package; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; public abstract class CanvasGraphicsItem extends CanvasItem { public CanvasGraphicsItem(int width, int height) throws IllegalArgumentException { System.out.println("CanvasGraphicsItem::CanvasGraphicsItem(int,int) not implemented"); } // Set the parent object of this CanvasItem. public void setParent(Object theParent) { throw new RuntimeException("CanvasGraphicsItem::setParent(Object) not implemented"); } // Renders the CanvasGraphicsItem. protected abstract void paint(Graphics g); // Requests a repaint for the entire CanvasGraphicsItem. public void repaint() { throw new RuntimeException("CanvasGraphicsItem::repaint() not implemented"); } // Requests a repaint for the specified region of the CanvasGraphicsItem. public void repaint(int x, int y, int width, int height) { throw new RuntimeException("CanvasGraphicsItem::repaint(int,int,int,int) not implemented"); } // Gets the content's width in pixels. public int getContentWidth() { throw new RuntimeException("CanvasGraphicsItem::getContentWidth() not implemented"); } // Gets the content's height in pixels. public int getContentHeight() { throw new RuntimeException("CanvasGraphicsItem::getContentHeight() not implemented"); } }