/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Part of the Processing project - http://processing.org Copyright (c) 2012-15 The Processing Foundation Copyright (c) 2004-12 Ben Fry and Casey Reas Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.app.ui; import processing.app.Base; import processing.app.Formatter; import processing.app.Language; import processing.app.Messages; import processing.app.Mode; import processing.app.Platform; import processing.app.Preferences; import processing.app.Problem; import processing.app.RunnerListener; import processing.app.Sketch; import processing.app.SketchCode; import processing.app.SketchException; import processing.app.Util; import processing.app.contrib.ContributionManager; import processing.app.syntax.*; import processing.core.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.print.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.text.html.*; import javax.swing.undo.*; /** * Main editor panel for the Processing Development Environment. */ public abstract class Editor extends JFrame implements RunnerListener { protected Base base; protected EditorState state; protected Mode mode; static public final int LEFT_GUTTER = Toolkit.zoom(44); static public final int RIGHT_GUTTER = Toolkit.zoom(12); static public final int GUTTER_MARGIN = Toolkit.zoom(3); protected MarkerColumn errorColumn; // Otherwise, if the window is resized with the message label // set to blank, its preferredSize() will be fuckered static protected final String EMPTY = " " + " " + " "; /** * true if this file has not yet been given a name by the user */ // private boolean untitled; private PageFormat pageFormat; private PrinterJob printerJob; // File and sketch menus for re-inserting items private JMenu fileMenu; // private JMenuItem saveMenuItem; // private JMenuItem saveAsMenuItem; private JMenu sketchMenu; protected EditorHeader header; protected EditorToolbar toolbar; protected JEditTextArea textarea; protected EditorStatus status; protected JSplitPane splitPane; protected EditorFooter footer; protected EditorConsole console; protected ErrorTable errorTable; // currently opened program protected Sketch sketch; // runtime information and window placement private Point sketchWindowLocation; // undo fellers private JMenuItem undoItem, redoItem; protected UndoAction undoAction; protected RedoAction redoAction; protected CutAction cutAction; protected CopyAction copyAction; protected CopyAsHtmlAction copyAsHtmlAction; protected PasteAction pasteAction; /** Menu Actions updated on the opening of the edit menu. */ protected List<UpdatableAction> editMenuUpdatable = new ArrayList<>(); /** The currently selected tab's undo manager */ private UndoManager undo; // used internally for every edit. Groups hotkey-event text manipulations and // groups multi-character inputs into a single undos. private CompoundEdit compoundEdit; // timer to decide when to group characters into an undo private Timer timer; private TimerTask endUndoEvent; // true if inserting text, false if removing text private boolean isInserting; // maintain caret position during undo operations private final Stack<Integer> caretUndoStack = new Stack<>(); private final Stack<Integer> caretRedoStack = new Stack<>(); private FindReplace find; JMenu toolsMenu; JMenu modePopup; Image backgroundGradient; protected List<Problem> problems = Collections.emptyList(); protected Editor(final Base base, String path, final EditorState state, final Mode mode) throws EditorException { super("Processing", state.checkConfig()); this.base = base; this.state = state; this.mode = mode; // Make sure Base.getActiveEditor() never returns null base.checkFirstEditor(this); // This is a Processing window. Get rid of that ugly ass coffee cup. Toolkit.setIcon(this); // add listener to handle window close box hit event addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { base.handleClose(Editor.this, false); } }); // don't close the window when clicked, the app will take care // of that via the handleQuitInternal() methods // http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=440 setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); // When bringing a window to front, let the Base know addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { base.handleActivated(Editor.this); fileMenu.insert(Recent.getMenu(), 2); Toolkit.setMenuMnemsInside(fileMenu); mode.insertImportMenu(sketchMenu); Toolkit.setMenuMnemsInside(sketchMenu); mode.insertToolbarRecentMenu(); } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { // TODO call handleActivated(null)? or do we run the risk of the // deactivate call for old window being called after the activate? fileMenu.remove(Recent.getMenu()); mode.removeImportMenu(sketchMenu); mode.removeToolbarRecentMenu(); } }); timer = new Timer(); buildMenuBar(); /* //backgroundGradient = Toolkit.getLibImage("vertical-gradient.png"); backgroundGradient = mode.getGradient("editor", 400, 400); JPanel contentPain = new JPanel() { @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // super.paintComponent(g); Dimension dim = getSize(); g.drawImage(backgroundGradient, 0, 0, dim.width, dim.height, this); // g.setColor(Color.RED); // g.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height); } }; */ //contentPain.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0)); //System.out.println(contentPain.getBorder()); JPanel contentPain = new JPanel(); // JFrame f = new JFrame(); // f.setContentPane(new JPanel() { // @Override // public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { //// super.paintComponent(g); // Dimension dim = getSize(); // g.drawImage(backgroundGradient, 0, 0, dim.width, dim.height, this); //// g.setColor(Color.RED); //// g.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height); // } // }); // f.setResizable(true); // f.setVisible(true); //Container contentPain = getContentPane(); setContentPane(contentPain); contentPain.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // JPanel pain = new JPanel(); // pain.setOpaque(false); // pain.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // contentPain.add(pain, BorderLayout.CENTER); // contentPain.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); Box box = Box.createVerticalBox(); Box upper = Box.createVerticalBox(); // upper.setOpaque(false); // box.setOpaque(false); rebuildModePopup(); toolbar = createToolbar(); upper.add(toolbar); header = createHeader(); upper.add(header); textarea = createTextArea(); textarea.setRightClickPopup(new TextAreaPopup()); textarea.setHorizontalOffset(JEditTextArea.leftHandGutter); { // Hack: add Numpad Slash as alternative shortcut for Comment/Uncomment int modifiers = Toolkit.awtToolkit.getMenuShortcutKeyMask(); KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DIVIDE, modifiers); final String ACTION_KEY = "COMMENT_UNCOMMENT_ALT"; textarea.getInputMap().put(keyStroke, ACTION_KEY); textarea.getActionMap().put(ACTION_KEY, new AbstractAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCommentUncomment(); } }); } textarea.addCaretListener(new CaretListener() { public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) { updateEditorStatus(); } }); footer = createFooter(); // build the central panel with the text area & error marker column JPanel editorPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); errorColumn = new MarkerColumn(this, textarea.getMinimumSize().height); editorPanel.add(errorColumn, BorderLayout.EAST); textarea.setBounds(0, 0, errorColumn.getX() - 1, textarea.getHeight()); editorPanel.add(textarea); upper.add(editorPanel); // set colors and fonts for the painter object PdeTextArea pta = getPdeTextArea(); if (pta != null) { pta.setMode(mode); } splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, upper, footer); // disable this because it hides the message area (Google Code issue #745) splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(false); // repaint child panes while resizing splitPane.setContinuousLayout(true); // if window increases in size, give all of increase to // the textarea in the upper pane splitPane.setResizeWeight(1D); // remove any ugly borders added by PLAFs (doesn't fix everything) splitPane.setBorder(null); // remove an ugly border around anything in a SplitPane !$*&!% UIManager.getDefaults().put("SplitPane.border", BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); // set the height per our gui design splitPane.setDividerSize(EditorStatus.HIGH); // override the look of the SplitPane so that it's identical across OSes splitPane.setUI(new BasicSplitPaneUI() { public BasicSplitPaneDivider createDefaultDivider() { status = new EditorStatus(this, Editor.this); return status; } }); box.add(splitPane); contentPain.add(box); // end an undo-chunk any time the caret moves unless it's when text is edited textarea.addCaretListener(new CaretListener() { String lastText = textarea.getText(); public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) { String newText = textarea.getText(); if (lastText.equals(newText) && isDirectEdit() && !textarea.isOverwriteEnabled()) { endTextEditHistory(); } lastText = newText; } }); textarea.addKeyListener(toolbar); contentPain.setTransferHandler(new FileDropHandler()); // Finish preparing Editor pack(); // Set the window bounds and the divider location before setting it visible state.apply(this); // Set the minimum size for the editor window int minWidth = Toolkit.zoom(Preferences.getInteger("editor.window.width.min")); int minHeight = Toolkit.zoom(Preferences.getInteger("editor.window.height.min")); setMinimumSize(new Dimension(minWidth, minHeight)); // Bring back the general options for the editor applyPreferences(); // Make textField get the focus whenever frame is activated. // http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/misc/focus.html // May not be necessary, but helps avoid random situations with // the editor not being able to request its own focus. addWindowFocusListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowGainedFocus(WindowEvent e) { textarea.requestFocusInWindow(); } }); // TODO: Subclasses can't initialize anything