package rainbownlp.core; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator; import org.hibernate.annotations.Index; import rainbownlp.core.Artifact.Type; import rainbownlp.util.HibernateUtil; @Entity @Table( name = "Artifact" ) public class Artifact { String content; String generalized_content; List<Artifact> childsArtifact; Artifact parentArtifact; Artifact nextArtifact; Artifact previousArtifact; Type artifactType; private String artifactOptionalCategory; @Transient boolean isNew; @Transient // List<ArtifactFeature> features = new ArrayList<ArtifactFeature>(); String POS; // These two variable are lazy and will be initialized in getter Integer startIndex = null; Integer endIndex = null; Integer lineOffset = null; Integer wordOffset = null; String stanDependency =null; private String stanPennTree = null; int artifactId = -1; /* * Physical address of file which artifact loaded from that */ String associatedFilePath; public enum Type { Document, Sentence, Phrase, Word, Passage } public Artifact() { } /** * Loads Artifact by id * @param pArtifactID * @return */ public static Artifact getInstance(int pArtifactID) { String hql = "from Artifact where artifactId = "+pArtifactID; Artifact artifact_obj = null; List<Artifact> artifacts = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); if(artifacts.size()>0) artifact_obj = artifacts.get(0); return artifact_obj; } /** * Creates completely empty Artifact object * @return */ public static Artifact getInstance(Type pArtifactType) { Artifact artifact_obj = new Artifact(); artifact_obj.setArtifactType(pArtifactType);; return artifact_obj; } /** * Loads or creates the Artifact * @param pArtifactType * @param pFilePath * @param pStartIndex * @return */ public static Artifact getInstance(Type pArtifactType, String pFilePath, int pStartIndex){ String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType = "+ pArtifactType.ordinal()+" and associatedFilePath ='" + pFilePath + "' and startIndex="+pStartIndex; List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); Artifact artifact_obj; if(artifact_objects.size()==0) { artifact_obj = new Artifact(); artifact_obj.setStartIndex(pStartIndex); artifact_obj.setAssociatedFilePath(pFilePath); artifact_obj.setArtifactType(pArtifactType);; }else { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } public static Artifact getMadeUpInstance(String content){ String hql = "from Artifact where content = '"+content+"'"; List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); Artifact artifact_obj; if(artifact_objects.size()==0) { artifact_obj = new Artifact(); artifact_obj.setContent(content);; }else { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } @ManyToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY ) // @ManyToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE} ) @JoinColumn(name="parentArtifact") public Artifact getParentArtifact() { return parentArtifact; } public void setParentArtifact(Artifact _parentArtifact) { parentArtifact = _parentArtifact; } // @OneToMany(mappedBy="parentArtifact") // @OrderBy("startIndex") @Transient public synchronized List<Artifact> getChildsArtifact() { if(childsArtifact==null && artifactType != Type.Word) childsArtifact = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader( "from Artifact where parentArtifact = "+artifactId+" order by artifactId"); return childsArtifact; } @OneToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY ) // @OneToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE} ) @JoinColumn(name="nextArtifact") public Artifact getNextArtifact() { return nextArtifact; } public void setNextArtifact(Artifact pNextArtifact){ nextArtifact = pNextArtifact; } @OneToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch=FetchType.LAZY ) // @OneToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE} ) @JoinColumn(name="previousArtifact") public Artifact getPreviousArtifact() { return previousArtifact; } public void setPreviousArtifact(Artifact pPreviousArtifact){ previousArtifact = pPreviousArtifact; } /** * Return oldest parent of this Artifact which is usually a Document */ @Transient public Artifact grandFather() throws SQLException { Artifact grandFather = this; while (grandFather.getParentArtifact() != null) { grandFather = grandFather.getParentArtifact(); } return grandFather; } @Index(name = "index_start_index") public Integer getStartIndex() { if (this.getArtifactType() == Type.Document) { startIndex = 0; } else if (startIndex == null) { int _previousArtifactsLength = 0; Artifact previous = this.getPreviousArtifact(); while (previous != null) { _previousArtifactsLength += previous.getContent().length() + 1; previous = previous.getPreviousArtifact(); } if(getParentArtifact()!