKind()) // We use to not have a component index when there was a single partition key, we don't anymore (#10491) componentIndex = row.has("component_index") ? row.getInt("component_index") : 0; // Note: we save the column name as string, but we should not assume that it is an UTF8 name, we // we need to use the comparator fromString method AbstractType<?> comparator = isCQLTable ? UTF8Type.instance : CompactTables.columnDefinitionComparator(rawKind, isSuper, rawComparator, rawSubComparator); ColumnIdentifier name = ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(comparator.fromString(row.getString("column_name")), comparator); AbstractType<?> validator = parseType(row.getString("validator")); return new ColumnDefinition(keyspace, table, name, validator, componentIndex, kind); } private static Indexes createIndexesFromColumnRows(CFMetaData cfm, Iterable<UntypedResultSet.Row> rows, String keyspace, String table, AbstractType<?> rawComparator, AbstractType<?> rawSubComparator, boolean isSuper, boolean isCQLTable, boolean isStaticCompactTable, boolean needsUpgrade) { Indexes.Builder indexes = Indexes.builder(); for (UntypedResultSet.Row row : rows) { IndexMetadata.Kind kind = null; if (row.has("index_type")) kind = IndexMetadata.Kind.valueOf(row.getString("index_type")); if (kind == null) continue; Map<String, String> indexOptions = null; if (row.has("index_options")) indexOptions = fromJsonMap(row.getString("index_options")); String indexName = null; if (row.has("index_name")) indexName = row.getString("index_name"); ColumnDefinition column = createColumnFromColumnRow(row, keyspace, table, rawComparator, rawSubComparator, isSuper, isCQLTable, isStaticCompactTable, needsUpgrade); indexes.add(IndexMetadata.fromLegacyMetadata(cfm, column, indexName, kind, indexOptions)); } return indexes.build(); } private static ColumnDefinition.Kind deserializeKind(String kind) { if ("clustering_key".equalsIgnoreCase(kind)) return ColumnDefinition.Kind.CLUSTERING; if ("compact_value".equalsIgnoreCase(kind)) return ColumnDefinition.Kind.REGULAR; return Enum.valueOf(ColumnDefinition.Kind.class, kind.toUpperCase()); } private static Triggers createTriggersFromTriggerRows(UntypedResultSet rows) { Triggers.Builder triggers = org.apache.cassandra.schema.Triggers.builder(); rows.forEach(row -> triggers.add(createTriggerFromTriggerRow(row))); return triggers.build(); } private static TriggerMetadata createTriggerFromTriggerRow(UntypedResultSet.Row row) { String name = row.getString("trigger_name"); String classOption = row.getTextMap("trigger_options").get("class"); return new TriggerMetadata(name, classOption); } /* * Reading user types */ private static Collection<Type> readTypes(String keyspaceName) { String query = format("SELECT type_name FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_USERTYPES); Collection<String> typeNames = new ArrayList<>(); query(query, keyspaceName).forEach(row -> typeNames.add(row.getString("type_name"))); Collection<Type> types = new ArrayList<>(); typeNames.forEach(name -> types.add(readType(keyspaceName, name))); return types; } private static Type readType(String keyspaceName, String typeName) { long timestamp = readTypeTimestamp(keyspaceName, typeName); UserType metadata = readTypeMetadata(keyspaceName, typeName); return new Type(timestamp, metadata); } /* * Unfortunately there is not a single REGULAR column in system.schema_usertypes, so annoyingly we cannot * use the writeTime() CQL function, and must resort to a lower level. */ private static long readTypeTimestamp(String keyspaceName, String typeName) { ColumnFamilyStore store = org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace.open(SystemKeyspace.NAME) .getColumnFamilyStore(SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_USERTYPES); ClusteringComparator comparator = store.metadata.comparator; Slices slices = Slices.with(comparator, Slice.make(comparator, typeName)); int nowInSec = FBUtilities.nowInSeconds(); DecoratedKey key = store.metadata.decorateKey(AsciiType.instance.fromString(keyspaceName)); SinglePartitionReadCommand command = SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(store.metadata, nowInSec, key, slices); try (OpOrder.Group op = store.readOrdering.start(); RowIterator partition = UnfilteredRowIterators.filter(command.queryMemtableAndDisk(store, op), nowInSec)) { return partition.next().primaryKeyLivenessInfo().timestamp(); } } private static UserType readTypeMetadata(String keyspaceName, String typeName) { String query = format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND type_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_USERTYPES); UntypedResultSet.Row row = query(query, keyspaceName, typeName).one(); List<ByteBuffer> names = row.getList("field_names", UTF8Type.instance) .stream() .map(ByteBufferUtil::bytes) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<AbstractType<?>> types = row.getList("field_types", UTF8Type.instance) .stream() .map(LegacySchemaMigrator::parseType) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return new UserType(keyspaceName, bytes(typeName), names, types); } /* * Reading UDFs */ private static Collection<Function> readFunctions(String keyspaceName) { String query = format("SELECT function_name, signature FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_FUNCTIONS); HashMultimap<String, List<String>> functionSignatures = HashMultimap.create(); query(query, keyspaceName).forEach(row -> functionSignatures.put(row.getString("function_name"), row.getList("signature", UTF8Type.instance))); Collection<Function> functions = new ArrayList<>(); functionSignatures.entries().forEach(pair -> functions.add(readFunction(keyspaceName, pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()))); return functions; } private static Function readFunction(String keyspaceName, String functionName, List<String> signature) { long timestamp = readFunctionTimestamp(keyspaceName, functionName, signature); UDFunction metadata = readFunctionMetadata(keyspaceName, functionName, signature); return new Function(timestamp, metadata); } private static long readFunctionTimestamp(String keyspaceName, String functionName, List<String> signature) { String query = format("SELECT writeTime(return_type) AS timestamp " + "FROM %s.