package org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.RandomIndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.core.QueryNodeException; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.core.parser.EscapeQuerySyntax; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config.NumberDateFormat; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.config.NumericConfig; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.parser.EscapeQuerySyntaxImpl; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; import org.apache.lucene.util._TestUtil; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestNumericQueryParser extends LuceneTestCase { private static enum NumberType { NEGATIVE, ZERO, POSITIVE; } final private static int[] DATE_STYLES = {DateFormat.FULL, DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.SHORT}; final private static int PRECISION_STEP = 8; final private static String FIELD_NAME = "field"; private static Locale LOCALE; private static TimeZone TIMEZONE; private static Map<String,Number> RANDOM_NUMBER_MAP; final private static EscapeQuerySyntax ESCAPER = new EscapeQuerySyntaxImpl(); final private static String DATE_FIELD_NAME = "date"; private static int DATE_STYLE; private static int TIME_STYLE; private static Analyzer ANALYZER; private static NumberFormat NUMBER_FORMAT; private static StandardQueryParser qp; private static NumberDateFormat DATE_FORMAT; private static Directory directory = null; private static IndexReader reader = null; private static IndexSearcher searcher = null; private static boolean checkDateFormatSanity(DateFormat dateFormat, long date) throws ParseException { return date == dateFormat.parse(dateFormat.format(new Date(date))) .getTime(); } @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { ANALYZER = new MockAnalyzer(random); qp = new StandardQueryParser(ANALYZER); final HashMap<String,Number> randomNumberMap = new HashMap<String,Number>(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat; long randomDate; boolean dateFormatSanityCheckPass; int count = 0; do { if (count > 100) { fail("This test has problems to find a sane random DateFormat/NumberFormat. Stopped trying after 100 iterations."); } dateFormatSanityCheckPass = true; LOCALE = randomLocale(random); TIMEZONE = randomTimeZone(random); DATE_STYLE = randomDateStyle(random); TIME_STYLE = randomDateStyle(random); // assumes localized date pattern will have at least year, month, day, // hour, minute dateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance( DATE_STYLE, TIME_STYLE, LOCALE); // not all date patterns includes era, full year, timezone and second, // so we add them here dateFormat.applyPattern(dateFormat.toPattern() + " G s Z yyyy"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TIMEZONE); DATE_FORMAT = new NumberDateFormat(dateFormat); do { randomDate = random.nextLong(); // prune date value so it doesn't pass in insane values to some // calendars. randomDate = randomDate % 3400000000000l; // truncate to second randomDate = (randomDate / 1000L) * 1000L; // only positive values randomDate = Math.abs(randomDate); } while (randomDate == 0L); dateFormatSanityCheckPass &= checkDateFormatSanity(dateFormat, randomDate); dateFormatSanityCheckPass &= checkDateFormatSanity(dateFormat, 0); dateFormatSanityCheckPass &= checkDateFormatSanity(dateFormat, -randomDate); count++; } while (!dateFormatSanityCheckPass); NUMBER_FORMAT = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(LOCALE); NUMBER_FORMAT.setMaximumFractionDigits((random.nextInt() & 20) + 1); NUMBER_FORMAT.setMinimumFractionDigits((random.nextInt() & 20) + 1); NUMBER_FORMAT.setMaximumIntegerDigits((random.nextInt() & 20) + 1); NUMBER_FORMAT.setMinimumIntegerDigits((random.nextInt() & 20) + 1); double randomDouble; long randomLong; int randomInt; float randomFloat; while ((randomLong = normalizeNumber(Math.abs(random.nextLong())) .longValue()) == 0L) ; while ((randomDouble = normalizeNumber(Math.abs(random.nextDouble())) .doubleValue()) == 0.0) ; while ((randomFloat = normalizeNumber(Math.abs(random.nextFloat())) .floatValue()) == 0.0f) ; while ((randomInt = normalizeNumber(Math.abs(random.nextInt())).intValue()) == 0) ; randomNumberMap.put(, randomLong); randomNumberMap.put(, randomInt); randomNumberMap.put(, randomFloat); randomNumberMap.put(, randomDouble); randomNumberMap.put(DATE_FIELD_NAME, randomDate); RANDOM_NUMBER_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(randomNumberMap); directory = newDirectory(); RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random, directory, newIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)) .setMaxBufferedDocs(_TestUtil.nextInt(random, 50, 1000)) .setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy())); Document doc = new Document(); HashMap<String,NumericConfig> numericConfigMap = new HashMap<String,NumericConfig>(); HashMap<String,NumericField> numericFieldMap = new HashMap<String,NumericField>(); qp.setNumericConfigMap(numericConfigMap); for (NumericField.DataType type : NumericField.DataType.values()) { numericConfigMap.put(, new