before Doc Open happens since // super() has to be the first line in subclass constructor; we might // want to keep constructor light and call methods later [jv 160318] // Open the document that was passed in handleOpenInternal(path); // Add a window listener to watch for changes to the files in the sketch addWindowFocusListener(new ChangeDetector(this)); // Try to enable fancy fullscreen on OSX if (Platform.isMacOS()) { try { Class util = Class.forName("com.apple.eawt.FullScreenUtilities"); Class params[] = new Class[]{Window.class, Boolean.TYPE}; Method method = util.getMethod("setWindowCanFullScreen", params); method.invoke(util, this, true); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.loge("Could not enable OSX fullscreen", e); } } } /* protected List<ToolContribution> getCoreTools() { return coreTools; } public List<ToolContribution> getToolContribs() { return contribTools; } public void removeToolContrib(ToolContribution tc) { contribTools.remove(tc); } */ protected JEditTextArea createTextArea() { return new JEditTextArea(new PdeTextAreaDefaults(mode), new PdeInputHandler(this)); } public EditorFooter createFooter() { EditorFooter ef = new EditorFooter(this); console = new EditorConsole(this); ef.addPanel(console, Language.text("editor.footer.console"), "/lib/footer/console"); return ef; } public void addErrorTable(EditorFooter ef) { JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(); errorTable = new ErrorTable(this); scrollPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder()); scrollPane.setViewportView(errorTable); ef.addPanel(scrollPane, Language.text("editor.footer.errors"), "/lib/footer/error"); } public EditorState getEditorState() { return state; } /** * Handles files dragged & dropped from the desktop and into the editor * window. Dragging files into the editor window is the same as using * "Sketch → Add File" for each file. */ class FileDropHandler extends TransferHandler { public boolean canImport(TransferHandler.TransferSupport support) { return !sketch.isReadOnly(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport support) { int successful = 0; if (!canImport(support)) { return false; } try { Transferable transferable = support.getTransferable(); DataFlavor uriListFlavor = new DataFlavor("text/uri-list;class=java.lang.String"); if (transferable.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor)) { List list = (List) transferable.getTransferData(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { File file = (File) list.get(i); if (sketch.addFile(file)) { successful++; } } } else if (transferable.isDataFlavorSupported(uriListFlavor)) { // Some platforms (Mac OS X and Linux, when this began) preferred // this method of moving files. String data = (String)transferable.getTransferData(uriListFlavor); String[] pieces = PApplet.splitTokens(data, "\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) { if (pieces[i].startsWith("#")) continue; String path = null; if (pieces[i].startsWith("file:///")) { path = pieces[i].substring(7); } else if (pieces[i].startsWith("file:/")) { path = pieces[i].substring(5); } if (sketch.addFile(new File(path))) { successful++; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.showWarning("Drag & Drop Problem", "An error occurred while trying to add files to the sketch.", e); return false; } statusNotice(Language.pluralize("editor.status.drag_and_drop.files_added", successful)); return true; } } public Base getBase() { return base; } public Mode getMode() { return mode; } public void repaintHeader() { header.repaint(); } public void rebuildHeader() { header.rebuild(); } public void rebuildModePopup() { modePopup = new JMenu(); ButtonGroup modeGroup = new ButtonGroup(); for (final Mode m : base.getModeList()) { JRadioButtonMenuItem item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(m.getTitle()); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!sketch.isModified()) { if (!base.changeMode(m)) { reselectMode(); Messages.showWarning(Language.text("warn.cannot_change_mode.title"), Language.interpolate("warn.cannot_change_mode.body", m)); } } else { reselectMode(); Messages.showWarning("Save", "Please save the sketch before changing the mode."); } } }); modePopup.add(item); modeGroup.add(item); if (mode == m) { item.setSelected(true); } } modePopup.addSeparator(); JMenuItem addLib = new JMenuItem(Language.text("toolbar.add_mode")); addLib.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ContributionManager.openModes(); } }); modePopup.add(addLib); Toolkit.setMenuMnemsInside(modePopup); } // Re-select the old checkbox, because it was automatically // updated by Java, even though the Mode could not be changed. // https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/2615 private void reselectMode() { for (Component c : getModePopup().getComponents()) { if (c instanceof JRadioButtonMenuItem) { if (((JRadioButtonMenuItem)c).getText() == mode.getTitle()) { ((JRadioButtonMenuItem)c).setSelected(true); break; } } } } public JPopupMenu getModePopup() { return modePopup.getPopupMenu(); } // public JMenu getModeMenu() { // return modePopup; // } public EditorConsole getConsole() { return console; } // public Settings getTheme() { // return mode.getTheme(); // } public EditorHeader createHeader() { return new EditorHeader(this); } abstract public EditorToolbar createToolbar(); public void rebuildToolbar() { toolbar.rebuild(); toolbar.revalidate(); // necessary to handle sub-components } abstract public Formatter createFormatter(); // protected void setPlacement(int[] location) { // setBounds(location[0], location[1], location[2], location[3]); // if (location[4] != 0) { // splitPane.setDividerLocation(location[4]); // } // } // // // protected int[] getPlacement() { // int[] location = new int[5]; // // // Get the dimensions of the Frame // Rectangle bounds = getBounds(); // location[0] = bounds.x; // location[1] = bounds.y; // location[2] = bounds.width; // location[3] = bounds.height; // // // Get the current placement of the divider // location[4] = splitPane.getDividerLocation(); // // return location; // } protected void setDividerLocation(int pos) { splitPane.setDividerLocation(pos); } protected int getDividerLocation() { return splitPane.getDividerLocation(); } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Read and apply new values from the preferences, either because * the app is just starting up, or the user just finished messing * with things in the Preferences window. */ protected void applyPreferences() { // Update fonts and other items controllable from the prefs textarea.getPainter().updateAppearance(); textarea.repaint(); console.updateAppearance(); // All of this code was specific to using an external editor. /* // // apply the setting for 'use external editor' // boolean external = Preferences.getBoolean("editor.external"); // textarea.setEditable(!external); // saveMenuItem.setEnabled(!external); // saveAsMenuItem.setEnabled(!external); TextAreaPainter painter = textarea.getPainter(); // if (external) { // // disable line highlight and turn off the caret when disabling // Color color = mode.getColor("editor.external.bgcolor"); // painter.setBackground(color); // painter.setLineHighlightEnabled(false); // textarea.setCaretVisible(false); // } else { Color color = mode.getColor("editor.bgcolor"); painter.setBackground(color); boolean highlight = Preferences.getBoolean("editor.linehighlight"); painter.setLineHighlightEnabled(highlight); textarea.setCaretVisible(true); // } // apply changes to the font size for the editor // painter.setFont(Preferences.getFont("editor.font")); // in case tab expansion stuff has changed // removing this, just checking prefs directly instead // listener.applyPreferences(); // in case moved to a new location // For 0125, changing to async version (to be implemented later) //sketchbook.rebuildMenus(); // For 0126, moved into Base, which will notify all editors. //base.rebuildMenusAsync(); */ } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . protected void buildMenuBar() { JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar(); fileMenu = buildFileMenu(); menubar.add(fileMenu); menubar.add(buildEditMenu()); menubar.add(buildSketchMenu()); // For 3.0a4 move mode menu to the left of the Tool menu JMenu modeMenu = buildModeMenu(); if (modeMenu != null) { menubar.add(modeMenu); } toolsMenu = new JMenu(Language.text("menu.tools")); base.populateToolsMenu(toolsMenu); menubar.add(toolsMenu); menubar.add(buildHelpMenu()); Toolkit.setMenuMnemonics(menubar); setJMenuBar(menubar); } abstract public JMenu buildFileMenu(); // public JMenu buildFileMenu(Editor editor) { // return buildFileMenu(editor, null); // } // // // // most of these items are per-mode // protected JMenu buildFileMenu(Editor editor, JMenuItem[] exportItems) { protected JMenu buildFileMenu(JMenuItem[] exportItems) { JMenuItem item; JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu(Language.text("menu.file")); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.file.new"), 'N'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { base.handleNew(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.file.open"), 'O'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { base.handleOpenPrompt(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); // fileMenu.add(base.getSketchbookMenu()); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItemShift(Language.text("menu.file.sketchbook"), 'K'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { mode.showSketchbookFrame(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItemShift(Language.text("menu.file.examples"), 'O'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { mode.showExamplesFrame(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.file.close"), 'W'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { base.handleClose(Editor.this, false); } }); fileMenu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.file.save"), 'S'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleSave(false); } }); // saveMenuItem = item; fileMenu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItemShift(Language.text("menu.file.save_as"), 