%s " + "WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND function_name = ? AND signature = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_FUNCTIONS); return query(query, keyspaceName, functionName, signature).one().getLong("timestamp"); } private static UDFunction readFunctionMetadata(String keyspaceName, String functionName, List<String> signature) { String query = format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND function_name = ? AND signature = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_FUNCTIONS); UntypedResultSet.Row row = query(query, keyspaceName, functionName, signature).one(); FunctionName name = new FunctionName(keyspaceName, functionName); List<ColumnIdentifier> argNames = new ArrayList<>(); if (row.has("argument_names")) for (String arg : row.getList("argument_names", UTF8Type.instance)) argNames.add(new ColumnIdentifier(arg, true)); List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<>(); if (row.has("argument_types")) for (String type : row.getList("argument_types", UTF8Type.instance)) argTypes.add(parseType(type)); AbstractType<?> returnType = parseType(row.getString("return_type")); String language = row.getString("language"); String body = row.getString("body"); boolean calledOnNullInput = row.getBoolean("called_on_null_input"); try { return UDFunction.create(name, argNames, argTypes, returnType, calledOnNullInput, language, body); } catch (InvalidRequestException e) { return UDFunction.createBrokenFunction(name, argNames, argTypes, returnType, calledOnNullInput, language, body, e); } } /* * Reading UDAs */ private static Collection<Aggregate> readAggregates(Functions functions, String keyspaceName) { String query = format("SELECT aggregate_name, signature FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_AGGREGATES); HashMultimap<String, List<String>> aggregateSignatures = HashMultimap.create(); query(query, keyspaceName).forEach(row -> aggregateSignatures.put(row.getString("aggregate_name"), row.getList("signature", UTF8Type.instance))); Collection<Aggregate> aggregates = new ArrayList<>(); aggregateSignatures.entries().forEach(pair -> aggregates.add(readAggregate(functions, keyspaceName, pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()))); return aggregates; } private static Aggregate readAggregate(Functions functions, String keyspaceName, String aggregateName, List<String> signature) { long timestamp = readAggregateTimestamp(keyspaceName, aggregateName, signature); UDAggregate metadata = readAggregateMetadata(functions, keyspaceName, aggregateName, signature); return new Aggregate(timestamp, metadata); } private static long readAggregateTimestamp(String keyspaceName, String aggregateName, List<String> signature) { String query = format("SELECT writeTime(return_type) AS timestamp " + "FROM %s.%s " + "WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND aggregate_name = ? AND signature = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_AGGREGATES); return query(query, keyspaceName, aggregateName, signature).one().getLong("timestamp"); } private static UDAggregate readAggregateMetadata(Functions functions, String keyspaceName, String functionName, List<String> signature) { String query = format("SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE keyspace_name = ? AND aggregate_name = ? AND signature = ?", SystemKeyspace.NAME, SystemKeyspace.LEGACY_AGGREGATES); UntypedResultSet.Row row = query(query, keyspaceName, functionName, signature).one(); FunctionName name = new FunctionName(keyspaceName, functionName); List<String> types = row.getList("argument_types", UTF8Type.instance); List<AbstractType<?>> argTypes = new ArrayList<>(); if (types != null) { argTypes = new ArrayList<>(types.size()); for (String type : types) argTypes.add(parseType(type)); } AbstractType<?> returnType = parseType(row.getString("return_type")); FunctionName stateFunc = new FunctionName(keyspaceName, row.getString("state_func")); AbstractType<?> stateType = parseType(row.getString("state_type")); FunctionName finalFunc = row.has("final_func") ? new FunctionName(keyspaceName, row.getString("final_func")) : null; ByteBuffer initcond = row.has("initcond") ? row.getBytes("initcond") : null; try { return UDAggregate.create(functions, name, argTypes, returnType, stateFunc, finalFunc, stateType, initcond); } catch (InvalidRequestException reason) { return UDAggregate.createBroken(name, argTypes, returnType, initcond, reason); } } private static UntypedResultSet query(String query, Object... values) { return QueryProcessor.executeOnceInternal(query, values); } private static AbstractType<?> parseType(String str) { return TypeParser.parse(str); } private static final class Keyspace { final long timestamp; final String name; final KeyspaceParams params; final Collection<Table> tables; final Collection<Type> types; final Collection<Function> functions; final Collection<Aggregate> aggregates; Keyspace(long timestamp, String name, KeyspaceParams params, Collection<Table> tables, Collection<Type> types, Collection<Function> functions, Collection<Aggregate> aggregates) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.name = name; this.params = params; this.tables = tables; this.types = types; this.functions = functions; this.aggregates = aggregates; } } private static final class Table { final long timestamp; final CFMetaData metadata; Table(long timestamp, CFMetaData metadata) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.metadata = metadata; } } private static final class Type { final long timestamp; final UserType metadata; Type(long timestamp, UserType metadata) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.metadata = metadata; } } private static final class Function { final long timestamp; final UDFunction metadata; Function(long timestamp, UDFunction metadata) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.metadata = metadata; } } private static final class Aggregate { final long timestamp; final UDAggregate metadata; Aggregate(long timestamp, UDAggregate metadata) { this.timestamp = timestamp; this.metadata = metadata; } } }