package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.project.shared.client.handlers.RegistrationsManager; import com.project.shared.client.utils.ElementUtils; import com.project.shared.client.utils.UrlUtils; import com.project.shared.client.utils.ZIndexAllocator; import com.project.shared.client.utils.widgets.DialogWithZIndex; import; import; import; import; import com.project.shared.utils.GenericUtils; import com.project.shared.utils.QueryString; import com.project.shared.utils.StringUtils; import com.project.shared.utils.ThrowableUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class WorksheetImpl implements Worksheet { private CanvasPage page = new CanvasPage(); private final SimpleEvent<Void> _defaultToolboxItemRequestEvent = new SimpleEvent<Void>(); private final SimpleEvent<Boolean> viewModeEvent = new SimpleEvent<Boolean>(); private final WorksheetView view; private final HashMap<CanvasTool<?>, ToolInstanceInfo> toolInfoMap = new HashMap<CanvasTool<?>, ToolInstanceInfo>(); private CanvasTool<?> activeToolInstance; private ToolboxItem activeToolboxItem; private ArrayList<ElementData> _toolClipboard = new ArrayList<ElementData>(); private final RegistrationsManager viewModeRegistrations = new RegistrationsManager(); private boolean _inViewMode = false; //TODO: Think about something else. (Hadas) private final WorksheetImageOptionsProvider _imageOptionsProvider = new WorksheetImageOptionsProvider(); private AsyncFunc<Void,Void> newPageAction = AsyncFunc.fromFunc(new Func.VoidAction(){ @Override public void exec() { navigateToNewPage(); }}); public WorksheetImpl(WorksheetView view) { super(); this.view = view; //AuthenticationServiceAsync service = getAuthService(); //updateUserSpecificInfo(view, service); this.setRegistrations(); this.setDefaultPageOptions(); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addDefaultToolboxItemRequestHandler(SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> handler) { return _defaultToolboxItemRequestEvent.addHandler(handler); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addViewModeChangedHandler(Handler<Boolean> handler) { return this.viewModeEvent.addHandler(handler); } @Override public void load(String idStr, String pageKey) { load(parsePageIdStr(idStr), pageKey); } @Override public void load(String idStr, boolean viewMode, String pageKey) { if (viewMode) { this.setModeView(); } else { this.setModeEdit(); } this.load(idStr, pageKey); } @Override public void save() { this.getSaveFunc() .run(null); } public AsyncFunc<Void, CanvasPage> getSaveFunc() { return new AsyncFunc<Void, CanvasPage>() { @Override protected <S, E> void run(Void arg, Func<CanvasPage, S> successHandler, Func<Throwable, E> errorHandler) { performSave(successHandler, errorHandler); }}; } protected enum NewPageDialogResults { CANCEL, NEW_BUT_SAVE_FIRST, NEW_WITHOUT_SAVING, } protected class NewPageResultLabels extends Pair<NewPageDialogResults, String> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public NewPageResultLabels(NewPageDialogResults a, String b) { super(a, b); } } protected void newPage() { final WorksheetImpl that = this; AsyncFunc<Void, NewPageDialogResults> shouldSaveFirst = null; if (this.currentPageIsEditable()) { shouldSaveFirst = MessageBox.<NewPageDialogResults>getShowFunc( "Save before leaving page?", "Do you want to save your changes before leaving this page? If not, any unsaved changes will be gone forever.", new NewPageResultLabels[] { new NewPageResultLabels(NewPageDialogResults.NEW_BUT_SAVE_FIRST, "Save & New"), new NewPageResultLabels(NewPageDialogResults.NEW_WITHOUT_SAVING, "Don't save, just start a new page"), new NewPageResultLabels(NewPageDialogResults.CANCEL, "Cancel - stay on current page"), }, NewPageDialogResults.NEW_BUT_SAVE_FIRST); } else { shouldSaveFirst = AsyncFunc.constFunc(NewPageDialogResults.NEW_BUT_SAVE_FIRST); } shouldSaveFirst.thenSelect(new Func<NewPageDialogResults, AsyncFunc<NewPageDialogResults,Void>>() { @Override public AsyncFunc<NewPageDialogResults, Void> apply(NewPageDialogResults arg) { switch (arg) { case NEW_BUT_SAVE_FIRST: return that.getSaveFunc() .