'S'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleSaveAs(); } }); // saveAsMenuItem = item; fileMenu.add(item); if (exportItems != null) { for (JMenuItem ei : exportItems) { fileMenu.add(ei); } } fileMenu.addSeparator(); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItemShift(Language.text("menu.file.page_setup"), 'P'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handlePageSetup(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.file.print"), 'P'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handlePrint(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); // Mac OS X already has its own preferences and quit menu. // That's right! Think different, b*tches! if (!Platform.isMacOS()) { fileMenu.addSeparator(); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.file.preferences"), ','); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { base.handlePrefs(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); fileMenu.addSeparator(); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.file.quit"), 'Q'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { base.handleQuit(); } }); fileMenu.add(item); } return fileMenu; } // public void setSaveItem(JMenuItem item) { // saveMenuItem = item; // } // public void setSaveAsItem(JMenuItem item) { // saveAsMenuItem = item; // } protected JMenu buildEditMenu() { JMenu menu = new JMenu(Language.text("menu.edit")); JMenuItem item; undoItem = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(undoAction = new UndoAction(), 'Z'); menu.add(undoItem); // Gotta follow them interface guidelines // http://code.google.com/p/processing/issues/detail?id=363 if (Platform.isWindows()) { redoItem = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(redoAction = new RedoAction(), 'Y'); } else { // Linux and OS X redoItem = Toolkit.newJMenuItemShift(redoAction = new RedoAction(), 'Z'); } menu.add(redoItem); menu.addSeparator(); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(cutAction = new CutAction(), 'X'); editMenuUpdatable.add(cutAction); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(copyAction = new CopyAction(), 'C'); editMenuUpdatable.add(copyAction); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItemShift(copyAsHtmlAction = new CopyAsHtmlAction(), 'C'); editMenuUpdatable.add(copyAsHtmlAction); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(pasteAction = new PasteAction(), 'V'); editMenuUpdatable.add(pasteAction); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.select_all"), 'A'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { textarea.selectAll(); } }); menu.add(item); /* menu.addSeparator(); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem("Delete Selected Lines", 'D'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleDeleteLines(); } }); menu.add(item); item = new JMenuItem("Move Selected Lines Up"); item.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_UP, Event.ALT_MASK)); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleMoveLines(true); } }); menu.add(item); item = new JMenuItem("Move Selected Lines Down"); item.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, Event.ALT_MASK)); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleMoveLines(false); } }); menu.add(item); */ menu.addSeparator(); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.auto_format"), 'T'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleAutoFormat(); } }); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.comment_uncomment"), '/'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCommentUncomment(); } }); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem("\u2192 "+Language.text("menu.edit.increase_indent"), ']'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleIndentOutdent(true); } }); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem("\u2190 "+Language.text("menu.edit.decrease_indent"), '['); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleIndentOutdent(false); } }); menu.add(item); menu.addSeparator(); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.find"), 'F'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (find == null) { find = new FindReplace(Editor.this); } // https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/3457 String selection = getSelectedText(); if (selection != null && selection.length() != 0 && !selection.contains("\n")) { find.setFindText(selection); } find.setVisible(true); } }); menu.add(item); UpdatableAction action; item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(action = new FindNextAction(), 'G'); editMenuUpdatable.add(action); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItemShift(action = new FindPreviousAction(), 'G'); editMenuUpdatable.add(action); menu.add(item); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(action = new SelectionForFindAction(), 'E'); editMenuUpdatable.add(action); menu.add(item); // Update copy/cut state on selection/de-selection menu.addMenuListener(new MenuListener() { // UndoAction and RedoAction do this for themselves. @Override public void menuCanceled(MenuEvent e) { for (UpdatableAction a : editMenuUpdatable) { a.setEnabled(true); } } @Override public void menuDeselected(MenuEvent e) { for (UpdatableAction a : editMenuUpdatable) { a.setEnabled(true); } } @Override public void menuSelected(MenuEvent e) { for (UpdatableAction a : editMenuUpdatable) { a.updateState(); } } }); return menu; } abstract public JMenu buildSketchMenu(); protected JMenu buildSketchMenu(JMenuItem[] runItems) { JMenuItem item; sketchMenu = new JMenu(Language.text("menu.sketch")); for (JMenuItem mi : runItems) { sketchMenu.add(mi); } sketchMenu.addSeparator(); sketchMenu.add(mode.getImportMenu()); item = Toolkit.newJMenuItem(Language.text("menu.sketch.show_sketch_folder"), 'K'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Platform.openFolder(sketch.getFolder()); } }); sketchMenu.add(item); item.setEnabled(Platform.openFolderAvailable()); item = new JMenuItem(Language.text("menu.sketch.add_file")); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { sketch.handleAddFile(); } }); sketchMenu.add(item); if (runItems != null && runItems.length != 0) { sketchMenu.addSeparator(); } // final Editor editorName = this; sketchMenu.addMenuListener(new MenuListener() { // Menu Listener that populates the menu only when the menu is opened List<JMenuItem> menuList = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void menuSelected(MenuEvent event) { JMenuItem item; for (final Editor editor : base.getEditors()) { //if (Editor.this.getSketch().getName().trim().contains(editor2.getSketch().getName().trim())) if (getSketch().getMainFilePath().equals(editor.getSketch().getMainFilePath())) { item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(editor.getSketch().getName()); item.setSelected(true); } else { item = new JMenuItem(editor.getSketch().getName()); } item.setText(editor.getSketch().getName() + " (" + editor.getMode().getTitle() + ")"); // Action listener to bring the appropriate sketch in front item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { editor.setState(Frame.NORMAL); editor.setVisible(true); editor.toFront(); } }); sketchMenu.add(item); menuList.add(item); Toolkit.setMenuMnemsInside(sketchMenu); } } @Override public void menuDeselected(MenuEvent event) { for (JMenuItem item : menuList) { sketchMenu.remove(item); } menuList.clear(); } @Override public void menuCanceled(MenuEvent event) { menuDeselected(event); } }); return sketchMenu; } abstract public void handleImportLibrary(String name); public void librariesChanged() { } public void codeFolderChanged() { } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . public JMenu getToolMenu() { return toolsMenu; } /* public JMenu getToolMenu() { if (toolsMenu == null) { rebuildToolMenu(); } return toolsMenu; } public void removeTool() { rebuildToolMenu(); } */ /** * Clears the Tool menu and runs the gc so that contributions can be updated * without classes still being in use. */ public void clearToolMenu() { toolsMenu.removeAll(); System.gc(); } /** * Updates update count in the UI. Called on EDT. * @param count number of available updates */ public void setUpdatesAvailable(int count) { footer.setUpdateCount(count); } /** * Override this if you want a special menu for your particular 'mode'. */ public JMenu buildModeMenu() { return null; } /* protected void addToolMenuItem(JMenu menu, String className) { try { Class<?> toolClass = Class.forName(className); final Tool tool = (Tool) toolClass.newInstance(); JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(tool.getMenuTitle()); tool.init(Editor.this); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { EventQueue.invokeLater(tool); } }); menu.add(item); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } protected JMenu addInternalTools(JMenu menu) { addToolMenuItem(menu, "processing.app.tools.CreateFont"); addToolMenuItem(menu, "processing.app.tools.ColorSelector"); addToolMenuItem(menu, "processing.app.tools.Archiver"); if (Platform.isMacOS()) { addToolMenuItem(menu, "processing.app.tools.InstallCommander"); } return menu; } */ /* // testing internal web server to serve up docs from a zip file item = new JMenuItem("Web Server Test"); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //WebServer ws = new WebServer(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { int port = WebServer.launch("/Users/fry/coconut/processing/build/shared/reference.zip"); Base.openURL("" + port + "/reference/setup_.html"); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }); } }); menu.add(item); */ /* item = new JMenuItem("Browser Test"); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Base.openURL("http://processing.org/learning/gettingstarted/"); //JFrame browserFrame = new JFrame("Browser"); BrowserStartup bs = new BrowserStartup("jar:file:/Users/fry/coconut/processing/build/shared/reference.zip!/reference/setup_.html"); bs.initUI(); bs.launch(); } }); menu.add(item); */ abstract public JMenu buildHelpMenu(); public void showReference(String filename) { File file = new File(mode.getReferenceFolder(), filename); showReferenceFile(file); } /** * Given the .html file, displays it in the default browser. * * @param file */ public void showReferenceFile(File file) { try { file = file.