package com.robotium.solo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.webkit.WebView; /** * Contains TextView related methods. Examples are: * getTextViewsFromWebViews(), createTextViewAndAddInList(). * * @author Renas Reda, * */ class WebElementCreator { private List<WebElement> webElements; private Sleeper sleeper; private boolean isFinished = false; /** * Constructs this object. * * @param sleeper the {@code Sleeper} instance * */ public WebElementCreator(Sleeper sleeper){ this.sleeper = sleeper; webElements = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<WebElement>(); } /** * Prepares for start of creating {@code TextView} objects based on web elements */ public void prepareForStart(){ setFinished(false); webElements.clear(); } /** * Returns an {@code ArrayList} of {@code TextView} objects based on the web elements shown * * @return an {@code ArrayList} of {@code TextView} objects based on the web elements shown */ public ArrayList<WebElement> getWebElementsFromWebViews(){ waitForWebElementsToBeCreated(); return new ArrayList<WebElement>(webElements); } /** * Returns true if all {@code TextView} objects based on web elements have been created * * @return true if all {@code TextView} objects based on web elements have been created */ public boolean isFinished(){ return isFinished; } /** * Set to true if all {@code TextView} objects have been created * * @param isFinished true if all {@code TextView} objects have been created */ public void setFinished(boolean isFinished){ this.isFinished = isFinished; } /** * Creates a {@ WebElement} object from the given text and {@code WebView} * * @param webData the data of the web element * @param webView the {@code WebView} the text is shown in */ public void createWebElementAndAddInList(String webData, WebView webView){ WebElement webElement = createWebElementAndSetLocation(webData, webView); if((webElement!=null)) webElements.add(webElement); } /** * Sets the location of a {@code WebElement} * * @param webElement the {@code TextView} object to set location * @param webView the {@code WebView} the text is shown in * @param x the x location to set * @param y the y location to set * @param width the width to set * @param height the height to set */ private void setLocation(WebElement webElement, WebView webView, int x, int y, int width, int height ){ float scale = webView.getScale(); int[] locationOfWebViewXY = new int[2]; webView.getLocationOnScreen(locationOfWebViewXY); int locationX = (int) (locationOfWebViewXY[0] + (x + (Math.floor(width / 2))) * scale); int locationY = (int) (locationOfWebViewXY[1] + (y + (Math.floor(height / 2))) * scale); webElement.setLocationX(locationX); webElement.setLocationY(locationY); } /** * Creates a {@code WebView} object * * @param information the data of the web element * @param webView the web view the text is shown in * * @return a {@code WebElement} object with a given text and location */ private WebElement createWebElementAndSetLocation(String information, WebView webView){ String[] data = information.split(";,"); String[] elements = null; int x = 0; int y = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; Hashtable<String, String> attributes = new Hashtable<String, String>(); try{ x = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[5])); y = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[6])); width = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[7])); height = Math.round(Float.valueOf(data[8])); elements = data[9].split("\\#\\$"); }catch(Exception ignored){} if(elements != null) { for (int index = 0; index < elements.length; index++){ String[] element = elements[index].split("::"); if (element.length > 1) { attributes.put(element[0], element[1]); } else { attributes.put(element[0], element[0]); } } } WebElement webElement = null; try{ webElement = new WebElement(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], attributes); setLocation(webElement, webView, x, y, width, height); }catch(Exception ignored) {} return webElement; } /** * Waits for {@code WebElement} objects to be created * * @return true if successfully created before timout */ private boolean waitForWebElementsToBeCreated(){ final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + 5000; while(SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < endTime){ if(isFinished){ return true; } sleeper.sleepMini(); } return false; } }