<Void>constResult(null) .then(newPageAction) .constArg(null); case NEW_WITHOUT_SAVING: return newPageAction.constArg(null); case CANCEL: return AsyncFunc.constFunc(null); default: throw new RuntimeException(); }}}) .run(null); } private void navigateToNewPage() { History.newItem(""); this.load(new CanvasPage()); } private boolean currentPageIsEditable() { return pageIsEditable(; } private static boolean pageIsEditable(CanvasPage page) { // If page has no id, it's a new page and we can do whatever we want (edit and save it) // If the page has an id but also has a key, then again we can save it. return (null == || (false == StringUtils.isWhitespaceOrNull(page.key)); } @Override public void setActiveToolboxItem(ToolboxItem toolboxItem) { this.view.setActiveToolboxItem(toolboxItem); if (toolboxItem == this.activeToolboxItem) { return; } this.activeToolboxItem = toolboxItem; if (null != this.activeToolboxItem.getToolFactory()) { this.setActiveToolInstance(null); } } private QueryString buildPageQueryString(Long pageId, String key, boolean viewMode) { QueryString query = QueryString.create(UrlUtils.getUrlEncoder()); if (null != pageId) { query.append(QueryParameters.PAGE_ID, pageId); } if (null != key) { query.append(QueryParameters.PAGE_KEY, key); } if (viewMode) { query.append(QueryParameters.VIEW_MODE_FLAG, (String)null); } return query; } private String buildPageUrl(long pageId, String key, boolean viewMode) { QueryString query = buildPageQueryString(pageId, key, viewMode); String newURL = Window.Location.createUrlBuilder().setHash(query.toString()).buildString(); return newURL; } private void clearActiveToolboxItem() { view.clearActiveToolboxItem(); } private void copyToolsToClipboard(Collection<CanvasToolFrame> toolFrames) { this._toolClipboard.clear(); for (CanvasToolFrame toolFrame : toolFrames) { this.updateToolData(toolFrame); ElementData data = toolFrame.getTool().getValue(); this._toolClipboard.add(data.getCloneable().getClone()); } } private CanvasToolFrame createToolInstance(final Point2D relativePos, CanvasToolFactory<? extends CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>> toolFactory) { return this.createToolInstance(new Transform2D(relativePos, null, 0), toolFactory, true); } private CanvasToolFrameImpl createToolInstance(final Transform2D transform, CanvasToolFactory<? extends CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>> toolFactory, boolean useCreationOffset) { final CanvasTool<? extends ElementData> tool = toolFactory.create(); final CanvasToolFrameImpl toolFrame = new CanvasToolFrameImpl(tool); ToolInstanceInfo toolInfo = new ToolInstanceInfo(toolFactory, toolFrame, null); this.toolInfoMap.put(tool, toolInfo); RegistrationsManager regs = registerToolInstanceHandlers(toolFrame, toolInfo); Point2D creationOffset = useCreationOffset ? toolFactory.getCreationOffset() :; view.addToolInstanceWidget(toolFrame, transform, creationOffset, true); toolInfo.killRegistration = tool.getToolEvents().addKillRequestEventHandler( new SimpleEvent.Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { removeToolInstance(toolFrame); } }); regs.add(toolInfo.killRegistration); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { // TODO: Set zIndex according to the data instead. ZIndexAllocator.allocateSetZIndex(toolFrame.getElement()); } }); tool.bind(); tool.setViewMode(this._inViewMode); return toolFrame; } private CanvasToolFrameImpl createToolInstanceFromData(ElementData newElement) { CanvasToolFactory<? extends CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>> factory = ToolFactories.INSTANCE.get(newElement.factoryUniqueId); CanvasToolFrameImpl toolFrame = this.createToolInstance(newElement.transform, factory, false); toolFrame.setViewMode(this._inViewMode); toolFrame.getTool().setElementData(newElement); toolFrame.setActive(false); return toolFrame; } private void escapeOperation() { this.clearActiveToolboxItem(); this.setActiveToolInstance(null); this.view.clearToolFrameSelection(); // TODO dispatch stop operation // stopOperationEvent.dispatch(null); this._defaultToolboxItemRequestEvent.dispatch(null); } private AuthenticationServiceAsync getAuthService() { AuthenticationServiceAsync service = (AuthenticationServiceAsync)GWT.create(AuthenticationService.class); return service; } private void invite() { final DialogWithZIndex dialog = new DialogWithZIndex(false, true); final InviteWidget regWidget = new InviteWidget(); dialog.add(regWidget); regWidget.addInviteRequestHandler(new SimpleEvent.Handler<InviteRequestData>() { @Override public void onFire(InviteRequestData