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Prepend with file:// and also encode spaces & other characters Platform.openURL(file.toURI().toString()); } static public void showChanges() { // http://code.google.com/p/processing/issues/detail?id=1520 if (!Base.isCommandLine()) { Platform.openURL("https://github.com/processing/processing/wiki/Changes"); } } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Subclass if you want to have setEnabled(canDo()); called when your menu * is opened. */ abstract class UpdatableAction extends AbstractAction { public UpdatableAction(String name) { super(name); } abstract public boolean canDo(); public void updateState() { setEnabled(canDo()); } } class CutAction extends UpdatableAction { public CutAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.cut")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCut(); } public boolean canDo() { return textarea.isSelectionActive(); } } class CopyAction extends UpdatableAction { public CopyAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.copy")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCopy(); } public boolean canDo() { return textarea.isSelectionActive(); } } class CopyAsHtmlAction extends UpdatableAction { public CopyAsHtmlAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.copy_as_html")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCopyAsHTML(); } public boolean canDo() { return textarea.isSelectionActive(); } } class PasteAction extends UpdatableAction { public PasteAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.paste")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { textarea.paste(); sketch.setModified(true); } public boolean canDo() { return getToolkit().getSystemClipboard() .isDataFlavorAvailable(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); } } class UndoAction extends AbstractAction { public UndoAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.undo")); this.setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stopCompoundEdit(); try { final Integer caret = caretUndoStack.pop(); caretRedoStack.push(caret); textarea.setCaretPosition(caret); textarea.scrollToCaret(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { undo.undo(); } catch (CannotUndoException ex) { //System.out.println("Unable to undo: " + ex); //ex.printStackTrace(); } updateUndoState(); redoAction.updateRedoState(); if (sketch != null) { sketch.setModified(!getText().equals(sketch.getCurrentCode().getSavedProgram())); // Go through all tabs; Replace All, Rename or Undo could have changed them for (SketchCode sc : sketch.getCode()) { if (sc.getDocument() != null) { try { sc.setModified(!sc.getDocumentText().equals(sc.getSavedProgram())); } catch (BadLocationException ignore) { } } } repaintHeader(); } } protected void updateUndoState() { if (undo.canUndo() || compoundEdit != null && compoundEdit.isInProgress()) { this.setEnabled(true); undoItem.setEnabled(true); String newUndoPresentationName = Language.text("menu.edit.undo"); if (undo.getUndoPresentationName().equals("Undo addition")) { newUndoPresentationName += " "+Language.text("menu.edit.action.addition"); } else if (undo.getUndoPresentationName().equals("Undo deletion")) { newUndoPresentationName += " "+Language.text("menu.edit.action.deletion"); } undoItem.setText(newUndoPresentationName); putValue(Action.NAME, newUndoPresentationName); // if (sketch != null) { // sketch.setModified(true); // 0107, removed for 0196 // } } else { this.setEnabled(false); undoItem.setEnabled(false); undoItem.setText(Language.text("menu.edit.undo")); putValue(Action.NAME, Language.text("menu.edit.undo")); // if (sketch != null) { // sketch.setModified(false); // 0107 // } } } } class RedoAction extends AbstractAction { public RedoAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.redo")); this.setEnabled(false); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stopCompoundEdit(); try { undo.redo(); } catch (CannotRedoException ex) { //System.out.println("Unable to redo: " + ex); //ex.printStackTrace(); } try { final Integer caret = caretRedoStack.pop(); caretUndoStack.push(caret); textarea.setCaretPosition(caret); } catch (Exception ignore) { } updateRedoState(); undoAction.updateUndoState(); if (sketch != null) { sketch.setModified(!getText().equals(sketch.getCurrentCode().getSavedProgram())); // Go through all tabs; Replace All, Rename or Undo could have changed them for (SketchCode sc : sketch.getCode()) { if (sc.getDocument() != null) { try { sc.setModified(!sc.getDocumentText().equals(sc.getSavedProgram())); } catch (BadLocationException ignore) { } } } repaintHeader(); } } protected void updateRedoState() { if (undo.canRedo()) { redoItem.setEnabled(true); String newRedoPresentationName = Language.text("menu.edit.redo"); if (undo.getRedoPresentationName().equals("Redo addition")) { newRedoPresentationName += " " + Language.text("menu.edit.action.addition"); } else if (undo.getRedoPresentationName().equals("Redo deletion")) { newRedoPresentationName += " " + Language.text("menu.edit.action.deletion"); } redoItem.setText(newRedoPresentationName); putValue(Action.NAME, newRedoPresentationName); } else { this.setEnabled(false); redoItem.setEnabled(false); redoItem.setText(Language.text("menu.edit.redo")); putValue(Action.NAME, Language.text("menu.edit.redo")); } } } class FindNextAction extends UpdatableAction { public FindNextAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.find_next")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (find != null) find.findNext(); } public boolean canDo() { return find != null && find.canFindNext(); } } class FindPreviousAction extends UpdatableAction { public FindPreviousAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.find_previous")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (find != null) find.findPrevious(); } public boolean canDo() { return find != null && find.canFindNext(); } } class SelectionForFindAction extends UpdatableAction { public SelectionForFindAction() { super(Language.text("menu.edit.use_selection_for_find")); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (find == null) { find = new FindReplace(Editor.this); } find.setFindText(getSelectedText()); } public boolean canDo() { return textarea.isSelectionActive(); } } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . // these will be done in a more generic way soon, more like: // setHandler("action name", Runnable); // but for the time being, working out the kinks of how many things to // abstract from the editor in this fashion. // public void setHandlers(Runnable runHandler, Runnable presentHandler, // Runnable stopHandler, // Runnable exportHandler, Runnable exportAppHandler) { // this.runHandler = runHandler; // this.presentHandler = presentHandler; // this.stopHandler = stopHandler; // this.exportHandler = exportHandler; // this.exportAppHandler = exportAppHandler; // } // public void resetHandlers() { // runHandler = new DefaultRunHandler(); // presentHandler = new DefaultPresentHandler(); // stopHandler = new DefaultStopHandler(); // exportHandler = new DefaultExportHandler(); // exportAppHandler = new DefaultExportAppHandler(); // } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Gets the current sketch object. */ public Sketch getSketch() { return sketch; } /** * Get the JEditTextArea object for use (not recommended). This should only * be used in obscure cases that really need to hack the internals of the * JEditTextArea. Most tools should only interface via the get/set functions * found in this class. This will maintain compatibility with future releases, * which will not use JEditTextArea. */ public JEditTextArea getTextArea() { return textarea; } public PdeTextArea getPdeTextArea() { return (textarea instanceof PdeTextArea) ? (PdeTextArea) textarea : null; } /** * Get the contents of the current buffer. Used by the Sketch class. */ public String getText() { return textarea.getText(); } /** * Get a range of text from the current buffer. */ public String getText(int start, int stop) { return textarea.getText(start, stop - start); } /** * Replace the entire contents of the front-most tab. Note that this does * a compound edit, so internal callers may want to use textarea.setText() * if this is part of a larger compound edit. */ public void setText(String what) { startCompoundEdit(); textarea.setText(what); stopCompoundEdit(); } public void insertText(String what) { startCompoundEdit(); int caret = getCaretOffset(); setSelection(caret, caret); textarea.setSelectedText(what); stopCompoundEdit(); } public String getSelectedText() { return textarea.getSelectedText(); } public void setSelectedText(String what) { textarea.setSelectedText(what); } public void setSelectedText(String what, boolean ever) { textarea.setSelectedText(what, ever); } public void setSelection(int start, int stop) { // make sure that a tool isn't asking for a bad location start = PApplet.constrain(start, 0, textarea.getDocumentLength()); stop = PApplet.constrain(stop, 0, textarea.getDocumentLength()); textarea.select(start, stop); } /** * Get the position (character offset) of the caret. With text selected, * this will be the last character actually selected, no matter the direction * of the selection. That is, if the user clicks and drags to select lines * 7 up to 4, then the caret position will be somewhere on line four. */ public int getCaretOffset() { return textarea.getCaretPosition(); } /** * True if some text is currently selected. */ public boolean isSelectionActive() { return textarea.isSelectionActive(); } /** * Get the beginning point of the current selection. */ public int getSelectionStart() { return textarea.getSelectionStart(); } /** * Get the end point of the current selection. */ public int getSelectionStop() { return textarea.getSelectionStop(); } /** * Get text for a specified line. */ public String getLineText(int line) { return textarea.getLineText(line); } /** * Replace the