/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.analysis; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; public class TestCharArrayMap extends LuceneTestCase { public void doRandom(int iter, boolean ignoreCase) { CharArrayMap<Integer> map = new CharArrayMap<Integer>(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, 1, ignoreCase); HashMap<String,Integer> hmap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); char[] key; for (int i=0; i<iter; i++) { int len = random.nextInt(5); key = new char[len]; for (int j=0; j<key.length; j++) { key[j] = (char)random.nextInt(127); } String keyStr = new String(key); String hmapKey = ignoreCase ? keyStr.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) : keyStr; int val = random.nextInt(); Object o1 = map.put(key, val); Object o2 = hmap.put(hmapKey,val); assertEquals(o1,o2); // add it again with the string method assertEquals(val, map.put(keyStr,val).intValue()); assertEquals(val, map.get(key,0,key.length).intValue()); assertEquals(val, map.get(key).intValue()); assertEquals(val, map.get(keyStr).intValue()); assertEquals(hmap.size(), map.size()); } } public void testCharArrayMap() { int num = 5 * RANDOM_MULTIPLIER; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // pump this up for more random testing doRandom(1000,false); doRandom(1000,true); } } public void testMethods() { CharArrayMap<Integer> cm = new CharArrayMap<Integer>(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, 2, false); HashMap<String,Integer> hm = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); hm.put("foo",1); hm.put("bar",2); cm.putAll(hm); assertEquals(hm.size(), cm.size()); hm.put("baz", 3); cm.putAll(hm); assertEquals(hm.size(), cm.size()); CharArraySet cs = cm.keySet(); int n=0; for (Object o : cs) { assertTrue(cm.containsKey(o)); char[] co = (char[]) o; assertTrue(cm.containsKey(co, 0, co.length)); n++; } assertEquals(hm.size(), n); assertEquals(hm.size(), cs.size()); assertEquals(cm.size(), cs.size()); cs.clear(); assertEquals(0, cs.size()); assertEquals(0, cm.size()); try { cs.add("test"); fail("keySet() allows adding new keys"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ue) { // pass } cm.putAll(hm); assertEquals(hm.size(), cs.size()); assertEquals(cm.size(), cs.size()); Iterator<Map.Entry<Object,Integer>> iter1 = cm.entrySet().iterator(); n=0; while (iter1.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Object,Integer> entry = iter1.next(); Object key = entry.getKey(); Integer val = entry.getValue(); assertEquals(cm.get(key), val); entry.setValue(val*100); assertEquals(val*100, (int)cm.get(key)); n++; } assertEquals(hm.size(), n); cm.clear(); cm.putAll(hm); assertEquals(cm.size(), n); CharArrayMap<Integer>.EntryIterator iter2 = cm.entrySet().iterator(); n=0; while (iter2.hasNext()) { char[] keyc = iter2.nextKey(); Integer val = iter2.currentValue(); assertEquals(hm.get(new String(keyc)), val); iter2.setValue(val*100); assertEquals(val*100, (int)cm.get(keyc)); n++; } assertEquals(hm.size(), n); cm.entrySet().clear(); assertEquals(0, cm.size()); assertEquals(0, cm.entrySet().size()); assertTrue(cm.isEmpty()); } public void testModifyOnUnmodifiable(){ CharArrayMap<Integer> map = new CharArrayMap<Integer>(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, 2, false); map.put("foo",1); map.put("bar",2); final int size = map.size(); assertEquals(2, size); assertTrue(map.containsKey("foo")); assertEquals(1, map.get("foo").intValue()); assertTrue(map.containsKey("bar")); assertEquals(2, map.get("bar").intValue()); map = CharArrayMap.unmodifiableMap(map); assertEquals("Map size changed due to unmodifiableMap call" , size, map.size()); String NOT_IN_MAP = "SirGallahad"; assertFalse("Test String already exists in map", map.containsKey(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertNull("Test String already exists in map", map.get(NOT_IN_MAP)); try{ map.put(NOT_IN_MAP.toCharArray(), 3); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertFalse("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.containsKey(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertNull("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.get(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } try{ map.put(NOT_IN_MAP, 3); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertFalse("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.containsKey(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertNull("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.get(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } try{ map.put(new StringBuilder(NOT_IN_MAP), 3); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertFalse("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.containsKey(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertNull("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.get(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } try{ map.clear(); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } try{ map.entrySet().clear(); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } try{ map.keySet().clear(); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } try{ map.put((Object) NOT_IN_MAP, 3); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertFalse("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.containsKey(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertNull("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.get(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } try{ map.putAll(Collections.singletonMap(NOT_IN_MAP, 3)); fail("Modified unmodifiable map"); }catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // expected assertFalse("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.containsKey(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertNull("Test String has been added to unmodifiable map", map.get(NOT_IN_MAP)); assertEquals("Size of unmodifiable map has changed", size, map.size()); } assertTrue(map.containsKey("foo")); assertEquals(1, map.get("foo").intValue()); assertTrue(map.containsKey("bar")); assertEquals(2, map.get("bar").intValue()); } public void testToString() { CharArrayMap<Integer> cm = new CharArrayMap<Integer>(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, Collections.singletonMap("test",1), false); assertEquals("[test]",cm.keySet().toString()); assertEquals("[1]",cm.values().toString()); assertEquals("[test=1]",cm.entrySet().toString()); assertEquals("{test=1}",cm.toString()); cm.put("test2", 2); assertTrue(cm.keySet().toString().contains(", ")); assertTrue(cm.values().toString().contains(", ")); assertTrue(cm.entrySet().toString().contains(", ")); assertTrue(cm.toString().contains(", ")); } }