=null) startIndex = parentArtifact.getStartIndex() + _previousArtifactsLength + 1; } return startIndex; } public void setEndIndex(Integer _endIndex) { if (_endIndex == null && this.getContent()!=null && !this.getContent().isEmpty()) { _endIndex = startIndex + this.getContent().length(); } endIndex = _endIndex; } @Index(name = "index_end_index") public Integer getEndIndex() { if (endIndex == null) { if(getStartIndex()!=null && getContent()!=null) endIndex = startIndex + getContent().length(); } return endIndex; } public String getPOS() { // if(POS==null){ //// try { //// POS = //// ArtifactAttributeTable.getAttributeValue(artifactId, ////; //// } catch (SQLException e) { //// // TODO Auto-generated catch block //// e.printStackTrace(); //// } // if(POS==null && artifactType == Type.Word){ // String contentRegexCasted = StringUtil.castForRegex(getContent()); // lineOffset = getLineIndex(); // if(lineOffset==null) return ""; // String tagged = // StanfordParser.getTagged(associatedFilePath, lineOffset); // String[] taggedTokens = // tagged.split(" "); // wordOffset = getWordIndex(); // boolean index_invalid = false; // if(wordOffset!=null && // taggedTokens.length>wordOffset) // { // String[] parts = taggedTokens[wordOffset].replace("\\/", "/"). // '/' is tagger splitter; decast to match // split(contentRegexCasted+"/"); // if(parts.length==2) // POS = parts[1]; // else // index_invalid = true; // } // else // index_invalid= true; // // if(index_invalid) // { // // nextArtifact = getNextArtifact(); // previousArtifact = getPreviousArtifact(); // if(previousArtifact != null && nextArtifact!=null) // { // String preContent=previousArtifact.getContent(); // String nextContent=nextArtifact.getContent(); // if(nextContent.equals("-")) // { // Artifact nextnext = nextArtifact.getNextArtifact(); // if(nextnext!=null) // { // contentRegexCasted = // contentRegexCasted+ // nextContent+ // nextnext.getContent(); // } // } // // to make sure not casted before //// contentRegexCasted = //// Util.castForRegex(Util.decastRegex(contentRegexCasted)); // // Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.* )?"+contentRegexCasted+"/(\\S+)( .*)?"); // Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("(.* )?\\S*"+contentRegexCasted+"\\S*/(\\S+)( .*)?"); // Matcher m = p.matcher(tagged); // if(m.matches()) // { //; //// Util.log("_POS found: "+_POS+ //// " for "+contentRegexCasted, Level.INFO); // }else // { // m = p2.matcher(tagged); // if(m.matches()) // { //; //// Util.log("_POS found: "+_POS+ //// " for "+contentRegexCasted, Level.INFO); // } // } // // } // // if(POS==null && previousArtifact != null) // { // POS = previousArtifact.getPOS(); // } // if(POS==null) // { // POS = getContent(); //// Util.log("Error in _POS: word index = "+_wordOffset+ //// ", tagged:"+tagged+", tagged token:"+ //// " "+contentRegexCasted+" -> " //// +getContent(), Level.WARNING); // } // } // } // } // if(getContent().equals("-")) // POS = "-"; return POS; } public void setPOS(String pPOS) { POS = pPOS; } /** * starts from 0 * @return */ @Index(name = "index_word_index") public Integer getWordIndex() { if(wordOffset==null) { if(artifactType==Type.Word) { wordOffset=0; Artifact preWord = getPreviousArtifact(); while(preWord!=null) { wordOffset++; preWord = preWord.getPreviousArtifact(); previousArtifact = null; } } } return wordOffset; } public void setWordIndex(Integer _wordOffset) { wordOffset = _wordOffset; } public void setLineIndex(Integer _lineIndex) { lineOffset = _lineIndex; } public void setStartIndex(Integer _startIndex) { startIndex = _startIndex; } /** * sentence index, starts from 1 * @return */ @Index(name = "index_line_index") public Integer getLineIndex() { if(lineOffset==null) { if(artifactType==Type.Word) { Artifact sentence = getParentArtifact(); if(sentence==null) { nextArtifact = getNextArtifact(); if(nextArtifact!=null) sentence = nextArtifact.getParentArtifact(); } if(sentence==null) { previousArtifact = getPreviousArtifact(); if(previousArtifact!=null) sentence = previousArtifact.getParentArtifact(); } if(sentence==null) { // Util.log("Error in getLineIndex: word '"+ _artifactId // +"' doesn't have parent!", Level.SEVERE); return null; } lineOffset = sentence.getLineIndex(); } if(artifactType==Type.Sentence) { lineOffset=1; Artifact preSentence = getPreviousArtifact(); while(preSentence!