package com.proudcase.mongodb.manager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.proudcase.persistence.JuryFeedbackBean; import com.proudcase.persistence.ShowcaseBean; import com.proudcase.persistence.ShowcaseRankingBean; import com.proudcase.persistence.UserBean; import com.proudcase.visibility.EVisibility; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; /** * Copyright © 24.09.2012 Michel Vocks This file is part of proudcase. * * proudcase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * proudcase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * proudcase. If not, see <>. * * / * ** * @Author: Michel Vocks * * @Date: 24.09.2012 * * @Encoding: UTF-8 */ public class ShowcaseManager extends BasicDAO<ShowcaseBean, ObjectId> { public ShowcaseManager(Datastore datastore) { super(ShowcaseBean.class, datastore); } public List<ShowcaseBean> getPagingShowcasesByKeywordAndCat(String inputSearch, ObjectId categorie, int offset, int pageSize) { // remove the first and last space inputSearch = inputSearch.trim(); // add the star operator (like search) inputSearch += ".*"; // create the pattern Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(inputSearch, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // inititate the query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("visibility").equal(EVisibility.all).field("showcasepublic").equal(true); // query for specific criteria query.or( query.criteria("showcaseTexts.title").equal(regex)); // we got a categorie id? if (categorie != null) { // filter categorie query.field("categorieid").equal(categorie); } // max results query.limit(pageSize); // offset query.offset(offset); // return the result return query.asList(); } public long countAllShowcasesByKeywordAndCat(String inputSearch, ObjectId categorie) { // remove the first and last space inputSearch = inputSearch.trim(); // add the star operator (like search) inputSearch += ".*"; // create the pattern Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(inputSearch, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); // inititate the query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("visibility").equal(EVisibility.all).field("showcasepublic").equal(true); // query for specific criteria query.or( query.criteria("showcaseTexts.title").equal(regex)); // we got a categorie id? if (categorie != null) { // filter categorie query.field("categorieid").equal(categorie); } // return result return query.countAll(); } public List<ShowcaseBean> getTopTenShowcases() { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("visibility").equal(EVisibility.all).field("showcasepublic").equal(true). order("-showcaseRankings.ranking"); // Only 10 results are required query.limit(10); // retrieve List<ShowcaseBean> topTenShowcases = query .asList(); // return as list return topTenShowcases; } public List<ShowcaseBean> getTopTenVideoShowcases() { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("visibility").equal(EVisibility.all).field("showcasepublic").equal(true) .order("-showcaseRankings.ranking"); // we only want showcases which have videos query.field("videoLinks").exists(); // only 10 results are required query.limit(10); // get List<ShowcaseBean> topTenVideoShowcases = query.asList(); // return as list return topTenVideoShowcases; } public ShowcaseBean getTopShowcase() { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("visibility").equal(EVisibility.all).field("showcasepublic").equal(true). order("-showcaseRankings.ranking"); // return only the first one return query.get(); } public ShowcaseRankingBean getShowcaseRankingByUser(ObjectId showcaseId, UserBean user) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field(Mapper.ID_KEY).equal(showcaseId); query.retrievedFields(true, "showcaseRankings"); // retrieve List<ShowcaseRankingBean> showcaseRankingList = query .get().getShowcaseRankings(); // empty ratings if (showcaseRankingList == null || showcaseRankingList.isEmpty()) { return null; } // iterate through all ratings for (ShowcaseRankingBean showcaseRankingBean : showcaseRankingList) { if (showcaseRankingBean.getUser().equals(user.getId())) { return showcaseRankingBean; } } return null; } public boolean updateOrInsertRanking(ObjectId showcaseId, ShowcaseRankingBean showcaseRankingBean) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field(Mapper.ID_KEY).equal(showcaseId); query.field("showcaseRankings.user").equal(showcaseRankingBean.getUser()); // prepare the updateoperations UpdateOperations<ShowcaseBean> ops; UpdateResults<ShowcaseBean> updateResult; // do we found a bison document? if (query.countAll() > 0) { // then we want to update it ops = ds.createUpdateOperations(ShowcaseBean.class) .disableValidation() .set("showcaseRankings.$", showcaseRankingBean) .enableValidation(); updateResult = ds.updateFirst(query, ops); } else { // then we want to insert it Query<ShowcaseBean> getShowcase = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field(Mapper.ID_KEY).equal(showcaseId); ops = ds.createUpdateOperations(ShowcaseBean.class) .add("showcaseRankings", showcaseRankingBean); updateResult = ds.updateFirst(getShowcase, ops); } // return true if success return (updateResult.getInsertedCount() > 0 || updateResult.getUpdatedCount() > 0); } public List<ShowcaseBean> getNewShowcasesByLimit(int limit) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("visibility").equal(EVisibility.all).field("showcasepublic").equal(true). order("-createdate").limit(limit); // return list return query.asList(); } public List<ShowcaseBean> getAllShowcasesByUser(UserBean user) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("userAccount").equal(user); // return as list return query.asList(); } public List<ShowcaseBean> getAllPublicShowcasesByUser(UserBean user) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("userAccount").equal(user); // only public showcases query.field("showcasepublic").equal(true); // return as list return query.asList(); } public List<ShowcaseBean> getAllShowcasesNotRatedByUserAndAlreadyRatedList(UserBean user, List<ObjectId> alreadyRatedList) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field(Mapper.ID_KEY).notIn(alreadyRatedList).field("showcasepublic").equal(true); // return as list return query.asList(); } public List<ShowcaseBean> getPagingAllShowcasesNotRatedByAlreadyRatedList(List<ObjectId> alreadyRatedList, int offset, int pageSize) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field("showcasepublic").equal(true); // if not empty then filter! if (!alreadyRatedList.isEmpty()) { query.field(Mapper.ID_KEY).notIn(alreadyRatedList); } // limit query.limit(pageSize); // offset query.offset(offset); // return as list return query.asList(); } public long countAllShowcasesNotRatedByUserAndAlreadyRatedList(UserBean user, List<ObjectId> alreadyRatedList) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class).field("showcasepublic").equal(true); // if not empty then filter! if (!alreadyRatedList.isEmpty()) { query.field(Mapper.ID_KEY).notIn(alreadyRatedList); } // return number return query.countAll(); } public void addFeedbackToShowcase(ObjectId showcaseID, JuryFeedbackBean juryFeedback) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field(Mapper.ID_KEY).equal(showcaseID); // prepare the updateoperations UpdateOperations<ShowcaseBean> ops = ds.createUpdateOperations(ShowcaseBean.class) .add("juryFeedbackList", juryFeedback); // execute opdate operation ds.update(query, ops); } public void increaseVisitorCounter(ObjectId showcaseID) { // Query Query<ShowcaseBean> query = ds.createQuery(ShowcaseBean.class) .field(Mapper.ID_KEY).equal(showcaseID); // increase UpdateOperations<ShowcaseBean> ops = ds.createUpdateOperations(ShowcaseBean.class) .inc("visitorCounter"); // execute ds.update(query, ops); } }