text on a specified line. */ public void setLineText(int line, String what) { startCompoundEdit(); textarea.select(getLineStartOffset(line), getLineStopOffset(line)); textarea.setSelectedText(what); stopCompoundEdit(); } /** * Get character offset for the start of a given line of text. */ public int getLineStartOffset(int line) { return textarea.getLineStartOffset(line); } /** * Get character offset for end of a given line of text. */ public int getLineStopOffset(int line) { return textarea.getLineStopOffset(line); } /** * Get the number of lines in the currently displayed buffer. */ public int getLineCount() { return textarea.getLineCount(); } /** * Use before a manipulating text to group editing operations together * as a single undo. Use stopCompoundEdit() once finished. */ public void startCompoundEdit() { // Call endTextEditHistory() before starting a new CompoundEdit, // because there's a timer that's possibly set off for 3 seconds after // which endTextEditHistory() is called, which means that things get // messed up. Hence, manually call this method so that auto-format gets // undone in one fell swoop if the user calls auto-formats within 3 // seconds of typing in the last character. Then start a new compound // edit so that the auto-format can be undone in one go. // https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/3003 endTextEditHistory(); // also calls stopCompoundEdit() //stopCompoundEdit(); compoundEdit = new CompoundEdit(); caretUndoStack.push(textarea.getCaretPosition()); caretRedoStack.clear(); } /** * Use with startCompoundEdit() to group edit operations in a single undo. */ public void stopCompoundEdit() { if (compoundEdit != null) { compoundEdit.end(); undo.addEdit(compoundEdit); undoAction.updateUndoState(); redoAction.updateRedoState(); compoundEdit = null; } } public int getScrollPosition() { return textarea.getVerticalScrollPosition(); } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Switch between tabs, this swaps out the Document object * that's currently being manipulated. */ public void setCode(SketchCode code) { SyntaxDocument document = (SyntaxDocument) code.getDocument(); if (document == null) { // this document not yet inited document = new SyntaxDocument() { @Override public void beginCompoundEdit() { if (compoundEdit == null) startCompoundEdit(); super.beginCompoundEdit(); } @Override public void endCompoundEdit() { stopCompoundEdit(); super.endCompoundEdit(); } }; code.setDocument(document); // turn on syntax highlighting document.setTokenMarker(mode.getTokenMarker(code)); // insert the program text into the document object try { document.insertString(0, code.getProgram(), null); } catch (BadLocationException bl) { bl.printStackTrace(); } // set up this guy's own undo manager // code.undo = new UndoManager(); document.addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() { public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { if (isInserting && isDirectEdit() && !textarea.isOverwriteEnabled()) { endTextEditHistory(); } isInserting = false; } public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { if (!isInserting && !textarea.isOverwriteEnabled() && isDirectEdit()) { endTextEditHistory(); } if (!textarea.isOverwriteEnabled()) { isInserting = true; } } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { endTextEditHistory(); } }); // connect the undo listener to the editor document.addUndoableEditListener(new UndoableEditListener() { public void undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent e) { // if an edit is in progress, reset the timer if (endUndoEvent != null) { endUndoEvent.cancel(); endUndoEvent = null; startTimerEvent(); } // if this edit is just getting started, create a compound edit if (compoundEdit == null) { startCompoundEdit(); startTimerEvent(); } compoundEdit.addEdit(e.getEdit()); undoAction.updateUndoState(); redoAction.updateRedoState(); } }); } // update the document object that's in use textarea.setDocument(document, code.getSelectionStart(), code.getSelectionStop(), code.getScrollPosition()); // textarea.requestFocus(); // get the caret blinking textarea.requestFocusInWindow(); // required for caret blinking this.undo = code.getUndo(); undoAction.updateUndoState(); redoAction.updateRedoState(); } /** * @return true if the text is being edited from direct input from typing and * not shortcuts that manipulate text */ boolean isDirectEdit() { return endUndoEvent != null; } void startTimerEvent() { endUndoEvent = new TimerTask() { public void run() { EventQueue.invokeLater(Editor.this::endTextEditHistory); } }; timer.schedule(endUndoEvent, 3000); // let the gc eat the cancelled events timer.purge(); } void endTextEditHistory() { if (endUndoEvent != null) { endUndoEvent.cancel(); endUndoEvent = null; } stopCompoundEdit(); } public void removeNotify() { timer.cancel(); super.removeNotify(); } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Implements Edit → Cut. */ public void handleCut() { textarea.cut(); sketch.setModified(true); } /** * Implements Edit → Copy. */ public void handleCopy() { textarea.copy(); } /** * Implements Edit → Copy as HTML. */ public void handleCopyAsHTML() { textarea.copyAsHTML(); statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.copy_as_html")); } /** * Implements Edit → Paste. */ public void handlePaste() { textarea.paste(); sketch.setModified(true); } /** * Implements Edit → Select All. */ public void handleSelectAll() { textarea.selectAll(); } // /** // * @param moveUp // * true to swap the selected lines with the line above, false to swap // * with the line beneath // */ /* public void handleMoveLines(boolean moveUp) { startCompoundEdit(); int startLine = textarea.getSelectionStartLine(); int stopLine = textarea.getSelectionStopLine(); // if more than one line is selected and none of the characters of the end // line are selected, don't move that line if (startLine != stopLine && textarea.getSelectionStop() == textarea.getLineStartOffset(stopLine)) stopLine--; int replacedLine = moveUp ? startLine - 1 : stopLine + 1; if (replacedLine < 0 || replacedLine >= textarea.getLineCount()) return; final String source = getText(); int replaceStart = textarea.getLineStartOffset(replacedLine); int replaceEnd = textarea.getLineStopOffset(replacedLine); if (replaceEnd == source.length() + 1) replaceEnd--; int selectionStart = textarea.getLineStartOffset(startLine); int selectionEnd = textarea.getLineStopOffset(stopLine); if (selectionEnd == source.length() + 1) selectionEnd--; String replacedText = source.substring(replaceStart, replaceEnd); String selectedText = source.substring(selectionStart, selectionEnd); if (replacedLine == textarea.getLineCount() - 1) { replacedText += "\n"; selectedText = selectedText.substring(0, selectedText.length() - 1); } else if (stopLine == textarea.getLineCount() - 1) { selectedText += "\n"; replacedText = replacedText.substring(0, replacedText.length() - 1); } int newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd; if (moveUp) { // Change the selection, then change the line above textarea.select(selectionStart, selectionEnd); textarea.setSelectedText(replacedText); textarea.select(replaceStart, replaceEnd); textarea.setSelectedText(selectedText); newSelectionStart = textarea.getLineStartOffset(startLine - 1); newSelectionEnd = textarea.getLineStopOffset(stopLine - 1) - 1; } else { // Change the line beneath, then change the selection textarea.select(replaceStart, replaceEnd); textarea.setSelectedText(selectedText); textarea.select(selectionStart, selectionEnd); textarea.setSelectedText(replacedText); newSelectionStart = textarea.getLineStartOffset(startLine + 1); newSelectionEnd = textarea.getLineStopOffset(stopLine + 1) - 1; } textarea.select(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd); stopCompoundEdit(); } */ /* public void handleDeleteLines() { int startLine = textarea.getSelectionStartLine(); int stopLine = textarea.getSelectionStopLine(); int start = textarea.getLineStartOffset(startLine); int end = textarea.getLineStopOffset(stopLine); if (end == getText().length() + 1) end--; textarea.select(start, end); textarea.setSelectedText(""); } */ public void handleAutoFormat() { final String source = getText(); try { final String formattedText = createFormatter().format(source); // save current (rough) selection point int selectionEnd = getSelectionStop(); // boolean wasVisible = // textarea.getSelectionStopLine() >= textarea.getFirstLine() && // textarea.getSelectionStopLine() < textarea.getLastLine(); // make sure the caret would be past the end of the text if (formattedText.length() < selectionEnd - 1) { selectionEnd = formattedText.length() - 1; } if (formattedText.equals(source)) { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.autoformat.no_changes")); } else { // replace with new bootiful text startCompoundEdit(); // selectionEnd hopefully at least in the neighborhood int scrollPos = textarea.getVerticalScrollPosition(); textarea.setText(formattedText); setSelection(selectionEnd, selectionEnd); // Put the scrollbar position back, otherwise it jumps on each format. // Since we're not doing a good job of maintaining position anyway, // a more complicated workaround here is fairly pointless. // http://code.google.com/p/processing/issues/detail?id=1533 if (scrollPos != textarea.getVerticalScrollPosition()) { textarea.setVerticalScrollPosition(scrollPos); } stopCompoundEdit(); sketch.setModified(true); statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.autoformat.finished")); } } catch (final Exception e) { statusError(e); } } abstract public String getCommentPrefix(); protected void handleCommentUncomment() { // log("Entering handleCommentUncomment()"); startCompoundEdit(); String prefix = getCommentPrefix(); int prefixLen = prefix.length(); int startLine = textarea.getSelectionStartLine(); int stopLine = textarea.getSelectionStopLine(); int lastLineStart = textarea.getLineStartOffset(stopLine); int selectionStop = textarea.getSelectionStop(); // If the selection ends at the beginning of the last line, // then don't (un)comment that line. if (selectionStop == lastLineStart) { // Though if there's no selection, don't do that if (textarea.isSelectionActive()) { stopLine--; } } // If the text is empty, ignore the user. // Also ensure that all lines are commented (not just the first) // when determining whether to comment or uncomment. boolean commented = true; for (int i = startLine; commented && (i <= stopLine); i++) { String lineText = textarea.getLineText(i).trim(); if (lineText.length() == 0) { continue; //ignore blank lines } commented = lineText.startsWith(prefix); } // log("Commented: " + commented); // This is the line start offset of the first line, which is added to // all other lines while adding a comment. Required when commenting // lines which have uneven whitespaces in the beginning. Makes the // commented lines look more uniform. int lso = Math.abs(textarea.getLineStartNonWhiteSpaceOffset(startLine) - textarea.getLineStartOffset(startLine)); for (int line = startLine; line <= stopLine; line++) { int location = textarea.getLineStartNonWhiteSpaceOffset(line); String lineText = textarea.getLineText(line); if (lineText.trim().length() == 0) continue; //ignore blank lines if (commented) { // remove a comment textarea.select(location, location + prefixLen); textarea.setSelectedText(""); } else { // add a comment location = textarea.getLineStartOffset(line) + lso; textarea.select(location, location); textarea.setSelectedText(prefix); } } // Subtract one from the end, otherwise selects past the current line. // (Which causes subsequent calls to keep expanding the selection) textarea.select(textarea.getLineStartOffset(startLine), textarea.getLineStopOffset(stopLine) - 1); stopCompoundEdit(); sketch.setModified(true); } public void handleIndent() { handleIndentOutdent(true); } public void handleOutdent() { handleIndentOutdent(false); } public void handleIndentOutdent(boolean indent) { int tabSize = Preferences.getInteger("editor.tabs.size"); String tabString = Editor.EMPTY.substring(0, tabSize); startCompoundEdit(); int startLine = textarea.getSelectionStartLine(); int stopLine = textarea.getSelectionStopLine(); // If the selection ends at the beginning of the last line, // then don't (un)comment that line. int lastLineStart = textarea.getLineStartOffset(stopLine); int selectionStop = textarea.getSelectionStop(); if (selectionStop == lastLineStart) { // Though if there's no selection, don't do that if (textarea.isSelectionActive()) { stopLine--; } } for (int line = startLine; line <= stopLine; line++) { int location = textarea.getLineStartOffset(line); if (indent) { textarea.select(location, location); textarea.setSelectedText(tabString); } else { // outdent int last = Math.min(location + tabSize, textarea.getDocumentLength()); textarea.select(location, last); // Don't eat code if it's not indented if (textarea.getSelectedText().equals(tabString)) { textarea.setSelectedText(""); } } } // Subtract one from the end, otherwise selects past the current line. // (Which causes subsequent calls to keep expanding the selection) textarea.select(textarea.getLineStartOffset(startLine), textarea.getLineStopOffset(stopLine) - 1); stopCompoundEdit(); sketch.setModified(true); } static public boolean checkParen(char[] array, int index, int stop) { // boolean paren = false; // int stepper = i + 1; // while (stepper < mlength) { // if (array[stepper] == '(') { // paren = true; // break; // } // stepper++; // } while (index < stop) { // if (array[index] == '(') { // return true; // } else if (!Character.isWhitespace(array[index])) { // return false; // } switch (array[index]) { case '(': return true; case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': index++; break; default: // System.out.println("defaulting because " + array[index] + " " + PApplet.hex(array[index])); return false; } } // System.out.println("exiting " + new String(array, index, stop - index)); return false; } protected boolean functionable(char c) { return (c == '_') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); } /** * Check the current selection for reference. If no selection is active, * expand the current selection. * @return */ protected String referenceCheck(boolean selectIfFound) { int start = textarea.getSelectionStart(); int stop = textarea.getSelectionStop(); if (stop < start) { int temp = stop; stop = start; start = temp; } char[] c = textarea.getText().toCharArray(); // System.out.println("checking reference"); if (start == stop) { while (start > 0 && functionable(c[start - 1])) { start--; } while (stop < c.length && functionable(c[stop])) { stop++; } // System.out.println("start is stop"); } String text = new String(c, start, stop - start).trim(); // System.out.println(" reference piece is '" + text + "'"); if (checkParen(c, stop, c.length)) { text += "_"; } String ref = mode.lookupReference(text); if (selectIfFound) { textarea.select(start, stop); } return ref; } protected void handleFindReference() { String ref = referenceCheck(true); if (ref != null) { showReference(ref + ".html"); } else { String text = textarea.getSelectedText().trim(); if (text.length() == 0) { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.find_reference.select_word_first")); } else { statusNotice(Language.interpolate("editor.status.find_reference.not_available", text)); } } } /* protected void handleFindReference() { String text = textarea.getSelectedText().trim(); if (text.length() == 0) { statusNotice("First select a word to find in the reference."); } else { char[] c = textarea.getText().toCharArray(); int after = Math.max(textarea.getSelectionStart(), textarea.getSelectionStop()); if (checkParen(c, after, c.length)) { text += "_"; System.out.println("looking up ref for " + text); } String referenceFile = mode.lookupReference(text); System.out.println("reference file is " + referenceFile); if (referenceFile == null) { statusNotice("No reference available for \"" + text + "\""); } else { showReference(referenceFile + ".html"); } } } protected void handleFindReference() { String text = textarea.getSelectedText().trim(); if (text.length() == 0) { statusNotice("First select a word to find in the reference."); } else { String referenceFile = mode.lookupReference(text); //System.out.println("reference file is " + referenceFile); if (referenceFile == null) { statusNotice("No reference available for \"" + text + "\""); } else { showReference(referenceFile + ".html"); } } } */ // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Set the location of the sketch run window. Used by Runner to update the * Editor about window drag events while the sketch is running. */ public void setSketchLocation(Point p) { sketchWindowLocation = p; } /** * Get the last location of the sketch's run window. Used by Runner to make * the window show up in the same location as when it was last closed. */ public Point getSketchLocation() { return sketchWindowLocation; } // public void internalCloseRunner() { // mode.internalCloseRunner(this); // } public boolean isDebuggerEnabled() { return false; } public void toggleBreakpoint(int lineIndex) { } /** * Check if the sketch is modified and ask user to save changes. * @return false if canceling the close/quit operation */ public boolean checkModified() { if (!sketch.isModified()) return true; // As of Processing 1.0.10, this always happens immediately. // http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1456 // With Java 7u40 on OS X, need to bring the window forward. toFront(); if (!Platform.isMacOS()) { String prompt = Language.interpolate("close.unsaved_changes", sketch.getName()); int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, prompt, Language.text("menu.file.close"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return handleSave(true); } else if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { return true; // ok to continue } else if (result == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION || result == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) { return false; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } else { // This code is disabled unless Java 1.5 is being used on Mac OS X // because of a Java bug that prevents the initial value of the // dialog from being set properly (at least on my MacBook Pro). // The bug causes the "Don't Save" option to be the highlighted, // blinking, default. This sucks. But I'll tell you what doesn't // suck--workarounds for the Mac and Apple's snobby attitude about it! // I think it's nifty that they treat their developers like dirt. // Pane formatting adapted from the quaqua guide // http://www.randelshofer.ch/quaqua/guide/joptionpane.html JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane("<html> " + "<head> <style type=\"text/css\">"+ "b { font: 13pt \"Lucida Grande\" }"+ "p { font: 11pt \"Lucida Grande\"; margin-top: 8px }"+ "</style> </head>" + "<b>" + Language.interpolate("save.title", sketch.getName()) + "</b>" + "<p>" + Language.text("save.hint") + "</p>", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); String[] options = new String[] { Language.text("save.btn.save"), Language.text("prompt.cancel"), Language.text("save.btn.dont_save") }; pane.setOptions(options); // highlight the safest option ala apple hig pane.setInitialValue(options[0]); // on macosx, setting the destructive property places this option // away from the others at the lefthand side pane.putClientProperty("Quaqua.OptionPane.destructiveOption", new Integer(2)); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(this, null); dialog.setVisible(true); Object result = pane.getValue(); if (result == options[0]) { // save (and close/quit) return handleSave(true); } else if (result == options[2]) { // don't save (still close/quit) return true; } else { // cancel? return false; } } } /** * Second stage of open, occurs after having checked to see if the * modifications (if any) to the previous sketch need to be saved. * Because this method is called in Editor's constructor, a subclass * shouldn't rely on any of its variables being initialized already. */ protected void handleOpenInternal(String path) throws EditorException { // check to make sure that this .pde file is // in a folder of the same name final File file = new File(path); final File parentFile = new File(file.getParent()); final String parentName = parentFile.getName(); final String defaultName = parentName + "." + mode.getDefaultExtension(); final File altFile = new File(file.getParent(), defaultName); if (defaultName.equals(file.getName())) { // no beef with this guy } else if (altFile.exists()) { // The user selected a source file from the same sketch, // but open the file with the default extension instead. path = altFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else if (!mode.canEdit(file)) { final String modeName = mode.getTitle().equals("Java") ? "Processing" : (mode.getTitle() + " Mode"); throw new EditorException(modeName + " can only open its own sketches\n" + "and other files ending in " + mode.getDefaultExtension()); } else { final String properParent = file.getName().substring(0, file.getName().lastIndexOf('.')); Object[] options = { Language.text("prompt.ok"), Language.text("prompt.cancel") }; String prompt = "The file \"" + file.getName() + "\" needs to be inside\n" + "a sketch folder named \"" + properParent + "\".