=null) { lineOffset++; preSentence = preSentence.getPreviousArtifact(); } } } return lineOffset; } public void setContent(String _content) { this.content = _content; } @Column(columnDefinition="TEXT") @Index(name = "index_content") public String getContent() { // if(content==null) { // List<Artifact> children = getChildsArtifact(); // for(Artifact child: children){ // content+=child.getContent()+" "; // } // content = content.trim(); // } return content; } public void setAssociatedFilePath(String _associatedFilePath) { this.associatedFilePath = _associatedFilePath; } public String getAssociatedFilePath() { return associatedFilePath; } @Column(nullable = false) public void setArtifactType(Type _artifactType) { this.artifactType = _artifactType; } public Type getArtifactType() { return artifactType; } public void setArtifactId(int _artifactId) { this.artifactId = _artifactId; } @Id @GeneratedValue(generator="increment") @GenericGenerator(name="increment", strategy = "increment") public int getArtifactId() { return artifactId; } @Override public String toString() { return associatedFilePath.substring(associatedFilePath.length()-15, associatedFilePath.length()-1) + ":"+ artifactId+"-"+artifactType.toString()+"-" +parentArtifact.artifactId+"-"+ nextArtifact.artifactId+"-"+ previousArtifact.artifactId; } @Override public boolean equals(Object pArtifact) { if(!(pArtifact instanceof Artifact)) return false; Artifact a = (Artifact)pArtifact; return (a.getArtifactId() == artifactId) || (a.getStartIndex() == getStartIndex() && a.getContent().equals(getContent()) && a.getAssociatedFilePath().equals(getAssociatedFilePath()) && a.getArtifactType().equals(getArtifactType())); } @Override public int hashCode() { return artifactId; } public static Artifact findInstance(Type pArtifactType, String pFilePath, Integer pWordIndex, Integer pLineIndex){ String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType =:artifactType and" + " associatedFilePath like :associatedFilePath and wordIndex=:wordIndex " + " and lineIndex= :lineIndex"; HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("associatedFilePath", '%'+pFilePath); params.put("wordIndex", pWordIndex); params.put("artifactType", pArtifactType.ordinal()); params.put("lineIndex",pLineIndex); List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql,params); Artifact artifact_obj=null; if(artifact_objects.size()!=0) { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } /** * Find an artifact inside sentence at given offset * @param pSentence * @param pWordIndex * @return */ public static Artifact findInstance(Artifact pSentence,int pWordIndex){ String hql = "from Artifact where parentArtifact = "+pSentence.getArtifactId()+" and wordIndex =" + pWordIndex; List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); Artifact artifact_obj=null; if(artifact_objects.size()!=0) { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } public static Artifact findInstance(Type pArtifactType, String pFilePath, int pLine, int pWordIndex, String pContent, String pSecondWord){ HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType =:artifactType and" + " associatedFilePath like :associatedFilePath and content like:content " + " and lineIndex= :lineIndex "; if (pSecondWord != null) { hql += "and nextArtifact.content = :nextContent"; params.put("nextContent", pSecondWord); } else { hql += " and ABS(wordIndex - :pWordIndex) <=5"; params.put("pWordIndex",pWordIndex); } params.put("associatedFilePath", '%'+pFilePath); params.put("content", pContent+'%'); params.put("artifactType", pArtifactType.ordinal()); params.put("lineIndex",pLine); List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql,params); Artifact artifact_obj=null; if(artifact_objects.size()!=0) { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } public static Artifact findInstance(Type pArtifactType, String pFilePath, int pStartChar, String pContent, String pSecondWord){ HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType =:artifactType and" + " associatedFilePath like :associatedFilePath and content like:content " + " and ABS(startIndex - :pStartIndex) <45"; if (pSecondWord != null) { hql += "and nextArtifact.content = :nextContent"; params.put("nextContent", pSecondWord); } params.put("associatedFilePath", '%'+pFilePath); params.put("content", pContent+'%'); params.put("artifactType", pArtifactType.ordinal()); params.put("pStartIndex",pStartChar); List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql,params); Artifact artifact_obj=null; if(artifact_objects.size()!