arg) { regWidget.setEnabled(false); inviteRequest(dialog, arg); } }); regWidget.addCancelRequestHandler(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { dialog.hide(); } }); dialog.setText("Invite a friend to"); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() {; } }); } private void inviteRequest(final DialogWithZIndex dialog, InviteRequestData arg) { AuthenticationServiceAsync service = getAuthService(); service.invite(arg.getEmail(), arg.getMessage(), arg.getName(), new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Error: " + caught.toString()); dialog.hide(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { Window.alert("Invite sent!"); dialog.hide(); } }); } private void load(CanvasPage newPage) { UndoManager.get().clear(); this.replaceCurrentPage(newPage); if (false == WorksheetImpl.pageIsEditable(newPage)) { List<ElementData> elements = newPage.elements; newPage.elements = new ArrayList<ElementData>(); // TODO: elements may contain sub-objects in them that are also persisted with an ID. So this cloning may not ensure // that saving the elements later won't overwrite that data. for (ElementData elem : elements) { newPage.elements.add(elem.getCloneable().getClone()); } } this.view.setPageEditable(this.currentPageIsEditable()); view.setOptions(newPage.options); this.updateHistoryToken(); HashMap<String, ElementData> newElements = new HashMap<String, ElementData>(); for (ElementData elem : { newElements.put(elem.uniqueId, elem); } HashSet<Entry<CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>, ToolInstanceInfo>> entries = new HashSet<Entry<CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>, ToolInstanceInfo>>(toolInfoMap.entrySet()); // Update existing and remove deleted tools for (Entry<CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>, ToolInstanceInfo> entry : entries) { CanvasTool<? extends ElementData> tool = entry.getKey(); ToolInstanceInfo toolInfo = entry.getValue(); ElementData oldData = tool.getValue(); ElementData newData = newElements.get(oldData.uniqueId); if (null != newData) { tool.setElementData(newData); view.setToolFrameTransform(toolInfo.toolFrame, newData.transform,; newElements.remove(oldData.uniqueId); } else { this.removeToolInstance(toolInfo.toolFrame); } } // Create the new tool instances for (ElementData newElement : this.sortByZIndex(newElements.values())) { this.createToolInstanceFromData(newElement); } } private void replaceCurrentPage(CanvasPage newPage) { // The server never send us the page key, unless this is the first time the page is saved. // To make sure we don't lose the key we save it aside first. String key =; = newPage; // If the loaded page doesn't contain a key, but has the same ID as the current page, reuse the same key if ((null != && (GenericUtils.areEqual(, && (null == newPage.key)) { // If our current page has the same id as the newly loaded page, use the same key = key; } } private void load(Long id, String pageKey) { CanvasServiceAsync service = (CanvasServiceAsync) GWT.create(CanvasService.class); this.updateViewForPageId(id, pageKey); if (null == id) { if (null != { id =; } else { // Trying to reload when page wasn't yet saved. Might as well do nothing. return; } } if (Objects.equal(id, { return; } if (null != { // Page is being replaced. = new CanvasPage(); } if (StringUtils.isWhitespaceOrNull( { = pageKey; } view.onLoadOperationChange(OperationStatus.PENDING, null); service.getPage(id, new AsyncCallback<CanvasPage>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { view.onLoadOperationChange(OperationStatus.FAILURE, caught.toString()); } @Override public void onSuccess(CanvasPage result) { if (null == result) { view.onLoadOperationChange(OperationStatus.FAILURE, "Page not found"); return; } view.onLoadOperationChange(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, null); load(result); } }); } private void updateViewForPageId(Long id, String key) { this.view.setViewLinkTargetHistoryToken(this.buildPageQueryString(id, null, true).toString()); } private void logout() { AuthenticationServiceAsync service = getAuthService(); service.logout(new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { Window.Location.reload(); } }); } private Long parsePageIdStr(String idStr) { Long id = null; if ((null != idStr) && (false == idStr.trim().isEmpty())) { try { id = Long.valueOf(idStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } return id; } private void pasteToolsFromClipboard() { if (this._toolClipboard.isEmpty()) { return; } view.clearToolFrameSelection(); for (ElementData data : _toolClipboard) { ElementData offsetData = data.getCloneable().getClone(); //TODO: does it make sense that the Worksheet will add the offset? offsetData.transform.translation = Point2D(10, 10)); view.selectToolFrame(createToolInstanceFromData(offsetData)); } } private RegistrationsManager registerToolInstanceHandlers(final CanvasToolFrameImpl toolFrame, ToolInstanceInfo toolInfo) { RegistrationsManager regs = toolInfo.registrations; regs.add(toolFrame.addCloseRequestHandler(new SimpleEvent.Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { removeToolInstance(toolFrame); } })); regs.add(toolFrame.addMoveBackRequestHandler(new SimpleEvent.Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { ZIndexAllocator.moveElementBelow(toolFrame.getElement()); } })); regs.add(toolFrame.addMoveFrontRequestHandler(new SimpleEvent.Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { ZIndexAllocator.moveElementAbove(toolFrame.getElement()); } })); return regs; } private void removeToolInstance(CanvasToolFrame toolFrame) { ZIndexAllocator.deallocateZIndex(toolFrame.asWidget().getElement()); ToolInstanceInfo info = this.toolInfoMap.remove(toolFrame.getTool()); view.removeToolInstanceWidget(toolFrame); info.registrations.clear(); } private void removeToolInstances(ArrayList<CanvasToolFrame> toolFrames) { for (CanvasToolFrame toolFrame : toolFrames) { this.removeToolInstance(toolFrame); } } private void setActiveToolInstance(CanvasToolFrame toolFrame) { CanvasTool<?> tool = toolFrame != null ? toolFrame.getTool() : null; if (tool == this.activeToolInstance) { if (null != tool) { // Even if the current tool is already active, notify it, because // it may need to re-capture focus. toolFrame.setActive(true); } return; } if (null != this.activeToolInstance) { ToolInstanceInfo toolInfo = this.toolInfoMap.get(this.activeToolInstance); if (null != toolInfo) { toolInfo.toolFrame.setActive(false); } } this.activeToolInstance = tool; if (null != toolFrame) { toolFrame.setActive(true); this.view.selectToolFrame(toolFrame); } } private void setModeEdit() { if (false == this._inViewMode) { return; } this.view.setViewMode(false); this.viewModeEvent.dispatch(false); this.viewModeRegistrations.clear(); this._inViewMode = false; } private void setModeView() { if (this._inViewMode) { return; } this._inViewMode = true; viewModeEvent.dispatch(true); view.setViewMode(true); viewModeRegistrations.add(view.addStopOperationHandler(new SimpleEvent.Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { setModeEdit(); updateHistoryToken(); } })); } private void setRegistrations() { view.addToolCreationRequestHandler(new Handler<WorksheetView.ToolCreationRequest>() { @Override public void onFire(ToolCreationRequest arg) { handleToolCreationRequest(arg); } }); view.addSaveHandler(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { save(); } }); view.addNewPageHandler(new Handler<Void>(){ @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { newPage(); } }); view.addLogoutHandler(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { logout(); } }); view.addInviteHandler(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { invite(); } }); view.addAddSpaceHandler(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { } }); /* // TODO: Allow passing a pageKey here too view.addLoadHandler(new Handler<String>() { @Override public void onFire(String idStr) { updateLoadedPageURL(idStr); } });*/ view.addCopyToolHandler(new Handler<ArrayList<CanvasToolFrame>>() { @Override public void onFire(ArrayList<CanvasToolFrame> arg) { copyToolsToClipboard(arg); } }); view.addPasteToolHandler(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { pasteToolsFromClipboard(); } }); view.addOptionsUpdatedHandler(new Handler<CanvasPageOptions>() { @Override public void onFire(CanvasPageOptions arg) { updateOptions(arg); } }); view.addStopOperationHandler(new Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { escapeOperation(); } }); view.addActiveToolFrameChangedHandler(new Handler<CanvasToolFrame>() { @Override public void onFire(CanvasToolFrame frame) { setActiveToolInstance(frame); } }); view.addRemoveToolsRequest(new Handler<ArrayList<CanvasToolFrame>>() { @Override