package eu.play_project.dcep.distributedetalis.utils; import static eu.play_project.play_commons.constants.Event.EVENT_ID_SUFFIX; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.impl.jena.TypeConversion; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Model; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Statement; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Node; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.Resource; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.node.URI; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import eu.play_project.play_commons.constants.Stream; import eu.play_project.play_commons.eventtypes.EventHelpers; import eu.play_project.play_commons.eventtypes.EventTypeMetadata; import fr.inria.eventcloud.api.CompoundEvent; import fr.inria.eventcloud.api.Quadruple; public class EventCloudHelpers { public static final Quadruple toQuadruple(URI context, Resource subject, URI predicate, Node object) { return new Quadruple( TypeConversion.toJenaNode(context), TypeConversion.toJenaNode(subject), TypeConversion.toJenaNode(predicate), TypeConversion.toJenaNode(object)); } public static final Quadruple toQuadruple(Statement stmt) { return toQuadruple( stmt.getContext(), stmt.getSubject(), stmt.getPredicate(), stmt.getObject()); } public static final CompoundEvent toCompoundEvent(Event event) { return toCompoundEvent(event.getModel()); } public static final Model toRdf2go(CompoundEvent compoundEvent) { Model result = EventHelpers.createEmptyModel(compoundEvent.getGraph().toString()); for (Quadruple quadruple : compoundEvent) { result.addStatement( TypeConversion.toRDF2Go(quadruple.getSubject()).asResource(), TypeConversion.toRDF2Go(quadruple.getPredicate()).asURI(), TypeConversion.toRDF2Go(quadruple.getObject()) ); } return result; } public static final CompoundEvent toCompoundEvent(Model model) { List<Quadruple> quadruples = new ArrayList<Quadruple>(); URI context = model.getContextURI(); if (context != null) { for (Statement statement : model) { quadruples.add(toQuadruple(context, statement.getSubject(), statement.getPredicate(), statement.getObject())); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event without graph name! All RDF graphs for events must have a graph name (context), i.e. must consist of RDF quadruples, not triples."); } return new CompoundEvent(quadruples); } /** * Print the member event IDs (if present in the complex event) as * a space-separated string. This method will be replaced when the * :members feature becomes a first-class feature of DCEP. * @param m * @return * @deprecated This will be removed when :members feature becomes a built-in * feature of DCEP. */ @Deprecated public static String getMembers(CompoundEvent event) { String members = ""; for (Quadruple quadruple : event) { if (quadruple.getPredicate().toString().equals(Event.MEMBERS.toString())) { String member = quadruple.getObject().toString(); int endIndex = member.lastIndexOf(EVENT_ID_SUFFIX); if (endIndex > 0 ) { member = member.substring(0, endIndex); } members += member + " "; } } return members; } /** * Print the member event IDs (if present in the complex event) as * a space-separated string. This method will be replaced when the * :members feature becomes a first-class feature of DCEP. * @param m * @return * @deprecated This will be removed when :members feature becomes a built-in * feature of DCEP. */ @Deprecated public static String getMembers(Model event) { String members = ""; for (Statement statement : event) { if (statement.getPredicate().toString().equals(Event.MEMBERS.toString())) { String member = statement.getObject().toString(); int endIndex = member.lastIndexOf(EVENT_ID_SUFFIX); if (endIndex > 0 ) { member = member.substring(0, endIndex); } members += member + " "; } } return members; } /** * Returns the RDF event type as URI string. This method tries to find {@code rdf:type} * statements with the proper event ID as subject. If this fails it falls back to arbitrary * {@code rdf:type} statements in the event and finally defaults to the basic event type of * {@linkplain Event.RDFS_CLASS} * * @see EventTypeMetadata#getType(Model) */ public static String getEventType(CompoundEvent event) { com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node primaryType = null; com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node secondaryType = null; if (event.getGraph() != null) { com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node eventId = com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI(event.getGraph() + EVENT_ID_SUFFIX); for (Quadruple quad : event) { if (quad.getPredicate().equals(RDF.type.asNode())) { secondaryType = quad.getObject(); if (quad.getSubject().equals(eventId)) { primaryType = quad.getObject(); break; } } } } if (primaryType != null) { return primaryType.toString(); } else if (secondaryType != null) { return secondaryType.toString(); } else { return Event.RDFS_CLASS.toString(); } } /** * Returns the event cloud ID which is contained for a given event. */ public static String getCloudId(CompoundEvent event) { com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node primaryType = null; com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node secondaryType = null; String streamId = ""; String cloudId = ""; if (event.getGraph() != null) { com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.Node eventId = com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createURI(event.getGraph() + EVENT_ID_SUFFIX); for (Quadruple quad : event) { if (quad.getPredicate().toString().equals(Event.STREAM.toString())) { secondaryType = quad.getObject(); if (quad.getSubject().equals(eventId)) { primaryType = quad.getObject(); break; } } } } if (primaryType != null) { streamId = primaryType.toString(); cloudId = streamId.substring(0, streamId.lastIndexOf(Stream.STREAM_ID_SUFFIX)); return cloudId; } else if (secondaryType != null) { streamId = secondaryType.toString(); cloudId = streamId.substring(0, streamId.lastIndexOf(Stream.STREAM_ID_SUFFIX)); return cloudId; } else { return cloudId; } } }