package com.proudcase.managedbean; import com.proudcase.comparator.SelectItemComparator; import com.proudcase.constants.Constants; import com.proudcase.constants.ENavigation; import com.proudcase.constants.EVideoTyp; import com.proudcase.exclogger.ExceptionLogger; import com.proudcase.filehandling.PropertyReader; import com.proudcase.mongodb.manager.FileManager; import com.proudcase.mongodb.manager.ImageManager; import com.proudcase.mongodb.manager.ManagerFactory; import com.proudcase.mongodb.manager.ShowcaseManager; import com.proudcase.mongodb.manager.VideoLinkManager; import com.proudcase.persistence.*; import com.proudcase.util.FileUtil; import com.proudcase.util.ImageUtil; import com.proudcase.util.VideoUtil; import com.proudcase.util.YouTubeUtil; import com.proudcase.visibility.EVisibility; import; import java.util.*; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty; import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.primefaces.event.DragDropEvent; import org.primefaces.event.FileUploadEvent; import org.primefaces.event.FlowEvent; import org.primefaces.event.TransferEvent; import org.primefaces.model.DualListModel; import org.primefaces.model.UploadedFile; /** * Copyright © 03.07.2013 Michel Vocks This file is part of proudcase. * * proudcase is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * proudcase is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * proudcase. If not, see <>. * * / * ** * @Author: Michel Vocks * * @Date: 03.07.2013 * * @Encoding: UTF-8 */ @ManagedBean @ViewScoped public class NewShowcaseBean implements Serializable { @ManagedProperty(value = "#{sessionBean}") private SessionBean sessionBean; @ManagedProperty(value = "#{applicationBean}") private ApplicationBean applicationBean; private ShowcaseBean singleShowcase; private List<ShowcaseTextBean> manyShowcaseText = new ArrayList<>(); private DualListModel<String> languages; private boolean sendMsg = true; private List<ImageBean> imageList = new ArrayList<>(); private List<VideoLinkBean> videoLinks = new ArrayList<>(); private List<SelectItem> categorieList = new ArrayList<>(); private VideoLinkBean singleVideoLink = new VideoLinkBean(); private List<FileBean> fileList = new ArrayList<>(); private ImageBean deleteImageCache; private VideoLinkBean deleteVideoCache; private FileBean deleteFileCache; private final transient ShowcaseManager showcaseManager = ManagerFactory.createShowcaseManager(); private final transient ImageManager imageManager = ManagerFactory.createImageManager(); private final transient VideoLinkManager videoLinkManager = ManagerFactory.createVideoLinkManager(); private final transient FileManager fileManager = ManagerFactory.createFileManager(); private final Map<String, SupportedLanguagesBean> localeMap = new HashMap<>(); private String categorieSelect; private String showcaseId; public NewShowcaseBean() { } @PostConstruct public void init() { // fill our select item list for (CategorieBean singleCategorie : applicationBean.getCategorieList()) { for (LangCategorieBean singleLangCategorie : singleCategorie.getLangCategorieList()) { // we only need the items in the language from the user if (singleLangCategorie.getLanguage().equals(sessionBean.getUserLocale())) { categorieList.add(new SelectItem(singleCategorie.getId().toString(), singleLangCategorie.getCategoriename())); } } } // Sort the categorielist in an aphabetic way Collections.sort(categorieList, new SelectItemComparator()); List<String> sourceLangs = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> langTarget = new ArrayList<>(); String localeDisplayname; for (SupportedLanguagesBean singleLanguage : applicationBean.getSupportedLanguagesList()) { // get the display name localeDisplayname = sessionBean.localeAsString(singleLanguage.getLanguage()); // fill the locale map localeMap.put(localeDisplayname, singleLanguage); // is this locale the same as from the user? if (singleLanguage.getLanguage().equals(sessionBean.getUserLocale())) { // set this directly as target language langTarget.add(localeDisplayname); } else { // fill the source array sourceLangs.add(localeDisplayname); } } languages = new DualListModel<>(sourceLangs, langTarget); } public void initShowcase() { // check if the showcaseid was set via get parameter if (showcaseId != null && ObjectId.isValid(showcaseId) && singleShowcase == null) { // convert the string to a valig objectid ObjectId showcaseObjId = new ObjectId(showcaseId); // retrieve the showcase from the database singleShowcase = showcaseManager.get(showcaseObjId); // we got something? if (singleShowcase == null) { singleShowcase = new ShowcaseBean(); } else { // first we set the categorie if (singleShowcase.getCategorieid() != null) { categorieSelect = singleShowcase.getCategorieid().toString(); } // set the showcasetext if exists if (singleShowcase.getShowcaseTexts() != null && !singleShowcase.getShowcaseTexts().isEmpty()) { manyShowcaseText = singleShowcase.getShowcaseTexts(); // iterate all showcasetext-objects for (ShowcaseTextBean singleShowcasetext : manyShowcaseText) { // iterate the source languages for (String singleLanguage : languages.getSource()) { SupportedLanguagesBean sourceLanguage = localeMap.get(singleLanguage); if (sourceLanguage.getLanguage().equals(singleShowcasetext.getLang())) { // got the language so remove it languages.getSource().remove(singleLanguage); // add it to the target array languages.getTarget().add(singleLanguage); // get out of this loop break; } } } } // set the images if (singleShowcase.getImageList() != null && !singleShowcase.getImageList().isEmpty()) { imageList = singleShowcase.getImageList(); // sort the images Collections.sort(imageList); } // videolinks if (singleShowcase.getVideoLinks() != null && !singleShowcase.getVideoLinks().isEmpty()) { videoLinks = singleShowcase.getVideoLinks(); } // files if (singleShowcase.getFileList() != null && !singleShowcase.getFileList().isEmpty()) { fileList = singleShowcase.getFileList(); } } } else if (singleShowcase == null) { singleShowcase = new ShowcaseBean(); } } public String onFlowProcess(FlowEvent event) throws ExceptionLogger { if (event.getOldStep().equals("settings")) { // convert the selected categorie if (categorieSelect != null && ObjectId.isValid(categorieSelect)) { singleShowcase.setCategorieid(new ObjectId(categorieSelect)); } // the user left the settings step so let us add the languages to an array boolean skipLanguage = false; for (String oneLang : languages.getTarget()) { // first get the locale from the string SupportedLanguagesBean targetLanguage = localeMap.get(oneLang); // nothing found? woot? if (targetLanguage == null) { continue; } // iterate all our already created text objects for (ShowcaseTextBean oneShowcaseText : manyShowcaseText) { // found the language already in the array - skip it if (oneShowcaseText.getLang().equals(targetLanguage.getLanguage())) { skipLanguage = true; } } if (!skipLanguage) { ShowcaseTextBean textShowcase = new ShowcaseTextBean(targetLanguage.getLanguage()); manyShowcaseText.add(textShowcase); } // reset the var skipLanguage = false; } } String label; FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); boolean skipToDone = false; // add the info for addmedia switch (event.getNewStep()) { case "addmedia": label = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "mediainfo", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "", label)); break; case "sortmedia": // do we have media to sort? if (imageList.isEmpty()) { skipToDone = true; } else { label = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "sortinfo", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "", label)); } break; } // we are at the last step if (event.getNewStep().equals("done") || skipToDone) { // some validation for sorting the images for (ImageBean singleImage : imageList) { if (singleImage.getOrderNumber() == null || singleImage.getOrderNumber() == 0) { // One image has no id - error label = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication(). getMessageBundle(), "imagenotordered", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "", label)); return event.getOldStep(); } // loop again through all images for (ImageBean againOneImage : imageList) { // two images have the same id - error if (againOneImage.getOrderNumber() == singleImage.getOrderNumber() && !againOneImage.equals(singleImage)) { label = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication(). getMessageBundle(), "twoimagessameid", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "", label)); return event.getOldStep(); } } } label = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "showcasesave_success", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "", label)); // save the showcase in the database saveShowcase(); } // we skip to the done step if (skipToDone) { return "done"; } return event.getNewStep(); } public void onTransfer(TransferEvent event) { // method called on language transfer // check if languages were removed if (event.isRemove()) { // iterate