\n" + "Create this folder, move the file, and continue?"; int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(this, prompt, "Moving", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]); if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { // create properly named folder File properFolder = new File(file.getParent(), properParent); if (properFolder.exists()) { throw new EditorException("A folder named \"" + properParent + "\" " + "already exists. Can't open sketch."); } if (!properFolder.mkdirs()) { throw new EditorException("Could not create the sketch folder."); } // copy the sketch inside File properPdeFile = new File(properFolder, file.getName()); File origPdeFile = new File(path); try { Util.copyFile(origPdeFile, properPdeFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EditorException("Could not copy to a proper location.", e); } // remove the original file, so user doesn't get confused origPdeFile.delete(); // update with the new path path = properPdeFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else { //if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { // Catch all other cases, including Cancel or ESC //return false; throw new EditorException(); } } try { sketch = new Sketch(path, this); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EditorException("Could not create the sketch.", e); } header.rebuild(); updateTitle(); // Disable untitled setting from previous document, if any // untitled = false; // Store information on who's open and running // (in case there's a crash or something that can't be recovered) // TODO this probably need not be here because of the Recent menu, right? Preferences.save(); } /** * Set the title of the PDE window based on the current sketch, i.e. * something like "sketch_070752a - Processing 0126" */ public void updateTitle() { setTitle(sketch.getName() + " | Processing " + Base.getVersionName()); if (!sketch.isUntitled()) { // set current file for OS X so that cmd-click in title bar works File sketchFile = sketch.getMainFile(); getRootPane().putClientProperty("Window.documentFile", sketchFile); } else { // per other applications, don't set this until the file has been saved getRootPane().putClientProperty("Window.documentFile", null); } // toolbar.setText(sketch.getName()); } /** * Actually handle the save command. If 'immediately' is set to false, * this will happen in another thread so that the message area * will update and the save button will stay highlighted while the * save is happening. If 'immediately' is true, then it will happen * immediately. This is used during a quit, because invokeLater() * won't run properly while a quit is happening. This fixes * <A HREF="http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=276">Bug 276</A>. */ public boolean handleSave(boolean immediately) { // handleStop(); // 0136 if (sketch.isUntitled()) { return handleSaveAs(); // need to get the name, user might also cancel here } else if (immediately) { handleSaveImpl(); } else { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { handleSaveImpl(); } }); } return true; } protected void handleSaveImpl() { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving")); try { if (sketch.save()) { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving.done")); } else { statusEmpty(); } } catch (Exception e) { // show the error as a message in the window statusError(e); // zero out the current action, // so that checkModified2 will just do nothing //checkModifiedMode = 0; // this is used when another operation calls a save } } public boolean handleSaveAs() { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving")); try { if (sketch.saveAs()) { //statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving.done")); // status is now printed from Sketch so that "Done Saving." // is only printed after Save As when progress bar is shown. } else { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving.canceled")); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { // show the error as a message in the window statusError(e); } return true; } /* public void handleSaveAs() { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving")); sketch.saveAs(); } public void handleSaveAsSuccess() { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving.done")); } public void handleSaveAsCanceled() { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.saving.canceled")); } public void handleSaveAsError(Exception e) { statusError(e); } */ /** * Handler for File → Page Setup. */ public void handlePageSetup() { //printerJob = null; if (printerJob == null) { printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); } if (pageFormat == null) { pageFormat = printerJob.defaultPage(); } pageFormat = printerJob.pageDialog(pageFormat); //System.out.println("page format is " + pageFormat); } /** * Handler for File → Print. */ public void handlePrint() { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.printing")); StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder("<html><body>"); for (SketchCode tab : sketch.getCode()) { html.append("<b>" + tab.getPrettyName() + "</b><br>"); html.append(textarea.getTextAsHtml((SyntaxDocument)tab.getDocument())); html.append("<br>"); } html.setLength(html.length() - 4); // Don't want last <br>. html.append("</body></html>"); JTextPane jtp = new JTextPane(); // Needed for good line wrapping; otherwise one very long word breaks // wrapping for the whole document. jtp.setEditorKit(new HTMLEditorKit() { public ViewFactory getViewFactory() { return new HTMLFactory() { public View create(Element e) { View v = super.create(e); if (!(v instanceof javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView)) return v; else return new javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView(e) { protected SizeRequirements calculateMinorAxisRequirements( int axis, SizeRequirements r) { r = super.calculateMinorAxisRequirements(axis, r); r.minimum = 1; return r; } }; } }; } }); jtp.setFont(new Font(Preferences.get("editor.font.family"), Font.PLAIN, 10)); jtp.setText(html.toString().replace("\n", "<br>") // Not in a <pre>. .replaceAll("(?<! ) ", " ")); // Allow line wrap. //printerJob = null; if (printerJob == null) { printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); } if (pageFormat != null) { //System.out.println("setting page format " + pageFormat); printerJob.setPrintable(jtp.getPrintable(null, null), pageFormat); } else { printerJob.setPrintable(jtp.getPrintable(null, null)); } // set the name of the job to the code name printerJob.setJobName(sketch.getCurrentCode().getPrettyName()); if (printerJob.printDialog()) { try { printerJob.print(); statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.printing.done")); } catch (PrinterException pe) { statusError(Language.text("editor.status.printing.error")); pe.printStackTrace(); } } else { statusNotice(Language.text("editor.status.printing.canceled")); } //printerJob = null; // clear this out? } /** * Grab current contents of the sketch window, advance the console, * stop any other running sketches... not in that order. * It's essential that this function be called by any Mode subclass, * otherwise current edits may not be stored for getProgram(). */ public void prepareRun() { internalCloseRunner(); statusEmpty(); // do this to advance/clear the terminal window / dos prompt / etc for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.println(); // clear the console on each run, unless the user doesn't want to if (Preferences.getBoolean("console.auto_clear")) { console.clear(); } // make sure the user didn't hide the sketch folder sketch.ensureExistence(); // make sure any edits have been stored //current.setProgram(editor.getText()); // Go through all tabs; Replace All, Rename or Undo could have changed them for (SketchCode sc : sketch.getCode()) { if (sc.getDocument() != null) { try { sc.setProgram(sc.getDocumentText()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { } } } // // if an external editor is being used, need to grab the // // latest version of the code from the file. // if (Preferences.getBoolean("editor.external")) { // sketch.reload(); // } } /** * Halt the current runner for whatever reason. Might be the VM dying, * the window closing, an error... */ abstract public void internalCloseRunner(); abstract public void deactivateRun(); // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . public ErrorTable getErrorTable() { return errorTable; } /** * Called by ErrorTable when a row is selected. Action taken is specific * to each Mode, based on the object passed in. */ public void errorTableClick(Object item) { highlight((Problem) item); } public void errorTableDoubleClick(Object item) { } /** * Handle whether the tiny red error indicator is shown near * the error button at the bottom of the PDE */ public void updateErrorToggle(boolean hasErrors) { if (errorTable != null) { footer.setNotification(errorTable.getParent(), hasErrors); } } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Show