package com.robotium.solo; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.robotium.solo.Solo.Config; import; import android.webkit.WebChromeClient; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.widget.TextView; /** * Contains web related methods. Examples are: * enterTextIntoWebElement(), getWebTexts(), getWebElements(). * * @author Renas Reda, * */ class WebUtils { private ViewFetcher viewFetcher; private Instrumentation inst; RobotiumWebClient robotiumWebCLient; WebElementCreator webElementCreator; WebChromeClient originalWebChromeClient = null; private Config config; /** * Constructs this object. * * @param config the {@code Config} instance * @param instrumentation the {@code Instrumentation} instance * @param viewFetcher the {@code ViewFetcher} * @param sleeper the {@code Sleeper} instance */ public WebUtils(Config config, Instrumentation instrumentation, ViewFetcher viewFetcher, Sleeper sleeper){ this.config = config; this.inst = instrumentation; this.viewFetcher = viewFetcher; webElementCreator = new WebElementCreator(sleeper); robotiumWebCLient = new RobotiumWebClient(instrumentation, webElementCreator); } /** * Returns {@code TextView} objects based on web elements shown in the present WebViews * * @param onlyFromVisibleWebViews true if only from visible WebViews * @return an {@code ArrayList} of {@code TextViews}s created from the present {@code WebView}s */ public ArrayList<TextView> getTextViewsFromWebView(){ boolean javaScriptWasExecuted = executeJavaScriptFunction("allTexts();"); return createAndReturnTextViewsFromWebElements(javaScriptWasExecuted); } /** * Creates and returns TextView objects based on WebElements * * @return an ArrayList with TextViews */ private ArrayList <TextView> createAndReturnTextViewsFromWebElements(boolean javaScriptWasExecuted){ ArrayList<TextView> webElementsAsTextViews = new ArrayList<TextView>(); if(javaScriptWasExecuted){ for(WebElement webElement : webElementCreator.getWebElementsFromWebViews()){ if(isWebElementSufficientlyShown(webElement)){ RobotiumTextView textView = new RobotiumTextView(inst.getContext(), webElement.getText(), webElement.getLocationX(), webElement.getLocationY()); webElementsAsTextViews.add(textView); } } } return webElementsAsTextViews; } /** * Returns an ArrayList of WebElements currently shown in the active WebView. * * @param onlySufficientlyVisible true if only sufficiently visible {@link WebElement} objects should be returned * @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link WebElement} objects shown in the active WebView */ public ArrayList<WebElement> getWebElements(boolean onlySufficientlyVisible){ boolean javaScriptWasExecuted = executeJavaScriptFunction("allWebElements();"); return getWebElements(javaScriptWasExecuted, onlySufficientlyVisible); } /** * Returns an ArrayList of WebElements of the specified By object currently shown in the active WebView. * * @param by the By object. Examples are"id") and"name") * @param onlySufficientlyVisible true if only sufficiently visible {@link WebElement} objects should be returned * @return an {@code ArrayList} of the {@link WebElement} objects currently shown in the active WebView */ public ArrayList<WebElement> getWebElements(final By by, boolean onlySufficientlyVisbile){ boolean javaScriptWasExecuted = executeJavaScript(by, false); if(config.useJavaScriptToClickWebElements){ if(!javaScriptWasExecuted){ return new ArrayList<WebElement>(); } return webElementCreator.getWebElementsFromWebViews(); } return getWebElements(javaScriptWasExecuted, onlySufficientlyVisbile); } /** * Returns the sufficiently shown WebElements * * @param javaScriptWasExecuted true if JavaScript was executed * @param onlySufficientlyVisible true if only sufficiently visible {@link WebElement} objects should be returned * @return the sufficiently shown WebElements */ private ArrayList<WebElement> getWebElements(boolean javaScriptWasExecuted, boolean onlySufficientlyVisbile){ ArrayList<WebElement> webElements = new ArrayList<WebElement>(); if(javaScriptWasExecuted){ for(WebElement webElement : webElementCreator.getWebElementsFromWebViews()){ if(!onlySufficientlyVisbile){ webElements.add(webElement); } else if(isWebElementSufficientlyShown(webElement)){ webElements.add(webElement); } } } return webElements; } /** * Prepares for start of JavaScript execution * * @return the JavaScript as a String */ private String prepareForStartOfJavascriptExecution(List<WebView> webViews) { webElementCreator.prepareForStart(); WebChromeClient currentWebChromeClient = getCurrentWebChromeClient(); if(currentWebChromeClient != null && !currentWebChromeClient.getClass().isAssignableFrom(RobotiumWebClient.class)){ originalWebChromeClient = currentWebChromeClient; } robotiumWebCLient.enableJavascriptAndSetRobotiumWebClient(webViews, originalWebChromeClient); return getJavaScriptAsString(); } /** * Returns the current WebChromeClient through reflection * * @return the current WebChromeClient * */ private WebChromeClient getCurrentWebChromeClient(){ WebChromeClient currentWebChromeClient = null; Object currentWebView = viewFetcher.getFreshestView(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(WebView.class, true)); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { try{ currentWebView = new Reflect(currentWebView).field("mProvider").out(Object.class); }catch(IllegalArgumentException ignored) {} } try{ if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) { Object mClientAdapter = new Reflect(currentWebView).field("mContentsClientAdapter").out(Object.class); currentWebChromeClient = new Reflect(mClientAdapter).field("mWebChromeClient").out(WebChromeClient.class); } else { Object mCallbackProxy = new Reflect(currentWebView).field("mCallbackProxy").out(Object.class); currentWebChromeClient = new