through all items for (Object languageObj : event.getItems()) { // cast the language to a string object if (languageObj instanceof String) { String language = (String) languageObj; // get the locale from our language map SupportedLanguagesBean removedLanguage = localeMap.get(language); // now iterate through all created showcasetext objects for (ShowcaseTextBean singleShowcasetext : manyShowcaseText) { // found the showcasetext if (singleShowcasetext.getLang().equals(removedLanguage.getLanguage())) { // remove from list manyShowcaseText.remove(singleShowcasetext); break; } } } } } } public void saveShowcase() throws ExceptionLogger { // get the user FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); UserBean currentUser = (UserBean) fCtx.getExternalContext(). getSessionMap().get(Constants.AUTH_KEY); // only if we have here a real user if (currentUser == null || currentUser.getId() == null) { return; } // add the reference singleShowcase.setUserAccount(currentUser); // add to the showcase the current date singleShowcase.setCreatedate(new Date()); // is the showcase restricted? boolean secure = false; if (!singleShowcase.getVisibility().equals(EVisibility.all)) { secure = true; } // move the images now to the userfolder for (ImageBean singleImage : imageList) { // probably the user pressed the edit button so let us check first // if the images are already in the right folder if (!ImageUtil.isAlreadyInRightDir(singleImage.getRelativeimagepath(), secure)) { // Move the image String newRelativeImagePath = ImageUtil.moveImageToUserDir( singleImage.getRelativeimagepath(), currentUser.getId(), secure); // save the new relative path if (newRelativeImagePath != null) { singleImage.setRelativeimagepath(newRelativeImagePath); } else { // can't move it throw exception throw new ExceptionLogger(new RuntimeException(), "Can't move image:" + singleImage.getRelativeimagepath()); } } // check if the visibility is still correct if (!singleImage.getSecurityRule().equals(singleShowcase.getVisibility())) { // set the new visibility singleImage.setSecurityRule(singleShowcase.getVisibility()); } // save the image information in the database; } // persist video links for (VideoLinkBean videoLink : videoLinks) {; // is the video self hosted? if (videoLink.getVideoTyp().equals(EVideoTyp.SELFHOSTEDVIDEO) && VideoUtil.isVideoInTempDir(videoLink.getVideolink())) { // move video from the temp folder to the real folder VideoUtil.moveVideoToUserDir(videoLink.getVideolink(), currentUser, fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle()); } } // persist files for (FileBean file : fileList) { // persist; // move the file from the temp folder to the real folder if (FileUtil.isFileInTempDir(file.getRelativeFilePath())) { FileUtil.moveFileToUserDir(file, currentUser); } } // add images to the showcase singleShowcase.setImageList(imageList); // sort the images Collections.sort(imageList); // add videolinks singleShowcase.setVideoLinks(videoLinks); // add files singleShowcase.setFileList(fileList); // add text to the showcase singleShowcase.setShowcaseTexts(manyShowcaseText); // finally save the showcase in the database; } public void handlePictureUpload(FileUploadEvent event) throws ExceptionLogger { FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); UserBean currentUser = (UserBean) fCtx.getExternalContext(). getSessionMap().get(Constants.AUTH_KEY); // only if we have here a real user if (currentUser == null || currentUser.getId() == null) { return; } // max images reached if (imageList.size() > Constants.MAXIMAGESFORSHOWCASE) { String outputMessage = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "maximagesreached", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, outputMessage, outputMessage)); return; } // get the source picture UploadedFile pictureFile = event.getFile(); // we have this picture already in our list - not allowed for (ImageBean singleListImage : imageList) { if (pictureFile.getFileName().equals(singleListImage.getImageName())) { String outputMessage = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "picturealreadyinlist", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, outputMessage, outputMessage)); return; } } // okay, save this image to the temp folder till the showcase is saved and resize it. ImageBean savedImage = ImageUtil.saveImageInTemp(pictureFile, currentUser.getId(), singleShowcase.getVisibility(), true); // and add this image to our list imageList.add(savedImage); } public void