=0) { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } public static Artifact findInstanceByStartIndex(String pFilePath,int pStartIndex, Type pArtifactType){ String hql = "from Artifact where associatedFilePath like :associatedFilePath and artifactType=:artifactType and (startIndex=:startIndex OR startIndex=:startIndex+1)"; HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("associatedFilePath", '%'+pFilePath); params.put("startIndex", pStartIndex); params.put("artifactType", pArtifactType.ordinal()); List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql, params); Artifact artifact_obj=null; if(artifact_objects.size()!=0) { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } public static List<Artifact> listByType(Type pArtifactType) { String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType = "+pArtifactType.ordinal() +" order by associatedFilePath"; List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); return artifact_objects; } public static List<Artifact> listByType(Type pSentenceType,boolean for_train) { String file_path_pattern = "/train/"; if (!for_train) { file_path_pattern = "/test/"; } String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType = "+pSentenceType.ordinal() +" and associatedFilePath like :pPattern order by associatedFilePath"; HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("pPattern", '%'+file_path_pattern+'%'); List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql,params); return artifact_objects; } public void setStanDependency(String stanDependency) { this.stanDependency = stanDependency; } public String getStanDependency() { return stanDependency; } public void setStanPennTree(String stanPennTree) { this.stanPennTree = stanPennTree; } public String getStanPennTree() { return stanPennTree; } @Transient List<Artifact> children = null; @Transient public Artifact getChildByWordIndex(int word_index) { if(children==null) loadChildren(); Artifact foundArtifact = null; for(Artifact art : children) if(art.getWordIndex() == word_index) { foundArtifact = art; break; } return foundArtifact; } private void loadChildren() { String hql = "from Artifact where parentArtifact = "+getArtifactId(); children = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); } /** * Find document artifact by filename * @param fileName * @return */ public static Artifact findDocument(String fileName) { String hql = "from Artifact where associatedFilePath like :associatedFilePath and artifactType=:artifactType "; HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("associatedFilePath", '%'+fileName); params.put("artifactType", Type.Document.ordinal()); List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql, params); Artifact artifact_obj=null; if(artifact_objects.size()!=0) { artifact_obj = artifact_objects.get(0); } return artifact_obj; } public String getArtifactOptionalCategory() { return artifactOptionalCategory; } public void setArtifactOptionalCategory(String artifactOptionalCategory) { this.artifactOptionalCategory = artifactOptionalCategory; } @Transient public static List<Artifact> search(String query) { String hql = "from Artifact where "+query; List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); return artifact_objects; } /** * Search by type and optional category and artifact filepath * @param passage * @param optionalCategory * @return */ public static List<Artifact> listByType(Type pArtifactType, String optionalCategory, String filePath) { String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType = "+pArtifactType.ordinal() +" and artifactOptionalCategory='"+optionalCategory+"' and associatedFilePath='"+filePath.replace("\\", "\\\\")+"'"; List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); return artifact_objects; } /** * Search by type and optional category * @param passage * @param optionalCategory * @return */ public static List<Artifact> listByType(Type pArtifactType, String optionalCategory) { String hql = "from Artifact where artifactType = "+pArtifactType.ordinal() +" and artifactOptionalCategory='"+optionalCategory+"'"; List<Artifact> artifact_objects = (List<Artifact>) HibernateUtil.executeReader(hql); return artifact_objects; } }