/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.inject.mini; import com.google.inject.Provides; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Provider; import javax.inject.Singleton; public final class MiniGuiceTest extends TestCase { public void testBasicInjection() { G g = MiniGuice.inject(G.class, new Object() { @Provides E provideE(F f) { return new E(f); } @Provides F provideF() { return new F(); } }); assertNotNull(g.a); assertNotNull(g.b); assertNotNull(g.c); assertNotNull(g.d); assertNotNull(g.e); assertNotNull(g.e.f); } static class A { @Inject A() {} } static class B { @Inject B() {} } @Singleton static class C { @Inject C() {} } @Singleton static class D { @Inject D() {} } static class E { F f; E(F f) { this.f = f; } } static class F {} static class G { @Inject A a; @Inject B b; C c; D d; @Inject E e; @Inject G(C c, D d) { this.c = c; this.d = d; } } public void testProviderInjection() { H h = MiniGuice.inject(H.class); assertNotNull(h.aProvider.get()); assertNotNull(h.aProvider.get()); assertNotSame(h.aProvider.get(), h.aProvider.get()); } static class H { @Inject Provider<A> aProvider; @Inject H() {} } public void testSingletons() { J j = MiniGuice.inject(J.class, new Object() { @Provides @Singleton F provideK() { return new F(); } }); assertSame(j.fProvider.get(), j.fProvider.get()); assertSame(j.iProvider.get(), j.iProvider.get()); } @Singleton static class I { @Inject I() {} } static class J { @Inject Provider<F> fProvider; @Inject Provider<I> iProvider; @Inject J() {} } public void testBindingAnnotations() { final A one = new A(); final A two = new A(); K k = MiniGuice.inject(K.class, new Object() { @Provides @Named("one") A getOne() { return one; } @Provides @Named("two") A getTwo() { return two; } }); assertNotNull(k.a); assertSame(one, k.aOne); assertSame(two, k.aTwo); } public static class K { @Inject A a; @Inject @Named("one") A aOne; @Inject @Named("two") A aTwo; } public void testSingletonBindingAnnotationAndProvider() { final AtomicReference<A> a1 = new AtomicReference<A>(); final AtomicReference<A> a2 = new AtomicReference<A>(); L l = MiniGuice.inject(L.class, new Object() { @Provides @Singleton @Named("one") F provideF(Provider<A> aProvider) { a1.set(aProvider.get()); a2.set(aProvider.get()); return new F(); } }); assertNotNull(a1.get()); assertNotNull(a2.get()); assertNotSame(a1.get(), a2.get()); assertSame(l, l.lProvider.get()); } @Singleton public static class L { @Inject @Named("one") F f; @Inject Provider<L> lProvider; } public void testSingletonInGraph() { M m = MiniGuice.inject(M.class, new Object() { @Provides @Singleton F provideF() { return new F(); } }); assertSame(m.f1, m.f2); assertSame(m.f1, m.n1.f1); assertSame(m.f1, m.n1.f2); assertSame(m.f1, m.n2.f1); assertSame(m.f1, m.n2.f2); assertSame(m.f1, m.n1.fProvider.get()); assertSame(m.f1, m.n2.fProvider.get()); } public static class M { @Inject N n1; @Inject N n2; @Inject F f1; @Inject F f2; } public static class N { @Inject F f1; @Inject F f2; @Inject Provider<F> fProvider; } public void testNoJitBindingsForAnnotations() { try { MiniGuice.inject(O.class); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public static class O { @Inject @Named("a") A a; } public void testSubclasses() { Q q = MiniGuice.inject(Q.class, new Object() { @Provides F provideF() { return new F(); } }); assertNotNull(q.f); } public static class P { @Inject F f; } public static class Q extends P { @Inject Q() {} } public void testSingletonsAreEager() { final AtomicBoolean sInjected = new AtomicBoolean(); R.injected = false; MiniGuice.inject(A.class, new Object() { @Provides F provideF(R r) { return new F(); } @Provides @Singleton S provideS() { sInjected.set(true); return new S(); } }); assertTrue(R.injected); assertTrue(sInjected.get()); } @Singleton static class R { static boolean injected = false; @Inject R() { injected = true; } } static class S {} }