handleVideoUpload(FileUploadEvent event) throws ExceptionLogger { FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); UserBean currentUser = (UserBean) fCtx.getExternalContext(). getSessionMap().get(Constants.AUTH_KEY); // only if we have here a real user if (currentUser == null || currentUser.getId() == null) { return; } // * TODO * check how much space the user has left // get the source UploadedFile videoFile = event.getFile(); // okay, save this video to the temp folder till the showcase is saved VideoLinkBean tempVideo = VideoUtil.saveVideoInTemp(videoFile, currentUser); // add video object to our reference list videoLinks.add(tempVideo); // add a message that informs the user about the encoding process String outputMessage = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "videoprocessinginfo", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, outputMessage, outputMessage)); } public void handleFileUpload(FileUploadEvent event) throws ExceptionLogger { FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); UserBean currentUser = (UserBean) fCtx.getExternalContext(). getSessionMap().get(Constants.AUTH_KEY); // only if we have here a real user if (currentUser == null || currentUser.getId() == null) { return; } // * TODO * check how much space the user has left // get the source UploadedFile uploadedFile = event.getFile(); // okay, save this file to the temp folder till the showcase is saved FileBean tempFile = FileUtil.saveFileInTemp(uploadedFile, currentUser); // add the file to our reference list fileList.add(tempFile); } public void makeShowcasePublic() { // set the showcase to public singleShowcase.setShowcasepublic(true); // save the new state; // print the message FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String outputMessage = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "madepublic_success", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, null, outputMessage)); } public void deleteShowcase() { // delete the pictures for (ImageBean singleImage : singleShowcase.getImageList()) { ImageUtil.deleteImage(singleImage.getRelativeimagepath()); } // delete videos for (VideoLinkBean videoLink : videoLinks) { // delete videoLinkManager.delete(videoLink); // is the video self hosted? if (videoLink.getVideoTyp().equals(EVideoTyp.SELFHOSTEDVIDEO)) { // remove it from the harddisc VideoUtil.deleteVideo(videoLink); } } // delete files for (FileBean file : fileList) { // delete fileManager.delete(file); // remove it from the harddisc FileUtil.deleteFile(file.getRelativeFilePath()); } // delete the showcase from the database showcaseManager.delete(singleShowcase); // print the message FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String outputMessage = PropertyReader.getMessageResourceString(fCtx.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), "showcasedelete_success", null, sessionBean.getUserLocale()); fCtx.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, null, outputMessage)); } public void onPictureDrop(DragDropEvent event) { // on a drop event this method is called. // we get the dropped image and save the position if (event.getData() instanceof ImageBean) { ImageBean draggedImage = (ImageBean) event.getData(); for (ImageBean singleImage : imageList) { // find our image by comparing the relativepath (should be unique) if (singleImage.getRelativeimagepath().equals(draggedImage.getRelativeimagepath())) { singleImage.setOrderNumber(Integer.parseInt(event.getDropId().replaceAll("content:slot", ""))); } } } } public void addVideoLink() { // we just save the id from the video, so get it from the link singleVideoLink.setYoutubeID(YouTubeUtil.getVideoID(singleVideoLink.getVideolink())); // This is a youtube video! singleVideoLink.setVideoTyp(EVideoTyp.YOUTUBEVIDEO); // add it to our reference list videoLinks.add(singleVideoLink); // create a new object for further videolinks singleVideoLink = new VideoLinkBean(); } public String deleteImageFromList() { if (deleteImageCache == null) { return null; } // remove the image from our list imageList.remove(deleteImageCache); // and also delete it from the harddrive ImageUtil.deleteImage(deleteImageCache.getRelativeimagepath()); // reset the state deleteImageCache = null; return null; } public String deleteVideoFromList() { if (deleteVideoCache == null) { return null; } // remove from temporal list videoLinks.remove(deleteVideoCache); // check if this object already has an id if (deleteVideoCache.getId() != null) { // delete it from the database