an error in the status bar. */ public void statusError(String what) { status.error(what); //new Exception("deactivating RUN").printStackTrace(); // toolbar.deactivate(EditorToolbar.RUN); } /** * Show an exception in the editor status bar. */ public void statusError(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // if (e == null) { // System.err.println("Editor.statusError() was passed a null exception."); // return; // } if (e instanceof SketchException) { SketchException re = (SketchException) e; if (re.hasCodeIndex()) { sketch.setCurrentCode(re.getCodeIndex()); } if (re.hasCodeLine()) { int line = re.getCodeLine(); // subtract one from the end so that the \n ain't included if (line >= textarea.getLineCount()) { // The error is at the end of this current chunk of code, // so the last line needs to be selected. line = textarea.getLineCount() - 1; if (textarea.getLineText(line).length() == 0) { // The last line may be zero length, meaning nothing to select. // If so, back up one more line. line--; } } if (line < 0 || line >= textarea.getLineCount()) { System.err.println("Bad error line: " + line); } else { textarea.select(textarea.getLineStartOffset(line), textarea.getLineStopOffset(line) - 1); } } } // Since this will catch all Exception types, spend some time figuring // out which kind and try to give a better error message to the user. String mess = e.getMessage(); if (mess != null) { String javaLang = "java.lang."; if (mess.indexOf(javaLang) == 0) { mess = mess.substring(javaLang.length()); } // The phrase "RuntimeException" isn't useful for most users String rxString = "RuntimeException: "; if (mess.startsWith(rxString)) { mess = mess.substring(rxString.length()); } // This is just confusing for most PDE users (save it for Eclipse users) String illString = "IllegalArgumentException: "; if (mess.startsWith(illString)) { mess = mess.substring(illString.length()); } // This is confusing and common with the size() and fullScreen() changes String illState = "IllegalStateException: "; if (mess.startsWith(illState)) { mess = mess.substring(illState.length()); } statusError(mess); } // e.printStackTrace(); } /** * Show a notice message in the editor status bar. */ public void statusNotice(String msg) { if (msg == null) { new IllegalArgumentException("This code called statusNotice(null)").printStackTrace(); msg = ""; } status.notice(msg); } public void clearNotice(String msg) { if (status.message.equals(msg)) { statusEmpty(); } } /** * Returns the current notice message in the editor status bar. */ public String getStatusMessage() { return status.message; } /** * Returns the current notice message in the editor status bar. */ public int getStatusMode() { return status.mode; } // /** // * Returns the current mode of the editor status bar: NOTICE, ERR or EDIT. // */ // public int getStatusMode() { // return status.mode; // } /** * Clear the status area. */ public void statusEmpty() { statusNotice(EMPTY); } public void statusMessage(String message, int type) { if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { status.message(message, type); } else { EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> statusMessage(message, type)); } } public void startIndeterminate() { status.startIndeterminate(); } public void stopIndeterminate() { status.stopIndeterminate(); } public void statusHalt() { // stop called by someone else } public boolean isHalted() { return false; } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . public void setProblemList(List<Problem> problems) { this.problems = problems; boolean hasErrors = problems.stream().anyMatch(Problem::isError); updateErrorTable(problems); errorColumn.updateErrorPoints(problems); textarea.repaint(); updateErrorToggle(hasErrors); updateEditorStatus(); } /** * Updates the error table in the Error Window. */ public void updateErrorTable(List<Problem> problems) { if (errorTable != null) { errorTable.clearRows(); for (Problem p : problems) { String message = p.getMessage(); errorTable.addRow(p, message, sketch.getCode(p.getTabIndex()).getPrettyName(), Integer.toString(p.getLineNumber() + 1)); // Added +1 because lineNumbers internally are 0-indexed } } } public void highlight(Problem p) { if (p != null) { highlight(p.getTabIndex(), p.getStartOffset(), p.getStartOffset()); } } public void highlight(int tabIndex, int startOffset, int stopOffset) { // Switch to tab toFront(); sketch.setCurrentCode(tabIndex); // Make sure offsets are in bounds int length = textarea.getDocumentLength(); startOffset = PApplet.constrain(startOffset, 0, length); stopOffset = PApplet.constrain(stopOffset, 0, length); // Highlight the code textarea.select(startOffset, stopOffset); // Scroll to error line textarea.scrollToCaret(); repaint(); } public List<Problem> getProblems() { return problems; } /** * Updates editor status bar, depending on whether the caret is on an error * line or not */ public void updateEditorStatus() { Problem problem = findProblem(textarea.getCaretLine()); if (problem != null) { int type = problem.isError() ? EditorStatus.CURSOR_LINE_ERROR : EditorStatus.CURSOR_LINE_WARNING; statusMessage(problem.getMessage(), type); } else { switch (getStatusMode()) { case EditorStatus.CURSOR_LINE_ERROR: case EditorStatus.CURSOR_LINE_WARNING: statusEmpty(); break; } } } /** * @return the Problem for the first error or warning on 'line' */ Problem findProblem(int line) { int currentTab = getSketch().getCurrentCodeIndex(); return problems.stream() .filter(p -> p.getTabIndex() == currentTab) .filter(p -> { int pStartLine = p.getLineNumber(); int pEndOffset = p.getStopOffset(); int pEndLine = textarea.getLineOfOffset(pEndOffset); return line >= pStartLine && line <= pEndLine; }) .findFirst() .orElse(null); } public List<Problem> findProblems(int line) { int currentTab = getSketch().getCurrentCodeIndex(); return problems.stream() .filter(p -> p.getTabIndex() == currentTab) .filter(p -> { int pStartLine = p.getLineNumber(); int pEndOffset = p.getStopOffset(); int pEndLine = textarea.getLineOfOffset(pEndOffset); return line >= pStartLine && line <= pEndLine; }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public void repaintErrorBar() { errorColumn.repaint(); } public void showConsole() { footer.setPanel(console); } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . static Font font; static Color textColor; static Color bgColorWarning; static Color bgColorError; public void statusToolTip(JComponent comp, String message, boolean error) { if (font == null) { font = Toolkit.getSansFont(Toolkit.zoom(9), Font.PLAIN); textColor = mode.getColor("errors.selection.fgcolor"); bgColorWarning = mode.getColor("errors.selection.warning.bgcolor"); bgColorError = mode.getColor("errors.selection.error.bgcolor"); } Color bgColor = error ? bgColorError : bgColorWarning; int m = Toolkit.zoom(3); String css = String.format("margin: %d %d %d %d; ", -m, -m, -m, -m) + String.format("padding: %d %d %d %d; ", m, m, m, m) + "background: #" + PApplet.hex(bgColor.getRGB(), 8).substring(2) + ";" + "font-family: " + font.getFontName() + ", sans-serif;" + "font-size: " + font.getSize() + "px;"; String content = "<html> <div style='" + css + "'>" + message + "</div> </html>"; comp.setToolTipText(content); } // . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /** * Returns the edit popup menu. */ class TextAreaPopup extends JPopupMenu { JMenuItem cutItem, copyItem, discourseItem, pasteItem, referenceItem; public TextAreaPopup() { JMenuItem item; cutItem = new JMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.cut")); cutItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCut(); } }); this.add(cutItem); copyItem = new JMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.copy")); copyItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCopy(); } }); this.add(copyItem); discourseItem = new JMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.copy_as_html")); discourseItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCopyAsHTML(); } }); this.add(discourseItem); pasteItem = new JMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.paste")); pasteItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handlePaste(); } }); this.add(pasteItem); item = new JMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.select_all")); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleSelectAll(); } }); this.add(item); this.addSeparator(); item = new JMenuItem(Language.text("menu.edit.comment_uncomment")); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleCommentUncomment(); } }); this.add(item); item = new JMenuItem("\u2192 " + Language.text("menu.edit.increase_indent")); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleIndentOutdent(true); } }); this.add(item); item = new JMenuItem("\u2190 " + Language.text("menu.edit.decrease_indent")); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleIndentOutdent(false); } }); this.add(item); this.addSeparator(); referenceItem = new JMenuItem(Language.text("find_in_reference")); referenceItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { handleFindReference(); } }); this.add(referenceItem); Toolkit.setMenuMnemonics(this); } // if no text is selected, disable copy and cut menu items public void show(Component component, int x, int y) { // if (textarea.isSelectionActive()) { // cutItem.setEnabled(true); // copyItem.setEnabled(true); // discourseItem.setEnabled(true); // //// String sel = textarea.getSelectedText().trim(); //// String referenceFile = mode.lookupReference(sel); //// referenceItem.setEnabled(referenceFile != null); // // } else { // cutItem.setEnabled(false); // copyItem.setEnabled(false); // discourseItem.setEnabled(false); //// referenceItem.setEnabled(false); // } // Centralize the checks for each item at the Action. // boolean active = textarea.isSelectionActive(); cutItem.setEnabled(cutAction.canDo()); copyItem.setEnabled(copyAction.canDo()); discourseItem.setEnabled(copyAsHtmlAction.canDo()); pasteItem.setEnabled(pasteAction.canDo()); referenceItem.setEnabled(referenceCheck(false) != null); super.show(component, x, y); } } }