package roboguice.config; import roboguice.RoboGuice; import; /** * Monitors the state of type hierarchy when injecting a given type via Guice. * This class allows to prune the type hierarchy when looking for injection points. * It is based on the following observations : * <pre> <i> * If a class A extends B and B extends C, * then if B is inside android package, then B can't * contains injections points. * * If B is inside RoboGuice package, or "subpackages", then it may * receive injections. A is probably a custom app class or a roboguice test * and it may contain injections as well. But if C doesn't belong to roboguice, * then we went too high inside the type hierarchy and it's not worth having a look * at class C and ascendants. * </i></pre> * @author SNI */ public class RoboGuiceHierarchyTraversalFilter extends HierarchyTraversalFilter { private static final String ANDROID_PACKAGE = "android"; protected static final String ROBOGUICE_PACKAGE = RoboGuice.class.getPackage().getName(); private boolean isInRoboGuicePackage = false; @Override public boolean isWorthScanning(Class<?> c) { if( c == null || c == Object.class) { return false; } String className = c.getName(); if( className.startsWith(ANDROID_PACKAGE) ) { return false; } else if( className.startsWith(ROBOGUICE_PACKAGE)) { isInRoboGuicePackage = true; } else if( isInRoboGuicePackage ) { return false; } return true; } @Override public void reset( ) { super.reset(); isInRoboGuicePackage = false; } }