public void onFire(ArrayList<CanvasToolFrame> arg) { removeToolInstances(arg); } }); view.addImageDropHandler(new Handler<WorksheetView.ImageDropInfo>() { @Override public void onFire(ImageDropInfo arg) { addImageFromDragAndDrop(arg); }}); } protected void addImageFromDragAndDrop(ImageDropInfo imageDropInfo) { ImageTool imageTool = ImageToolFactory.INSTANCE.create(); imageTool.getValue().imageInformation.setUrl(imageDropInfo.getDataUrl()); imageTool.getValue().transform.translation = imageDropInfo.getPosition(); this.setActiveToolInstance(this.createToolInstanceFromData(imageTool.getValue())); } private Collection<ElementData> sortByZIndex(Collection<ElementData> elements) { TreeMap<Integer, ElementData> elementsByZIndex = new TreeMap<Integer, ElementData>(); for (ElementData element : elements) { elementsByZIndex.put(element.zIndex, element); } return elementsByZIndex.values(); } private void updateHistoryToken() { Long id = null; String key = null; if (null != { id =; key =; } History.newItem(this.buildPageQueryString(id, key, this._inViewMode).toString(), false); this.updateViewForPageId(id, key); } /* private void updateLoadedPageURL(String idStr) { Long id = parsePageIdStr(idStr); if (null == id) { return; } if (false == Objects.equal(, id)) { // Page id changed. // Change the URL hash and trigger a history load event. Window.Location.replace(this.buildPageUrl(id, this._inViewMode)); return; } // Page id not changed, just reload this.load(idStr, ???); } */ private void setDefaultPageOptions() { = ImageOptionsProviderUtils.getImageOptions( this._imageOptionsProvider, ImageOptionTypes.OriginalSize); view.setOptions(; } private void updateOptions(CanvasPageOptions value) { if (null == value) { return; } = value; view.setOptions(value); } private void updateToolData(CanvasToolFrame toolFrame){ ElementData toolData = toolFrame.getTool().getValue(); Element frameElement = toolFrame.asWidget().getElement(); toolData.zIndex = ZIndexAllocator.getElementZIndex(frameElement); toolData.transform = new Transform2D(ElementUtils.getElementOffsetPosition(frameElement), toolFrame.getToolSize(), ElementUtils.getRotation(frameElement)); } /* private void updateUserSpecificInfo(WorksheetView view, AuthenticationServiceAsync service) { this.view.setUserProfile(null); final WorksheetImpl that = this; service.getUserProfile(new AsyncCallback<UserProfile>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // TODO: handle } @Override public void onSuccess(UserProfile result) { that.view.setUserProfile(result); } }); }*/ private void handleToolCreationRequest(ToolCreationRequest toolCreationRequest) { CanvasToolFactory<? extends CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>> factory = toolCreationRequest.getFactory(); if (null == factory) { return; } CanvasToolFrame toolFrame = createToolInstance(toolCreationRequest.getPosition(), factory); setActiveToolInstance(toolFrame); if (toolCreationRequest.getFactory().isOneShot()) { _defaultToolboxItemRequestEvent.dispatch(null); } else { setActiveToolboxItem(activeToolboxItem); } toolCreationRequest.toolCreated(toolFrame.getTool()); } private <S, E> void performSave(final Func<CanvasPage, S> successHandler, final Func<Throwable, E> errorHandler) { // TODO: Defrag zIndex of all tools before saving. ArrayList<ElementData> activeElems = new ArrayList<ElementData>(); for (Entry<CanvasTool<? extends ElementData>, ToolInstanceInfo> entry : toolInfoMap.entrySet()) { ToolInstanceInfo toolInfo = entry.getValue(); this.updateToolData(toolInfo.toolFrame); activeElems.add(toolInfo.toolFrame.getTool().getValue()); };; if (false == this.currentPageIsEditable()) { // Make sure the service generates a new id and key for this page = null; = null; } CanvasServiceAsync service = (CanvasServiceAsync) GWT.create(CanvasService.class); view.onSaveOperationChange(OperationStatus.PENDING, null); service.savePage(page, new AsyncCallback<CanvasPage>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { view.onSaveOperationChange(OperationStatus.FAILURE, ThrowableUtils.joinStackTrace(caught)); errorHandler.apply(caught); } @Override public void onSuccess(CanvasPage result) { // TODO: see issue #92 load(result); view.onSaveOperationChange(OperationStatus.SUCCESS, null); Window.Location.replace(buildPageUrl(, result.key, false)); successHandler.apply(result); } }); } }