package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import net.sourceforge.pmd.PropertyDescriptor; import net.sourceforge.pmd.PropertySource; import net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule; import net.sourceforge.pmd.RulePriority; import net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse.ui.preferences.panelmanagers.Configuration; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.Language; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageVersion; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.RuleReference; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.rule.XPathRule; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.CollectionUtil; /** * * @author Brian Remedios */ public class RuleUtil { private RuleUtil() {} public static boolean isDefaultValue(Map.Entry<PropertyDescriptor<?>, Object> entry) { PropertyDescriptor<?> desc = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); return areEqual(desc.defaultValue(), value); } // TODO fix rule!! // public static boolean isXPathRule(Rule rule) { // // for (PropertyDescriptor<?> desc : rule.getPropertyDescriptors()) { // if (desc.equals(XPathRule.XPATH_DESCRIPTOR)) return true; // } // return false; // } public static boolean isXPathRule(PropertySource source) { //return rule.hasDescriptor(XPathRule.XPATH_DESCRIPTOR); // not reliable since it may not have it yet if (source instanceof XPathRule) return true; if (source instanceof RuleReference) { Rule realOne = ((RuleReference)source).getRule(); return realOne instanceof XPathRule; } return false; } // TODO move elsewhere public static boolean areEqual(Object value, Object otherValue) { if (value == otherValue) { return true; } if (value == null) { return false; } if (otherValue == null) { return false; } if (value.getClass().getComponentType() != null) { return CollectionUtil.arraysAreEqual(value, otherValue); } if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double) { return areEqualNumbers((Number)value, (Number)otherValue); } return value.equals(otherValue); } // TODO move elsewhere, handle div by zero public static boolean areEqualNumbers(Number a, Number b) { double da = a.doubleValue(); double db = b.doubleValue(); double delta = da-db; double pctDelta = delta/da; return pctDelta < 0.0001; } public static boolean hasDefaultValues(Rule rule) { Map<PropertyDescriptor<?>, Object> valuesByProperty = Configuration.filteredPropertiesOf(rule); for (Map.Entry<PropertyDescriptor<?>, Object> entry : valuesByProperty.entrySet()) { if (!isDefaultValue(entry)) return false; } return true; } public static Set<PropertyDescriptor<?>> modifiedPropertiesIn(Rule rule) { Set<PropertyDescriptor<?>> descs = new HashSet<PropertyDescriptor<?>>(); for (Map.Entry<PropertyDescriptor<?>, Object> entry: Configuration.filteredPropertiesOf(rule).entrySet() ) { if (isDefaultValue(entry)) continue; descs.add(entry.getKey()); } return descs; } public static Set<Comparable<?>> uniqueItemsIn(Object item, RuleFieldAccessor getter) { if (item instanceof Rule) { Set<Comparable<?>> values = new HashSet<Comparable<?>>(1); values.add( getter.valueFor((Rule) item) ); return values; } if (item instanceof RuleCollection) { return getter.uniqueValuesFor((RuleCollection)item); } return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Sometimes references reference references ! * * @param reference * @return */ private static Class<Rule> rootImplementationClassOf(RuleReference reference) { Rule rule = reference.getRule(); while (rule.getClass() == RuleReference.class) { rule = ((RuleReference)rule).getRule(); } return (Class<Rule>)rule.getClass(); } public static Class<Rule> implementationClassOf(Rule rule) { if (rule instanceof RuleReference) { return rootImplementationClassOf((RuleReference)rule); } else { return (Class<Rule>)rule.getClass(); } } public static boolean allUseDefaultValues(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return false; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { return rule.usesDefaultValues(); } }; return collection.rulesDo(visitor); } public static boolean allUseDfa(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return false; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { return rule.usesDFA(); } }; return collection.rulesDo(visitor); } public static boolean allUseTypeResolution(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return false; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { return rule.usesTypeResolution(); } }; return collection.rulesDo(visitor); } /** * Iterates through the currently selected rules and returns * their common priority setting or null if they differ. */ public static RulePriority commonPriority(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return null; final RulePriority[] prio = new RulePriority[1]; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { if (prio[0] == null) { prio[0] = rule.getPriority(); } if (prio[0] != rule.getPriority()) { prio[0] = null; return false; } return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return prio[0]; } private static String format(Object item) { return item == null ? "" : String.valueOf(item); // TODO custom format per type } public static String asString(Set<Comparable<?