Reflect(mCallbackProxy).field("mWebChromeClient").out(WebChromeClient.class); } }catch(Exception ignored){} return currentWebChromeClient; } /** * Enters text into a web element using the given By method * * @param by the By object e.g."id"); * @param text the text to enter */ public void enterTextIntoWebElement(final By by, final String text){ if(by instanceof By.Id){ executeJavaScriptFunction("enterTextById(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \""+text+"\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.Xpath){ executeJavaScriptFunction("enterTextByXpath(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \""+text+"\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.CssSelector){ executeJavaScriptFunction("enterTextByCssSelector(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \""+text+"\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.Name){ executeJavaScriptFunction("enterTextByName(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \""+text+"\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.ClassName){ executeJavaScriptFunction("enterTextByClassName(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \""+text+"\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.Text){ executeJavaScriptFunction("enterTextByTextContent(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \""+text+"\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.TagName){ executeJavaScriptFunction("enterTextByTagName(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \""+text+"\");"); } } /** * Executes JavaScript determined by the given By object * * @param by the By object e.g."id"); * @param shouldClick true if click should be performed * @return true if JavaScript function was executed */ public boolean executeJavaScript(final By by, boolean shouldClick){ if(by instanceof By.Id){ return executeJavaScriptFunction("id(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \"" + String.valueOf(shouldClick) + "\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.Xpath){ return executeJavaScriptFunction("xpath(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \"" + String.valueOf(shouldClick) + "\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.CssSelector){ return executeJavaScriptFunction("cssSelector(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \"" + String.valueOf(shouldClick) + "\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.Name){ return executeJavaScriptFunction("name(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \"" + String.valueOf(shouldClick) + "\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.ClassName){ return executeJavaScriptFunction("className(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \"" + String.valueOf(shouldClick) + "\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.Text){ return executeJavaScriptFunction("textContent(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \"" + String.valueOf(shouldClick) + "\");"); } else if(by instanceof By.TagName){ return executeJavaScriptFunction("tagName(\""+by.getValue()+"\", \"" + String.valueOf(shouldClick) + "\");"); } return false; } /** * Executes the given JavaScript function * * @param function the function as a String * @return true if JavaScript function was executed */ private boolean executeJavaScriptFunction(final String function) { List<WebView> webViews = viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(WebView.class, true); final WebView webView = viewFetcher.getFreshestView((ArrayList<WebView>) webViews); if(webView == null) { return false; } final String javaScript = setWebFrame(prepareForStartOfJavascriptExecution(webViews)); inst.runOnMainSync(new Runnable() { public void run() { if(webView != null){ webView.loadUrl("javascript:" + javaScript + function); } } }); return true; } private String setWebFrame(String javascript){ String frame = config.webFrame; if(frame.isEmpty() || frame.equals("document")){ return javascript; } javascript = javascript.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("document, "), "document.getElementById(\""+frame+"\").contentDocument, "); javascript = javascript.replaceAll(Pattern.quote("document.body, "), "document.getElementById(\""+frame+"\").contentDocument, "); return javascript; } /** * Returns true if the view is sufficiently shown * * @param view the view to check * @return true if the view is sufficiently shown */ public final boolean isWebElementSufficientlyShown(WebElement webElement){ final WebView webView = viewFetcher.getFreshestView(viewFetcher.getCurrentViews(WebView.class, true)); final int[] xyWebView = new int[2]; if(webView != null && webElement != null){ webView.getLocationOnScreen(xyWebView); if(xyWebView[1] + webView.getHeight() > webElement.getLocationY()) return true; } return false; } /** * Splits a name by upper case. * * @param name the name to split * @return a String with the split name * */ public String splitNameByUpperCase(String name) { String [] texts = name.split("(?=\\p{Upper})"); StringBuilder stringToReturn = new StringBuilder(); for(String string : texts){ if(stringToReturn.length() > 0) { stringToReturn.append(" " + string.toLowerCase()); } else { stringToReturn.append(string.toLowerCase()); } } return stringToReturn.toString(); } /** * Returns the JavaScript file RobotiumWeb.js as a String * * @return the JavaScript file RobotiumWeb.js as a {@code String} */ private String getJavaScriptAsString() { InputStream fis = getClass().getResourceAsStream("RobotiumWeb.js"); StringBuffer javaScript = new StringBuffer(); try { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis)); String line = null; while (( line = input.readLine()) != null){ javaScript.append(line); javaScript.append("\n"); } input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return javaScript.toString(); } }