NumericConfig(PRECISION_STEP, NUMBER_FORMAT, type)); NumericField field = new NumericField(, PRECISION_STEP, Field.Store.YES, true); numericFieldMap.put(, field); doc.add(field); } numericConfigMap.put(DATE_FIELD_NAME, new NumericConfig(PRECISION_STEP, DATE_FORMAT, NumericField.DataType.LONG)); NumericField dateField = new NumericField(DATE_FIELD_NAME, PRECISION_STEP, Field.Store.YES, true); numericFieldMap.put(DATE_FIELD_NAME, dateField); doc.add(dateField); for (NumberType numberType : NumberType.values()) { setFieldValues(numberType, numericFieldMap); if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Indexing document: " + doc); writer.addDocument(doc); } reader = writer.getReader(); searcher = newSearcher(reader); writer.close(); } private static Number getNumberType(NumberType numberType, String fieldName) { if (numberType == null) { return null; } switch (numberType) { case POSITIVE: return RANDOM_NUMBER_MAP.get(fieldName); case NEGATIVE: Number number = RANDOM_NUMBER_MAP.get(fieldName); if ( || DATE_FIELD_NAME.equals(fieldName)) { number = -number.longValue(); } else if ( { number = -number.doubleValue(); } else if ( { number = -number.floatValue(); } else if ( { number = -number.intValue(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("field name not found: " + fieldName); } return number; default: return 0; } } private static void setFieldValues(NumberType numberType, HashMap<String,NumericField> numericFieldMap) { Number number = getNumberType(numberType, NumericField.DataType.DOUBLE .name()); numericFieldMap.get( number.doubleValue()); number = getNumberType(numberType,; numericFieldMap.get( number.intValue()); number = getNumberType(numberType,; numericFieldMap.get( number.longValue()); number = getNumberType(numberType,; numericFieldMap.get( number.floatValue()); number = getNumberType(numberType, DATE_FIELD_NAME); numericFieldMap.get(DATE_FIELD_NAME).setLongValue(number.longValue()); } private static int randomDateStyle(Random random) { return DATE_STYLES[random.nextInt(DATE_STYLES.length)]; } @Test public void testInclusiveNumericRange() throws Exception { assertRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, NumberType.ZERO, true, true, 1); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, NumberType.POSITIVE, true, true, 2); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.ZERO, true, true, 2); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.POSITIVE, true, true, 3); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.NEGATIVE, true, true, 1); } // @Test // // test disabled since standard syntax parser does not work with inclusive and // // exclusive at the same time // public void testInclusiveLowerNumericRange() throws Exception { // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.ZERO, false, true, 1); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, NumberType.POSITIVE, false, true, 1); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.POSITIVE, false, true, 2); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.NEGATIVE, false, true, 0); // } // // @Test // // test disabled since standard syntax parser does not work with inclusive and // // exclusive at the same time // public void testInclusiveUpperNumericRange() throws Exception { // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.ZERO, true, false, 1); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, NumberType.POSITIVE, true, false, 1); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.POSITIVE, true, false, 2); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.NEGATIVE, true, false, 0); // } @Test public void testExclusiveNumericRange() throws Exception { assertRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, NumberType.ZERO, false, false, 0); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, NumberType.POSITIVE, false, false, 0); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.ZERO, false, false, 0); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.POSITIVE, false, false, 1); assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, NumberType.NEGATIVE, false, false, 0); } // @Test //// test disabled since standard syntax parser does not work with open range // public void testOpenRangeNumericQuery() throws Exception { // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, "<", 1); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.POSITIVE, "<", 2); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, "<", 0); // // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, "<=", 2); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.POSITIVE, "<=", 3); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, "<=", 1); // // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, ">", 1); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.POSITIVE, ">", 0); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, ">", 2); // // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, ">=", 2); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.POSITIVE, ">=", 1); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, ">=", 3); // // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, "=", 1); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, "=", 1); // assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType.POSITIVE, "=", 1); // // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, null, true, true, 3); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, null, false, true, 2); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.POSITIVE, null, true, false, 1); // assertRangeQuery(NumberType.ZERO, null, false, false, 1); // // assertRangeQuery(null, NumberType.POSITIVE, true, true, 3); // assertRangeQuery(null, NumberType.POSITIVE, true, false, 2); // assertRangeQuery(null, NumberType.NEGATIVE, false, true, 1); // assertRangeQuery(null, NumberType.ZERO, false, false, 1); // // assertRangeQuery(null, null, false, false, 3); // assertRangeQuery(null, null, true, true, 3); // // } @Test public void testSimpleNumericQuery() throws Exception { assertSimpleQuery(NumberType.ZERO, 1); assertSimpleQuery(NumberType.POSITIVE, 1); assertSimpleQuery(NumberType.NEGATIVE, 1); } public void assertRangeQuery(NumberType lowerType, NumberType upperType, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive, int expectedDocCount) throws QueryNodeException, IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String lowerInclusiveStr = (lowerInclusive ? "[" : "{"); String upperInclusiveStr = (upperInclusive ? "]" : "}"); for (NumericField.DataType type : NumericField.DataType.values()) { String lowerStr = numberToString(getNumberType(lowerType,; String upperStr = numberToString(getNumberType(upperType,; sb.append("+").append(':').append(lowerInclusiveStr) .append('"').append(lowerStr).append("\" TO \"").append(upperStr) .append('"').append(upperInclusiveStr).append(' '); } Number lowerDateNumber = getNumberType(lowerType, DATE_FIELD_NAME); Number upperDateNumber = getNumberType(upperType, DATE_FIELD_NAME); String lowerDateStr; String upperDateStr; if (lowerDateNumber != null) { lowerDateStr = ESCAPER.escape( DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(lowerDateNumber.longValue())), LOCALE, EscapeQuerySyntax.Type.STRING).toString(); } else { lowerDateStr = "*"; } if (upperDateNumber != null) { upperDateStr = ESCAPER.escape( DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(upperDateNumber.longValue())), LOCALE, EscapeQuerySyntax.Type.STRING).toString(); } else { upperDateStr = "*"; } sb.append("+").append(DATE_FIELD_NAME).append(':') .append(lowerInclusiveStr).append('"').append(lowerDateStr).append( "\" TO \"").append(upperDateStr).append('"').append( upperInclusiveStr); testQuery(sb.toString(), expectedDocCount); } public void assertOpenRangeQuery(NumberType boundType, String operator, int expectedDocCount) throws QueryNodeException, IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (NumericField.DataType type : NumericField.DataType.values()) { String boundStr = numberToString(getNumberType(boundType,; sb.append("+").append('"').append(boundStr).append('"').append(' '); } String boundDateStr = ESCAPER.escape( DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(getNumberType(boundType, DATE_FIELD_NAME) .longValue())), LOCALE, EscapeQuerySyntax.Type.STRING).toString(); sb.append("+").append(DATE_FIELD_NAME).append(operator).append('"').append(boundDateStr).append('"'); testQuery(sb.toString(), expectedDocCount); } public void assertSimpleQuery(NumberType numberType, int expectedDocCount) throws QueryNodeException, IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (NumericField.DataType type : NumericField.DataType.values()) { String numberStr = numberToString(getNumberType(numberType,; sb.append('+').append(":\"").append(numberStr) .append("\" "); } String dateStr = ESCAPER.escape( DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(getNumberType(numberType, DATE_FIELD_NAME) .longValue())), LOCALE, EscapeQuerySyntax.Type.STRING).toString(); sb.append('+').append(DATE_FIELD_NAME).append(":\"").append(dateStr) .append('"'); testQuery(sb.toString(), expectedDocCount); } private void testQuery(String queryStr, int expectedDocCount) throws QueryNodeException, IOException { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Parsing: " + queryStr); Query query = qp.parse(queryStr, FIELD_NAME); if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("Querying: " + query); TopDocs topDocs =, 1000); String msg = "Query <" + queryStr + "> retrieved " + topDocs.totalHits + " document(s), " + expectedDocCount + " document(s) expected."; if (VERBOSE) System.out.println(msg); assertEquals(msg, expectedDocCount, topDocs.totalHits); } private static String numberToString(Number number) { return number == null ? "*" : ESCAPER.escape(NUMBER_FORMAT.format(number), LOCALE, EscapeQuerySyntax.Type.STRING).toString(); } private static Number normalizeNumber(Number number) throws ParseException { return NUMBER_FORMAT.parse(NUMBER_FORMAT.format(number)); } @AfterClass public static void afterClass() throws Exception { searcher.close(); searcher = null; reader.close(); reader = null; directory.close(); directory = null; } }