package rainbownlp.core; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import rainbownlp.parser.ParseHandler; public class Setting { public static final String RuleSureCorpus = "RuleSure"; public static boolean SaveInGetInstance = true; static Properties configFile; public enum OperationMode { TRIGGER, EDGE, ARTIFACT } public static OperationMode Mode = OperationMode.TRIGGER; public static boolean TrainingMode = true; // This switch between using Development set or Test set for evaluation, set to true if you want to generate test submission files public static boolean ReleaseMode = false; public static int NotTriggerNumericValue = 10; public static int NotEdgeNumericValue = 9; public static int MinInstancePerLeaf; public static Double SVMCostParameter; public static Double SVMPolyCParameter; public static enum SVMKernels { Linear, //0: linear (default) Polynomial, //1: polynomial (s a*b+c)^d Radial, //2: radial basis function exp(-gamma ||a-b||^2) SigmoidTanh //3: sigmoid tanh(s a*b + c) }; public static SVMKernels SVMKernel; public static boolean batchMode = false; public static int crossValidationFold; public static int crossFoldCurrent = 0; // public static String[] getClasses() // { // String[] classes = getValue("classes").split("|"); // return classes; // } public static void init() { if(configFile == null){ configFile = new Properties(); try { InputStream config_file = Setting.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("configuration.conf");// //Configuration.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("/"); configFile.load(config_file); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } MinInstancePerLeaf = Integer.parseInt(configFile.getProperty("MinInstancePerLeaf")); SVMCostParameter = Double.parseDouble(configFile.getProperty("SVMCostParameter")); SVMPolyCParameter = Double.parseDouble(configFile.getProperty("SVMPolyCParameter")); ReleaseMode = Boolean.parseBoolean(configFile.getProperty("ReleaseMode")); SVMKernel = SVMKernels.values()[Integer.parseInt(configFile.getProperty("SVMKernel"))]; } } public static String getValue(String key){ init(); return configFile.getProperty(key); } public static int getValueInteger(String key) { int result = Integer.parseInt(getValue(key)); return result; } public static String getResourcePath(String resourceName) { return Setting.class.getClassLoader().getResource(resourceName).getPath(); } public static InputStream getResourceStream(String resourceName) { return Setting.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourceName); } }