package eu.play_project.dcep.distributedetalis; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.RDF2Go; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.impl.jena.TypeConversion; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.QueryResultTable; import org.ontoware.rdf2go.model.Syntax; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.play_project.dcep.distributedetalis.api.EcConnectionmanagerException; import eu.play_project.dcep.distributedetalis.join.ResultRegistry; import eu.play_project.dcep.distributedetalis.join.SelectResults; import eu.play_project.dcep.distributedetalis.utils.EventCloudHelpers; import fr.inria.eventcloud.api.CompoundEvent; import fr.inria.eventcloud.api.Quadruple; public class EcConnectionManager4store extends EcConnectionManagerWsn { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EcConnectionManager4store.class); private Client fourStoreClient; private final String FOURSTORE_REST_URI; private WebTarget dataEndpoint; private WebTarget updateEndpoint; private WebTarget sparqlEndpoint; /* * TODO stuehmer: to enable federated queries with arbitrary 4store nodes, * we can use the cloudId in the future instead of this constant * sparqlEndpoint */ public static final String SPARQL_PATH = "sparql/"; public static final String DATA_PATH = "data/"; public static final String UPDATE_PATH = "update/"; public EcConnectionManager4store(DistributedEtalis dEtalis) throws EcConnectionmanagerException { this(constants.getProperty(""), dEtalis); } public EcConnectionManager4store(String fourStoreEndpoint, DistributedEtalis dEtalis) throws EcConnectionmanagerException { super(dEtalis); this.FOURSTORE_REST_URI = fourStoreEndpoint; init(); } @Override public void init() throws EcConnectionmanagerException { super.init(); fourStoreClient = ClientBuilder.newClient(); dataEndpoint =; updateEndpoint =; sparqlEndpoint =; } @Override public void destroy() { if (fourStoreClient != null) { fourStoreClient.close(); } super.destroy(); } /** * Persist data in historic storage. * * @param event * event containing quadruples * @param cloudId * the cloud ID to allow partitioning of storage */ @Override public void putDataInCloud(CompoundEvent event, String cloudId) { // Chose one implementation (SPARQL Update or SPARQL Graph Store // Protocol): // SPARQL Update is currently faster: putDataInCloudUsingSparqlUpdate(event, cloudId); } /** * Persist data in historic storage. * * @param event * event containing quadruples * @param cloudId * the cloud ID to allow partitioning of storage */ public void putDataInCloudUsingSparqlUpdate(CompoundEvent event, String cloudId) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("INSERT DATA { GRAPH <").append(event.getGraph().toString()).append("> {\n"); for (Quadruple quadruple : event) { s.append(TypeConversion.toRDF2Go(quadruple.getSubject()).toSPARQL()).append(" "); s.append(TypeConversion.toRDF2Go(quadruple.getPredicate()).toSPARQL()).append(" "); s.append(TypeConversion.toRDF2Go(quadruple.getObject()).toSPARQL()).append(" . \n"); } s.append("}}\n"); String query = s.toString(); logger.debug("Putting event in cloud '" + cloudId + "':\n" + query); Form form = new Form(); form.param("update", query); Response response = updateEndpoint.request().post( Entity.entity(form, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE)); if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) { logger.debug("Putting event in cloud '" + cloudId + "': successful: " + response); } else { logger.error("Putting event in cloud '" + cloudId + "': UNsuccessful: " + response); } response.close(); } /** * Persist data in historic storage. * * @param event * event containing quadruples * @param cloudId * the cloud ID to allow partitioning of storage */ public void putDataInCloudUsingGraphStoreProtocol(CompoundEvent event, String cloudId) { String query = EventCloudHelpers.toRdf2go(event).serialize(Syntax.Turtle); logger.debug("Putting event in cloud '" + cloudId + "':\n" + query); Form form = new Form(); form.param("mime-type", Syntax.Turtle.getMimeType()); form.param("graph", event.getGraph().toString()); form.param("data", query); Response response = dataEndpoint.request().post( Entity.entity(form, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE)); if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) { logger.debug("Putting event in cloud '" + cloudId + "': successful: " + response); } else { logger.error("Putting event in cloud '" + cloudId + "': UNsuccessful: " + response); } response.close(); } /** * Retreive data from historic storage using a SPARQL SELECT query. SPARQL * 1.1 enhancements like the VALUES clause are allowed. */ @Override public SelectResults getDataFromCloud(String query, String cloudId) throws EcConnectionmanagerException { if (!init) { throw new IllegalStateException(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has not been initialized."); } logger.debug("Sending historical query to 4store: \n" + query); QueryResultTable sparqlResults = RDF2Go.getModelFactory().sparqlSelect(sparqlEndpoint.getUri().toString(), query); return ResultRegistry.makeResult(sparqlResults); } }