/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Part of the Processing project - http://processing.org Copyright (c) 2012-15 The Processing Foundation Copyright (c) 2004-12 Ben Fry and Casey Reas Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.mode.java; import processing.app.Preferences; import processing.app.Sketch; import processing.app.syntax.*; import processing.app.ui.Editor; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Filters key events for tab expansion/indent/etc. This is very old code * that we'd love to replace with a smarter parser/formatter, rather than * continuing to hack this class. */ public class JavaInputHandler extends PdeInputHandler { /** ctrl-alt on windows and linux, cmd-alt on mac os x */ static final int CTRL_ALT = ActionEvent.ALT_MASK | Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask(); public JavaInputHandler(Editor editor) { super(editor); } /** * Intercepts key pressed events for JEditTextArea. * <p/> * Called by JEditTextArea inside processKeyEvent(). Note that this * won't intercept actual characters, because those are fired on * keyTyped(). * @return true if the event has been handled (to remove it from the queue) */ public boolean handlePressed(KeyEvent event) { char c = event.getKeyChar(); int code = event.getKeyCode(); Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch(); JEditTextArea textarea = editor.getTextArea(); if ((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.META_MASK) != 0) { //event.consume(); // does nothing return false; } if ((code == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (code == KeyEvent.VK_TAB) || (code == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) || ((c >= 32) && (c < 128))) { sketch.setModified(true); } if ((code == KeyEvent.VK_UP) && ((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0)) { // back up to the last empty line char contents[] = textarea.getText().toCharArray(); //int origIndex = textarea.getCaretPosition() - 1; int caretIndex = textarea.getCaretPosition(); int index = calcLineStart(caretIndex - 1, contents); //System.out.println("line start " + (int) contents[index]); index -= 2; // step over the newline //System.out.println((int) contents[index]); boolean onlySpaces = true; while (index > 0) { if (contents[index] == 10) { if (onlySpaces) { index++; break; } else { onlySpaces = true; // reset } } else if (contents[index] != ' ') { onlySpaces = false; } index--; } // if the first char, index will be -2 if (index < 0) index = 0; if ((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) { textarea.setSelectionStart(caretIndex); textarea.setSelectionEnd(index); } else { textarea.setCaretPosition(index); } event.consume(); // return true; } else if ((code == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) && ((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0)) { char contents[] = textarea.getText().toCharArray(); int caretIndex = textarea.getCaretPosition(); int index = caretIndex; int lineStart = 0; boolean onlySpaces = false; // don't count this line while (index < contents.length) { if (contents[index] == 10) { if (onlySpaces) { index = lineStart; // this is it break; } else { lineStart = index + 1; onlySpaces = true; // reset } } else if (contents[index] != ' ') { onlySpaces = false; } index++; } if ((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) { textarea.setSelectionStart(caretIndex); textarea.setSelectionEnd(index); } else { textarea.setCaretPosition(index); } event.consume(); // return true; } else if (c == 9) { if ((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) { // if shift is down, the user always expects an outdent // http://code.google.com/p/processing/issues/detail?id=458 editor.handleOutdent(); } else if (textarea.isSelectionActive()) { editor.handleIndent(); } else if (Preferences.getBoolean("editor.tabs.expand")) { int tabSize = Preferences.getInteger("editor.tabs.size"); textarea.setSelectedText(spaces(tabSize)); event.consume(); } else { // !Preferences.getBoolean("editor.tabs.expand") textarea.setSelectedText("\t"); event.consume(); } } else if (code == 10 || code == 13) { // auto-indent if (Preferences.getBoolean("editor.indent")) { char contents[] = textarea.getText().toCharArray(); int tabSize = Preferences.getInteger("editor.tabs.size"); // this is the previous character // (i.e. when you hit return, it'll be the last character // just before where the newline will be inserted) int origIndex = textarea.getCaretPosition() - 1; // if the previous thing is a brace (whether prev line or // up farther) then the correct indent is the number of spaces // on that line + 'indent'. // if the previous line is not a brace, then just use the // identical indentation to the previous line // calculate the amount of indent on the previous line // this will be used *only if the prev line is not an indent* int spaceCount = calcSpaceCount(origIndex, contents); // If the last character was a left curly brace, then indent. // For 0122, walk backwards a bit to make sure that the there isn't a // curly brace several spaces (or lines) back. Also moved this before // calculating extraCount, since it'll affect that as well. int index2 = origIndex; while ((index2 >= 0) && Character.isWhitespace(contents[index2])) { index2--; } if (index2 != -1) { // still won't catch a case where prev stuff is a comment if (contents[index2] == '{') { // intermediate lines be damned, // use the indent for this line instead spaceCount = calcSpaceCount(index2, contents); spaceCount += tabSize; } } // now before inserting this many spaces, walk forward from // the caret position and count the number of spaces, // so that the number of spaces aren't duplicated again int index = origIndex + 1; int extraCount = 0; while ((index < contents.length) && (contents[index] == ' ')) { //spaceCount--; extraCount++; index++; } int braceCount = 0; while ((index < contents.length) && (contents[index] != '\n')) { if (contents[index] == '}') { braceCount++; } index++; } // Hitting return on a line with spaces *after* the caret // can cause trouble. For 0099, was ignoring the case, but this is // annoying, so in 0122 we're trying to fix that. spaceCount -= extraCount; if (spaceCount < 0) { // for rev 0122, actually delete extra space //textarea.setSelectionStart(origIndex + 1); textarea.setSelectionEnd(textarea.getSelectionStop() - spaceCount); textarea.setSelectedText("\n"); textarea.setCaretPosition(textarea.getCaretPosition() + extraCount + spaceCount); } else { String insertion = "\n" + spaces(spaceCount); textarea.setSelectedText(insertion); textarea.setCaretPosition(textarea.getCaretPosition() + extraCount); } // not gonna bother handling more than one brace if (braceCount > 0) { int sel = textarea.getSelectionStart(); // sel - tabSize will be -1 if start/end parens on the same line // http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=484 if (sel - tabSize >= 0) { textarea.select(sel - tabSize, sel); String s = spaces(tabSize); // if these are spaces that we can delete if (textarea.getSelectedText().equals(s)) { textarea.setSelectedText(""); } else { textarea.select(sel, sel); } } } } else { // Enter/Return was being consumed by somehow even if false // was returned, so this is a band-aid to simply fire the event again. // http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1073 textarea.setSelectedText(String.valueOf(c)); } // mark this event as already handled (all but ignored) event.consume(); // return true; } else if (c == '}') { if (Preferences.getBoolean("editor.indent")) { // first remove anything that was there (in case this multiple // characters are selected, so that it's not in the way of the // spaces for the auto-indent if (textarea.getSelectionStart() != textarea.getSelectionStop()) { textarea.setSelectedText(""); } // if this brace is the only thing on the line, outdent char contents[] = textarea.getText().toCharArray(); // index to the character to the left of the caret int prevCharIndex = textarea.getCaretPosition() - 1; // backup from the current caret position to the last newline, // checking for anything besides whitespace along the way. // if there's something besides whitespace, exit without // messing any sort of indenting. int index = prevCharIndex; boolean finished = false; while ((index != -1) && (!finished)) { if (contents[index] == 10) { finished = true; index++; } else if (contents[index] != ' ') { // don't do anything, this line has other stuff on it return false; } else { index--; } } if (!finished) return false; // brace with no start int lineStartIndex = index; int pairedSpaceCount = calcBraceIndent(prevCharIndex, contents); //, 1); if (pairedSpaceCount == -1) return false; textarea.setSelectionStart(lineStartIndex); textarea.setSelectedText(spaces(pairedSpaceCount)); // mark this event as already handled event.consume(); return true; } } return false; } public boolean handleTyped(KeyEvent event) { char c = event.getKeyChar(); if ((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0) { // on linux, ctrl-comma (prefs) being passed through to the editor if (c == KeyEvent.VK_COMMA) { event.consume(); return true; } // https://github.com/processing/processing/issues/3847 if (c == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) { event.consume(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Return the index for the first character on this line. */ protected int calcLineStart(int index, char contents[]) { // backup from the current caret position to the last newline, // so that we can figure out how far this line was indented /*int spaceCount = 0;*/ boolean finished = false; while ((index != -1) && (!finished)) { if ((contents[index] == 10) || (contents[index] == 13)) { finished = true; //index++; // maybe ? } else { index--; // new } } // add one because index is either -1 (the start of the document) // or it's the newline character for the previous line return index + 1; } /** * Calculate the number of spaces on this line. */ protected int calcSpaceCount(int index, char contents[]) { index = calcLineStart(index, contents); int spaceCount = 0; // now walk forward and figure out how many spaces there are while ((index < contents.length) && (index >= 0) && (contents[index++] == ' ')) { spaceCount++; } return spaceCount; } /** * Walk back from 'index' until the brace that seems to be * the beginning of the current block, and return the number of * spaces found on that line. */ protected int calcBraceIndent(int index, char[] contents) { // now that we know things are ok to be indented, walk // backwards to the last { to see how far its line is indented. // this isn't perfect cuz it'll pick up commented areas, // but that's not really a big deal and can be fixed when // this is all given a more complete (proper) solution. int braceDepth = 1; boolean finished = false; while ((index != -1) && (!finished)) { if (contents[index] == '}') { // aww crap, this means we're one deeper // and will have to find one more extra { braceDepth++; //if (braceDepth == 0) { //finished = true; //} index--; } else if (contents[index] == '{') { braceDepth--; if (braceDepth == 0) { finished = true; } index--; } else { index--; } } // never found a proper brace, be safe and don't do anything if (!finished) return -1; // check how many spaces on the line with the matching open brace //int pairedSpaceCount = calcSpaceCount(index, contents); return calcSpaceCount(index, contents); } static private String spaces(int count) { char[] c = new char[count]; Arrays.fill(c, ' '); return new String(c); } }