import jas.*; import*; import; // // This is program that makes calls into the jas package // to generate a class that prints a string afew times. // class hworld implements RuntimeConstants { public static void main(String argv[]) throws jasError, IOException { // class hierarchy ClassEnv nclass = new ClassEnv(); nclass.setClass(new ClassCP("out")); nclass.setSuperClass(new ClassCP("java/lang/Object")); nclass.setClassAccess((short)ACC_PUBLIC); // Initialization code CodeAttr init = new CodeAttr(); init.addInsn(new Insn(opc_aload_0)); init.addInsn(new Insn(opc_invokenonvirtual, new MethodCP("java/lang/Object", "<init>", "()V"))); init.addInsn(new Insn(opc_return)); // Actual code to print string CodeAttr doit = new CodeAttr(); // store refs in local variables doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_getstatic, new FieldCP("java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;"))); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_astore_1)); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_ldc, new StringCP("Hello World"))); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_astore_2)); // Loop index in var reg 3 doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_bipush, 5)); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_istore_3)); // Start the loop Label loop = new Label("loop"); doit.addInsn(loop); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_aload_1)); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_aload_2)); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_invokevirtual, new MethodCP("java/io/PrintStream", "println", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"))); doit.addInsn(new IincInsn(3, -1)); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_iload_3)); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_ifne, loop)); doit.addInsn(new Insn(opc_return)); // set the right sizes for code doit.setStackSize((short)3); doit.setVarSize((short)4); // Add the init code to the class. nclass.addMethod((short)ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V", init, null); // Add the printing code nclass.addMethod((short)(ACC_PUBLIC|ACC_STATIC), "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V", doit, null); // write it all out nclass.write(new DataOutputStream (new FileOutputStream("out.class"))); } }