package; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.project.shared.client.utils.HandlerUtils; import; import; public class DynamicSourceLoader { private final SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> handler; private DynamicSourceLoader(String source, SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> handler) { this.handler = handler; String normalizedSource = source.toLowerCase().trim(); Element elem = null; // TODO: replace the endsWith heuristic with a parameter that tells what type of element to create or a function that creates the proper element if (normalizedSource.endsWith(".css")) { LinkElement linkElem = Document.get().createLinkElement(); linkElem.setHref(source); linkElem.setRel("stylesheet"); linkElem.setType("text/css"); elem = linkElem; } else { // If it isn't css, assume it's javascript (sometimes javascript urls don't end with .js because they are queries that dynamically generate js) ScriptElement scriptElem = Document.get().createScriptElement(); scriptElem.setSrc(source); // scriptElem.setLang("javascript"); // lang is deprecated? scriptElem.setType("text/javascript"); elem = scriptElem; } this.registerLoadedHandler(elem); Document.get().getElementsByTagName("head").getItem(0).appendChild(elem); } void scriptLoaded() { this.handler.onFire(null); } private native final void registerLoadedHandler(Element elem) /*-{ var me = this; elem.onload = function() {; }; }-*/; private final static HashMap<String, Boolean> scriptLoadStatusMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); private final static HashMap<String, SingleEvent<Void>> scriptLoadHandlersMap = new HashMap<String, SingleEvent<Void>>(); public static void load(final String source, final SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> handler) { getLoadAsyncFunc(source).then(HandlerUtils.toFunc(handler)) .run(null); } public static AsyncFunc<Void, Void> getLoadAsyncFunc(final String source) { return new AsyncFunc<Void, Void>() { @Override protected <S, E> void run(Void arg, final Func<Void, S> successHandler, final Func<Throwable, E> errorHandler) { final Handler<Void> innerHandler = HandlerUtils.fromFunc(successHandler); Boolean status = scriptLoadStatusMap.get(source); if (null == status) { scriptLoadStatusMap.put(source, false); scriptLoadHandlersMap.put(source, new SingleEvent<Void>()); // Do the script-element creation and handling, // but start the process in a deferred command // so it doesn't stop the page from loading if it hasn't // finished yet. Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { loadSource(source, innerHandler); } }); return; } if (false == status) { // not the first time someone wants to load this source // but it didn't load yet. scriptLoadHandlersMap.get(source).addHandler(innerHandler); return; } // Already loaded. Fire the handler in a deferred scheduler. // (for consistently async behavior) HandlerUtils.fireDeferred(HandlerUtils.fromFunc(successHandler), null); } }; } private static void loadSource(final String source, final SimpleEvent.Handler<Void> handler) { // no entry exists for this source - // first load request SingleEvent<Void> event = scriptLoadHandlersMap.get(source); event.addHandler(handler); Handler<Void> wrappedHandler = new SimpleEvent.Handler<Void>() { @Override public void onFire(Void arg) { sourceLoaded(source); } }; new DynamicSourceLoader(source, wrappedHandler); } private static void sourceLoaded(final String source) { scriptLoadStatusMap.put(source, true); scriptLoadHandlersMap.get(source).dispatch(null); } }