>> items) { Iterator<Comparable<?>> iter = items.iterator(); if (items.size() == 1) return format(; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(format(; while (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append(", ").append(format(; } return sb.toString(); } /** */ public static Map<RulePriority, Float> fractionsByPriority(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap(); final Map<RulePriority, Integer> priorityCounts = new HashMap<RulePriority, Integer>(5); final int[] count = new int[1]; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { RulePriority priority = rule.getPriority(); count[0] = count[0] + 1; Integer count = priorityCounts.get(priority); if (count == null) { priorityCounts.put(priority, Integer.valueOf(1)); } else { priorityCounts.put(priority, Integer.valueOf(count + 1)); } return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); int total = count[0]; Map<RulePriority, Float> priorityFractions = new HashMap<RulePriority, Float>(); for (Map.Entry<RulePriority, Integer> entry : priorityCounts.entrySet()) { float fraction = (float)entry.getValue() / total; priorityFractions.put(entry.getKey(), fraction); } return priorityFractions; } /** * Iterates through the currently selected rules and returns * their common ruleset name or null if they differ. */ public static String commonRuleset(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return null; final Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(2); RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { names.add( rule.getRuleSetName().trim() ); return names.size() < 2; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return names.size() > 1 ? null : names.iterator().next(); } public static Class<Rule> commonImplementationClass(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return null; // TODO use array[1] approach like the others final Set<Class<Rule>> types = new HashSet<Class<Rule>>(2); RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { types.add( implementationClassOf(rule) ); return types.size() < 2; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return types.size() > 1 ? null : types.iterator().next(); } public static Comparable<?> commonAspect(RuleCollection collection, final RuleFieldAccessor accessor) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return null; final Comparable<?>[] aspect = new Comparable<?>[1]; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { if (aspect[0] == null) { aspect[0] = accessor.valueFor(rule); return true; } if (areEqual(aspect[0], accessor.valueFor(rule)) ) { aspect[0] = null; return false; } return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return aspect[0]; } /** * */ public static int countNonOccurrencesOf(RuleCollection collection, final RuleFieldAccessor accessor, final Object item) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return 0; final int[] count = new int[] {0}; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { Object value = accessor.valueFor(rule); if (value != item) count[0] = count[0]+1; return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return count[0]; } /** * Iterates through the currently selected rules and returns * the set of unique aspect values. */ public static Set<Comparable<?>> uniqueAspects(RuleCollection collection, final RuleFieldAccessor accessor) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet(); final Set<Comparable<?>> aspects = new HashSet<Comparable<?>>(); RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { aspects.add( accessor.valueFor(rule) ); return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return aspects; } public static Language commonLanguage(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return null; final Language[] type = new Language[1]; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { if (type[0] == null) { type[0] = rule.getLanguage(); return true; } if (type[0] != rule.getLanguage() ) { type[0] = null; return false; } return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return type[0]; } public static LanguageVersion commonLanguageMinVersion(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return null; final LanguageVersion[] version = new LanguageVersion[1]; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { if (version[0] == null) { version[0] = rule.getMinimumLanguageVersion(); return true; } if (version[0] != rule.getMinimumLanguageVersion() ) { version[0] = null; return false; } return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return version[0]; } public static LanguageVersion commonLanguageMaxVersion(RuleCollection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) return null; final LanguageVersion[] version = new LanguageVersion[1]; RuleVisitor visitor = new RuleVisitor() { public boolean accept(Rule rule) { if (version[0] == null) { version[0] = rule.getMaximumLanguageVersion(); return true; } if (version[0] != rule.getMaximumLanguageVersion() ) { version[0] = null; return false; } return true; } }; collection.rulesDo(visitor); return version[0]; } }