videoLinkManager.delete(deleteVideoCache); } // is this video self hosted? if (deleteVideoCache.getVideoTyp().equals(EVideoTyp.SELFHOSTEDVIDEO)) { // remove this video from the harddrive VideoUtil.deleteVideo(deleteVideoCache); } // reset the state deleteVideoCache = null; return null; } public String deleteFileFromList() { if (deleteFileCache == null) { return null; } // remove from temporal list fileList.remove(deleteFileCache); // has already an id? if (deleteFileCache.getId() != null) { // delete it from the database fileManager.delete(deleteFileCache); } // remove this file from harddrive FileUtil.deleteFile(deleteFileCache.getRelativeFilePath()); // reset the state deleteFileCache = null; return null; } public String convertRelativeImagePath(ImageBean image) { String relativeImagePath; if (ImageUtil.isImageInTempDir(image.getRelativeimagepath())) { relativeImagePath = Constants.IMAGETEMPFOLDER + "/" + image.getRelativeimagepath(); } else { relativeImagePath = Constants.IMAGEFOLDER + "/" + image.getRelativeimagepath(); } return relativeImagePath; } public String convertRelativeVideoPath(VideoLinkBean video) { String videoLink; if (VideoUtil.isVideoInTempDir(video.getVideolink())) { videoLink = Constants.VIDEOTEMPFOLDER + "/" + video.getVideolink(); } else { videoLink = Constants.VIDEOFOLDER + "/" + video.getVideolink(); } return videoLink; } public String convertRelativeThumbnailPath(VideoLinkBean video) { String thumbnailLink; if (VideoUtil.isVideoInTempDir(video.getVideolink())) { thumbnailLink = Constants.VIDEOTEMPFOLDER + "/" + video.getThumbnaillink(); } else { thumbnailLink = Constants.VIDEOFOLDER + "/" + video.getThumbnaillink(); } return thumbnailLink; } public String convertRelativeFilePath(FileBean file) { String filePath; if (FileUtil.isFileInTempDir(file.getRelativeFilePath())) { filePath = Constants.FILETEMPFOLDER + "/" + file.getRelativeFilePath(); } else { filePath = Constants.FILEFOLDER + "/" + file.getRelativeFilePath(); } return filePath; } public String linkToPreview() { return ENavigation.DISPLAYSHOWCASE.toString() + singleShowcase.getId(); } public ShowcaseBean getSingleShowcase() { return singleShowcase; } public void setSingleShowcase(ShowcaseBean singleShowcase) { this.singleShowcase = singleShowcase; } public VideoLinkBean getDeleteVideoCache() { return deleteVideoCache; } public void setDeleteVideoCache(VideoLinkBean deleteVideoCache) { this.deleteVideoCache = deleteVideoCache; } public void setDeleteImageCache(ImageBean deleteImageCache) { this.deleteImageCache = deleteImageCache; } public boolean isSendMsg() { return sendMsg; } public void setSendMsg(boolean sendMsg) { this.sendMsg = sendMsg; } public DualListModel<String> getLanguages() { return languages; } public void setLanguages(DualListModel<String> languages) { this.languages = languages; } public List<ShowcaseTextBean> getManyShowcaseText() { return manyShowcaseText; } public void setManyShowcaseText(List<ShowcaseTextBean> manyShowcaseText) { this.manyShowcaseText = manyShowcaseText; } public VideoLinkBean getSingleVideoLink() { return singleVideoLink; } public void setSingleVideoLink(VideoLinkBean singleVideoLink) { this.singleVideoLink = singleVideoLink; } public List<VideoLinkBean> getVideoLinks() { return videoLinks; } public void setVideoLinks(List<VideoLinkBean> videoLinks) { this.videoLinks = videoLinks; } public SessionBean getSessionBean() { return sessionBean; } public void setSessionBean(SessionBean sessionBean) { this.sessionBean = sessionBean; } public List<SelectItem> getCategorieList() { return categorieList; } public void setCategorieList(List<SelectItem> categorieList) { this.categorieList = categorieList; } public List<ImageBean> getImageList() { return imageList; } public void setImageList(List<ImageBean> imageList) { this.imageList = imageList; } public ImageBean getDeleteImageCache() { return deleteImageCache; } public void setApplicationBean(ApplicationBean applicationBean) { this.applicationBean = applicationBean; } public String getCategorieSelect() { return categorieSelect; } public void setCategorieSelect(String categorieSelect) { this.categorieSelect = categorieSelect; } public String getShowcaseId() { return showcaseId; } public void setShowcaseId(String showcaseId) { this.showcaseId = showcaseId; } public List<FileBean> getFileList() { return fileList; } public FileBean getDeleteFileCache() { return deleteFileCache; } public void setDeleteFileCache(FileBean deleteFileCache) { this.deleteFileCache = deleteFileCache; } }